The Federal ReporterWest Publishing Company, 1948 |
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Результаты 1 – 3 из 82
Стр. 91
... rejected on the pat- ent to Dumser et al . [ 3 ] Claims 17 and 19 call for an ar- rangement in which the dashpot mechan- ism will " retard and then arrest " the move- ment of the tool head . Those claims have been rejected on either the ...
... rejected on the pat- ent to Dumser et al . [ 3 ] Claims 17 and 19 call for an ar- rangement in which the dashpot mechan- ism will " retard and then arrest " the move- ment of the tool head . Those claims have been rejected on either the ...
Стр. 525
... rejected claim 17 can be considered patentable if the board's interpretation of claim 1 of the Smith patent is proper . Such contention could not properly be made in that event because rejected claim 17 and claim 1 of the patent would ...
... rejected claim 17 can be considered patentable if the board's interpretation of claim 1 of the Smith patent is proper . Such contention could not properly be made in that event because rejected claim 17 and claim 1 of the patent would ...
Стр. 548
... rejected apparatus claims contained no such limitation and were therefore not directed to the same in- ventive subject matter , the rejection of the apparatus claims was proper . 3. Patents101 If claims are to be considered in same ...
... rejected apparatus claims contained no such limitation and were therefore not directed to the same in- ventive subject matter , the rejection of the apparatus claims was proper . 3. Patents101 If claims are to be considered in same ...
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure XLIX | 9 |
Text of Opinions 1 | 316 |
Key Number Digest | 1025 |
Авторские права | |
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affirmed alleged amended amount appellant appellant's appellee application Asst Board of Appeals brief certiorari charge Circuit Court Circuit Judges Cite as 168 City Civil Procedure claims commerce Commissioner Company complaint contract corporation counsel Court of Appeals damages decision decree defendant defendant's denied disclosed dismissed District Court District Judge employees evidence excess profits tax executors F.Supp fact Fair Labor Standards Federal Rules Federal Trade Commission filed findings income Insurance interest interference proceeding Internal Revenue involved issue judgment June jurisdiction jury KEY NUMBER SYSTEM L.Ed Labor Standards Act lease liability means ment motion negligence operation paid party Patent Office petition petitioner plaintiff prior art proceeding question reason Reconstruction Finance Corporation reduction to practice regulation rejected remanded S.Ct Stat statute suit supra Supreme Court Tax Court taxpayer tion trial court trust U. S. Atty United Washington York City