Transport ing papers, §2. The treasurer shall pay, on the warrant of the comp&c. to office troller, such sums as are required for the expenses of transof clerk of porting the papers and furniture from the offices of the late court of арpeals. clerks of the supreme court, and the registers and clerks in chancery, to the city of Albany, and also for printing done for the court of appeals and for the supreme court; the accounts to be certified by the clerk of the court of appeals, and a sum not exceeding six hundred and fifty dollars is hereby appropriated for this object. Incidental lative to In np §3, The treasurer shall pay on the warrant of the comp expenses re- troller to the person administering the government, five hundian affairs. dred dollars, to defray the incidental expenses in relation to the indian affairs. State repor ter. Vice chan cellors and ries. § 4. The treasurer shall pay on the warrant of the comptroller, to the state reporter for his salary from the first of January to the first of July, eighteen hundred and fortyseven, two hundred and fifty dollars. § 5. The treasurer shall pay on the warrant of the compothers sala- troller, for the services of the vice-chancellor, assistant vicechancellor, and the assistant register in chancery, in the first senate district, the vice-chancellor in the eight district, the several circuit judges and clerks, and also the clerks of the supreme court at New-York, Utica and Geneva, subsequent to the first day of July last, one thousand five hundred dollars. Old State Hall. Allowance to certain sheriffs. Basha's Kill ers. § 6. The treasurer shall pay on the warrant of the comptroller, for repairs and other contingent expenses of the old state hall, three hundred dollars. § 7. Fifty dollars is hereby appropriated to pay certain sheriffs for making reports of persons convicted at mayors courts and courts of special sessions in the several cities of this state, pursuant to the fifth section of chapter two hundred and fifty nine of the laws of one thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine. §8. The treasurer shall pay on the warrant of the compcommission- troller, out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of three hundred and seventy-one dollars and eighty cents to the commissioners authorized to receive the same, by virtue of the act entitled "an act for draining the Bashas Kill swamp," passed May 6, 1845. B. Wands, A. Billson and J. Meigs. § 9. The treasurer shall pay on the warrant of the comptroller, out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated: To Burgess Wands, the sum of six dollars; Abraham Billson, the sum of forty-six dollars; John Meigs, the sum of forty dollars for attendance upon and services rendered to the court of appeals, at the July and September terms of said court. § 10. This act shall take effect immediately. CHAP. 311. AN ACT to provide for free schools in the town of Bushwick. Passed October 16, 1847, "three-fifths being present.' The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: expenses to § 1. The trustees of the several school districts in the town Estimate of of Bushwick in the county of Kings, shall annually, at least be made. three weeks before their annual meeting, or of a special meeting to be called for that purpose, prepare an estimate of the amount which they shall deem necessary to pay the debts of such district, and for the support of common schools therein, for the ensuing year, exclusive of the moneys which they may be entitled to receive from the town superintendent, and including the sums required for the purchase of necessary furniture, apparatus and books, and for contingent expenses, and shall cause printed notices thereof to be posted for two weeks thereafter, in five or more of the most public places in said districts. They shall present such estimate at such Tax when to meeting, when the inhabitants of such district then present, shall vote thereon for each item separately, and the same or so much thereof as shall be approved of by a majority of such inhabitants, shall be levied and raised by tax on such district, as now provided by law for raising a district school tax. be levied. § 2. When the trustees shall have completed the tax list, Tax list to they shall deliver the same to the superintendent of schools be delivered. for said town, who shall issue his warrant to the collector of taxes of said town, returnable in thirty days, for the collection of the same, and take from such collector approved security for the performance of his duty; such warrant may be renewed from time to time. The moneys so collected shall be paid to said trustees, and by them appropriated to the purposes for which the same was voted, unless otherwise directed by a vote of the inhabitants, at their annual district school meeting, or a special meeting called for the purpose. lien on land. § 3. The tax hereby imposed shall be a lien upon the lands Tax to be a taxed, to be enforced and collected by sale, in the manner that county taxes are, upon a return to be made by said collector to the treasurer of the county, of all unpaid taxes in said districts. § 4. This act shall take effect immediately. Court not requiring a jury how and CHAP. 312. AN ACT in relation to courts of record in Onondaga county. Passed October 16, 1847. The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: § 1. Any court of record, hereafter to be held in the county of Onondaga, not requiring the attendance of a grand or held where petit jury, instead of being held at the court-house in the village of Syracuse, may be held at such other place in said village as the corporation thereof shall provide for that purpose. 