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Author of "Stories of the War," "Crimson Pages," "Shot and Shell," "London

Stone," etc.. etc.

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Westminster, 1517.

the morning subsequent to the outbreak of the citizens about the hour of noon, a state-barge richly ornamented might have been observed proceeding down Thames from Richmond. Now although there was nothing extraordinary in this, yet a pennon displayed from the stern, emblazoned with the arms of Wolsey quartered with those of England, made known that the Cardinal was there: what wonder, then, that the populace gazed with mingled feelings of awe and admiration on that vessel containing as it did the greatest man of the age, whose life and deeds are so


mingled with the political history of the period!

As the barge came near to Westminster, the scene became animated and magnificent. Rich and gaily decked barges, with tilts of velvet and cloth of gold, crowded the river near the famed old Palace, whose solid and beautiful architecture arose majestically against the azure sky, its elaborate sculptures reflected on the placid basin of the Thames, whilst the steps descending to the water's edge were filled with many a glittering group of knights, courtiers, prelates, judges, and gentlemen of high degree-for a council of state was that day held by King Henry VIII. 'Twas a rare sight to behold those gorgeous

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enough to make the very stones rejoice to bear so glorious a burthen.

habits, dancing plumes, sparkling jewels- | for he and Buckingham were opposed to each other in the political sphere, each seeking the downfall of the other. But after some time the Cardinal turned and demanded the name of the accused.

At length the Cardinal's barge arrived at the steps. The stalwart watermen rested on their oars, and from beneath the splendid tilt Wolsey stepped forth; but ere he reached the landing-place, a tall priest, bearing a gilded cross full ten feet high, entered the barge, and, bowing reverentially, addressed the Cardinal

"I crave forgiveness for thus intruding on your presence, and had it not been an affair of serious import I would not so far have stepped beyond my station."

The Cardinal slightly bowed, and the priest continued—

"If I might so far presume, the intelligence being of a secret nature, to suggest the propriety of a more private spot for its disclosure."

Wolsey interrupted him by a hasty gesture, and commanding him to follow, led the way beneath the tilt of golden cloth. "Now, Sir Priest," quoth he, "what tidings do you bear ?"

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'Tidings, my Lord, of black iniquity— rank treason in the very Court."

"By whom ?"

"A viper whom the King hath reared tenderly and fondly-a scorpion casting its venom at its preserver."

"Ambrose Quartermain."

"But of what would you accuse him?"
"Of aiding the rioters."
"In what way?"

The priest drew a letter from his casket, the very letter which had been placed in the hands of Quartermain during the attack on the mansion of Sir Michael de la Pole. He handed it to Wolsey. It ran in the following unconnected sentences:

"Let Nick Denis be delivered over to the fury of the populace. Create a quarrel with the Spanish knight, Sir Michael de la Pole; detain him in dispute until our purpose be accomplished and the mansion fired; then draw off thy men and take to flight. Favourably receive this advice, if thou would prosper. Hie thee to the villa at Southwark on the morrow, there a disclosure shall be made concerning matters (to thee) of the greatest import.-NICHOLAS SHERRING."

This, then, is the whole," quoth Wolsey. But the priest further explained that Quartermain had that morning kept the appointment after receiving a second communication from the rioters.

"The King must needs see this docu

"Tell me of whom you speak," quoth ment," said Wolsey; and passing from beWolsey.

"A blot in the creation-a second Jack Cade a sinner and black-hearted traitoran abandoned miscreant and rank enemy to your grace."

"What! the Duke of Buckingham ?" "Not precisely the Duke himself, but a fellow raised from the very dregs of society a swaggering Captain, with more oaths than courage, and sins than gold-a man of dissolute habits, a frequenter of the taverns, the bear-gardens, and playhouses, a drunkard and a glutton."

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neath the tilt he disembarked.

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Methought by this fair catalogue you the expression of his features he was in no could mean no other than his grace? "The fellow, my Lord, is he who was with the soldiers during the late riots."

The Cardinal seemed disappointed, and paced to and fro with an impatient step,

pleasant mood. He had jousted on the previous night with Brandon, Duke of Suffolk, and in the lists had been disarmed and overthrown. He had cast the dice with Sir Miles Partridge and lost the bells


of St. Paul's, having staked them on one cast, added to which the insurrection of the evening occasioned no complacent mood in his right royal mind.

The chamber was crowded by the courtiers; messengers were continually arriving; the utmost confusion prevailed, and so the debates proceeded.

