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Bishop of Ugento, Richard Cumberland, Dr. Middleton, etc. 44. Rank and wealth have obtained unmerited eminence in the literary world at the expense of gifted dependents 45. A curious account by D'Israeli 46. The second class of literary impostures consists of forgers, 46. Forgeries connected with religion, 46. Examples since the christian era and before the dawn of letters 47. Examples in more modern times 49. D'Israeli's account of the forgeries of Joseph Vella 49. Impositions on an Englishman by a Hindoo pundit 50. Lauder's temporary imposition upon the public relating to Milton's Paradise Lost 51. The poems of Ossian 57. Frauds of W. H. Ireland in relation to the writings of Shakspeare 57. Playful literary impositions 58, etc.

Infrequency of allusions to Christianity

in Greek and Roman writers 203. Instinct, on the nature of, 74. Defini

tion of, 75. Opinions of Descartes, Reid and Darwin 75. Of Cudworth, M. Buffon, M. Reimen and Cuvier 76. Of Dupont, and of Dr. Good 77. Instinctive actions seem to be performed through the intervention of the will 80, etc. Instruction Public in Europe, Report on 517.


James's Christian Professor, noticed 253. Justification, Faith and the active obedience of Christ, Views of the early Reformers on, Introduction 448. Bearing of these views upon the agitating controversies of the times 449. Importance of the subject 451. Views on justification 453. The term, justification, not of recent coinage 453. The terms, pardon, forgiveness, and justification employed as synonymes 454. Views of Augustine 454. Of Oecumenius, Bernard and of John Calvin 455. Of Ursinus 459. Paraeus 463. Imputation of the righteousness of Christ and remission of sins customarily joined in justification 465. Melancthon says


that justification signifies forgiveness of sins 466. The French and Augsburg Confessions unite substantially in the same sentiment 467. Also the Saxony and Belgic catechisms 468. Wendeline remarks that they express the whole nature of justification who affirm that it consists in the forgiveness of sins 469. Dr. Tilenus says that either forgiveness or imputation taken separately expresses the whole nature of justification 470. Similar statement of Piscator 472. The Calvinistic church, at the first, almost entirely took the ground that pardon was the whole of justification 473. The Calvinists gradually began to make a distinction 474. Opinions of Dr. Amandus Polanus 474. Dr. F. Gomar 476. He explains forgiveness of sins as the prior member of justification 477. A modern definition of pardon the same which the later Reformers gave of justification 478. Recent instances of departure from primitive Calvinism 479, such as that Adam was not created righteous 479. The same the opinion of Dr. Taylor of Norwich 480. Osiander condemned for maintaining this opinion 481.

K. Knowledge, Biblical, the advancement of 60. What does a thorough knowledge of Scripture involve? A thorough acquaintance with the original languages of Scripture ;an acquaintance with the geogra phy and antiquities of ancient Palestine, etc. 61. An enlarged acquaintance with ancient history 62. With the internal history of the ancient world, its moral, religious and political condition 63. With the laws of human language 64. The constitution of man considered as an intellectual and moral being 65. A right state of heart 65. How may a thorough knowledge of the Scriptures be most effectually diffused? We must have some men in the church who shall press every department of bib

lical and theological learning to its utmost limits, 66. The great body of the christian ministry must receive such an education as shall enable them to avail themselves of the results of the investigations of others 69. The original languages of Scripture, the Latin language 70. Theological Seminaries, 71., etc.


Lamb Charles, his works noticed 512.
Landis, Rev. R. W. on the views of the
Reformers on justification, faith and
the active obedience of Christ 448.
Letters from the West Indies, noticed,


Lexicography, Hebrew 482. Review
of Biesenthal's and Roy's Hebrew
Dictionaries 482. Great recent
improvements in the department of
philology 482. Qualifications of a
lexicographer 483. Changes in the
usages of languages 484. Necessi-
ty of a knowledge of the cognate
dialects of a language 485. The
lexicographer must discover the
primary meaning of a word and
trace a connection between it and
its numerous secondary significa-
tions 487. Use of comparative
philology 487. Summary of the
lexicographer's duties 487 Great
learning and useful labors of Ge-
senius 488. Comparisons between
the Hebrew and the Indo-Eu-
ropean tongues 489.
thal's Dictionary exhibits great
accuracy, a familiarity with bib-
lical and rabbinical literature,
and an inquiring and philosophical
turn of mind in the author 490.
Roy's Dictionary undertaken on no
settled principles, extremely care-
less in its execution, and betrays an
almost total ignorance of the first
principles of Hebrew grammar 490.
Merits of Biesenthal's work proved
by examples 491. Connection be-
tween and 492. Singular
error of Roy 492. Definition of

by the two writers 493. Re-
aniting of and 495.
Mistakes of Roy on these words
and 497. Bie-

VOL. XI. No. 30

senthal might have carried out more fully his idea of reuniting roots 498. Roy has not accomplished his plan of copying each form of every Hebrew word that occurs in the Bible 499. The plan an absurd one 500. The author not familiar with the letters of the cognate dialects 500. Errors on the word 2 501. On the word 502. General opin

ion of its contents 503.

