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WITHIN the circle of a small bay, made by the waters of the sea of Azof, and not many miles distant from Jenitschin, was, many years ago (and may still be), an island of the name of Kemlin. This island was once inhabited by an independent company of merchants, who purchased furs and salt beef from Russia, and silks, and rice, and coffee, from Turkey. They were not, however, very particular in confining themselves to these two nations, for they would occasionally buy commodities from the Genoa ships, which traded as far as Krim. The returns which they made were various, and in truth somewhat uncertain; but, though they were not always punctual in their payments, their promises, which were ample, made amends for all.

The island of Kemlin was rocky, and somewhat unproductive; and had the inhabitants possessed no resource beyond their soil, there would have been emigrants there as well as in other places. Fortunately, however, they had a strong fortress, some shipping, a number of hardy sailors, and an equal number of valuable privileges which they took care not to neglect. Among other matters, they laid claim (as the lord of a manor does to waifs and estrays) to most of the solitary vessels which they met tossing about in the sea of Azof. The sailors were useful in these cases, and the fortress brought the refractory prisoners to reason.

No men could be braver than these islanders, and none so brave as their chief, the terrible and renowned Fador. He was, indeed, a great man. Filling the posts of chief, general, high-admiral, judge, sole legislator, and inspector and collector of taxes, there was nothing to which he did not turn his mind, which might tend to increase his power or wealth, and all this entirely for the good of the island and people of Kemlin. Fodor was about forty-five years of age, robust and tall, and of a sallow-dark complexion: his eyes were large and grey, but without much lustre, and his lips were thick as those of the Theban sphinx. His

tongue was persuasive; and where words failed him, his arm was altogether convincing; and thus he ruled, and had for twenty years ruled, as absolute as a German prince whose dominion stretches over a thousand acres of land.

The great Fodor had been installed chief with all due solemnities. He had washed his hands in the oil which had been kept in darkness for seven winters, and had drank the consecrated quass to the health of the idol Perouin. His more immediate patron was Silnoy-Bog, (Hercules, - the strong god,) but he also put up offerings to Lada, the goddess of beauty, and sacrificed at his leisure to Lelio and Dido, who answered to the Eros and Anteros of the Greeks. In short, he was a very pious and strong prince, and attacked all vessels which he met upon the seas, in case they refused to trade with him upon his own terms. He was a man of the highest honour.

The princes and chiefs of most countries lay claim to a tolerable stock of ancestors. Of all ancestry, however, making only one single exception in favour of the Emperor of China, who, it is well known, is descended from the Moon, none was ever so illustrious as that of the chief of Kemlin. He came in a direct line from the invincible THAUWR, Who was a sort of freebooter during his life, and a demi-god ever after. This Thauwr lived in the year 97 after the general flood, and transmitted nobility and virtues of every shade to his renowned posterity. Fodor was, therefore, by right, noble and virtuous, and married his fourteenth cousin of the half blood (who was also second cousin and niece by marriage, and afterwards wife and widow of his maternal uncle), according to the custom of his native country. They lived very happily together; he passing part of his time at the country house of his prime minister, whose wife was reckoned the finest woman in the island, and she confessing her peccadilloes in the private ear of the very reverend the chief Iman (or bishop) of Kemlin.


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The Buccancer.

Madame Fodor was very devout, and her husband was fond of hunting; so they met but seldom, and accordingly agreed very well. One day, however, he took it into his head, that the Iman and his lady passed more time together than was absolutely necessary for the purposes of penance. The lady protested, and the prelate called a hundred and twenty-three wooden gods to witness, that he was the most innocent and injured man alive. Upon these solemnities Fodor rested his entire belief, and acquitted the parties. Unfortunately, strong suspicions arose again. The lady sighed, and shed an urn full of tears, and the prelate was more strenuous than Fodor, however, was this time obstinate, and after having heard them fully exculpate themselves (by their own words), he struck off the head of the worthy father, and took upon himself the duties of primate and head of the temple. From that time, Angelica (which was Madam Fodor's name) grew melancholy, and found herself utterly without sins to confess all which was agreeable enough to Fodor, though marvelled at a little by the malicious people about his court.


