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In Answer to GEORGE FOX's Book, called, Something in Anfwer to LODOWICK MUGGLETON'S Book, which he calls, The QUAKER's Neck broken.

Wherein is set forth

The Ignorance and Blindness of the Quakers Doctrine of Chrift within them; and that they cannot, nor doth not know the true Meaning of the Scriptures, neither have they the Gift of Interpretation of Scripture, as will appear in those several Heads fet down in the next Page following.

Written by LODOWICK MUGGLETON, one of the two laft Prophets and Witneffes unto the High and Mighty God, the Man Chrift Jefus in Glory.

Re-printed in the YEAR M.DCC.LVI.

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HAP. I. Of a Catalogue of damned Quakers.


of George

Chap. III. How the Quaker People are altogether ignorant of beavenly Secrets, fo become the greatest Defpifers of them. Chap. IV. A Discovery of the Quakers Blindness, which cannot difcern whether a Man that preaches the Gojpel ought to have bis Commiffion from Chrift without him, or from a Chrift within him.

Chap. V. Sheweth how ignorant and dark the Quakers People are in the Knowledge of the right Devil, and of the Serpent's Seed.

Chap. VI. How the Soul of Man is mortal, and doth die, yet Fox thinks it impoffible to prove by Scripture.

Chap. VII. How it was no Lie to accufe the Quakers of Sin and Blafphemy.

Chap. VIII. The right Devil proved.

Chap. IX. How the Quakers are mistaken in the Flesh and Bone of Chrift.

Chap. X. How God bath made the Witnesses of the Spirit Judge in his Stead.

Chap. XI. Sheweth that the Body of Chrift's Flesh and Bone, is diftinct of itself, and not in the Quakers Bodies, neither are they Members of his Body.

Chap. XII. Sheweth by Scripture bow Chrift dwelleth in his Saints, and how it may be faid they are Flesh of his Flesh, and Bone of his Bone.

Chap. XIII. How Fox is proved a Devil, because he cannot give a Reafon that he is no Reprobate.

Chap. XIV. An Explanation bow George Fox, and other Quakers, may be faid to appear before the Judgment-feat of Christ.

Chap. XV. A further Interpretation concerning the Judgmentfeat of Chrift.

Chap. XVI. How the Sentence and Curfe have fubdued those Witchcraft-fits in the Quakers.

Chap. XVII. How Spirits cannot affume what Shapes they pleafe, neither can there appear any Spirit without a Body. Chap. XVIII. How the true God is no bigger than the Compass of a Man, and no Spirit without a Body, as the Quakers doth vainly imagine. A 2 Chap.

Chap. XIX. How the Quakers may see themselves to be right Devils.

Chap. XX. How the Quakers are more Antichriftian in their Doctrine, than the Pope.

Chap. XXI. How the Body of Christ's Flef and Bane is difind from the Quakers Bodies.

Chap. XXII. That which killed the Righteous and Fußt, it was the Spirit of Reason, the Devil in Man that always did it. Chap. XXIII. A Difference between reasonable and unreasonable Men, and a further Discovery that Reafon is the Devil. Chap. XXIV. How the Soul of Chrift died, and the Ignorance of the Quakers difcovered in the Death of their own Souls. Chap. XXV. It is proved that Chrift, the only God, is not in this World at all, in his Perfon or Effence.

Chap. XXVI. How Men cannot worship God in Spirit and Truth, without Bodies; and bow Muggleton never was in the Spirit of Solomon, nor never shall be.

Chap. XXVII. A great Stir the Prophet Muggleton bath to keep the Quakers Spirits out of Chrift.

Chap. XXVIII. How Fox justifies the Magiftrates perfecuting of me in Darbyshire.

Chap. XXIX. How the Curfe of Muggleton ball remain upon Fox to Eternity.

Chap. XXX. How the Curfe and Sentence of Muggleton shall be over, and upon the Spirits of the Quakers to Eternity. Chap. XXXL How the Law written in the Quakers Hearts, is that Chrift they could bave spoken in, bad they never feen Letter of Scripture, nor Man that profefleth it.

Chap. XXXII. How their Confidence will fail them in the Day of Trouble.

Chap. XXXIII. How Fox fhall fee no other God or Judge, but that Sentence Reeve and Muggleton bath passed upon bim Chap. XXXIV. A Reproof the Quakers for rejoicing in my Sufferings, and being forry the Magiftrates did not punish me more than Imprisonment.

Chap. XXXV. How it doth belong unto mortal Men, that are chofen of God, to interpret Scripture, and not unto Christ himself. Chap. XXXVI. How every true Prophet and Minister of Chrift, bath Power to open the Book of Conscience.

In the laft Place, I shall fay fomething as to the Quakers Principle A LOOK

and Practice.

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