Libraries, public 174. The great want in this country of ample libraries 174. Arguments for efforts to found them 175. The whole population personally and vitally interested 176. The interests of Christianity require it 177. The condition and prospects of our large commercial cities both demand and favor such an effort 177. The several departments of art, science and literature require $800,000 to place them on a respectable footing in a library of reference 179. Number of volumes in the principal public libraries in the United States 180. Libraries of Colleges 180. Of Theological Seminaries 182. Other public libraries 182. The principal libraries of Europe 183. The libraries of the United States compared with those of Europe 185. Appeal to American citizens 185. Literary Impostures 39. Literature of Europe, in the fifteenth, sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, by Henry Hallam, noticed 247.


Mayer, Dr. on the Sin against the Ho-
ly Ghost, noticed 506.
Middle Ages, Condition of Europe dur-
ing the, noticed 247.
Missionaries, a new order of, noticed


Mosaic origin of the Pentateuch, causes
of the denial of, 416.
Mother's Request, the, noticed 261.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Obedience of Christ, the active, Views of the Reformers on, 448. Old and New Testaments, Connection of, 232. Introductory remarks 232. The name, Holy Scriptures, defined 233. How far the Old Testament can be regarded as the rule of faith and life for Christians 235. It contains divine revelations and precepts 235. How far these are of authority 236. The New Testament not in opposition to the Old 237. The Old Testament in contrast with the New 240. An over estimate of the Old Testament by the older theologians 242. The religion of the Old Testament not identical with that of the New 243.


Packard, J. On the utility of the study of the classics to Theological students


Palfrey, J. G. His Lectures on the Jewish Scriptures and Antiquities 515 Patton, Prof. R. B. on Public Libra

ries 174.

Pentateuch, Causes of the denial of the Mosaic origin of the 416. Introductory notice 416. Shallow

and skeptical interpretation 418. Calvin and his successors 420. Spencer 421. Clericus 425. J. D. Michaelis 430. Eichhorn's Critique upon Michaelis 431. Historical skepticism 435. Reverence for history began to disappear in the seventeenth century 426,-insufficient to account for the change of opinion in respect to the Pentateuch 437. Other causes 439. Judgment of late historians 440,-differs from that of theologians 440. Heeren's position 441. Johannes V. Muller 442. Luden 443. Wachler 444.

Schlosser and Leo 445. Von Rotteck 446. Ideler, a distinguished chronologist 447.

Persia, Information from, 263. Peters, Anzonetta R. Memoir of, noticed 259.

Plan for Catholic Union on Apostolic principles 86.

Political Economy, Elements of, noticed


Prescott's Ferdinand and Isabella, noticed 518.

Prophecies, Principles of interpreting the, noticed 257. Public Libraries 174.


Reformation, Schmucker's Discourse on, commended 507. Reformers, Views of, on the doctrine of justification, faith and the active obedience of Christ 448. Religious Dissensions, their cause and cure, noticed 259. Responsibility, Limitation of 513. Ripley, Geo. his Specimens of Foreign Literature noticed 519. Rome, Outline of a history of the Court of, noticed 254. Roy's Hebrew Lexicon, reviewed 482.

S. Suron-Anglo, Bosworth's Dictionary of, noticed 509. Schmucker, S. S., D. D., Fraternal appeal of, to the American churches, together with a plan for Catholic union on Apostolic principles


Schmucker, Dr. his Discourse on the Reformation, noticed 507.

South Africa, Wanderings in, noticed


Southey, his edition of Cowper noticed 514.

Specimens of Foreign Standard Literature 519. Steedman, A. his Adventures and Wan

derings in South Africa,noticed 509. Stowe, C. E. His Report on Public Instruction in Europe 517. Stuart, M. on the Hebrew Tenses 131. Stuart, M. Review of Norton on the Genuineness of the Gospels 265. Study of the classics, Utility of, to theological students 28.

Taylor, J. B. New Tribute to his Memo-

ry noticed 508.
Testaments, Old and New, the Connec-
tion of 232.

