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nothing more than an exalted use of those natural human sympathies which they saw in so many other bodies. The same union existed in nations and in families, and as our Lord had provided that this unity of spirit should be the starting point of the Church, so also He had provided that the power of personal intercourse should be the means by which the Ministry of the Church did its work. The operation of the Ministry was independent of personal character; yet on the other hand Ministers were something more than instruments-they were ambassadors of Christ; they had a special work to do; and by the ordinance of God it was arranged that the efficiency of the Ministry should depend on their power to reach the souls of their hearers; upon their power of influencing the lives of their flocks; upon the influence which their personal character should exercise over those amongst whom they laboured. It was obvious that a bad man could not be an efficient Minister of Christ. A worldly, false, and selfish man could not teach people to be heavenly, truthful, and unselfish. The preacher then proceeded to remind his hearers of another power they possessed-the power of personal intercourse with Christ Himself, by studying His life, by prayer, by the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper; and concluded by urging upon them the importance and benefits of personal religion.

We quote the following from the John Bull :-"An important meeting of the Long Chapter' of Lichfield Cathedral was held on Dec. 30. The Dean, Archdeacon of Stafford, Canon Lonsdale, and twelve of the Prebendaries, the Vicars-Choral and Choristers, assembled, met the Bishop of the Diocese and Bishop Abraham at the west door of the Cathedral, and went in procession to the altar singing the Te Deum. The Bishop then knelt before the altar, and the Canons and Prebendaries within the rails, while the Dean offered some short Collects. The Bishop then went to his throne, and the members of the Chapter to their several stalls, and Morning Prayer was sung. After Morning Service there was no celebration of Holy Communion, as might have perhaps been expected on such an occasion; but the Bishop and members of the Chapter went to the Chapter House, and continued in Session with closed doors till two p.m., when all went to the palace for luncheon. The Session was resumed at three o'clock, and continued till the hour of Evensong. We understand that the chief matters discussed were a resolution passed at the Stafford Archidiaconal Conference, that the Chapter should take into consideration the report of the Cathedral Commissioners, 1854-55, and point out any matters suggested thereby, which might be beneficially applied to increase the general efficiency throughout the Diocese of the Cathedral body, especially of those members of it who are non-residentiary. We gather that little reference was made to this report, but that a memorial was presented signed by about 120 Clergy and 100 Laymen of the Archdeaconry of Stafford, urging the Chapter to cement and invigorate the relations between the work of the Diocese and of the Cathedral; and that in reply to this a resolution was adopted, by which the Bishop, Dean, and Chapter acknowledged their responsibility and promised to exert themselves to the utmost to bring the message of the Gospel and teaching of the Church to bear on the masses of the people."

The Bishop of Hereford has addressed the following letter in reply to a numerously-signed memorial he had received from his Clergy:


The Palace, Hereford, Dec. 21, 1869. Dear Mr. Rural Dean.-1 address this letter to you, because your name is at the head of the numerously-signed memorial which I have received from certain Clergy and Laity in my Diocese; but I shall be obliged if you will take such steps as you may think proper for communicating my reply to the memorialists.

Neither you, I hope, nor they, will require to be assured that the matter to which the memorial has called my attention has been very near my heart for weeks; I only doubted how I could best discharge myself of what seemed to me my bounden duty at the present crisis.

Recollecting the acknowledged connection between Dr. Temple and the well-known "Essays and Reviews," I felt with the memorialists that before consecration to the office of a Bishop he was bound to take steps to convince all that should be committed to him in the Lord that the book called Essays and Reviews' is far indeed from being an exponent of his sentiments and of his religious teaching ;" and anxiously I waited, in hope that he would listen to the earnest and affectionate representations made to him By speaking the words which I verily believed he could speak, he might have comforted and re-assured many an aching heart in my own Diocese and in others.

But he remain d silent; the words were not spoken, and the faithful were left in the same painful suspense which had troubled them ever since the proposed appointment of Dr. Temple to the Bishopric of the See of Exeter was made known to the Church.

