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was not

ligious doctrines were almost entirely the terial function: and they believe that the same with those adopted by the church of imposition of hands of bishops or presGeneva. During the administration of Crom-byters would convey to him no powers well, the Independents acquired very considerable reputation and influence and he before possessed. or prerogatives of which he made use of them as a check to the ambi-bute no virtue to ordination, as conveyBut though they attri tion of the Presbyterians, who aimed at a ing any new powers, yet they hold with very high degre of ecclesiastical power, and and practice it. Many of them, indeed, who had succeeded, soon after the elevation suppose that the essence of ordination does of Cromwell, in obtaining a parliamentary not lie in the act of the ministers who establishment of their own church govern assist, but in the choice and call of the peoment. But after the restoration, their cause pie, and the candidate's acceptance of that declined; and in 1691 they entered into an call; so that their ordination may be conassociation with the Presbyterians residing insidered only as a public declaration of that and about London, comprised in nine arti-agreement. See ORDINATION. They concles, that tended to the maintenance of their sider it as their right to choose their own respective institutions. These may be found in ministers and deacons. They own no man the second volume of Whiston's Memoirs, as head of the church. They disallow of and the substance of them in Mosheim. At parochial and provincial subordination; but this time, the Independents and Presbyteri- though they do not think it necessary to ans, called from this association the United assemble syneds. yet, if any be held, they Brethren, were agreed with regard to doc- look upon their resolutions as prudential trines, being generally Calvinists, and dif- councils, but not as decisions to which fered only with respect to ecclesiastical dis-they are obliged to conform. They concipline. But at present, though the English sider the scriptures as the only criterion Independents and Presbyterians form two of truth. distinct parties of Protestant Dissenters, decent, plain, and simple manner, without Their worship is conducted in a they are distinguished by very trifling differ- the ostentation of form and the vain pomp ences with regard to church government, of ceremony. and the denominations are more arbitrarily used to comprehend those who differ in The congregations of the Independents theological opinions. The independents are America, and some of them very respectare very numerous both in England, and generally more attached to Calvinism than able. the Presbyterians. Independentism is pecu many characters as eminent for learning This denomination has produced liar to Great-Britain, the United States, and and piety as any church in Christendom, the Batavian Republic. It was carried first whose works, no doubt will reflect lastto the American colonies in 1620, and bying honour on their characters and abil. successive Puritan emigrants, in 1629, and ities. See CHUrch CongregATIONAL; 1633, from England. One Morel, in the NONCONFORMISTS, and books under those sixteenth century, endeavoured to introduce articles. it into France; but it was condemned at the synod of Rochelle, where Beza presided; and again at the synod of Rochelle, in


of prohibited books in the church of Rome. INDEX EXPURGATORY, a catalogue The first catalogues of this kind were made Many of the Independents reject the wards approved of by the council of Trent, by the inquisitors, and these were afteruse of all creeds and confessions drawn after some alteration was made in them by up by fallible men, though they require way of retrenchment or addition. Thus an of their teachers a declaration of their index of heretical bocks being formed, it belief in the Gospel, and its various doc- was confirmed by a bull of Clement Vill. trines, and their adherence to the scriptures in 1595, and printed with several introducas the sole standard of faith and practice. tory rules; by the fourth of which, the They attribute no virtue whatever to the use of the scriptures in the vulgar tongue rite of ordination, upon which some other is forbidden to all persons without a parchurches lay so much stress. According to ticular licence; and by the tenth rule it them, the qualifications which constitute a regular minister of the New Testament are, is ordained, that no book shall be printed at a firm belief in the Gospel, a principle of vicar, or some person delegated by the Rome without the approbation of the pope's sincere and unaffected piety, a competent pope nor in any other place, unless alstock of knowledge, a capacity for leading lowed by the bishop of the diocese, or some devotion and communicating instruction, a person deputed by him, or by the inquisitor serious inclination to engage in the import- of heretical pravity. ant employment of promoting the everlast-being thus published, Philip II. of Spain ing salvation of mankind, and ordinarily an ordered another to be printed at Antwerp The Trent index invitation to the pastoral office from some in 1571, with considerable enlargements. particular society of Christians. these things concur, they consider a person in 1584, a copy of which was snatched Where Another index was published in Spain, as fitted and authorised for the discharge of out of the fire when the English plunevery duty which belongs to the minis-dered Cadiz. Afterwards there were

several expurgatory indexes printed at Rome and Naples and particularly in Spain.