Theological Seminaries, Design of 187.
To furnish the most efficient min-
istry for the world 188. They must
labor to extend and perfect theo-
logical science 188. To secure
a thorough and specific mental dis-
cipline 191. And to cultivate a
spirit of warm devotional piety 193.
They must be allowed the free in-
vestigation of the Bible 193. Must
not foster a sectarian spirit 195.
Must not interfere in ecclesiastical
government 197. Must stand re-
sponsible to the enlightened senti-
ment of the christian church 198.
Ecclesiastical bodies must not grant
licenses but at the completion of a
full course of study 199.


number of theological seminaries
may safely be left to the result of
fair competition 200. They must
be the subjects of the unceasing
prayers of the church 201.
Tschirner, H. T. on the infrequency

of the allusions to Christianity in
Greek and Roman writers 203.
Twesten, Prof. of Berlin, on the Con-
nection of the Old and New Testa-
ments 232.
Tyler, W. S. on the Analogies between
Nature, Providence, and Grace.


Union Bible Dictionary, noticed 245.
Union, Catholic, on Apostolic princi-
ples, plan for, and Fraternal Appeal,
by Dr. Schmucker, 86. A few prin-
ciples premised 89. The duty of
Christians to endeavor to heal di-
visions and promote unity among
all whom they profess to regard as
disciples of Christ 90 ;-urged by
scriptural injunctions 90. Testimo-
ny of Paul against the spirit of sec-
tarianism 91. Import of the word
aigeois (heresy) 93. Example of the
Apostles and of the Apostolic and
subsequent age 95. Differences of
opinion and practice respecting the
observance of the sabbath, etc. 96.
All acknowledged Christians resid-

ing in the same place belonged to
the same church 98. Baneful ef-
fects of sectarian divisions 99. They
destroy community of interest, etc.
99;-impede the impartial study of
the Scriptures 101; - retard the
spiritual conquests of Christianity
102;-are unfriendly to the spread
of the gospel in heathen lands 103.
The nature of the union of the prim-
itive church 106. It did not consist
in any compact ecclesiastical or-
ganization of the entire church in a
nation under one supreme judica-
tory 106. The first synod or coun-
cil after the apostolic age 108. It
did not consist in the organization
of the whole church under one vis-
ible head, etc. 110. The papal hi-
erarchy 111. The unity of the
primitive church did not consist in
absolute unanimity in religious sen-
timents 113. The Scriptures con-
tain no provision to preserve abso-
lute unity of sentiment 113. Dif-
ferences of opinion did exist among
the primitive Christians 115. The
first means of union was entire uni-
ty of name, 118. The second, uni-
ty of opinion on all fundamental
doctrines 120. The Apostle's creed
121. The Nicene creed 123. The
third bond of union was the mutual
acknowledgement of each other's
acts of discipline 125. The fourth
was sacramental and ministerial
communion, 126; the fifth, occa-
sional epistolary communication
128; and the last was occasional
consultation in councils or synods

The same subject continued 363.
Dates of the successive formation
of the several protestant churches:
364. The Lutheran church 364;
the German Reformed, the Episco-
pal, the Baptist, the Presbyterian,
etc. 365. Causes of sectarian strife
366. Absence of any visible bond
of union, etc. 367. Separate or-
ganization on the ground of doctri-
nal diversity 367. The use of trans-
fundamentul creeds 368. Testimo-
ny of Origen 369. Sectarian train-
ing of the rising generation 371.
Sectarian idolatry or man-worship

common creed 406. Churches
should adopt geographical names
407. The Apostolic Protestant Con-
fession 408. Apostles' creed-the
United Protestant confession 409.
Mode of operation 414.

Utility of the study of the classics to
Theological Students 28.


372. Exclusive cultivation of sec-
tarian literature 374. Ecclesiasti-
cal pride 374. Conflict of pecuni-
ary interests 375. The primitive
church free from this 375. Apos-
tolic canons 376. Opinion of Ne-
ander 377. Remedy of existing evils
379. Universal conformity not re-
quired, 380. Denominations not
required to renounce their respec-
tive standards 381. Plan of Union,
first feature 382. Second feature 383,
Third feature 393. Creed to con-
sist of two parts 393. Advantages
of such a creed, 394-to keep her-
etics out of the church 394-to give
prominence to acknowledged truths
395. Fourth feature, free sacramen-
tal, ecclesiastical and ministerial
communion 400. Fifth feature, co-
öperation, as far as practicable, re-
gardless of sect 403. Sixth feature,
the Bible the text-book of instruc-
tion 405. Seventh feature, mission- Young Disciple, noticed 259.
aries should profess and use the

Views of the early Reformers on the
doctrine of Justification, Faith and
the active obedience of Christ 448.


Wayland, Francis, D. D., Elements of
Political Economy by, noticed 257.

on the Limitation of Human Responsibility 513.

West Indies, Letters from, noticed,512
Will, Pres. Day on 503.

ERRATUM. On p. 343, line 6 from the top, read miracle instead of fable.

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