When the day of consecration drew near, it seemed to me that further silence on my part would be criminal, or at any rate might be misunderstood, and therefore I dared no longer hold my peace. Most unreservedly, indeed. I recognise the validity of any consecration to the office of a Bishop in the Anglican Church in which three Bishops at least have taken part; but I remembered also (as you have reminded me in your memorial) that, by the law of the Universal Church, notably as expressed in the 4th Canon of Nicea and in the 19th of Antioch, the Suffragan Bishops in a Province were all interested in the consecration of a comprovincial "Bishop, and that their consent to his consecration was

required; I feared, therefore, lest if I remained silent any longer I might be considered as assenting to the consecration of Dr. Temple. Accordingly, I anticipated the prayer of your memorial, and before I received the document I signified to the Metropolitan of the Province of Canterbury, in the most solemn manner known to me, that I did not consent to, but protested against, Dr. Temple's consecration to the See of Exeter, until he should have publicly and expressly notified his disavowal of any complicity in the general teaching of the volume entitled Essays and Reviews." That the protest was duly delivered I have reason to know; but the importance attached to it I have no means at present of ascertaining.

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To me, and I think I may say to the memorialists generally, the days seem very evil; yet let us remember for our comfort that this is not the only era in the Church's history when clouds of error have swept the sky; and still the Great Head of the Church has steered His own ark through the storm and tempest; why should we doubt that now, also, if we be faithful, He will overrule for good what in our infallible judgment seems so disastrous? Having done what we considered our duty, the result we may safely and thankfully leave in His hands who doeth all things well. Believe me to be, dear Mr. Rural Dean, Your affectionate brother in Christ, J. HEREFORD.

A Clergy

The Rev. Prebendary MLaughlin, &c., &c. RITUALISM EXTRAORDINARY.--The Daily Telegraph says :man in the Diocese of Lichfield has been recently prosecuted for some truly horrible offences. He "adopted the surplice throughout the whole Service," and instituted an afternoon Service "without consulting the wishes of the parishioners." For these enormities the Rev. A. S. Prior, Vicar of St. George's, Wolverhampton, has been tried in a Court held by the Bishop of Lichfield, with two assessors. We are gravely informed that the trial lasted five hours. The cut and colour of the Clergyman's garb, and the propriety of additional Services, were questions too momentous to be dealt with briefly. The Bishop, it is painful to add, sided with the Parson--preferring the surplice to the preaching gown, and saying that, as regards the afternoon ministrations to Sunday scholars, Mr. Prior might please himself. For wearing a black gown in the pulpit there is not a syllable of authority in any law or direction relating to the Church. Where there is only one officiating Clergyman, he must, in order to doff the surplice and don the gown, leave the congregation in the middle of his ministrations-a questionable practice, for which, again, there is no authority. Nor has any advantage to be secured by the sudden change of appearance from white to black ever been explained. The law has been invoked pretty severely of late against High Churchmen for innovations which are clearly contrary to the ecclesiastical laws; but fair play is a jewel, and by their excited proceedings on the subject of what is merely the furniture of the Church, the Low Churchmen provoke mistrust and censure just as much as those whose opposite excesses they so bitterly denounce.


That the above Mission was a decided success-that many souls were won over from licentiousness and sin, to lead godly and sober lives may be confidently inferred from the opposition it encountered from the " Church Association." Here is its last expression of malignant malice :


14, Buckingham-street, Strand, W.C., Dec. 16, 1869. My Lord,-I am requested by thd Council of the Church Association to address your Lordship on the subject of the Twelve Days' Mission, which was announced to have been undertaken with your sanction, as well as that of the Bishops of Winchester and Rochester. The movement was thus invested with special importance, and the publicity afterwards given to its proceedings by the newspaper press, combined with the notice that the Services were likely to be repeated in Lent, will, I am persuaded, in your Lordship's opinion, justify the anxiety of the Church Association to ascertain how far the method of conducting these Services has met with your approval. With regard to some of the proceedings of the Mission, conducted as these were by faithful Clergymen, and carried on with the single object of benefitting the ignorant and the poor, I rejoice to be able to speak in terms of sympathy and praise. Clergymen gave themselves to an arduous effort to remove the barriers which, from various causes, have kept back masses of the poor from resorting to our Churches. In these cases the Clergyman of the parish addressed an affectionate appeal to his parishioners, and this was left, by the exertions of his Curates and lay helpers, in the house of every inhabitant. The appeal was followed by Services held in schoolrooms, and in the Church, at hours convenient for the poor, the Services in the Church being short, consisting of Psalms and Collects, selected from the Liturgy, interspersed with Hymns, and accompanied with addresses plain and earnest, in which the message of the Gospel was presented in a manner well fitted to move and influence the hearers. Such a Mission, benevolent in its end, lawful in its means, and honourable in its self-devotion, deserves the cordial sympathy of all true members of our Church. But while some of these Services were thus honourably characterised, there were others conducted by different parties which intruded practices of a very different nature, and in describing these, the Council takes the facts from

