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HE inefficacy of force in matters of conscience was well exemplified in the case of the celebrated William Penn, whose name is better known in connection with the propagation of Quakerism than even that of its founder, George Fox. Imbibing the doctrines of the new sect while a youth of sixteen, at the university of Oxford, he was fined for nonconformity, and afterwards expelled the college. His father, Admiral Penn, who was high in the favour of Charles II. and the Duke of York, and anxious for his advancement at court, was deeply offended with him; and, finding remonstrances and arguments ineffectual to wean his son from his new opinions, he inflicted personal chastisement upon him, and turned him out of the house. Awakening, however, to a sense of either the impolicy or the injustice of this treatment, he provided him, shortly afterwards, with the means of passing two years in France and Italy; and, on his return, sent him to Ireland to manage his property there-a step which proves that he had confidence in his judgment and steadiness; for the future founder of Pennsylvania was then only in his twentysecond year. Admiral Penn immediately sent for him to London, and again remonstrated and threatened, but without effect, ending, as before, with turning him out of doors.

He now began to preach and write in support of his religious opinions, and his zeal in a short time caused him to be imprisoned in the Tower, where he remained nearly seven months. On his liberation, his father once more received him into favour, and he again repaired to Ireland to superintend the family estates, remaining there about twelve months. He returned to London just as the Conventicle Act had been passed, and the Friends expelled from their meeting-house. He had not been long in the metropolis when he was arrested on the charge of preaching to "a riotous and seditious assembly"-that is, an open-air gathering of the Friends-and committed to Newgate. He defended himself on his trial with great ability, and, though the judge directed the jury to convict him, they had the honesty and courage to return a verdict of acquittal. The bench fined the jury, and ordered them to be imprisoned until the fines were paid; but the Court of Common Pleas pronounced the proceeding illegal, and quashed it. Admiral Penn died shortly afterwards, perfectly reconciled to his son, to whom he left a considerable estate; but he had scarcely succeeded to it when he was again committed to Newgate, for six months, for preaching. On his liberation he married the daughter of Sir William Springett, and the next five years were spent in the calm felicity

of rural retirement.

He now began to look for a land in which he and his co-religionists might live in peace

and security, unvexed by Exchequer prosecutions and scoffs of the worldly-minded. America was then the haven in which all who were persecuted for conscience' sake sought refuge and rest. A sum of £16,000 was due to him from the crown, on account of money advanced by his father for the use of the navy; and Penn petitioned for a grant of a tract of land on the west bank of the Delaware, to him and his heirs for ever, in consideration of his claim. Charles gave a ready assent to this arrangement, and the Duke of York ceded an adjoining tract, lower down the Delaware, in addition. The royal patent was dated March 4th, 1681, constituting Penn absolute proprietor and governor of the province, which received from Charles, in honour of the founder and his father, the name of Pennsylvania. A settlement had been made by the Swedes on the shores of the Chesapeake Bay, in 1627, which, after being some time in the possession of the Dutch, had been ceded, in 1664, to England. Several other small settlements were scattered along both sides of the bay. Three vessels sailed with emigrants, chiefly Quakers, as soon as the preliminary arrangements could be effected; and Penn followed in the autumn of 1682, leaving his wife and children in England.

The voyage across the wide Atlantic was made in safety; and it is related that he went up the Delaware in an open boat, or barge, and reached the site of his future city about the 8th of November, as noted in the minutes of the Friends' meeting, held on that day at Faivan's mansion, Shackamaxon, near Kensington. Dock Creek, now marked only by the line of Dock Street, a crooked phenomenon among Philadelphia right angles, was then a beautiful rural stream, and the emigrants who had preceded Penn had commenced to build on the north side of this creek, in the angle formed by its connection with the Delaware. Here stood the "Blue Anchor Tavern," on the corner of Front Street and the creek margin; and at the landing opposite this house Penn disembarked. Among those who welcomed the founder were the Swedes and Indians; and Penn, who had brought with him a theoretic liking for these sons of the forest, and a determination to test what kindness could do in civilising them, took an early opportunity to cultivate their acquaintance. He walked with them, sat down on the ground at their side, and partook of their primitive repast of roasted acorns and hominy. The delighted Indians, at a loss for words with one who could not understand them, expressed their pleasure by feats of agility; and William Penn, not to be outdone by his new friends, sprang up, and outleaped them all!