and excesses, how enormous soever they may be: even from such as are reserved for the cognizance of the holy see, and as far as the keys of the holy church ex. you deserve in purgatory on their account: and I restore you to the holy sacraments of the church, to the unity of the faithful, and to that innocence and purity which you possessed at baptism: so that when you die, the gates of punishment shall be shut, and the gates of the paradise of delight shall be opened, and if you shall not die at present, this grace shall remain in full force when you are at the point of death. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost." According to a book, called the INDULGENCES, in the Romish church,Tax of the sacred Roman Chancery, in

INDIGNATION, a strong disapprobation of mind, excited by something flagitious intend-I remit to you all punishment which the conduct of another. It does not, as Mr. Cogan observes, always suppose that excess of depravity which alone is capable of committing deeds of horror. Indignation always refers to culpability of conduct, and cannot, like the passion of horror, be extended to distress either of body or mind. It is produced by acts of treachery, abuse of confidence, base ingratitude, &c., which we cannot contemplate without being provoked to anger, and feeling a generous re


are a remission of the punishment due to sin, granted by the church, and suppposed to save the sinner from purgatory.

According to the doctrine of the Romish church, all the good works of the saints, over and above those which were necessary towards their own justification, are deposited together, with the infinite merits of Jesus Christ, in one inexhaustible treasury. The keys of this were committed to St. Peter, and to his successors, the popes, who may open it at pleasure; and, by transferring a portion of this superabundant merit to any particular person for a sum of money, may convey to him either the pardon of his own sins, or a release for any one in whom he is interested from the pains of purgatory. Such indulgencies were first invented in the eleventh century, by Urban II. as a recompence for those who went in person upon the glorious enterprize of conquering the Holy Land. They were afterwards granted to those who hired a soldier for that purpose; and in process of time were bestowed on such as gave money for accomplishing any pious work enjoined by the pope. The power of granting indulgences has been greatly abused in the church of Rome. Pope Leo X. in order to carry on the magnificent structure of St. Peters, at Rome, published indulgences, and a plenary remission to all such as should contribute money towards it. Finding the project take, he granted to Albert, elector of Mentz, and archbishop of Magdeburg, the benefit of the indulgences of Saxony, and the neighbouring parts, and farmed out of those of other countries to the highest bidders: who, to make the best of their bargain, procured the ablest preachers to cry up the value of the ware. The form of these indulgences was as follows:-"May our Lord Jesus Christ have mercy upon thee, and absolve thee by the merits of his most holy passion. And I, by his authority, that of his blessed apostles, Peter and Paul, and of the most holy pope, granted and committed to me in these parts, do absolve thee, first from all ecclesiastical censures, is whatever manner they have been incur red; then from all thy sins, transgressions,

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And so on.

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The terms in which the retailers of indulgences describe their benefits, and the necessity of purchasing them, were so extravagant, that they appear almost incredible. If any man, said they, purchase letters of indulgence, his soul may rest secure with respect to its salvation. The souls confined in purgatory, for whose redemption indulgences are purchased, as soon as the money tinkles in the chest, instantly escape from that place of torment, and ascend into heaven. That the efficacy of indulgences was so great, that the most heinous sins, even if one should violate (which was impossible) the Mother of God, would be remitted and expiated by them, and the person be freed both from punishment and guilt. That this was the unspeakable gift of God, in order to reconcile man to himself. That the cross erected by the preachers of indulgences was equally efficacious with the cross of Christ itself." Lo," said they, "the heavens are open: if you enter not now, when will you enter? For twelve pence you may redeem the soul of your father out of pur gatory; and are you so ungrateful that you will not rescue the soul of your parent from torment? If you had but one coat, you ought to strip yourself instantly, and sell it, in order to purchase such benefit," &c. It was this great abuse of indulgences that contributed not a little to the reformation of religion in Germany, where Martin



us, receives its authority from hers. To assign and fix the sense of scripture, which all Christians are submissively to receive. || 4. To decree as necessary to salvation whatin scripture-5. To decide all controver ever she judges so, although not contained