those organs of the press which favoured these practices, from information received by them from trustworthy persons, who heard and saw what they relate; your Lordship will find some statements in the December number of the Intelligencer, which I have the honour to enclose. The proceedings referred to, which have given such pain to all faithful members of our Church, may be stated summarily thus:-1. The introduction into the Church of Services wholly unauthorised-not taken from our Liturgy. 2. The exhibition of crucifixes to the people for their veneration. 3. The use of incense during the Celebration of Holy Communion. 4. The elevation of the consecrated elements for the purpose of adoration. 5. Instructions given in the Church by the Officiating Minister, in which the dogma of Transubstantiation was set forth with a grossness revolting to every honest member of the Church of England. 6. Processions in the Church, with crucifixes and banners, during Divine Service, accompanied in one case by a ceremony of blessing candles, and handing them lighted to 500 professed penitents, a performance of gross superstition, which, as far as I know, has never before profaned a Protestant Church. To these ceremonies must be added the inculcation of auricular confession, which your Lordship will find announced in the Book of the Mission, which I have the honour to forward, and this practice was pressed repeatedly on the hearers as an urgent duty, while the Preacher claimed for himself a power of absolving from sin, which belongs to God alone, which no Primitive Church for ten centuries arrogated to herself, and which the Church of England has repudiated, as opposed both to morality and Scripture. Of this pernicious practice the Bishop of Winchester has spoken so emphatically, that I gladly refer your Lordship to his impressive words. Such being the facts of the case established on undoubted evidence, the Council of the Church Association appeal to your Lordship, convinced as they are that such imitations of Romish superstition, and teaching so opposed to the order and purity of our Church, must inflict upon her if suffered, still more if sanctioned by her rulers, the heaviest blow. I am directed therefore by the Council to convey to your Lordship their respectful entreaty that you will relieve the fears of the faithful members of our Church by informing them that the sanction which you extended to the Mission was not designed to cover the proceedings contrary both to our Liturgy and the law, and that when these practices are brought under your Lordship's notice you will feel it your duty to mark them with the expression of your strong disapproval.---I have the honour to be, my Lord, your Lordship's obedient servant, J. C. COLQUHOUN,

Chairman of the Council of the Church Association.

The Right Reverends the Lord Bishop of London, the Lord Bishop of
Rochester, and the Lord Bishop of Winchester."


Fulham Palace, S.W., Dec. 20, 1869.

My Dear Sir,-The approval I gave to the proposal for a special season of prayer and an effort for the conversion of souls, was neither more nor less than the words express. It was a general approval of the objects and a prayer for God's blessing on the endeavour. There is reason to believe that that blessing has not been withheld. The means employed in some Churches I neither sanctioned nor approved. I am, my dear Sir, yours very faithfully,

J. C. Colquhoun, Esq.



Danbury Palace, Chelmsford, Dec. 22, 1869. Sir,-I have been prevented by the urgency of other business from replying to your letter before. When I sanctioned the Twelve Days' Mission in the parishes within my Diocese which border upon London, I had no idea that its proceedings would have been marked by any excesses in Ritual, as I regret to see they were in some Churches. But notwithstanding this, trust there has been an awakening of souls in many places, and that God has blessed the zeal and love that have been manifested towards His poor.

1 am, Sir, most faithfully yours,

J. C. Colquhoun, Esq.



Lavington-house, Petworth, Dec. 28, 1869. Sir, I beg to acknowledge your favour of Dec. 15, which shall have my best attention. I have no hesitation in saying that my answer as Bishop-Designate to the promoters of the Twelve Days' Mission was not intended to sanction proceedings contrary both to the Liturgy and the law of the land, that "I"strongly disapprove of any such proceeeings." I am, Sir, your obedient servant, J. C. Colquhoun, Esq. S. WINTON.

* In letter to the Bishop of Winchester this paragraph was altered as follows:-"On this pernicious practice your Lordship has spoken so clearly to your late Diocese, that I gladly point to your impressive words."