2. This act shall take effect immediately. Official acts made valid. Liabilities remitted. Saving clause. CHAP. 313. AN ACT to confirm the official acts of Samson Marks, a justice of the peace of the town of Haverstraw. Passed October 16, 1847. The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: § 1. All the proceedings that have been had by and before Samson Marks, as a justice of the peace of the town of Haverstraw, in the county of Rockland, and all official acts done by him since the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and forty-seven, shall be held of the same force and validity, as if the said Samson Marks had duly taken the oath of office in the manner, and within the time prescribed by law. § 2. All the liabilities and forfeitures incurred by the said Samson Marks for having executed any of the duties of the said office of justice of the peace without having taken the oath of office, in the manner, and within the time prescribed by law, are hereby remitted. 3. This act shall not affect the right of any party to any suit or legal proceedings which may have been had or commenced in consequence of the invalidity of any proceedings before the said justice previous to its passage. §4. This act shall take effect immediately. СНАР. 314. AN ACT to raise money to build a bridge in the town of Passed October 16, 1847, "three fifths being present." The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: raised by § 1. The supervisors of the county of Yates, are hereby Money to be directed at their next meeting, to levy and assess upon the tax. town of Milo, in said county, the sum of seven hundred dollars, in addition to the sum already directed to be raised for repairs of roads and bridges in said town, and they shall direct the collector thereof to pay the same to the commissioners of highways of said town, whose duty it shall be to apply the same towards rebuilding the bridges in said town. §2. This act shall take effect immediately. CHAP. 315. AN ACT to pay Warren Mills the balance due him for constructing a lock in the Chemung canal. Passed October 18, 1847, "three-fifths being present." The people of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: Mills. § 1. The canal commissioners are hereby authorized and Money to be required to pay to Warren Mills, the sum of three hundred paid to W. and twenty-eight dollars and sixty-six cents, or such sum as may be due him for constructing a lock in the Chemung canal, in pursuance of a contract with the said commissioners for that purpose, out of any moneys in the hands of the commissioners of the canal fund not otherwise appropriated, and which is hereby appropriated out of any money applicable to this purpose. § 2. This act shall take effect immediately. Route of road how to ces. CHAP. 316. AN ACT to amend an act entitled "an act to amend an act entitled 'an act in relation to the construction of the New-York and Erie Railroad, passed May 14, 1845, and for other purposes," passed May 11, 1846. Passed October 18, 1847. The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: § 1. For the purpose of enabling the New-York and Erie be varied in Railroad Company to avoid the obstacles on the Pennsylvacertain pla- nia side of the Delaware river, at the point known as the Glass House rocks, and to continue the line of their road as far as practicable within this State, the said company are hereby authorized to cross the said Delaware river with their said railroad above the Glass House rocks, and below Bolton basin in the county of Orange: Provided the said company shall first obtain the consent in writing of the Delaware and Hudson canal company, to such proposed change. But nothing herein contained, nor any such change in the location, shall interfere with or impair any right or privilege which the said railroad company now have by existing laws, to extend their route across the Delaware river, and connect with any railroad in Pennsylvania, at or near, or opposite Carpenter's point or Port Jervis, or any other privileges connected therewith, already granted. Time for re demption. § 2. This act shall take effect immediately. СНАР. 317. AN ACT to amend an act entitled "An act to vest certain powers in the freeholders and inhabitants of the village of Greenbush." Passed October 18, 1847. The People of the State of New-York represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: § 1. Chapter one hundred and seventy-two of the session laws of eighteen hundred and twenty-eight, is hereby amended by adding to the second section thereof, the following: "But such purchasers shall not take possession of any such lot by virtue of such sale until the expiration of one |