The Federal ReporterWest Publishing Company, 1930 |
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Стр. 523
... appellant's device , it was not a proper reference . In said petition appellant submitted a new claim for the ... Appellant's appeal is from the original decision of the Board , and the refusal of the Board to admit the new claim ...
... appellant's device , it was not a proper reference . In said petition appellant submitted a new claim for the ... Appellant's appeal is from the original decision of the Board , and the refusal of the Board to admit the new claim ...
Стр. 624
... appellant's officers . Directly after return- ing from St. Paul , appellant's officers , who had been there in conference , showed the wrap to one of its employees and described to him appellee's machine . He was directed to , and did ...
... appellant's officers . Directly after return- ing from St. Paul , appellant's officers , who had been there in conference , showed the wrap to one of its employees and described to him appellee's machine . He was directed to , and did ...
Стр. 943
... appellants noti- fied appellee that they had shipped the 125 bales and were drawing on appellee for the purchase price thereof . On June 25th , ap- pellee wired appellants that 50 bales of the cotton shipped to Yazoo City from Arkansas ...
... appellants noti- fied appellee that they had shipped the 125 bales and were drawing on appellee for the purchase price thereof . On June 25th , ap- pellee wired appellants that 50 bales of the cotton shipped to Yazoo City from Arkansas ...
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Часто встречающиеся слова и выражения
11 USCA 28 USCA action affirmed alleged amount appellant appellant's appellee application bankrupt bankruptcy bill bills of lading Board of Tax bond C. C. A. Cal charge Circuit Court Circuit Judge claims Commission Company contract corporation cost counsel count Court of Appeals creditors decision decree defendant denied District Court District Judge Emmetsburg entitled equity evidence fact Federal Federal Radio Commission filed Frankfort Guy Huston habeas corpus held indictment infringement interference proceeding Internal Revenue invention issue judgment jurisdiction jury liability libelant license machine matter ment mortgage motion National Prohibition Act operating paid party patent payment petition petitioner plaintiff prior prior art proceedings question reduction to practice Revenue Act rule Sacramento Suburban Fruit Stat statute Suburban Fruit Lands suit testimony tion trial trustee U. S. Atty United States C. C. A. vessel York City