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Of vain Philosophy, and worldly Hope,
And sweet-lipped, hollow-hearted Flattery-
All these, great personages once on earth,
And not unfollowed, nor unpraised, were left,
Thy ever unredeemed, and with thee driven
To Erebus, through whose uncheerèd wastes
Thou mayest chase them, with thy broken scythe
Fetching vain strokes, to all eternity,

Unsatisfied, as men who, in the days

Of time, their unsubstantial forms pursued.




Countless myriads of the human race cover earth, air, and sea.—All in the last pause of expectation.-The scene, and the aspects of men described. No parallel to this assembly in the annals of Time.-Men in this congregation stripped of all human distinctions.-Men discover the folly of their favourite pursuits:-The Antiquarian—the Monk— the Controversialist-the Bigot.-Denunciation of Bigotry:-The cruel nature of Persecution:-the Inquisition, her favourite retreat:-her day of retribution arrived.-The Man of Sin :-Falsehood of his absolutions and passports to Paradise.-Miserable state of those who trusted to Priests, and prayed by proxy.-The day of Resurrection terminates all the pleasures of sin.-The Epicure.-The Sceptic.-The Tyrant.— The Man of Fashion:-his pursuits in Time.—The fine lady contrasted with the virtuous matron.-The Lunatic:-Causes of Madness.-Story of a seduced girl.-The corrupt Judge:· -The lawyer who employed falsehood and sophistry.-The unfair trader-Custom will not excuse sin.-The indolent man finds no neutral ground.—The lying quack— and the dealer in fiction.-The Duellist-and Suicide.-Erroneous notions of honour and duty that prevailed among men.—The Hypocrite: -Value of a good name:-Virtue often robbed by Vice of her good name.-Rumour:-The infamous tales she spread in Time.-Slander:Character of the Slanderer.-The false Priest:-His snares for souls:His life worse than his doctrines.—All the ordinary temptations of Time now removed.—Envy still finds food.—The envious man :-Critics. -Envy as seen in the place of darkness.-How men, believing in wrath to come, persisted in the way that led to perdition.-Faith:-its nature : -The faith that was to salvation.-False and wicked reasonings on man's moral powers and capacities, and on faith.-The entire freedom of the human will asserted.



EANIMATED now, and dressed in robes


Of everlasting wear, in the last pause Of expectation, stood the human race, Buoyant in air, or covering shore and sea, From east to west, thick as the eared grain, In golden autumn waved, from field to field, Profuse, by Nilus' fertile wave, while yet Earth was, and men were in her valleys seen.

Still all was calm in heaven. Nor yet appeared The Judge, nor aught appeared, save here and there, On wing of golden plumage borne at will,

A curious angel, that from out the skies
Now glanced a look on man, and then retired.
As calm was all on earth. The ministers
Of God's unsparing vengeance waited, still
Unbid. No sun, no moon, no star gave light.
A blessed and holy radiance, travelled far
From day original, fell on the face

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