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Genus. ETEA.-Cells tubular, erect, from creeping fibre. Britain, &c.

Genus. BEANIA.-Polyzoary horny or chalky. Cells rising from slender tube and open in front; edges with hollow spines. Britain, &c.

Family. FARCIMINARIADÆ.-Cells round imaginary axis, alternate; polyzoary erect, dichotomous.

Genus. FARCIMINARIA.-Cells horny, flexible; edge raised; apertures large. Tasmania.

Family. GEMELLARIADÆ.-Cells opposite, in pairs. Genus. GEMELLARIA.-Cells back to back, pairs facing same way; aperture oval, oblique. Britain, &c.

Genus. DIMETOPIA.-Cells back to back; pairs at right angles. Bass's Straits.

Genus. NOTAMIA.-Avicularia tobacco-pipe-shaped above each pair of cells. Britain.

Family. CABEREADE. - Polyzoary dichotomous; vibracula or sessile avicularia one to several cells.

Genus. CABEREA.-Vibracula large, on back of branches. Algoa Bay, &c.

Family. BICELLARIADÆ.-Vibracula none. Polyzoary dichotomous.

Genus. BICELLARIA.-Cells distinct; aperture upwards; several spines. Britain, &c.

Genus. BUGULA.-Cells elliptical, contiguous; aperture large. Britain, &c.

Family. FLUSTRADÆ.-Polyzoary flat, flexible, leafy, erect. Čells many.

Genus. FLUSTRA.-Cells contiguous, both sides of frond. Britain, &c.

Genus. CARBASEA.-Cells contiguous, one side of frond. Britain, &c.

Genus. DIACHORIS.-Cells separate, each connected with six others by tubular processes. Bass's Straits.

Family. MEMBRANIPORIDE.-Polyzoary flat, chalky, mostly encrusting. Cells horizontal.

Genus. MEMBRANIPORA.-Cells irregular or quincuncial, with raised margins; part of front membranous and flexible. Britain, &c.

Genus. LEPRALIA.-Polyzoary encrusting, spreading from centre. Britain, &c.

Family. CELLEPORIDA.-Cells vertical to axis or plane, heaped or iregular.

Genus. CELLEPORA.-Polyzoary chalky, rigid, heaped or quincuncial. Ascending beak or mouth, with avicularium.

Family. ESCHARIDE.-Polyzoary erect; cells quincuncial in same plane.

Genus. ESCHARA.-Cells on both surfaces, back to back, horizontal to plane of axis. Britain, &c.

Genus. RETEPORA. - Polyzoary leafy, chalky, net-like. Cells immersed, open on surface.

Family. SELENARIADÆ.-Polyzoary flat and rounded, plano-convex or concave. Vibracula large and strong.

Genus. CUPULARIA.-Each cell with vibraculum at apex. Warm seas.

Genus. LUNULITES.-Cells in series from middle, bifurcating; vibracula in alternate lines. Warm seas.

Genus. SELENARIA.-Certain cells with vibracula. Bass's Straits.


Sub-order. CYCLOSTOMATA.-Cell with round simple orifice.

Family. CERISIADA.-Polyzoary planet-like, jointed and branched. Cells tubular, in one or two series; orifices in opposite directions.

Genus. CERISIA.-Cells in two rows; orifices at tips.

Family. TUBULIPORADÆ. — Polyzoary solid, chalky, circular, lobed or two-branched. Cells tubular; orifice round and prominent.


PUSTULOPORA.- Erect, cylindrical; cells half sunken; orifice prominent.

Genus. IDMONEA.-Erect, two-branched. Cells on one side, in rows, divided by a longitudinal line.

Genus. DISCOPORA.-Base thin, sessile and cup-shaped. Genus. ALECTO.-Creeping, branched irregularly. Cells horizontal, in one or more rows; ends free.

Genus. TUBULIPORA.-Base defined, branch-like. Cells nearly erect, aggregate or in imperfect rows.