Suddenly the great doors were cast open, and unattended, unannounced, Sir Michael de la Pole strode in: with a hasty step and gloomy brow he passed up the centre of the ancient hall, then cast himself at Henry's feet, and cried

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"Aid me," quoth Henry, "with thy wisdom in dissolving this strange enigma. Thou knowest one Ambrose Quartermain ?"

"Pardon, your highness," interrupted Wolsey, "but I have proofs of treasonable correspondence with that gentleman, from the leaders of the late disastrous riots, and this man he has hied him to Southwark to hold an interview with them."

"How long hath he been absent?" Henry demanded, arising hastily.

"While I yet tarried in my barge," returned Wolsey, "he departed from the palace, taking boat for Southwark."

"I would speak with thee in private," quoth Henry. And descending from his throne he departed from the presence. chamber.


"And who," demanded the King, in no soft accent, for he remembered Sir Michael's conduct when the will was read at Wansted Hall some two years agone"And who hath injured thee ?" "Ambrose Quartermain," Sir Michael state, Ambrose Quartermain strode to and


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Surely this is some foul scheme," the King cried, angrily. "It cannot be our trusty and well-beloved servant."

"I grieve, your highness, to make this accusation. Once we were friends-ay, even as brothers--but lately some misunderstanding hath occurred, and in the late riots he aided the rebels; when my dwelling in the Chepe was attacked, struck down my trusty squire, obliged me to draw and defend myself from his violence."

"Hast thou proofs of this accusation ?" the King demanded.

But ere Michael could reply the great doors were thrown open. The nobles fell back on either side, and a procession was seen advancing. Two stalwart priests led the way; then came the officers of the household, and lastly the Cardinal himself,

clad in his sacerdotal habit.

The mighty train swept on in silence to the dais, the steps of which Wolsey as"cended.

*The bells of St. Paul's were taken down and sold by this notorious man.


DURING the assembling of the council of

fro upon the landing-place at Westminster listlessly gazing upon the glittering scene spread out before him.

'Twas a bright and pleasant morning, and glistening in the solar rays old Father Thames went flowing on. Boats and barges, wherries, punts, and every sort of craft, was there. Looking so bright and gay, and richly carved and painted, boats came gliding up, rowed by some dozen men who plashed their oars merrily with right · good will.

Lingering yet upon the royal quay, a ves-sel small but of a graceful build came bounding up. At the helm stood a stalwart figure wrapped in a cloak, although the day was bright and clear. When she came near upon the landing-place, the stranger by a dexterous movement cast a paper to the feet of Quartermain.

Ambrose seemed surprised at this, but after gazing at the scroll and deciphering its contents, and for a time appearing undecided, stepped forth and sprang into the boat. Not a word was spoken as they skimmed along o'er the unstable element.

Merrily the little bark pressed along, and party of charlatans there. I once was down Thames they glided.

A panoramic view, unequalled of its kind in Europe a more beautiful prospect of a city, it is impossible to imagine, than that which burst upon their view as they approached the ancient houses of the Savoy. Eastward the eye might roam over the whole of London in these days, from the towers of Julius to its junction with Westminster, while to the west arose the beautiful Abbey, with far in the distance glimpses of the Surrey hills might be obtained, whilst the Thames, which flows in a crescentshaped course, added that peculiar charm to the scene which a river always affords to a landscape.

At length the boat came near to London Bridge. When pulling aside to the steps of the bear-garden its progress was stayed. "Where is the sick man lodged ?" Quartermain demanded. His companion answered not, but motioning him to follow, led the way to the ancient hostel of the Tabarde. Unheeded they passed the common guest-chamber, and ascending the oaken stair entered a small apartment, where, stretched upon a mean and worn couch, lay the idiot Erkinwald Aubrey. When the strangers entered the patient partially arose, and stretched his wan hand to Quartermain. 'Ha, Master Ambrose," he said, "I've long'd to see thee: they tell me I've been dangerously injured in the fire at the cruel Spanish knight's; but I heed not that, for hath it not saved me from that cold dark dungeon where so long they kept me?"

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numbered in their band; a long time since, though-some thirty years agone."

And in a strange unconnected manner, which it would be useless to recapitulate, he proceeded

"The band," he said, "C was then in France, a day's journey from the capital, and in the neighbourhood of a country residence possessed by an English gentleman bearing the name of Cholmondley Wansted."

