p. 113. "And who hath not been ravished, as she passed In much simplicity, but ill to solve: And heard their observations strange and new; Young Loves, young Hopes, dancing on Morning's cheek, Gems leaping in the coronet of Love! Hail, holy Love! thou word that sums all bliss, Gives and receives all bliss, fullest when most Thou givest! spring-head of all felicity, Deepest when most is drawn! emblem of God! O'erflowing most when greatest numbers drink! Essence that binds the uncreated Three, Chain that unites creation to its Lord, Centre to which all being gravitates, Eternal, ever-growing, happy Love! Enduring all, hoping, forgiving all; Instead of law, fulfilling every law; Entirely blest, because thou seek'st no more, Hopest not, nor fear'st; but on the present liv'st, And hold'st perfection smiling in thy arms. But why should I to thee of love divine ? Kindred to this, part of this holy flame, Was youthful love-the sweetest boon of Earth. Hail, Love! first Love, thou word that sums all bliss! The sparkling cream of all Time's blessedness, The silken down of happiness complete! Discerner of the ripest grapes of joy, She gathered and selected with her hand, All rarest odours, all divinest sounds, All thoughts, all feelings dearest to the soul; And brought the holy mixture home, and filled The heart with all superlatives of bliss. But who would that expound, which words transcends, Must talk in vain. Behold a meeting-scene Of early love, and thence infer its worth. It was an eve of Autumn's holiest mood; |