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other kings besides the king of Assyria, between the sounding of the third angel and the fourth angel, they are all included under one star.

For at the sounding of every angel, there is some differing judgment did follow upon it. So that. these three angels that sounded, they were fulfilled in the time of the law. But at the sounding of the fourth angel, the law and the gospel are joined together. That is, the end of the law and the beginning of the gospel, were now tyed close together as one thing, by the sounding of the fourth angel. Only this I would have the reader to understand, that the same judgments were acted upon the earth in the other angels sounding, in the time of the gospel, as there was in the time of the law, only they differ something in every angel's sounding. And as the law is involved in the gospel, so hath John involved those three angels that sounded in the time of the law, into the ministry of the seven churches of Asia; which are called by the Revelation of John, in the vision, seven angels; therefore I shall proceed to open unto you that can understand, when the fourth angel did sound.


VERSE 12. And the fourth angel sounded, and the third part of the sun was snitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars, so as the third part of them was darkned, and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise.

The meaning I declare is this, it is spoken with


relation to Christ, and John the Baptist, and the rulers of the Jews. The third part of the sun being smitten, it was with relation to Christ's sufferings, he being the sun of righteousness, and the head of the gospel; that heavenly light that shined from him, it was as the light of the sun to all those that believed him. But he being smitten with persecution and suffering while he lived, it may be said that the third part of the sun was darkned. So that the sun could not shine so bright as it would have done; for never any man spake like him, neither had ever any man that wisdom and power as he had; therefore it is said in scripture, Never any man spake like this man. Neither did any man speak forth that wisdom as he did; for he is said to be the wisdom of God. He must needs be the wisdom of God, he being God himself, as I have shewed before.

Yet for all this he was smitten with sufferings, so that his wisdom and righteousness could not shine forth so bright and clear, as it would have done, only a third part of it did shine. That is, truth took place in the hearts of some few that did believe him ; so that the light of heaven did not shine into the hearts of the generality of the people of the Jews, because they saw such sufferings did attend the believing in him.

Therefore it is said, many believed on him, but durst not confess him, because of the sufferings they saw would follow.

So that this Jesus which signifies the sun, was smitten with persecution and sufferings in the time of his ministry, that there could but a third part of his


heavenly light shine upon the people of the Jews; and happy were those that this light did shine upon. But the generality of the people did smite this sun with persecution, so that they could see no heavenly light in him at all, so that the sun did not shine upon them at all. So that he became as darkness unto them, not yielding them any true spiritual and heavenly peace in their souls; so that the light of this sun shined not at all upon their hearts, but was darkness unto them.

For this was he that did make their hearts fat, so that they might not see any saving light in him ; for they were to smite the sun with envy and malice, so that he might not shine upon their souls any of that heavenly light which was in him. Therefore he spake in parables and dark sentences, that they might not understand; but unto his disciples it was given them to understand the mysteries of the kingdom. So that a third part of the sun of righteousness did shine upon their souls; but the rest, or other part of the sun, it did never shine upon the persecutors who had smitten him, nor the generality of the people, but was as darkness upon their minds. And this is the spiritual meaning of the sun being smitten at the sounding of the fourth angel.

The moon also was smitten, so that a third part of her did shine.

Now I would have the seed of faith to understand what is meant by the moon. This moon I declare it doth signify the law of Moses, as the gospel doth the Son of God, which was Jesus. And as the gospel of Jesus was, or Jesus himself was the sun


that was smitten, as aforesaid; so likewise John the Baptist did signify the moon, because he was the last prophet of the law, as I have shewed in the Interpretation of the eleventh chapter of the Revelation. And he being smitten and put in prison, and afterwards put to death, the third part of the moon may be said to be smitten.

So that a third part of the light of the moon was put out or darkened, that is, the light or rightcousness of the law, a third part of it was darkened when John the Baptist was smitten, he signifying the moon, as he was the last prophet of the law. Also the rulers of the Jews were the third part of the stars that were darkned also, for they were smitten also at the sounding of the fourth angel; that is, they were smitten with fear, trouble, and wrath in their minds, that righteousness could not be had by the law; so that the light, joy, and peace that they received before by the righteousness of the law, it is now smitten and darkened. For by the preaching of John the Baptist, who tells them of another righteousness than that of the law, even the righteousness of faith in the Son of God. So that he bids them bring forth fruits of repentance, that is, a better fruit than that of the law; that is, a better righteousness than the righteousness of the law. Therefore he tells them that he which did follow after him, meaning Christ, whose shoe latchets he was not worthy to unloose, that they should look and mind him, he would tell them of a righteousness of faith, which was a better righteousness than that of the law, which would yield them more peace and satisfaction to their minds,


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than the righteousness of the law would; for the righteousness of the law, though performed very exactly, it will be but as the light of the moon in mens minds. But the righteousness of faith, which the gospel signifies, it shines in the mind of man as the sun at noon day. So that the worshipers in the law were the third part of the stars that were smitten, at the fourth angel's sounding; and this fourth angel sounded until the destruction of Jerusalem. For as the sun was smitten, as aforesaid, so likewise the moon and stars were smitten also.

The moon was smitten first in John the Baptist, he being the last prophet of the law, as aforesaid; he smote the hearts of the rulers of the Jews with the declaration of a Christ that would bring another righteousness and worship, than that of the law, which would yield them more peace, if they could believe; so that they became so smitten in their minds, that they fell a persecuting and smote him, and smote the sun also. But in a while after the moon and stars were smitten themselves. That is, at the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans, the moon and stars were smitten. That is, the worship of the law of Moses which signifies the moon, it was smitten. And the rulers of the Jews, which were the stars, were smitten by the Romans. So that a third part of the moon hath been darkened ever since, and a third part of the stars have been darkened ever since. For the worship of the law, which signifies the moon, was never set up since not in his brightness, neither hath the stars, that is, the rulers of the Jews, any power to set up that worship of the law, or to punish

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