ped in dust. And those hands which have been so often extended to relieve their wants and distress, will never be raised more. 1 LET us, then, seeing that death cometh alike unto all men, improve this solemn instance of mortality. Let us be up and doing the work of our hands, while it is yet day, before the night of death overtake us, in which no man can work. Let us embrace the present moment, to provide for that great change, when the pleasures of this world shall cease to delight, and the reflections of a life spent in the exercise of virtue and piety, yield the only comfort and consolation. LET us copy the bright example of this our most beloved brother, and by a sacred regard to his memory, and our own solemn engagements, pursue with unremitted assiduity, the tenets ' of our profession. Let us feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the sick and the afflicted; do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God. Then shall we be able to silence " the tribe of scorners, and to convince them, the only qualities we wish to honor, are those which form good men and good citizens; and the only buildings we seek to raise, are temples for virtue and dungeons for vice." FINALLY, let us with becoming reverence, supplicate the throne of grace, that we may secure the favor of that Eternal Being, whose goodness and power knoweth no bounds. Thus shall our expectation not be disappointed, nor shall we be hurried unprepared into the presence of that awful Judge, to whom the secrets of all hearts are known; but may entertain the humble hope, that after we have performed our weary pilgrimage here below, we shall each of us be received into the great temple above, with the cheering salutation, "Well done thou good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joys of thy Lord!" Он! thou great and mighty I AM! who said, Let there be light and there was light! who spoke this world into being, by the word of thy mouth, and who disposeth of all events here below, as to thee in thy wisdom seemeth best! Look down in U compassion, we humbly beseech thee! upon the sorrows of a whole people! May their sighs and tears, come up before thy throne, as an acceptable sacrifice at the shrine of virtue! Although thou hast wrote bitter things against us, yet let us never distrust thy providence! In six troubles thou hast delivered us, and in seven thou wilt not forsake us! RAISE up, oh, Supreme Architect! for our distrest lodges, another LIGHT, which shall be as a fire in the midst of us, and a glory round about us !-And oh! for our country, Heavenly Father! raise up another Washington-one who shall be equally loved equally admired equally confided in; and to whom thou shalt direct the eyes of this great nation, as thou hast done in times past, to that ever to be lamented man! Now to the triune God, * the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, be ascribed all honor and dominion, for ever moreAmen. AMEN! So let it ever be. After the oration, the following ELEGIAC ODE, prepared for the occasion, was sung by a choir. TUNE-ADMONITION. DESCEND, St. John, attune the plaintive lyre, Call'd to the bosom of his father, God. The trump of fame announces his translation, * Here the masonic body rose, and on mention of the words, Fatber, Son and Holy Ghost, gave the sign or symbol of divine bomage and obeisance; concluding with the response, " AMEN! So let it ever be !" The Master Warden summon'd him away, The trump of fame announces his translation, But can Columbians e'er forget the day, When proud oppression bath'd our fields in gore, And swept the invaders from our ravag'd shore ! The monarch may forget his pearly crown, Eulogium, delivered to a large concourse of respectable citizens, at the state-house, in the town of Dover, in commemoration of the death of general GEORGE WASHINGTON. By JOHN VINING, Esq. IT Friends and fellow-citizens, T is with the greatest diffidence I rise upon the present solemn occasion to address this numerous, this respectable auditory 'tis with the utmost humility, I contrast myself with the sublime theme that now occupies your attention. I feel that no language or expression of mine, and do the least justice to the elevation at which my ideas would aspire, or that my ideas, can possibly correspond with the sublimity of my subject. Indeed the very day, appointed for this commemoration, adds to my embarrassment and surely must to your sympathy and sensibility. THIS is the anniversary, that announced to the world the nativity of the hero, the patriot, the sage this is the day, that by governmental recommendation, solemnizes, in funeral pomp and in public eulogy, the dissolution of our Washington. THIS is the anniversary, that used to fill every American bosom with the strongest emotions of gratitude and joy, this is the day that plunges America in deepest affliction. 1 THIS is the anniversary, that when the curtain was drawn up, the grand-the novel spectacle was exhibited to the world, of millions of free people, rendering just tribute and grateful homage to their illustrious benefactor to their chosen chief. This, alas! is the day that beholds the curtain drop, and hide, forever from our view, the hero of our independence, the champion of our liberties the preserver of our rights and the faithful guardian of our nation's glory-Sad vicissitude ! - mournful contrast! To do justice to a subject like this, requires a reach of thought extensive as the horizon, that encircles the globe-an elevation of mind, that can soar to those immeasurable realms, bounded only by the canopy of heaven. Here silence would be eloquence, and expressive thought should eulogize his fame. LIKE the refulgent luminary of day, he rose he ascended to his bright meridian and like that splendid orb, retired at eve, and left the world in darkness and in sorrow. In what mansion of bliss, greatest and best of men, dost thou now reside? What celestial planet does thy capacious soul, with all the virtues that adorned humanity and enriched the universe, now illume? METHINKS even now I see his radiant form, with smile benign-with courteous dignity-ministering to his country the lesson, his life had taught" Your destiny is at your own command-Be united-Peace and glory await you-Divide, dishonor and ruin mark your inevitable doom." WHAT though pompous mausoleums, rise upon his tomb ! What though pyramids of monumental marble be erected over his grave, still shall his deathless fame outlive them all. It will triumphantly sail along the stream of time, bearing his virtues and his name to latest ages with no adverse wind to impede its course, no sands or rocks to hazard its loss-but gently passing on 'till it reach the last, most distant shore of allthere eternity ready to rescue it from the general wreck will seize the immortal trophy, and place it where its lustre can never tarnish-where it must live forever.. THE death of this transcendant_this elevated being, leaves but one thought in our bosoms-that Washington is no more!that the hero of the western world is gone for ever! a thought extensive as the universe, - boundless as his virtues, and limited only by those skies, to which his great soul has ascended. The bright effulgence of his character, shed its influence on all around. Heroes sprang up at his name, and patriotism, kindling into enthusiastic ardor, when foreign or domestic insult threatened his country's honor, or its independence, filled his ranks, thousands flew to his standard. WHEN busy faction, the accursed scourge of almost every land, loudly assuming the name of public zeal, dared to raise her head against the government and laws, and would have spread her desolating rage he had but to give a stretch to his arm, and with his thunder to speak the terror of disobedience and opposition to the constituted authorities, when the hydra, but late so vociferous and confident, murmured and shrunk at his awful approach-and, at his presence, in an agony of disappointment, expired. Mingling mercy with justice, the deluded, he spared the leaders were punished, pardoned or se |