The Federal ReporterWest Publishing Company, 1943 |
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Стр. 427
... plumber's snake , a circular casing in which the snake was stored when not in use and a mounting means for the casing . 133 F.2d 426 cating with the casing , the guide. " 15. A plumbers ' snake tool comprising a flexible conduit ...
... plumber's snake , a circular casing in which the snake was stored when not in use and a mounting means for the casing . 133 F.2d 426 cating with the casing , the guide. " 15. A plumbers ' snake tool comprising a flexible conduit ...
Стр. 427
... plumber's snake used in cleaning drains , a casing for storage , and tubular guide through which snake passes , held invalid for lack of invention ... plumbers ' snake tool comprising a flexible 426 133 FEDERAL REPORTER , 2d SERIES.
... plumber's snake used in cleaning drains , a casing for storage , and tubular guide through which snake passes , held invalid for lack of invention ... plumbers ' snake tool comprising a flexible 426 133 FEDERAL REPORTER , 2d SERIES.
Стр. 427
... plumber's snake , a circular casing in which the snake was stored when not in use and a mounting means for the casing . 133 F.2d 428 and executed in presence of two attesting. " 15. A plumbers ' snake tool comprising a flexible ...
... plumber's snake , a circular casing in which the snake was stored when not in use and a mounting means for the casing . 133 F.2d 428 and executed in presence of two attesting. " 15. A plumbers ' snake tool comprising a flexible ...
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Часто встречающиеся слова и выражения
action affirmed alleged amount appellant appellant's appellee applied Atty Bank bankruptcy cause Circuit Court Circuit Judges claim Co.-C.C.A. National Labor commerce Commission Commissioner of Internal contract Corporation counsel Court of Appeals defendant denied determine District Court District of Columbia E. H. Moore employees entitled evidence fact filed forma pauperis habeas corpus Helvering holding company income infringement interest Internal Revenue Internal Revenue-C.C.A. issue judgment jurisdiction jury KEY NUMBER SYSTEM Krug L.Ed Labor Relations Board land lease Maryland Casualty Co ment Missouri motion National Labor Relations North American Co Northwestern Mut paid parties Pat.App patent payment Permanent Edition person petition petitioner plaintiff plumber's snake proceedings purchase question Relations Board v.-C.C.A. res judicata Revenue Act S.Ct Sinclair Refining Co Stat statute subrogation suit supra taxable taxpayer tion trial court Trust United Words and Phrases writ