For Fodor, it should be known, held a sort of court. He had priests, and musicians, and poets, ministers, and dancers, and singers, and fair women, and parasites of various kinds. These latter excellent persons compared him to Perouin, the god of thunder; and the women extolled him beyond Swetovid, the Pagan Apollo. For himself, he laughed at them all, by turns, and never failed duly collecting the taxes of the island of Kemlin.

The mere compliments which were paid to this man would have turned the head of a Greek philosopher. One compared him to the sun, and another to the moon, as is usual in such cases; and the dancers danced, and the flatterers lied, and the women languished, as is also usual. He was the day-the light -the life-the strength-the perfume-of the world," according as circumstances required.

He was two things at once, and sometimes his own antipodes. The verses that were written upon him were enough, with a match, to have laid Persepolis

in ashes; and the Cyprus wine that
he freely distributed would have
And yet this great
been sufficient to have quenched the

man had one or two prejudices. He
had a mortal aversion to Jews: so he
ordered his minister to make a law,
by which every Jew found in his
realm was to be roasted before the
image of Silnoy-Bog; and this in-
cense, it was said, was very grateful
to the nostrils of that muscular and
easily offended deity. Nothing could
be more equitable than the laws
and customs observed in the island
of this prince of buccaneers.
was head of the church and of the
state; and lest any improper person
should arrive at the higher offices in
either, he never parted with an im-
This sum was
portant place for less than three
thousand zechins.

taken as a security for the good be-
haviour of the parties, and was oc-
casionally forfeited, and never re-
turned. No animadversion, however,
was ever made; because Fodor or-
dained, that whatever he did was
right,-and the detention of a small
sum of money for the service of the
state, could hardly be brought for-
ward as evidence of his having done


How glorious was the reign of Fodor!-His grandfather had been glorious, and his father very glorious; but he was more glorious than all. It was as though honour (like a snow-ball) had accumulated in its course down the hill of time, until it had reached him, and then that it "could no farther go." His reign was like a return of the age of gold. The rivers, indeed, ran with water only, and not with milk and honeyas it is well known they did in those good days; but, nevertheless, all was excellent, and entirely to the satisfaction of Fodor himself,-which is, of course, saying all that is necessary upon such an occasion.

It sometimes happens, however, even in the most glorious reigns, that war and bloodshed may be heard of; and accordingly the sword of our Buccaneer was pretty frequently unsheathed, but all for the good of the people, -or their honour, which is the same thing. War is a magnificent affair: and nothing could be finer than the equipment of Fodor,-his housings of purple, his golden stirrups, and

his snow-white charger; except, perhaps, the adroitness with which he managed the last, and the dexterity that he showed in cutting off the head of any vassal who presumed to murmur. In battle he was the bravest of the brave; but as he considered that others might be less courageous, he himself always (very wisely) commanded the rear-guard, in order to save the van from the shame of a precipitate retreat. His officers were well chosen; some for prudence, some for valour, and a few for both. They fought bravely; for while the honour of conquest very properly belonged to Fodor, the disgrace of defeat was entirely their own, and this they did their best at all times to avoid.

Fodor was known in one instance to have executed summary justice upon a captain called Kaunitz, who fled from the enemy, in pursuance, as he said, of the example of Fodor himself. Twenty-two courtiers started forward instantly to deny this falsehood, and each swore distinctly, that Fodor had never moved from his place. For himself, he was so incensed, that he separated the gold chain which hung round the neck of Kaunitz, with his sabre, and in the hurry of the act the head of Kaunitz was also detached.-Caloritz, another officer, determined to avoid so sudden a destiny, fought till he acquired a hundred and twenty-two scars, some of which were of no trifling nature. In one instance, he intercepted a spear which had been pointed at the Buccaneer, and which might have considerably disordered his personal appearance. Caloritz received it in his face, was carried home, and languished for two months in a dangerous state; and Fodor rewarded him with a gold chain and a profusion of thanks. He even promised him certain more solid rewards; but the imprudence of the officer defeated the generous intentions of his chief. In a skirmish with a party from a neighbouring district (with whom he was at war), Fodor attempted to storm the trenches of the enemy's camp, but was driven back with great loss. Caloritz, thinking that the repulse arose from au imperfect manœuvre, proposed renewing the experiment, to which Fador (curling his mustachios) ac

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Than gain which darkens him.
I could do more to do Antonius good,
But twould offend him; and in his offence
Should my performance perish.