Family. VESICULARIADA.-Polyzoary plant-like, horny, tubular; cells free, exteriorly flexible.

Genus. BOWERBANKIA.-Mottled and creeping, or erect and branched irregularly. Cells thickly clustered. Animals eight to ten tentacles.

Genus. SERIALARIA.-Cells aggregated in sets, on a stalk and on same side; animals with eight tentacles.

Genus. BUSKIA.-Cells nearly separate, on footstalks, and flask-shaped, with short processes from walls.

Family. ALCYONIDIADE. - Polyzoary spongy, irregular; orifice of cells contractile.

Genus. ALCYONIDIUM.-Polyzoary erect, lobed or simple. Cells sunken and five-angled.

Family. PEDICELLINADA. - Polyzoary plant-like, creeping, adherent, from which spring polypes on foot. stalks.

Genus. PEDICELLINA.--Animal globular. Tentacles curled inwardly, not retractile.

Order. PHYLACTOLÆMATA.-Lophophore bilateral; mouth with epistome.

Sub-order. LOPHOPEA.-Arms of lophophore free. Family. CRISTATELLIDÆ.-Polyzoary free and locomotive.

Genus. CRISTATELLA.-Only genus.

Family. PLUMATELLIDÆ.-Polyzoary rooted.
Sub-family.--Lophophore with two long arms.

Genus. LOPHOPUS. - Polyzoary bag-shaped; ectocyst gelatinous; statoblasts oval; no spines. Britain, &c. Genus. PECTINATELLA. - Polyzoary massive; ectocyst gelatinous; statoblasts disc-shaped, with spines. Britain, &c. Genus. ALCYONELLA.-Polyzoary tubular, tubes united; ectocyst membranous. Britain, &c.

Genus. PLUMATELLA.-Polyzoary tubular, tubes distinct. Britain, &c.

Sub-family.-Arms of lophophore nearly funnel-shaped. Genus. FREDERICELLA.-Only genus.




N.B.-If no country is mentioned, the insect is British.

Ringed animals, breathing by trachea-Head distinct-Legs six, antennæ two; subject to metamorphosis in early stages, mostly developing wings.

Order. COLEOPTERA.-Front wings horny or leathery, concealing the second pair of wings when at rest, horizontal, united down back by straight suture. Hinder of wings membranous, folding cross-wise and longitudinally. Mouth with transversely moveable jaws. Pupa incomplete.

Section. PENTAMERA-Tarsi with five joints, fourth of ordinary size.

Sub-section. ADEPHAGA.-Outer lobe of maxilla distinct and jointed; inner edge of lower jaws with strong spines, tip hooked.

Stirps. GEODEPHAGA.-Legs long, formed for running; jaws long, horny, and curved; eyes prominent.

Family. CICINDELIDE.-Terminal hook of maxilla articulated at base; head wider than thorax; mandible long, sharp, and toothed.

Genus. CICINDELA.-Front tarsi of male with three first joints dilated. Wings large. Many lands.

Genus. MANTICORA.-Elytra soldered together. Tarsi not different in sexes. Mandibles projecting and long; head large. Africa.

Genus. TRICONDYLA.-Wings none. Body long and narrow. Thorax globular. Hot climates.

Family. CARABIDA.-Maxill not clawed. Labial palpi three-jointed, set on footstalk. Head not wider than thorax. World-wide.

Genus. CARABUS.-Labrum wavy in middle. Thorax squared, edges rounded or slightly heart-shaped. Abdomen oval. Wings not fit for flight.

Genus. BRACHINUS.-Labrum broad and short. Mandibles projecting, with two basal teeth. Joints of tarsi entire. Thorax short; elytra broader than thorax and truncated. Genus. ANTHIA.-Labrum rounded, covering base of large mandibles. Thorax narrow behind. Eyes prominent. Wings absent.