"Thou surely meanest the brother of the late Lord Wansted," cried Quartermain.

"Even so: yet listen. When we first arrived at that spot, the wife of Cholmondley had but just expired. Yet after some time the grief occasioned by her decease began to wear away, and the possessor of the domain walked forth again in the busy haunts of life. The charlatan under whom I served, Colner by name, by some meansI never could learn how-established an intimacy with Cholmondley; at least such an intimacy as could well exist between a noble and a charlatan. A stranger soon arrived a short sallow-complexioned man, bearing the name of Scrivener. He and Colner soon became friends, and many a secret conference was held. They wandered in the woods together, and far from the haunts of men communed with one another. At length, one cold and wintry night the charlatan and Scrivener were missed from the camp. I followed them through the lane and passed the high road; then skirting the domains of Wansted came to the little postern; 'twas partially unclosed. Here they halted, and in an under tone conversed: then with a stealthy step entered the parks surrounding the mansion close on their steps. I followed on: on they went to the entrance. I dared not do the like, but staid below and listened. All for a time remained silent; not a light was seen from any of the casements-not a step was heard. Then suddenly a loud, wild shriek rent the air with its piercing cadence. Then hasty footsteps sounded, and two men bearing chests and other spoils came running out. I fled before Yes," continued he. "There was a them until I nearly reached the camp:

Soothing him with words of kindness, Quartermain soon became aware that the poor idiot, for some unknown cause, had been detained a prisoner in the mansion of Sir Michael, and that he had been liberated by the rioters. Vague hints he made, too, of some dreadful yet hidden crime of which the Spanish knight was guilty, but soon he turned from these subjects and demanded"Thou rememberest Frost Fair?"


Surely," Quartermain answered. "I indeed have cause to remember the time and place thou speakest of."

then suddenly turning I sprang upon the first man and bore him to the ground, when, what think you? I discovered, concealed as he thought under his horseman's cloak, what but a young child! In an instant the fellow regained his feet, and drawing his ponderous broadsword from his belt, he raised it in the air, and down it came. I fell beneath the blow. When I recovered from the effects of the blow the camp was broken up and the band in motion. From one of them I learnt that the dwelling of Cholmondley Wansted had been plundered, and his only son carried off, and was then with the charlatans. Around his neck, they said, when stolen, a golden chain of curious workmanship was hung, and that this the leader of the gang had concealed in a certain spot they mentioned. That night I seized it from its hiding-place and fled; afterwards learning that the stolen child was sold to Sir Geoffry Wansted, who upon the death of the old lord succeeded to the title."

His listener, however, scarce waited for these particulars, but darting towards the door, flung it widely open, when he was suddenly staid by the appearance of what he least expected in the person of Nicholas Denis and a file of Hackbutt men.

"In the name of his Majesty King Henry VIII," said that puissant gentleman, advancing and laying his hand on Ambrose, “I arrest you, Ambrose Quartermain, on a charge of high treason against the state."

"This is no time for mumming," replied Quartermain ; "make way and let me


"This is no mumming," retorted Denis. "A charge of treason hath this morning been laid against you, and a warrant for your committal to the Tower hath been made out. Accordingly, resistance is vain, and the boat waits at the steps of the Bear Garden."

"And who hath dared to accuse me?" demanded Quartermain.

"The orders I have received must be

"But tell me," said Quartermain, "how obeyed," said Denis; "and I doubt not the child was called."

"Ambrose Quartermain," said Aubrey. With an exclamation of surprise Quartermain sprang from his seat. "And what,” he demanded, “became of him you call Cholmondley ?"

all will soon be explained."

Without the slightest conception of the circumstances which caused this strange vicissitude in his career, Quartermain stood perfectly bewildered. The intelligence he had just received, added to this sudden transition from the royal favour to the depths of misery-to be cast into the dungeons of the Tower as a traitor created a


"He entered a religious house, and became a priest, weary of the world's iniquity." "Where can I discover him, to fly and sensation in his mind which made the surgive him comfort ?" rounding objects reel before his view, ere he could recover from its effects, he was surrounded by the soldiery, hurried from the house, and placed in the boat, which darted from the shore, shot through the arches of London Bridge, and stayed not in its course until it floated under the Traitors' Gate.

"You have already slept beneath his roof and eaten of his bread."

"What name?"

"Father Fitz Aldwine. You slept in his house during the Frost Fair. 'Twas over against St. Mary Overy's."

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