After the transaction of such business as opportunity afforded, and the circumstances required, Penn visited the province of New

York, visiting Jersey Friends, with whom he had been in business relations, and seeking out, also, the people of his faith in Long Island, and at other places. In November he returned; and during the latter part of this month was held the famous meeting with the Indians, at the treaty tree at Shackamaxon, now Kensington. This tree stood until 1810, when it was blown down, and a small monument now marks its former site. Penn had instructed his commissioners, who preceded him to this country, to make a treaty, or league, with the Indians. It appears from the circumstances that this meeting was held for the ratification of the work commenced by these commissioners. No written record of the transaction remains, and there is no deed or grant of land bearing date from this meeting. It was not, therefore, for the purchase of land, but for the interchange of friendly greetings and assurances, that William Penn met the Indians at Shackamaxon. It was the proper commencement of his intercourse with his new neighbours, and its effects remain upon them to this day. The traditions of the aborigines have canonised the great "Onas," as they call him, translating the word Penn into their language; and the dress and manners of "Quaker" are assurances of their confi dence. The venerable John Heckewelder, the Moravian missionary, remarks upon the aversion of the Indians to treaties made anywhere except in the open air. "William Penn," the Indians told Heckewelder, "when he treated with them, adopted the ancient mode of their ancestors, and convened them under a grove of shady trees, where the little birds on the boughs were warbling their sweet In commemoration of these conferences, which are always to the Indians a subject of pleasing remembrance, they frequently assembled together in the woods, in some shady spot, as nearly as possible similar to those where they used to meet their brother Miguon (Penn), and there lay all his words or speeches, with those of his descendants, on a blanket, or a clean piece of bark, and, with great satisfaction, go over the whole. This practice, which I have repeatedly witnessed, continued till the year 1780, when the disturbance which then took place put an end to it, probably for ever."



| ting themselves in the form of a half moon, awaited the conference. Tonunend signified through an interpreter their readiness to hear, and William Penn addressed them in a speech of which tradition has preserved the substance. The Great Spirit, he said, who made him and them, and who knew the innermost thoughts of men, knew that he and his friends had a hearty desire to live in peace and friendship with them, and to serve them to the utmost of their power. It was not their custom to use hostile weapons against their fellow-creatures, for which reason they had come unarmed. Their object was not to do injury, but to do good. They were then met on the broad pathway of good faith and good will, so that no advantage was to be taken on either side, but all was to be openness, brotherhood, and love. After these and other words, Penn opened a parchment which he held in his hand, and conveyed to the Indians, article by article, the terms upon which he placed the intercourse between them, as already given in his instructions to the commissioners, and made the basis of their conferences with the Indians for the purchase of land. He then laid the parchment on the ground, observing that the ground should be common to both people.

Having distributed presents among the chiefs, he proceeded to say that he would not call them children or brothers only; for often parents were apt to whip their children too severely, and brothers sometimes would differ. Neither would he compare the friendship between them to a chain, for the rain might sometimes rust it, or a tree might fall and break it; but he would consider them as the same flesh and blood with the Christians, and the same as if one man's body were to be divided into two parts. He then took up the parchment, and presented it to the sachem, who wore the horn in the chaplet, and desired him and the other sachems to preserve it for three generations, that their children might know what had passed between them, just as if he had remained himself with them to repeat it.