Genus. LEBIA.-Claws of tarsi toothed beneath. Mentum with two lobes; no tooth. Last joint of labial palpi hatchet-shaped.

Genus. MORMOLYCE.-Antennæ very long. Head very long, narrow, especially behind. Elytra short, with lobes wider than abdomen. Java.

Genus. HARPALUS.-Tarsi of four front feet with three or four first joints wide, and heart-shaped.

Stirps. HYDRADEPHAGA.-Legs for swimming, two latter pairs flat and fringed with hairs. Body oval and mostly flat. Mandibles short and strong. Thorax broader than long.

Family. DYTICIDÆ.-Front legs short; antennæ long. Genus. DYTICUS.-Tarsi of males wide and flat. Eyes at edge of head, which is drawn into the thorax as far as eyes. Last joint of maxillary palpus oval, and larger than others.

Genus. ILYBIUS.-Elytra smooth. Body very convex, narrow between; second and third joints of labial palpi nearly equal.

Family. GYRINIDE.-Front legs long; antennæ short. Genus. GYRINUS.-Antennæ shorter than head, ninejointed. Eyes divided by lateral edge of head. Elytra not covering tip of abdomen.

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Stirps. CLAVICORNES.-Antennæ club-shaped. Family. HISTERIDE.-Body squared, shining. tennæ short, elbowed; club three-jointed. Elytra short; legs toothed.

Genus. HISTER.-Head small. Elytra shorter than abdomen, blunt. Head retractile.

Stirps. LAMELLICORNES.-Club of antennæ formed of teeth or plates.

Family. LUCANIDE.-Club-toothed.

Genus. LUCANUS. -Mandibles of male very large, like stag's horns; those of female, short, sharp, stout, and curved. Club of antennæ four-jointed.

Family. MELOLONTHIDA.-Labrum two-lobed; mandibles strong. Maxilla with several teeth at tip. Club of antennæ formed of flattened plates. Elytra not quite reaching extremity of abdomen.

Genus. MELOLONTHA.-Club with six or seven joints; claws equal, with basal tooth.

Family. GEOTRUPIDÆ.-Maxillary lobes membranous; mandibles projecting. Elytra rounded behind, and covering abdomen. Club large, globular. Thorax broader than long.

Genus. GEOTRUPES.-Antennæ eleven-jointed, third joint larger than second; neither thorax nor head armed. Body rounded.

Family. SCARABEIDE. - Clypens large, concealing mandibles, which have a fringed membranous plate at their tips. Antennæ eight or nine-jointed. Body rather flattened.

Genus. SCARABEUS.-Head similar in sexes, not horned. Thorax of male often horned or tubercled. Hot countries.

Genus. CHALCOSOMA.-Head, one horn reflected, toothed behind. Maxillary palpi four-jointed; labial three-jointed. Thorax three-horned, central very short. Hot countries..


Family. RUTELIDE.-Antennæ ten-jointed; club threeointed. Mandibles short, horny, notched on outer edge near tip. Maxilla short, with several teeth. Elytra not reaching to end of abdomen.

Genus. CHRYSOPHORA.-Hind legs of male with broad thighs, and tibia armed with long triangular spur, turned inwards. Peru.

Family. DYNASTIDE. · Head or thorax, or both, horned or tuberculated in males. Clypeus small and triangular, pointed or toothed in front. Jaws strong, horny, toothed. Antennæ ten-jointed, club three-jointed.

Genus. CHELORHINA.-Thorax not horned. Head threehorned, the centre horn projecting, curved upwards, and two-cleft at tip. Tropics.

Section. PRIOCERATA.-Antennæ serrated. Stirps. MACROSTERNI.—Thorax large and long. Family. BUPRESTIDE.-Body long; tips of elytra often toothed. Head very short; antennæ serrated. Tarsi short.

Genus. CHRYSOCHROA.-Thorax very broad in middle, narrowing to neck. Eyes large. Elytra narrowing behind. Colours always brilliant. India.