Luther began first to declaim against the preachers of indulgences, and afterwards against indulgences themselves. Since that time the popes have been more sparing in the exercise of this power; although it is said, they still carry on a great trade with them to the Indies, where they are pur-sies respecting matters of faith. These chased at two rials a piece, and sometimes are the claims to which the church of Rome more. We are told also that a gentleman pretends, but which we shall not here at-not long since being at Naples, in order that tempt to refute, because any man with the he might be fully ascertained respecting in- || Bible in his hand, and a little common dulgences, went to the office, and for two sense, will easily see that they are all found sequins purchased a plenary remission of ed upon ignorance, superstition, and error, all sins for bimself and any two other persons of his friends or relations, whose names It is not a little remarkable, however, that he was empowered to insert. Haweis' divided as to the seat of this infallibility: the Roman Catholics themselves are much Church Hist. vol. iii. p. 147. Smith's Er- and, which indeed, may be considered as a rors of the Church of Rome. Watson's satisfactory proof, that no such privilege Theol. Tracts, vol. v. p. 274. Mosheim's exists in the church. For is it consistent Eccl. Hist. vol. i. p. 594, quarto. INDUSTRY, diligence, constant applica- imparted so extraordinary a gift to prewith reason, to think that God would have tion of the mind, or exercise of the body. vent errors and dissentions in the church, See DILIGENCE and IDLENESS. INDWELLING SCHEME, a schemeror and dissention, viz. the uncertainty of and yet have left an additional cause of erwhich derives its name from that passage the place of its abode? No, surely. Some in Col. ii. 9. "In him dwelleth all the ful- place this infallibility in the pope or bishop ness of the Godhead bodily," which, according to some, asserts the doctrine of in neither pope nor council separately, but of Rome; some in a general council; others Christ's consisting of two beings; one the in both conjointly; whilst others are said to self-existent Creator, and the other a crea-place it in the church diffusive, or in all ture made into one person by an ineffable union and indwelling which renders the same attributes and honours equally applicable to both. See PRE-EXISTENCE. Dr. Oeven's Glory of Christ, p. 368, 369, London edition, 1679 A Sermon entitled "The true Christ of God above the false Christ of men," Ipswich, 1799. Christ, p. 6-203. Adams' View of ReliWatts' Glory of gions, p. 267.

INFALLIBILITY, the quality of not being able to be deceived or mistaken.

churches throughout the world. But that it could not be deposited in the pope is evident, for many popes have been heretics, and on that account censured and deposed, and therefore could not have been infallible. That it could not be placed in a general council is as evident; for general councils placed in the pope and council conjointly; have actually erred. Neither could it be ble any more than two ciphers could make for two fallibles could not make one infalli The Infallibility of the church of Rome church universal or diffusive, is equally as an integer. To say that it is lodged in the has been one of the great controversies be-erroneous; for this would be useless and intween the Protestants and Papists. By this|| infallibility, it is understood, that she cannot at any time cease to be orthodox in her doctrine, or fall into any pernicious errors; but that she is constituted, by divine authority, the judge of all controversies of religion, and that all Christians are obliged to acquiesce in her decisions. chain which keeps its members fast bound This is the to its communion: the charm which retains them within its magic circle; the opiate which lays asleep all their doubts and difficulties; it is likewise the magnet which attracts the desultory and unstable in other persuasions within the sphere of popery, the foundation of its whole superstructure, the cement of all its parts, and its fence and fortress against all inroads and attacks. Under the idea of this infallibility, the church of Rome claims, 1. To determine what books are and what are not canonical,|| and to oblige all Christians to receive or reject them accordingly. 2. To communicate authority to the scripture; or, in other words, that the scripture (quoad nos) as to"

significant, because it could never be exercised. The whole church could not meet to make decrees, or to choose representatives, tion started; and, less than all would not be or to deliver their sentiments on any questhe whole church, and so could not claim that privilege.

said, is, that of its being seated in the pope The most general opinion, however, it is and a general council. The advocates for this opinion consider the pope as the vicar of Christ, head of the church, and centre of unity; and therefore conclude, that his concurrence with, and approbation of, the decrees of a general council are necessary, and sufficient to afford it an indispensable sanction and plenary authority. A general council they regard as the church represen tative, and suppose, that nothing can be wanting to ascertain the truth of any controversial point, when the pretended head of the church and its members, assembled in their supposed representatives, mutually concur and coincide in judicial definitions and decrees, but that infallibility attends

their coalition and conjunction in all their determinations.