We shall be glad if the Publishers of Country Newspapers who exchange with us would still have our copies forwarded to 6, RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET, E.C.

been much latent Conservative sentiment does not admit of doubt now; THE CONSERVATIVE PRESS IN THE PROVINCES.-That there has long but unfortunately for them, Conservatives as a body have, until within the last few years, been too slow to assert themselves and their opinions. march upon them, and too long neglected to avail themselves of those They allowed the more pushing Liberal and Radical parties to steal a employing. They remained insensible to the great importance of assomodern instruments of power which their opponents were actively ciation and organization, and what, perhaps, was not less damaging to their cause, they neglected their press. While Liberal associations kept together the motley crowd of their party, Conservatives depended too much upon their own unity of principle. While Liberal journals, well supported, disseminated the views of which they were the organs throughout the country, the Conservative press, feebly encouraged, if not struggled painfully for existence. Matters, we are glad to say, are altered actually discouraged, appealed only to a comparatively limited circle, and now. Conservatives have been roused into action, they are improving their organization, and they recognise the value of the press. Our able contemporary, the Standard, is one of the most prosperous and widelycirculated of metropolitan journals, and we are glad to know that in many parts of the country the Conservative press is in a flourishing condition. We ourselves have no cause of complaint, but, on the contrary, rejoice at the manifestation of political activity of which our progress is a sign. At the same time, in the interests of the cause which we have to do before they can be regarded as worthy rivals of their Liberal at heart, we would frankly tell our supporters they have still much papers, and the increased efficiency which, by aid of different kinds, opponents. It is to the confidence they have placed in their newsthey have helped to give to those journals that the Liberals owe very much of their power and influence. which the Liberal attaches to the publication of news, that it is, as it Such is the importance h's newspaper. Of course every journal depends, and ought to depend, were, his instinct to impart any information he may possess at once to mainly on its own organisation for the collection of intelligence; but it is certain that the success of many newspapers has been due in no small in their views and are interested in their welfare, It is equally true measure to the assistance they have derived from those who sympathise that Conservatives have not displayed that active zeal in rendering assistance of this kind which Liberals have shown, and it behoves them to exert themselves if they wish their organs in the press to have increased authority and weight with the public.-Yorkshire Post. THE SOUTH KENSINGTON MOSAICS. The plan proposed by "The Science and Art Department" for the historic illustration of the art of mosaics has had an unfortunate commencement. The fac simile copy from "The Figure of the Good Shepherd seated amongst his Flock," which has reached South Kensington from Ravenna, the authorities of the Museum decline to exhibit, on the plea that the replica is badly exePlacidia, of a date as early as the fifth century, was rightly considered cuted. This famous mosaic, in the mausoleum of the Empress Galla by Mr. Cole and Colonel Scott specially worthy of reproduction. Accordingly, a commission was given to Salviati and Co., who are entrusted by the Italian Government with the restoration of the mosaics in St. Mark's, to make a copy of the original; and we are in a position to state that more than ordinary pains were taken to secure accuracy. It so happens that in Ravenna resides a trusty mosaicist, trained at the Papal mosaic establishment in Rome, and of late years employed by the Government of Victor Emmanuel to guard and to keep in repair the much-dilapidated mosaics of Ravenna. cute for our Government the copy now in London, and the way in which This man was engaged to exehe went to work was as follows. He made on the face of the original a coloured tracing, which is now in our possession. This sketch, which is of the nature of a working drawing, was executed not only to secure truth in general outline, but minute literalness in detail-it is, in fact, a cast as well as a sketch, for the indentations on its surface indicate the number, size, and disposition of the tessera or cubes of which the mosaic is constructed. In Italy we are told that Mr. Cole rightly deemed such details essential to the value of the historic series which the public may still hope some day to see complete. The mosaicist, in obedience to his instructions, proceeded step by step with caution; living on the spot he was able once a day, or oftener, to correct his copy by a visit to the original, and, order to verify the replica ere it was sent to London. Why the result moreover, Salviati's director made a journey from Venice to Ravenna, in has proved unsatisfactory to the authorities at Kensington it is not easy to explain, save on the supposition that they expected a mosaic of the fifth century to be as smooth, clean, and pretty as the ceramic works which the Department produces and puts up now in the nineteenth century. fac-simile of an invaluable work, which might any moment fall down The making of this copy has led to the restoration of the original. The Italian Government, on hearing that England possessed the only existing from the wall and be destroyed, were moved with so much envy that they actually scraped together a little money to secure its better safety. A in time, for parts of the mosaic are, in fact, not mosaic, but patches of few weeks since we saw a man and a boy on scaffolding busy on renovations, which a photograph in our possession shows are undertaken scarcely paint to disguise dilapidations. And we are sorry to add that this pernicious practice of rubbing in colour with a brush has been fatal to other mosaics in Ravenna and Venicc.-Pall Mall Gazette.