The Indians, as is their decorous custom, listened in perfect silence. The chiefs, we may suppose, as Penn describes their general custom, deliberated for some moments, and then one of them, speaking in the king's name, and taking Penn by the hand, pledged the Indians to live in love with William Penn as long as the sun and moon endure.

The name Miguon has the same signification as Onas. The Indians assembled at Shackamaxon in great numbers, painted and armed. The handful of Friends who met them were without any weapons whatever; No tradition of the Indians' speeches on but Onas, or Penn, was distinguished from this occasion is preserved. We may remark, his suite by a sash of blue silk network. that this tree had been the place between the Various articles of merchandise, intended as Indians and Penn's commissioners when they presents, were borne before the Europeans. settled the purchases which were made before The Indian chief who presided was Tonunend, Penn's arrival; and, as Shackamaxon signiwhose name seems to belong alike to the fied, in the Indian language, "the place of legends of New York and Pennsylvania. kings," probably it was an old council ground. Advancing before his warriors, he placed The principal tribes represented were three, upon his head a chaplet adorned with a small the Lenni-Lenape, the Mingoes, and the Shawhorn, the emblem of kingly power, and of nees. The Lenni-Lenape, usually called the religious and inviolable peace. At this symbol Delaware Indians by the Europeans, appear to the Indians laid aside their arms, and set-have been the fathers and possessors of the

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dren with this league and firm chain of friendship made between them; and that it should always be made stronger and stronger, and be kept bright and clean, without rust or spot, between our children and children's children, while the creeks and rivers run, and while the sun, moon, and stars endure."

It would be pleasant to know whether the above "heads " are the Indians' understanding of the treaty, or Governor Gordon's presentation in simple language, or whether they are in the same style of expression as the document itself. If the latter be the case, then William Penn was very happy in so drawing up a treaty that its terms could be easily comprehended. From the treaty tree William Penn proceeds to his new mansion, at Pennsburg, nearly opposite Burlington. It was then in progress of erection, having been commenced by Colonel Markham before Penn's arrival. The mansion had sixty feet front, by forty in depth; the lawn and garden sloped down to the river side, and the offices were built in a line with the main building. All that now remains is the brew-house, converted into a dwelling. In the mansion was a spacious hall for councils and Indians' conferences; and at Pennsburg, when he was in this country, Penn fully carried out the hospitable treatment which he desired should be shown to the aborigines. The site was bought of "an old Indian king."

Although, as we have said, no copy of the treaty has been preserved, and the original, in the hands of the Indians, has never been read, so far as appears by any white man who has recorded the fact; yet in the early minutes of the Provincial Council, the stipulations of the instrument are frequently referred to. They were quoted by the Indians at many subsequent conferences with the authorities of the province. And in May, 1728, we find Governor Gordon in an Indian council, recapitulating the nine principal heads of the treaty: "That all William Penn's people, or Christians, and all the Indians, should be brethren, as the children of one father, joined together as with one heart, one hand, and one body. That all paths should be open and free to both Christians and Indians. That the doors of the Christians' houses should be opened to the Indians, and the houses of the Indians open to the Christians, and that they should make each other welcome as their friends. That the Christians should not believe any false rumours There are allusions to several Indian con or reports of the Indians, nor the Indians believe ferences held at Pennburg, usually closing any such rumours or reports of the Christians, with a "cantico," or song, and dance around but should first come, as brethren, to inquire the council fire out of doors. Penn was a of each other; and that both Christians and frequent visitor to the Indians, and delighted Indians, when they hear any such false reports to watch their sports and feats of agility, and of their brethren, should bury them as in a to be present at their dances. At a wedding bottomless pit. That if the Christians had any near Pennsburg, perhaps at the manor-house ill news that may be to the hurt of the Indians, itself, Penn was present with several Indians. or the Indians hear any such ill news that may The bride, who died in 1774, aged 100 years, be to the injury of the Christians, they should and whose descendants still live in Buck's acquaint each other with it speedily, as with county, used to describe Penn as "of rather friends and brethren. That the Indians should short stature, but the handsomest, best-looking, do no manner of harm to the Christians, or lively gentleman she had ever seen." their creatures, nor the Christians do any hurt to any Indians, but treat each other as their brethren. But as there are wicked people in all nations, if either Indians or Christians should do any harm to each other, complaint should be made of it by the persons suffering, that right might be done; and when satisfaction is made, the injury or wrong should be forgot, and buried as in a bottomless pit. That the Indians should in all things assist the Christians, and the Christians assist the Indians against all wicked people that would disturb them. And lastly, that both Christians and Indians should acquaint their chil