mitted to this ordinance. One of the greatest advocates for this practice was Mr. Every impartial person, who considers Pierce. He pleads the use or it even unto this this subject with the least degree of atten- || day among the Greeks, and in the Bohction, must clearly perceive, that neither any mian churches, til near the time of the reindividual nor body of Christians, have any formation; but especially from the custom ground from reason or scripture, for pre-of the ancient churches, as it appears from tending to infallibility. It is evidently the many passages in Photius, Augustin, and attribute of the Supreme Being alone, Cyprian. But Dr. Doddridge observes, that which we have all the foundation imaginable Mr. Pierce's proof from the more ancient to conclude he has not communicated to any fathers is very defective. His arguments mortal, or associations of mortals. The from scripture chiefly depend upon this gehuman being who challenges infallibility, neral medium: that Christians, succeeding seems to imitate the pride and presumption to the Jews as God's people, and being of Lucifer, when he said,-I will ascend, grafted upon that stock, their infants have and will be like the Most High. A claim to a right to all the privileges of which they it was unheard of in the primitive and pu- are capable, till forfeited by some immoralirest ages of the church; but became, after ties; and consequently, have a right to parthat period, the arrogant pretension of pa- take of this ordinance, as the Jewish chilpal ambition. History plainly informs us, dren had to eat of the passover and other that the bishops of Rome, on the declension sacrifices: besides this, he pleads those of the western Roman empire, began to put texts which speak of the Lord's supper as' in their claim of being the supreme and in- || received by all Christians. fallible heads of the Christian church: The most obvious answer to all this, is, which they at length established by their that which is taken from the incapacity of deep policy and unremitting efforts; by the infants to examine themselves, and discern concurrence of fortunate circumstances; by the Lord's body; but he answers, that this the advantages which they reaped from the precept is only given to persons capable of necessities of some princes, and the super- understanding and complying with it, as stition of others; and by the general and ex- those which require faith in order to bapcessive credulity of the people. However, tism are interpreted by the Pado-baptists. when they had grossly abused this absurd As for his argument from the Jewish childpretension, and committed various acts of ren eating the sacrifice, it is to be considerinjustice, tyranny, and cruelty; when the ed, that this was not required as circumblind veneration for the papal dignity had cision was; the males were not necessarily been greatly diminished by the long and brought to the temple till they were twelve scandalous schism occasioned by contending years old, Luke ii. 42. and the sacrifices popes; when these had been for a consi- they eat of were chiefly peace offerings, derable time roaming about Europe, fawn- which became the common food to all that ing on princes, squeezing their adherents, were clean in the family, and were not and cursing their rivals; and when the looked upon as acts of devotion to such a councils of Constance and Basil had challen-degree as our eucharist is; though, indeed, ged and exercised the right of deposing and electing the bishops of Rome, then their pretensions to infallibility were called in question, and the world discovered that Councils were a jurisdiction superior to that of the towering pontiff's. Then it was that this infallibility was transferred by many divines from popes to general councils, and On the whole, it is certain there would the opinion of the superior authority of a be more danger of a contempt arising to the council above that of a pope spread vastly, Lord's supper from the admission of infants, especially under the profligate pontificate of and of confusion and trouble to other comAlexander VI. and the martial one of Julius municants; so that not being required in IL The popes were thought, by numbers, scripture, it is much better to omit it. When to be too unworthy possessors of so rich a children are grown up to a capacity of bejewel; at the same time it appeared to be having decently, they may soon be instructof too great a value, and of too extensive ed in the nature and design of the ordiconsequence to be parted with entirely. It nance; and if they appear to understand it, was, therefore, by the major part of the Ro- and behave for some competent time of trial man church, deposited with or made the in a manner suitable to that profession, it property of, general councils, either solely would probably be advisable to admit them or conjointly with the pope. See Smith's to communion, though very young; which, Errors of the Church of Rome detected; by the way, might be a good security and a list of writers under article POPERY. against many of the shares to which youth INFANT COMMUNION. the admis- are exposed.-Doddridge's Lectures, lec. sion of infants to the ordinance of the 207. Pierce's Essay on the Eucharist, p. Lord's supper. It has been debated by 76, &c. Witsius on Cov. book 4. chap. 17. some, whether or no infants should be ad-§ 30, 32. J. Frid. Mayer Diss. de Eucha


they were a token of their acknowledging the divinity of that God to whom they had been offered, 1 Cor. x. 18. and even the passover was a commemoration of a temporal deliverance; nor is there any reason to believe that its reference to the Messiah was generally understood by the Jews.

