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The American Psychiatric Association was pleased to learn of your responses which were sent to the World Psychiatric Association to cases which were referred by the WPA leadership. We had hoped that this was the beginning of a dialogue on these issues leading to a better understanding. You will recall that the APA resolution stated that: "If the All Union Society of Psychiatrists and Neurolopathologists of the USSR does not adequately respond to all inquiries from the WPA regarding the issues of psychiatric abuse by April 1, 1983...." was a conditioned one which you were apparently prepared to meet at that time.

You mentioned.possible abuses in other countries and the APA wishes to respond with the Information that we have submitted information and made inquiries into allegations in other countries, in addition to those in the USSR. The difference is that the cases presented to the APA from other countries were less in number and, in addition, we have received responses from these other countries. The APA is careful to investigate any allegations of abuse in the United States and would be cooperative in replying to requests of this sort.

The American Psychiatric Association is on record as being opposed to the use of psychiatry for political purposes wherever it may occur. We believe that issues of ethics should be of vital concern to any scientific organization. We further agree that the profession of psychiatry and any organization representing this profession should take an active stance on ethical issues in order to "promote the advance of psychiatric science, Improve the system of organizing ald for the population," as mentioned in your letter of resignation. We hope that Soviet psychiatry would not be opposed to this stance.

Your letter accused the World Psychiatric Association of becoming involved in outright political activity and that the APA has contributed to the politicizing of the WPA. If psychiatry were not being used for political purposes, this would not have occurred. It is our opinion that the resignation of the All Union Society in the face of criticism by colleagues regarding the use of psychiatry for political purposes, seems to be a political move in itself. Psychiatric science would have been more advanced by the All Union Society taking-part in discussion, with a possible change of practices or elaboration of new practices. It is on this basis that we negate your statement that it is the APA that is politicizing the WPA.

In closing, I will say that we do hope that it will be possible someday for all countries to be members of the World Psychiatric Association.

If the All Union Society of Psychiatrists and Neuropathologists would be prepared to demonstrate that there was no longer reason for concern about psychiatric abuse in your country, the American Psychiatric Association would certainly be in the forefront among those welcoming your organization back into the membership of the. WPA.

Cc: Peter Berner, M.D.


George Garjan

George Tarjan, M.Q.

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Dear Pref. P. PICHOT, Prof. P. BASKER and Lembers of the
Executive Committeel

The All-Union Scientific Society of Heuropathologists' and. Paychiatrista has been a member of the World Psychiatric Association since 1967. Having expressed their d«siro to participate in the work of the WEA, Soviet paychiatrists were guided by the premise that this non-governmental professional orgenization, in accordance with its Cherter and the interents of Hational Associations, should direct its offoxta tomazdo pressing scientific problems, promote progress in studying the nature of meatal disesnes, as well as to improve the organisat. of psychatric aid to the populatiez.

Regretfully, we must declare that in recent years, ¿:se the fault of cartein circles exerting unprecedented pressure c a number of actionel societies end the leadership of the WPA, this Ascociation found itself a pexticipent in ■ carpoiz having etsɔiotely nothing to do with its fundamental profungic activity. The esse in question concerns the utilization on th WPA in a ricaderoun campaiga cileging that paychiatry is bedag abused in the USSR for political gazpozes.

21.4 C

An active role in this campaign is being played by the leader ship of the American Psychiatric Association and the Royal College of Psychiatzista (United Kingdom). Things went so fa that the WPA leadership did not respond to the clanderous letter of the American Psychiatrie Association dated August i 1982, which was sent to all psychiatri̟c societies. This lett with reference to the State Depazvant of the USA, which is an indicetion of its active participation in this propaganda campaig; contains slanderous accusations directed against Soviet paychiatrists concerning alleged abuse of psychiatry.


Therefore, a US government body is actively interferi: in the work of national non-governmental organizations, and indirectly, in the work cof the WPL. Cace again, this fact ccafins the political anti-Soviet nature of the gron camreig.



This xhole slenderous compaign, blatantly political in nature, is directed against Soviet paychiatry in the 'spizi of the "cold war" against the Soviet Union.

We would like to emphasize once again that there have been no ground and there are no grounds for such slanderous attacks.

Soviet psychiatrists, just like their colleagues in many countries, are seriously concerned over the unfavorable situation which has developed in the WA, and also over the fact that the WE leadership hes not undertaken end is not undertaking the necessary measures for ite perzaldention.

In the course of decades, the efforts of Sorist scholars and physicians, of specialists from other countries promoted the advance of psychiatric science, improved the system of organizing aid fór the population, and tremendous efforts where directed towards overcoming a prejudiced attitude in respect to the mentally ill end to psychiatry..

sianderous fabrications about the abuse of psychiatzy create a barrier between patients and doctors, and depict psychiatry,-in the umderstanding of patients and society, as a body of suppression. This disrupts the mutual relationship between the patient and the doctor, and results in an imprope fezzation of public opinion concerning the tasku end function of paychletsy.

Soviet psychiatrists, displaying a spirit of cooperati at the request of the WEL 12&derably, submitted detailed medical documents concerning the mentally ill, who in the Wes' ware pronounced mentally healthy "victims" of Soviet psychiat. Kany outstanding psychiatrists from Western countries, including WPA members, during their visit to the USSR, at the: request, had the opportunity to emmine the corresponding patients in whom they were interested, and no one expressed azy doubta as to the correctness of the dismosis of the ment: diseases in these individuala,

Unfortunately, at the sece time, certain Cational Associations evaded the official iuritatiena from the All-Ur1: Sciential Socioty of Neuropathologiata cnd Payekdotxista to 7imit the USSR and to perticipate in a discussion of the above-mentioned probicas.

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