While Penn was thus affable and kind to his dependents, and courteous to all whom he met, and upon occasions of relaxation could lay aside the governor, he was not at all unmindful of the influence of proper forms and the decorum of official intercourse. His barge was a stately conveyance for those days; and his coach and full-blooded horses were in keeping with the style of his residence. When the council was in session, an official guarded the door; and when he went to open the assembly, or to hold the high court of the provincial council, he was preceded by the sheriff and his deputies, with their insignia of ofice.

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I am a word of twelve letters.

My 10, 7, 12, 6 is a part of you.

My 5, 1, 9, 8, 7, 1, 3, 7 is a well-known dish. My 2, 12, 11, 4 is a shower.

My 12, 6, 7, 4, 1, 10, 3 is a part of London. My 9, 11, 4, 8 is a medicine.

My 10, 7, 12, 4 is to make well.

My 1, 7, 5 is a vegetable, and

My whole is a city in America.


Pli iluvw lu wkh khdg ri d qxphurxv-udfk;
Dgg, vwudgjh wr uhodwh lu uhhg lg lerxu idfk;
Vhrxog d eoljkw lv pb uhfrqg eh uhhg wklr bhdu;
D sdmv ri vxu irra zrxog eh auhdaixoob ahdu;
Jurp pb zkroh vsulgju wkh ervdw ri vxu qdyb dqg

Iru ziwkraw lw d vhls frxog qhyhu ch sodqq'd.




My first we get from a pig,
My second is a pronoun,
My third is a tree, and
My whole is an animal.


My first is a total,
My second is a pronoun,
My third is a clothing, and
My whole is an animal.


My first is a part of you,
My second is false hair,
My whole is an animal.


My first is a male,

My second is a soldier's duty,
My whole is an animal.


ANSWERS TO QUERIES. How to cure corns?-The strongest acetic acid, applied night and morning with a camel's hair brush. In one week the corn will disappear.

How to cure the toothache?-Two or three drops of essential oil of cloves put upon a small piece of cotton wool, and placed in the hollow of the tooth, will be found to have the active power of curing the toothache, without destroying the tooth or injuring the gums. J. S. BARBER.

with the usual kind of screws employed for such purposes. The copper wires are then fixed to the screws, and the whole immersed in a solution of salt and sulphur. This is an easy way of making an useful philosophical apparatus.

How to make a steam-engine?-A full description given in No. 1, Vol. VIII. of" Boy's Own Magazine," and also how to construct a boiler in No. 3, same Vol. JOHN COATES, JUN.

Who was the first English Freemason?-St. Alban was not only the first master mason in Great Britain, but he was also the first man who suffered martyrdom, being beheaded in a general persecution of the early Christians. In 303 the Empress Helena girt the city of London with a stone wall, and after this period masonry began to be encouraged; but in 584 a horrid period was put to the progress of architecture by Hengist, King of Kent, who, in his bloody congress, murdered 300 British nobles, many of them great artists and encouragers of masonry. Pope Gregory I., who was a great encourager of the arts, sent Augustin and a colony of monks into Britain, who converted Ethelbert, King of Kent, and, in return, was made the first Bishop of Canterbury, the cathedral of which was first built in 600; in 602 the Cathedral of Rochester; in 604 the Cathedral of London; and in 605 the Cathedral of Westminster; four cathedrals within the short period of five years. The clergy at this time made architecture their study, and their mason lodges or assemblies were usually held in the monasteries. In 680, Bennet, Abbot of Wirral, first introduced stone and brick;