This is very cleverly said, we dare say; but Fodor was a perfect gentleman, and had his private reasons for acting as he did, and, (no doubt) they were full of honour.


It would be tedious to enumerate one twentieth part of the excellencies of the great Fodor,-his valour, his prudence, his wit, his generosity, his magnificence, his humanity; they were the themes of many a speech, the burthen of many a song. lived alternately in peace and war, till he arrived at the age of fifty years. At that period, a district, which had long become independent, but which had, about twelve hundred years before, belonged to Killwitz, an ancestor of Fodor, made some demand which was considered very offensive at the court of Kemlin. The Grand-Chamberlain grew serious, and said, that if such insolence were tolerated, good breeding would be at an end: the Arch-Treasurer protested that he could never afterwards rely upon any negociations with such people; and Fodor swore audibly by Silnoy-Bog, that he would feast that deity with not less than a score of the best heads of the free town of Naplitz. As, however, menace and execution are two different things, the one being easy and the other somewhat difficult in attainment, Fodor was advised to content himself for the present with the humble apologies of the refractory. These were demanded, and, to the astonishment of all persons, refused. Upon this, Fœdor ordered the priest of his household, (the bishop died suddenly, as we remember,) to send them to the d---1 without delay. This was very

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speedily accomplished, by reading four pages of Latin, and burning a cat's paw under the nostrils of Perouin, the god of thunder.

It was supposed at court, that nothing could withstand these severe measures. One courtier laughed, another sighed, and a third began to make a calculation of the profits which he should derive from the sub-government of the free town of Naplitz. Notwithstanding these calculations and conjectures, however, the Naplitzians remained refractory. They even issued a public paper, in which they said, that they had a right to choose a steward, and appoint a gardener over their own lands. This, it must be owned, looked very bold, and could hardly be passed over by Fodor, who claimed a prescriptive right to interfere in his neighbours' concerns, and to give advice upon all occasions. They said, that his right was groundless, and that his advice was bad, and not wanted. The former, he replied, had been established by writings, sealed with the private seals of himself and his predecessors, and was not, therefore, to be controverted: the latter, he proposed to argue with them at the head of one hundred horse and three hundred and fifty foot soldiers. They answered, that they did not think that method of reasoning quite satisfactory, but that they nevertheless would discuss the matter with him as strenuously as they were able. Whereupon Foedor ordered a tax of twenty-five per cent. to be laid on his people, and set out again on the road to glory.

War was thus declared between the great Fodor and the disobedient people of the free town of Naplitz. Many were the orders and proclamations which were issued by both sides on this occasion. One only, however, has reached us entire, and this we shall take leave to transcribe. It is the proclamation issued by Fodor previously to his march, and developes his fatherly intentions in a way that cannot be liable to mistake or misinterpretation, we should think: -to be sure, there are few things safe from the malice of an enemy.

"INHABITANTS OF NAPLITZ! "Evil-minded persons are amongst you, who design to subvert your liberty. The happiness which you have enjoyed so many months is about to be torn from you. I am penetrated with affliction at this prospect, and am resolved to save you. A close alliance during fourteen months has increased my affection for you-it has made me your friend. Accordingly, I march towards you, animated by the best intentions. My soldiers will observe the strictest discipline. Receive them as brothers, and respect the paternal care which I display towards you. Every person found in arms will be shot.

"The mark of


"Countersigned, CAJOLEM." Immediately after this proclamation, Fodor marched on the town of Naplitz. The right division of his army, composed of one hundred and twenty picked men, destined to storm the trenches, was led on by the invincible Orsonoff; the left was commanded by the sage Ulisky; and the great main body, consisting of at least two hundred and fifty men, horse and foot, was under the immediate order of Fodor himself. The appearance of the right wing was truly formidable. The men drank brandy and gunpowder, and swore, in the most explicit way, as to the actions that they would severally perform. Each man at parting curled his whisker with his left hand, and invoked Perouin to witness that he was entitled to a hundred zechins, for protecting the liberties of the people of Naplitz.

