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not be confounded with quantity. In the substantive compact, and the adjective compact', the quantity of the vowels is the same, although the accent of the syllables is different.

15. There are three marks of accent: the mark of the acute accent ( ́), the mark of the grave accent (`), the mark of the circumflex (^), which is a compound of the other two. The acute accent is used in English to mark the accent'ed syllable. The other accents are employed chiefly in French, and there to denote a difference in the pronunciation, not in the accent. The circumflex accent over e denotes that it should have the long alphabetical sound of a, as in name; thus, fête (pronounced fate).

16. Capital letters should be used in the following instances: At the beginning of the first word of every sentence; of every line of poetry; of every quotation formally introduced; of proper names, and adjectives derived from them; of titles of honor; of the names of Deity, and often of the pronouns he, his and him, when referring to Him. The pronoun I and the interjections O, Ah, &c., must be written in capitals; also the first letter of words to which it is desired to give particular prominence; as, the Revolution, Congress, &c. Italic letters are sometimes used to distinguish certain words or passages. The reader will see several words so distinguished on the present page. In writing, we draw a line under words which we wish to have the printer put in Italic type..

17. Abbreviations are not as much used as they were formerly. It is well always to study precision in the use of words, and consequently we should abbreviate as little as is consistent with convenience. Many a mischievous mistake has been made by trusting to an abbreviation. For a list of the principal abbreviations in use at the present day, see the word Abbreviations in the Explanatory Index at the end of this volume.

QUESTIONS.-1. What is the word Punctuation derived from, and what is its meaning | Name the principal points. 2. What mark is put at the end of a question? of an excla mation? The use of the marks of parenthesis? 3. The dash? Brackets? The hyphen ! 4. The apostrophe? 5. Ought it to be used in the possessive case of proper names ending in s? 6. What are marks of quotation? Is there any other use to which inverted com mas are put? 7. Marks of ellipsis? The meaning of the word? 8. A paragraph? By what mark signified? 9. A section? Index, or hand? Asterisk? Obelisk, or dagger i Double dagger? Parallels? Superiors? 10. The brace? The caret? The cedilla? 11. The diæresis? May it be used to show that a vowel begins a new syllable? 12. What is a makron? A breve? 13. Illustrate the use of these marks. 14. What is accent? Does it differ from quantity? 15. The marks of accent? 16. What is said of the use of capital letters? 17. What of abbreviations? Where will you find a list of abbreviations in the present volume ?



18. By Elementary Sounds we mean the simplest possible sounds, from which all other sounds are compounded. In the spoken language, the Elementary Sounds are divided into two classes: 1, Vocalic or Vowel Sounds; 2, Consonantal or Consonant Sounds. The word vowel is from the Latin word vocālis, vocal; and it means what can be sounded, or form voice by itself.

19. The word consonant is formed from the Latin words con, with, sonans, sounding; because, although the consonantal sounds can be isolated, that is, separated from the vocalic, yet in practice they are joined to vocalic sounds and pronounced with them.

20. Thus the single sounds of b' or ' (pronounced as nearly as possible without the vowel sounds they have in pronouncing their alphabet names), if taken by themselves, cannot form a word, or even a syllable In order to do so, they must be joined to a vowel, and sounded along with it. A vowel, on the contrary, may independently form a syllable, as in e-ject.

21. It should be understood that the alphabetical or name sound of a letter (by which we mean that sound which it has in the alphabet) is not a guide to the sound of that letter in the various combinations in which it is used in the formation of words. The sound of a is very different in the following words; father, fat, fate, fall The sound of e is very different in city and can. The sound of ou is very different in sound and soup.

22. The same letter or letters may represent various sounds. In fix ing the pronunciation of the alphabet, it would have been as proper to pronounce the first letter like the a in father as like the a in fate. Bearing in mind this distinction between letters and the sounds they stand for, the pupil will find that several letters or combinations of letters are often used to express the same sound; thus, the ea in great and the ei in vein have the same sound as the a in fate; the o in women has the same sound as the i in pit.

23. It has been already seen, however, that there are a certain number of sounds called Elementary Sounds. These sounds have been classified variously by various scholars. In the Table presented on page 18, we give the classification which seems to us to have the advantage of simplicity, precision and convenience.