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Contents: Preface-List of Books quoted or referred to.
CHAPTER 1.-Introductory: Statement of the Author's
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Form for the Ordination of Deacons, 1549. IV. Form

for the Ordination of Priests, 1549. V. Form for the
Consecration of Bishops, 1549. VI. The Edwardins
Ordinal. VII. The Ordinal of King Edward VI.-
Objections. VIII. Ordinal of King Edward VI. in sub-
stantial harmony with the most ancient forms. IX.
Some other ancient forms for Ordination. X. Mediaval
forms for Consecration and Ordination in the West.
XI. The same subject continued. XII Eastern forms

MESSRS. BARNARD & Co., 148, York of Ordination. XIII. Forms of Ordination in use Road, Lambeth.

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amongst the separated communities of the East. Christians of St. Thomas. XIV. The Nestorians. XV. Archbishop Matthew Parker. XVI. The Consecration of William Barlow. XVII. The Consecrations of Hodgkins, Scory, and Coverdale. XVIII. The Consecration of Archbishop Parker. XIX. The Nag's Head Fable. XX The Case of Bishop Bonner versus Bishop Horne. XXI. The Sacrament of Baptism. XXII. The Office of Consecrator and Assistant-Consecrator. XXIII The Doctrine of Intention. XXIV. and XXV. Roman Catholic Testimonies to the Validity of Anglican Orders. XXVI. The Cases of Certain Anglican Clergy who have joined the Church of Rome. XXVII. Changes made in the English Ordinal in 1662. XXVIII. Concluding Remarks and Summary of the Author's argument. ADDITIONAL NOTES.

Tables of Consecration: I. Archbishop Parker.
II. Archbishop Laud. III. Archbishop Juxon
APPENDICES.-I. Authoritative statements regarding
Ordination officially published in 1537 and 1543.
II. An Act concerning the Consecration of a Bishop
made in 25th year of Henry VIII. Cap. xx. sec. 5.
III. Statutes relating to the Consecration of Bishops
under Edward VI.

IV. Act 3 Edward VI. to draw up a New Ordinal.
V. Act to annex the Ordinal to the Prayer Book.
VI. Act 1 of Mary to repeal the preceding Acts.
VII. Act 1 of Elizabeth to re-establish the Book of
Common Prayer.

VIII. Act declaring the legality of the Ordinations.
XI. The Thirty-Nine Articles on Ordination.
X. Documents relating to the Consecration of Barlow
and Hodgkins.

XI. Documents relating to Scory and Coverdale.
XII. Documents relating to the Consecration of

XIII. Parker's Book, De Antiquitate Britannica

XIV. Henry Machyn's Diary, with testimonies regard. ing the same.

XV. Breve of Pope Julius III. to Cardinal Pole.
XVI. Dr. Lingard on Parker's Consecration.
XVII. Documents relating to the Consecration of

XVIII. The Nonjuring Consecrations. Bishop Hickes

XIX. Documents concerning the Case of Bishop Gordon of Galloway.

XX. Dr. Newman's Letters on Anglican Orders and replies to the same.

XXI. Certain Comments on Roman Catholic statements. The Charges of Forgery.

XXII. Letters of Orders of various Communions. General Index.

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Church Herald.

No. 13.-Vol. I.


Price ld.


WEDNESDAY, Jan. 12, 1870.

that "in virtue of which Protests "-of eight Bishops of the Province" so signified and rejected, the Consecration of Dr. Temple is a Consecration contrary to the Canon Law of the Church Catholic." The result he points out to be that all Episcopal acts performed by Dr. Temple will be of doubtful validity.