Family. ELATERIDE.-Body hard; antennæ short and serrated; head sunk in thorax as far as eyes. Thorax with hinder angles lengthened at spines. Limbs very short.

Genus. PYROPHORUS.-Antennæ rather stout; elytra sharply pointed. Light-emitting spot near each hinder angle of thorax, and two more under elytra. Brazil.

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Section. ATRACHELIA.-Hinder part of head very wide, sunk into thorax as far as eyes. Elytra firm; joints of tarsi not widened.

Family. TENEBRIONIDE. Elytra free, wings for flight. Thorax as wide behind as base of elytra.

Genus. TENEBRIO. Narrow, long; thorax squared; antennæ thread-like.

Section. PSEUDOTETRAMERA.-Fourth joint of tarsi very minute.

Stirps. RHYNCHOPORA.-Head produced into long beak. Antennæ short and mostly elbowed.

Family. BRUCHIDE.-Beak short, broad, flat. Genus. BRUCHUS. - Antennæ often toothed, slender, sometimes thicker towards tips. Elytra squared and oblong. Family. ATTELABIDE.-Antennæ not elbowed; beak mostly curved and cylindrical.

Genus. RHYNCHITES.-Antennæ straight, eleven-jointed. Neck thick; beak wide at tip.

Family. CURCULIONIDE.-Antennæ elbowed; basal joint long, club at tip. Jaws at end of beak.

Genus. BALANINUS.-Body triangular. Beak nearly or quite as long as body; antennæ set behind middle of beak. Genus. CALANDRA.-Antenna nine-jointed, funiculus six-jointed.

Genus. EUPHOLUS.-Antenna moderate. Beak short, thick, nearly straight. Eyes round. Elytra nearly cylindrical. Tarsi large. New Guinea.

Family. SCOLYTIDE.-Beak short, third joint of tarsus two-lobed. Body cylindric or oblong, rounded above. Antennæ with basal-joint long, end-joints forming a kind of solid mass.

Genus. SCOLYTUS.-Body truncated behind. Funiculus of antennæ six-jointed.

Section. LONGICORNES.-Antennæ very long, sometimes serrated or tufted. Body long, rather flattened; elytra broader than thorax. Head short, not beaked. Legs

Family. TELEPHORIDA.-Both sexes winged; head projecting. Last joint but one of the tarsi with two lobes. Family. PTINIDE. -Body oval or cylindric. Headlong. sunk into thorax as far as eyes; antennæ longish; thorax broad in front.

Genus. MEZIUM.-Elytra globular; thorax furrowed; wings none.

Genus. PTILINUS.-Body cylindric. Antennæ of male comb-like.

Genus. ANOBIUM. Antenna with three last joints largest, last joint egg-shaped. Body longish and eggshaped.

Section. HETEROMERA.-Four front tarsi fivejointed, last pair four-jointed.

Family. PYROCHROIDE.-Body flattened; neck distinct; front part of body narrow. Abdomen broader than thorax, rounded at tip. Antennæ of males serrated.

Genus. PYROCHROA.-Antennæ larger than head and thorax; comb-like in male.

Family. MORDELLIDE.-Body elevated and arched; head very low.

Genus. RIPIPHORUS.-Scutellum concealed; antennæ of male comb-like.

Family. CANTHARIDÆ.-Head wide behind eyes, then narrowed to short neck. Supplementary claws to tarsi. Abdomen soft; thorax narrow behind.

Genus. CANTHARIS.-Narrow, two wings; elytra long. Genus. SITARIS.Elytra narrowed, not overlapping; wings two. Antennæ simple.

Genus. MELOE.-Elytra short, overlapping. Wings none. Antennæ various.

Family. PRIONIDE.-Head not narrowed into neck. Mandibles very large and strong. Antennæ inserted between base of mandibles and eyes.