What causes thunder and lightning?" It happens formerly wood was the chief material. Many of

sometimes that some clouds will move in a direction contrary to that of others; when this is the case, and the clouds are placed one above the other, by the friction of the one against the other, the electric matter contained in them is put into activity, and one or more of them becomes electrified. When clouds are thus impregnated with the electric fluid, this substance rushes out into every other cloud that is either not electrified, or that does not possess the same species of clectricity, under the appearance of a vivid flash which is called lightning.

"The identity between lightning and electricity was first ascertained by the celebrated Dr. Benjamin Franklin.

"Owing to its nature, and to the rapidity of its course, the lightning produces a vacuum in the air through which it passes; and the contact between the two masses of air, that rush in to fill this vacuum, produces a violent explosion, which, reverberated by clouds, hills, &c., occasions the lengthened and awful peal termed thunder.

"As the progress of light is almost instantaneous, whilst sound moves through no more than 1,142 feet in one second of time, by noticing the time that intervenes between the flash and the report, some idea of the distance of the thunder-cloud may be formed."-Extracted from Picquot's "Astrokomy." W. F. DENNING.

How to take rust off a steel plate?—The following will be found a very effective way :--Procure a piece of the hardest wood you can-for instance, oak-dip it in oil and then in emery powder; this rub well upon the plate, and it will immediately

remove all rust.

What is the best Natural History?-I think the best is Cassell's" Popular Natural History," 4 vols., 8s. 6d. each; or 2 double vols., 15s. each. Cassell, Petter, and Galpin, Ludgate Hill, London.

How to make a galvanic battery?-The Society of Arts published in its Journal the following new method for making a galvanic pile:-Two plates, one of lead thinly plated with copper, and one of them with zinc, are fastened together at the top

our ancient worthies filled the masonic chair in succession. In 857 St. Swithin was Grand Master; in 957 St. Dunstan filled that office. Several of the Bishops of Exeter, the famous William of Wykeham, Bishop of Winchester, Chicheley, Archbishop of Canterbury, Wainfleet. Bishop of Winchester, Beauchamp, Bishop of Salisbury, Cardinal Wolsey, and many other dignitaries, were all


Origin of All Fools' Day?-From a very early age this day has been considered as one set apart for the exercise of all kinds of practical jokes and mirthful folly. The term given to it we may hold as a travestie of the festival of All Saints' Day. The custom of playing-off little tricks on this day, whereby ridicule may be fixed upon unguarded individuals, appears to be universal throughout Europe. In France one thus imposed upon is called Un poisson d'Avril," an April fish. very remarkable that the Ilindoos practise precisely similar tricks on the 31st March, when they have what is called the "Huli Festival."-MATT. GUNSBY.

It is

An old friend and subscriber, Mr. B. Lowe, of Manchester, furnishes the following authorities for the origin of All Fools' Day. In the "British Apollo," 1708, vol. i., No, 1, is the following query: "Whence proceeds the custom of making April fools?" Answer: It may not improperly be debetween the Romans and Sabines, mentioned by rived from a memorable transaction happening Dionysius, which was thus:-The Romans, about the infancy of the city, wanting wives, and finding their peaceable addresses, resolved to make use of they could not obtain the neighbouring women by a stratagem; and, accordingly, Romulus instituted certain games, to be performed in the beginning of April (according to the Roman calendar) in honour of Neptune. Upon notice thereof, the bordering inhabitants, with their whole families, flocked to Rome to see this mighty celebration; where the Romans seized upon a great number of the Sabine virgins, and ravished them, which imposition we suppose may be the foundation of this foolish


"Humorous Jewish Origin of the custom of

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