Unfortunately for Fodor, and sixty soldiers of the right division, the army of the invincible Orsonoff was met by an army equally invincible. A battle speedily took place, and precisely half of M. Orsonoff's warriors slept that night with their faces towards the moon. Orsonoff himself retired in an oblique direction, and Fodor (when he learned the news) published another procla

If our memory serves us well, this, and one or two other matters, are recorded in one of the pleasant histories written by the celebrated M. de Voltaire,—but we are not sure for it is long since we read them.

mation, showing clearly that the enemy had been put to flight, and ordering a hymn, (analogous to our Te Deum,) to be sung with all possible expedition. Nothing could exceed the noise made upon this occasion, except the cannon which had bellowed out its fierce welcome on the advanced guard of the conqueror Orsonoff. The soldiers were intoxicated with brandy and joy; their wives (of course) with joy only; and Fodor swore repeatedly, that he would be revenged upon the Naplitzians, for allowing him to gain so easy a victory. He directed double rations to be distributed among his soldiers, and ordered out a treble guard at night, lest the enemy should come unawares upon him, for the rash purpose of being sacrificed again. They did not come, however, though the Buccaneer watched as unremittingly as a Chaldean.

It is astonishing what an effect logic
has on minds willing to be convinced.
Fodor entered the town, therefore,
partly as friend and partly as con-
queror; and, in furtherance of his
proclamation, he issued another, re-
peating the pardon which he had be-
fore published, and levying a tax of
seventy per cent. on his friends the
Naplitzians, and at the same time,
offering a reward of a thousand ze-
chins for the head of Pepael, their
general. Pepael, who was an infidel
(in his notions of human nature, at
least), had fled, but being overtaken
amongst the mountains by a mist, he
unluckily perished.
This mist was
accurately traced to the priest of
Fodor's household, who had got up
a number of "Maledicats" for the
occasion, and had dispatched one
after the unfortunate Pepael.-We
might draw a moral from this, but
we really have not time.

But why should we pursue the de- Fodor had now got rid of war, and tails of war? It is with the general his chief-priest (two evils), but he character of this perfect chief that had also lost his wife, who shut herwe wish to become acquainted, and self up in a penitentiary, because her not merely with his petty triumphs. husband had been wicked enough to The war ended, then, (let us say smite off the head of the bishop of this shortly,) as wars generally do, Kemlin. He must undoubtedly have with negociations, and hollow truces, gone distracted at this, (he did tear to be kept as long as convenient; or his hair-in public,) or have perishelse with conquest and ravage, or ed by a sudden or lingering death, surveillance and captivity, or reite- had it not been for the excellent disrated protestations of inviolable faith. courses of the pretty Stephanie. This One circumstance, however, may girl had been a kind of lady of the be mentioned here; it is this:- bedchamber to Madame Fodor, who Fœdor, who understood the policy thought well of her beauty at first, but of war at least as well as he liked its ceased to praise it as soon as it atfatigues, or even relished the sweets tracted the Buccaneer's notice. About of conquest,-when he found that he that time, her anxiety discovered was pressed by the enemy, opened a that the girl's appearance was on the private negociation with some of the decline, and attributing this to court heroes in his adversary's citadel, who hours, she dispatched the pretty Stewere willing to hear the arguments phanie into the country without deon both sides of the question. What lay. Fodor heard of this, and on our Buccaneer's reasons were we his lady's retirement, made some enhave not yet learned, but they quiries after her faithful servant.— were so convincing, that he had He found her, as pretty as ever, and speedily a strong party in the ene- (although he thereby annoyed one or my's camp. He then issued a pro- two private friends) he determined to clamation, pardoning all who had do justice to Stephanie, and reintaken up arms against him, provided stated her in her former honours :-it they should lay them down without was even remarked that he had a delay. The soldiers, feeling the pri- partiality for her personal attendance. vations of war, were easily persuaded by their own officers to accede to this; and the officers had been persuaded beforehand by the private arguments of Fodor and his friends.

Some months after this, Stephanie became ill, and the court physician ordered retirement and change of air. Fodor coincided, and to reward her fidelity (to her mistress)

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