Genus. XENOCERUS.-Antennæ enormously long. Beak short, wide and bent. Eyes scooped. Thorax rather long, or transverse; stripe before base. Elytra rather cylindrical.

Family. CERAMBYCIDE.-Eyes semilunar or kidneyshaped. Antennæ inserted close to eyes, not serrated. Body long.

Genus. CERAMBYX.-Body rather rounded, no spines on antennæ. Cross wrinkles on thorax.

Genus. CLYTUS.-Thorax globular, not armed. Antennæ horned; elytra entire at tip.

Genus. DISAULAX.-Thorax rounded, wide in middle. Antennæ densely tufted in middle.

Section. PHYTOPHAGA.-Body thick, oval, round, or squared. Head short, sunk to eyes in abdomen. Antennæ short.

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Section. PSEUDOTRIMERA. Third joint of tarsi minute, recurved between the two lobes of second joint. Elytra covering abdomen.

Family. COCCINELLIDE.-Body convex and hemisperical. Thorax short and transverse. Second joint of tarsi large.

Genus. COCCINELLA.-Hinder angles of thorax sharp.

Order. DERMAPTERA.—Front wings leathery, small; suture straight, partly covering large hinder wings. Forceps at end of tail. Pupa resembling perfect insect, but without wings.

Family.-As Order.

Genus. FORFICULA.-Antennæ fourteen joints; elytra and wings perfect.

Order. ORTHOPTERA.-Front wings on elytra parchment-like, large, heavily veined, overlapping at tip. Hinder wings large, folded longitudinally. Tail often spiked.

Section. CURSORIA.—Legs all for running.

Family. BLATTIDE.-Body oval and flat. Head small, often hidden under thorax. Antennæ very long, hair-like; legs spurred. Two short-jointed appendages to abdomen. Genus. BLATTA.--As family.

Section. RAPTORIA.--Body long, narrow, nearly cylindrical. Abdomen broader than front of body. Head exposed. Upper wings horizontal. Fore-legs enormous, used for capture.

Family. MANTIDE.-As Section.

Section. AMBULATORIA.-Body long and slender. All legs alike. Front wings comparatively small, hinder wings large.

Family. PHASMIDE.-As Section.

Genus. PHYLLIUM.-Body flat, broad; front wings like leaves; legs provided with leaf-like appendages. Antennæ of male half length of body, those of female still shorter. East Indies.

Genus. BACTERIA.-Wingless. Antennæ haired, larger than head. East Indies.

Section. SALTATORIA.-Hind-legs. for leaping. Family. ACHETIDE.-Antennæ very long and slender. Wings large, forming, when filled, a pair of projecting spines; wing-covers of male with talc-like spot at base. Both legs flat on body. Jaws strong, with several sharp teeth. Genus. GRYLLOTALPA.-Fore-legs broad and palmed. No external ovipositor.

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Family. GRYLLIDE.-Wings and covers forming a slanting roof. Ovipositor mostly flat and sabre-like.

Genus. PHASGONURA.-Wings and covers long. Ovipositor long and straight. Four short spines on end of abdomen.

Family. LOCUSTIDEÆ.-No projecting ovipositor. Antennæ short.

Genus. LOCUSTA.-Antennæ simple. Wings and covers large.

Order. THYSANOPTERA. - Wings four, similar, long, narrow, not folded, lying along back. Mandibles like bristles. Tarsi two-jointed.

Order. NEUROPTERA.-Wings four, large, equal. Mandibles powerful. Ovipositor with several valves.

Section. BIOMORPHOTICA.-Pupa active. Family. TERMITIDA.-Both sexes winged. Neuters not winged. Body oblong, flat. Antenne short; mandibles flattened, toothed, triangular. Wings nearly twice as long as body.

Genus. TERMES.-Labrum four-cleft; palpi three-jointed. Tarsi four-jointed. Hot countries.

Family. PERLIDE.-Hinder wings very large and folded. Tarsi three-jointed.