With a plain and practical difficulty of this kind clearly in view, one might have expected that so thoroughly sound and practical a Churchman as the Archdeacon would say, Let us at once petition the Upper House to join with us in appointing a Committee to examine into the whole Canon Law on the point, and advise us as to the best means of freeing the Church from this evil, either by bringing forward such evidence as may convince the Archbishop that Dr. Temple is not lawfully consecrated, or, if he is, may satisfy those who think otherwise. Instead of this, what do we find in the last paragraph on page 5. He proceeds" In this extremity one resource remains; one only: it remains that the Church of the Province Protest by her Synod." O impotent conclusion! Most worthy Protestant Archdeacon, how will it serve at the Great Day, when we have to answer for the wrong we have not prevented, to say, "I protested against it, but felt doubtful of success if I had acted?" Let God arise, and let His enemies be scattered! We must labour and pray. Let us all do everything we can by acts, words, and prayers, to bring the members of Convocation to a sense of the necessity there now is for action, to preserve the Church from being fatally committed to accepting a Bishop whose Order is of at least doubtful validity.

PROTESTS Seem so very popular a method of expressing opinion at present that we propose to make a few remarks on their use, and to point out where they fail, and sometimes frustrate the very aim they were intended to serve. Having so recently stated our views in regard to the Protest against Rome of three hundred years ago, we do not now intend to return to that subject, but rather to view the Protests of modern days especially, as bearing upon that ever-pressing and most grievous calamity-the Consecration of Dr. Temple. It may arise merely from the activity of the men and their depth of feeling; but, undoubtedly, it is not a little singular at first to observe that Protests in the last twenty years have mainly come from those most opposed to the theory of private judgment, and who will hardly acknowledge that they are Protestants. We have had Protests since the Gorham Case against almost every decision of the Ecclesiastical Courts down to the St. Alban's Case; and now we have a whole heap brought out by the nomination of Dr. Temple, and his subsequent election and consecration. They may fairly be divided into two great branches, according as they are intended to free the protestors from complicity in that which they disapprove, or to obtain its revocation, or else to oppose and avert some future action. The danger, which appears to be ever increasing, is that of men thinking that to protest against evil is sufficient. No doubt it is very right to protest against what we know to be wrong, but if we saw a man committing a robbery or a murder we should have a very imperfect sense of our duty if we merely protested against his act, and did not use every means within our strength to prevent him, and that without regard to the certainty of success; though, of course, our actions would take form by what seemed most likely to achieve the object. For example, it might be the part of Let us ever remember that though the State nominated Dr. wisdom to go for the police rather than to endeavour ourselves Temple, he was elected and consecrated by Churchmen. to restrain an armed villain, but that we should have satisfied As Archdeacon Denison well says, "Granting that Archbishops, the demands of Christian duty by a Protest no one will assert. Bishops, and Clergy were powerless, not only to prevent the This seems to us plainly to point out what rule we ought nomination, but to procure its recall, they were not powerless to follow in Church matters. Let us by all means protest to prevent Election, Confirmation, or Consecration. All these against wrong-doing, but let us act also and continue to act were in their own hands." The case appeared from the first as long as it is possible. Have we done so with respect to the about as plain as might be. The Archbishop of Canterassault upon the Faith by the appointment of Dr. Temple bury and Bishop of London in fact acknowledged that the Certainly not. Clergy and Laity protested in large numbers matter was in their hands, by the way in which they put under the leadership of Dr. Pusey and Bishop Trower; forward, in justification of their action, the vain hope that Lord Shaftesbury also brought weight to bear in the same Dr. Temple would, after Consecration, explain and prove his way, and certainly at first there was a show of action; faith to be orthodox. On the other hand, by their but it was a fight in which the assailants stated from the outset that they did not hope for victory, but only wished to free their own consciences.

After matters had advanced very far, we had Mr. Burgon issuing his most able Protest; and now Archdeacon Denison Comes with a forcible letter to the Prolocutor of the Lower House of Convocation, which we published last week, and which, while we honour most highly the Archdeacon f his outspoken language, seems to us to raise entirely a false suggestion. For at the commencement the Archdeacon states,

Why should not the laity in each parish press the matter upon their Clergy, that they may take it up vigorously, and urge their Proctors in Convocation to action. Anything that we can do to aid in the matter will be most heartily undertaken by us, and our pages shall be open suggestions that may be offered.

any practical

reference to the requirements of the State and the penalties of Pramunire they let an unpleasant feeling arise that they were not of the opinion of them of old time who said, "We ought to obey God rather than men." As to there being any real fear of a Bishop being imprisoned in this country at this time for refusing to do that which, in his conscience, he believed to be wrong, this idea cannot be entertained by anyone who thinks for an instant of what the present tendency is in regard to freedom of opinion; furthermore, it seems very doubtful indeed if there is any statute which

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