[ocr errors]

ristia Infantum. Zornius Hist. Eucharist. with sufficient clearness by the light of naInfantum, p. 18. Theol. and Bib. Mag. ture. Bolingbroke, and others of his succes→ Jan and April 1806. sors, advanced much farther, and attemptINFANTS, salvation of "Various opi-ed to invalidate the proofs of the moral chanions," says an acute writer, "concerning the racter of the Deity, and consequently, all future state of infants have been adopted. expectations of rewards and punishments, Some think, all dying in infancy are annihila- leaving the Supreme Being no other perfected; for, say they, infants being incapable of tions than those which belong to a first moral good or evil, are not proper objects of cause, or Almighty contriver. After him, reward or punishment. Others think that at a considerable distance, followed Hume, they share a fate similar to adults; a part the most subtle of all, who boldly aimed to saved, and a part perish. Others affirm all introduce an universal scepticism, and to are saved, because all are immortal, and pour a more than Egyptian darkness into all are innocent. Others, perplexed with the whole region of morals. Since his time, these divers sentiments, think best to leave sceptical writers have sprung up in abunthe subject untouched. Cold comfort to pa- dance, and infidelity has allured multitudes rents, who bury their families in infancy! to its standard; the young and superficial, The most probable opinion seems to be, that by its dexterous sophistry; the vain, by the they are all saved, through the merits of literary fame of its champion; and the prothe Mediator, with an everlasting salvation. fligate, by the licentiousness of its princiThis has nothing in it contrary to the per-ples" But let us ask, What will be its fections of God, or to any declaration of the Is there any thing in the geholy scriptures and it is highly agreeable nius of this principle that will lead us to to all those passages which affirm, where sin suppose it will reign triumphant? So far hath abounded, grace hath much more from it, we have reason to believe that it abounded. On these principles, the death of will be banished from the earth. Its inconChrist saves more than the fall of Adam sistency with reason; its incongruity with the lost." If the reader be desirous of examin- || nature_of_man; its cloudy and obscure ing the subject, we refer him to page 415. v. ii. || Robinson's Cloude Gillard and Williams's Essays on Infant Salvation. An Attempt to elucidate Rom. v. 12 by an anonymous writer. Watts's Ruin and Recovery, page 324, 327. Edwards on Original Sin. page 431, 434. Doddridge's Lectures, lecture 168. Ridgley's Body of Divinity, v. i. p.



prospects; its unsatisfying nature; its opposition to the dictates of conscience; its pernicious tendency to eradicate every just principle from the breast of man, and to lead the way for every species of vice and immorality, shews that it cannot flourish, but must finally fall. And, as Mr. Hall justly observes, "We have nothing to fear; for, to an attentive observer of the signs of the times, INFIDELITY, want of faith in God, or||it will appear one of the most extraordinary the disbelief of the truths of revelation, and the great principles of religion. If we enquire into the rise of infidelity, we shall find it does not take its origin from the result of sober enquiry, close investigation, or full conviction: but it is rather, as one observes, "The slow production of a careless and irreligious life, operating together with prejudices and erroneous conceptions concerning the nature of the leading doctrines of Christianity. It may, therefore, be laid down as an axiom, that infidelity is, in general, a disease of the heart more than of the understanding; for we always find, that infidelity increases in proportion as the general morals decline. If we consider the nature and effect of this principle, we shall find that it subverts the whole foundation of morals; it tends directly to the destruction of a taste for moral excellence, and promotes the growth of those vices which are most hostile to social happiness, especially vanity, ferocity, and unbridled sensuality. As to the progress of it, it is certain that, of late years, it has made rapid strides. Lord Herbert did not, indeed, so much impugn the doctrine or the morality of the scriptures, as attempt to supersede their necessity, by endeavouring to shew, that the great principles of the unity of God, a moral government, and a future world, are taught

phænomena of this eventful crisis, that, amidst the ravages of atheism and infidelity, real religion is on the increase; for while infidelity is marking its progress by devastation and ruin, by the prostration of thrones and concussion of kingdoms, thus appalling the inhabitants of the world, and compelling them to take refuge in the church of God, the true sanctuary; the stream of divine knowledge, unobserved, is flowing in new channels; winding its course among humble vallies, refreshing thirsty deserts, and enriching, with far other and higher blessings than those of commerce, the most distant climes and nations; until agreeably to the prediction of prophecy, the knowledge of the Lord shall fill and coverthe whole earth." See Hall's admirable Sermon on Infidelity. Fuller's Gospel of Christ its own Witness. Bishop Watson's Apology for the Bible. Wilberforce's Practical View, § 3. chap. vii. Bishop Horne's Letters on Infidelity, and books under article DEISM.

INFIRMITY, applied to the mind, de notes frailty, weakness. It has been a ques tion, what may properly be denominated sins of infirmity.

1. Nothing, it is said, can be excused under that name, which, at the time of its commission, is known to be a sin.-2. Nothing can be called a sin of infirmity which

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