Family. EPHEMERIDE. Tarsi five-jointed.

- Front wings very large.

Genus. EPHEMERA.-Wings four; three appendages to abdomen. Head of larva horned.

Family. LIBELLULIDE.-Head large, globular; abdomen long; thorax deep. Antennæ very short. Mandibles very powerful, and masked by lips. Appendages to abdomen not jointed.

Genus. LIBELLULA (including ICTINUS).-Hinder angle of second pair of wings rounded. Ocelli in a triangle.

Genus. CALEPTERYX.-Head transverse, hammer-shaped. Cells of wings very numerous, dark spot hardly visible.

Section. SUBNECROMORPHOTICA.-Pupa quiescent, but becoming active just before last transformation.

Family. PANORPIDE.-Head lengthened into a beak. Body long and slender. Legs long. Tarsi five-jointed; two spurs on tibiæ.

Family. HEMEROBIIDA.-Body short and delicate. Wings very broad and membranous. Head small; eyes prominent; antennæ long and delicate.

Family. MYRMELEONIDE.-Body long and slender. Head small; no ocelli. Wings large and netted, with a strong forked vein. Abdomen long.

Genus. MYRMELEON.-Wings equal size. Hot countries. Genus. NEMOPTERA.-Hind-wings very long and narrow. Hot countries.

Order. TRICHOPTERA. Wings four; front pair mostly hairy, second pair large and folded when at rest. Long spines at end of tibiæ. Mouth not fitted for eating. Larva mostly resident in sub-aquatic case. Pupa mostly inactive,

Order. HYMENOPTERA.-Wings four, transparent, membranous; veins few, hinder pair smallest. Mandibles powerful. Abdomen of female either with a saw or a sting. Larva footless; pupa inactive.

Section. TEREBRANTIA.-Abdomen of females furnished with a boring instrument. No poison gland. Sub-section. PHYTIPHAGA.-No footstalk to abdomen. Tribe. SERRIFERA.-Boring instrument saw-like. Family. TENTHREDINIDÆ.-As Tribe. Genus. CIMBEX. Club of antennæ composed of two united joints; five joints preceding club.

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Genus. ICHNEUMON.-Abdomen long and egg-shaped, first segment rough. Ovipositor not protruding. Antennæ simple. Outer cell of front wings complete.

Genus. RHYSSA.-Abdomen long, convex, and shining. Faint wrinkles across thorax. Ovipositor very long. Genus. MICROGASTER. Abdomen very small. hairy. Antennæ eighteen-jointed.


Tribe. TUBULIFERA.-Abdomen telescopic and retractile at tip. Antennæ elbowed.

Family. CHRYSIDIDÆ.-As Tribe.

Section. ACULEATA. - Ovipositor modified into sting, with poison-glands. Sting defended by two-bladed sheath.

Sub-section. INSECTIVORA.-Front wings not folded. Larva solitary.

Family. CRABRONIDE.-Head long and squared. Mandibles narrow. No elongated beak. Front tibia with a combed spur.

Genus. CRABRO.-Face very wide. Antennæ strongly elbowed. Mandibles two, cleft at tip. Maxillary palpi with six joints, labial with four.

Genus. PHILANTHUS.-Abdomen long and rather eggshaped. Cell on edge of front wings very narrow and pointed.

Family. BEMBECIDE.-Head transverse, eyes extending to hinder edge. Mandibles sharp, with one tooth inside. End lobe of maxillæ long. Tongue mostly long.

Genus. MONEDULA.-Body long, pointed at tip. Antennæ set in middle of face. Tarsi with short spines. Males with one or two spines in tubercles, on under surface of abdomen.

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Family. SCOLIIDE. - Collar extending to base of wings. Legs short and stout. Antennæ mostly short and thick. Both sexes winged.

Genus. SCOLIA.-Antennæ short and curled. Legs with thick spines. Labium composed of three parts set in a line. Hot countries.