24. By "Cognate Consonant Sounds" is meant a class of sounds

allied to each other, or resembling each other in sound. By the terms aspirate and vocal are meant, 1, By aspirate, those which, separated from their vowel sounds, require but a whisper for their distinct utterance; 2, By vocal, those which, separated from their vowel sounds, require the natural tone of the voice. Sometimes the terms sharp and flat are used instead of aspirate and vocal.


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That of h in hot, an aspirate, or simple breathing.

ng king, a nasal consonant sound.

man, a liquid nasal consonant sound.






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1. That of ch in chest (aspirate). | 2. That of j in jest (vocal).

*See T6, in regard to the significance of this sign (“).

25. The list of the Elementary Sounds in the English language ends with Number 34. There are six Compound Sounds. Of these, four are compounded by means of a vowel, and two by means of a consonant. The letters c, q and x, do not appear in the preceding Table, because, as representatives of sound, they are redundant.EI C expresses only what is as well expressed by either s or k; for instance, the words city and can are respectively pronounced sity and kan. Q is only kw (or cw), and x is only ks (or cs); for instance, the words queen and box, are respectively pronounced kween (or cween), and boks (or bocks, or bocs).

26. There are also Modified Vowel Sounds, not sufficiently decided to be classed as independent elementary sounds, but still exhibiting shades of difference, attention to which is essential to a pure and accurate articulation. The obscure sound of a vowel is an indistinct sound it has from the peculiarity of its position in a word, or to abridge the time of utterance. In obscuring a vowel sound, conform to the vowel's proper sound as much as is consistent with ease in utterance.

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QUESTIONS. .-18. What are elementary sounds, and into what are they divided ? What is the derivation of the word vowel? 19. What of the word consonant? 20. Illustrate the difference between vowels and consonants. 21. Do letters have always the same sounds they have in the alphabet? 22. May one letter stand for more than one sound? 24. What is meant by cognate consonant sounds? What is meant by this sign (") in the Table of Elementary Sounds? Repeat the elementary vowel sounds. The two vowel or consonant sounds. The consonant sounds. The cognate consonant sounds. 25, 26. Name the compound vowel sounds. The compound consonant sounds. The modified vowel sounds. What is meant by the word modified? (Pupils are referred to the Expiratory Index.) What do you learn from the note (p. 19) in regard to obscuring vowel sounds?

* In regard to the sounds of short a and short o before r, see ¶ 108. On the similarity of the sounds of er, ir, ur, &c., see ¶ 107, and T 109.

In obscuring vowel sounds, a just medium should be observed between that precision which demands a distinct conformity to one of the regular sounds of the vowel, and that looseness which gives it the positive sound of some other vowel. Thus, in the word rival, while it would impede a



27. ACCORDING to the preceding Table of the Elementary Sounds, the sound of a in father (called Italian a) is the leading vowel sound in the English language. In the enumeration of the sounds of a, it has generally been the practice to place the long sound of a (as in fate) at the head of the list. But later orthoëpists have preferred the order which we have adopted.

28. The Italian a is placed first, because it is the simplest and most easily enounced; because it is the first enounced by children; because it is the most common vowel sound; and because it stands at the head of most alphabets.

29. This first sound of a should be slightly modified in such words as pass, dance, waft, command, &c., in which the a should not be as broad as in father, nor as close as in flat, but a sound between the two. Some orthoëpists call the sound, thus modified, intermediate a.

30. The second sound of a is its short sound, as in mat. The third is its long sound (sometimes called its name or alphabet sound), as in tame, which is modified when in combination with the liquid r, as in care.

31. The fourth sound of a is its broad sound, as in fall, which is shortened when the a is preceded by w, and succeeded by a single consonant in the same syllable; as in wal-low, &c.; or by two consonants in the same syllable, as in want, &c.: but when l or r is one of the consonants, the a becomes long, as in walk, swarm, &c.

32. The elementary sounds of e are its long sound, as in mēte, and its short sound, as in mět. It is sometimes equivalent to long a, as

proper rapidity of utterance to attempt giving to the a its regular short sound, we can still come so near to it that the sound of the vowel will not d-generate into u, thus converting the word into rivul.

Teachers are much at variance in regard to this class of vowel sounds. Vth Webster, Worcester and other orthoëpists, we have classed them under the head of obscure. The true sound lies in a partial and easy, but not careless obscuration. The tendency of all changes in pronunciation

a accent has been to an abridgment of the time of utterance, and any attempt to introduce a formal avoidance of obscuration cannot be long or generally al pted We may as well yield to the tendency, and regulate it as best

we may.

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