Family. MUTILLIDE.-Females wingless. First and third joints of antennæ long. Mandibles notched. Sting very long.

Genus. MUTILLA.-Antennæ set above front edge of shield. Thorax not divided. Hot countries. Sub-section.


SODALES.-Front wings not folded. Larva

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Sub-section. DIPLOPTERYGA.-Front wings folded. Family. EUMENIDE.-Solitary. No neuters. Mandibles rather long. End joints of antennæ often hooked in males. Thorax short. Abdomen sometimes on footstalk. Legs not spined.

Genus. EUMENES.-Basal segment of abdomen narrow, and forming a footstalk.

Genus. ODYNERUS.-Basal segment of abdomen short, rather bell-shaped. Abdomen rather conic.

Family. VESPIDE.-Shield of head nearly square. Mandibles short, toothed at the tips. Antennae twelvejointed in females and neuters; thirteen-jointed in males. Genus. VESPA. Abdomen egg-shaped. Mandibles

oblique at tip.

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Genus. NOMADA.-Body long. Maxillary palpi six-jointed."


Marginal cell broad.

Genus. CHRYSANTHEDA.-Tongue long as body. No pollen-basket on hind-legs.

Genus. XYLOCOPA.- Body broad, hairy. Mandibles of female blunt.

Genus. BOMBUS. Spurs on hinder tibiæ. Genus.

Body thick, rounded, and hairy. APIS.-Body moderately slender. No spurs on

hinder tibiæ.

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Genus. LEPTOCIRCUS.-Hinder wings folded longitudinally, very long, slightly curved at extremity. Abdomen short. Palpi very short. Java.

Genus. THAIS. Inner edges of hinder wings deeply scooped. East Indies.

Sub-family. Pierides.-Hind-wings forming a gutter for the reception of the abdomen.

Genus. PIERIS.-Wings rounded, partly bare. Club of antennæ compressed.

Family. HELICONIIDÆ. Fore-legs small. Central cell of hind-wings closed. Palpi short, and set far apart. Club small.

Genus. HELICONIA.-Front wings long, narrow, entire ; hinder wings narrow, receding from abdomen. All wings nearly transparent. Palpi rising above head. Front tarsus wide and slightly toothed. West Indies.

Genus. LEPTALIS.-Front wings curved and scooped, so as to form a hook.

Genus. MECHANITIS.-Wings very long, entire. Hinder wings narrow at base. Body slender. Hot countries.

Genus. ITHONIA. Wings almost wholly transparent, except round edges, and a short bar on front edge. Central America.

Genus. EUPLEA.- Front legs short and imperfect. Antennæ set close together, club long and curved. Palpi short, thickly haired. Hot countries.

Genus. DANAIS.-Antennæ very long. Palpi set apart. Wings with triangular outline. Central cell of hind-wings closed. Hot countries.

Family. NYMPHALIDE. - Fore-legs rudimentary in both sexes, and thickly haired. Central cell of hinder wings either open or closed, with a very slender nerve.

Genus. CYRESTIS.-Hinder wings scooped from tip of abdomen. Outer edge of front wings nearly straight. Hot


Genus. CETHOSIA.-Palpi set close, but diverging, and tipped with slender extremity. Lower wings embracing abdomen. Hot countries.

Genus. AGRAULIS.-Wings scooped round hinder edges. Hind-wings not tailed. Hot countries.

Genus. MARPESIA.-Front wings deeply scooped and rather hooked; hind-wings with two tails, outer three times as long as inner. Hot countries.

Genus. VANESSA.-Club of antennæ short. Eyes hairy. Front wings angular.

Genus. CATAGRAMMA.-Wings large, rounded on hinder edges. Under side of lower wings markel with rings, mostly so as to form the figure 8. New World.

Genus. NYMPHALIS.-Palpi close, erect, hairy. Club gradual. Hot countries.

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