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To Thomas E-8.

J. B.

the kingdom and power are to be found within. I we be Christians, indeed; and when our little And so is Christ's own language fulfilling ::- moment of probation is over, then the eternal "I came not to send peace, (that is, a false weight of unmingled joy and glory shall folpeace,) but rather division:" he is separating, low! and will make a clean separation between the precious and the vile; and is purging away all old leavens of refined error as well as open evil! And we who look for all things being made and kept new, pure, and of God, and who desire all old things to be done away that are not wrought in God, should not shrink or be afraid. We that desire to be searched and tried, also to prove all things, and to be wholly given up to the Lord and his guidance, should not give way to unreasonable or unwarrantable fears, lest we be doing the enemy's work; but simply to eye our Captain:-and if He show us the enemy at work, attempting to insinuate poison into the church, and put us upon resisting and withstanding him and those deluded by him,-this is not the work of the enemy which thus engages us:-for Satan never yet did cast out Satan. The giving place to such fears would lead us to esteem the guidance and instructions of our holy Head by his Spirit uncertain and questionable whereas the way of the Truth is a plain way, so that the wayfaring man, though a fool, is not to err therein; that is, as he looks to the Lord, alone, aud does not lean to his own understanding.


J. B.

8th of Second month, 1835.—May the blessing of heaven above and of the earth beneath attend you and yours, the blessing which makes most truly rich, and adds thereto no sting of sorrow! This has been my secret petition in some of my best moments, when thinking of you; and, surely, I shall be excused for telling you so. There is that, which crowns all other blessings, as you well know -there is that, (let the thoughtless, the unfeeling heart say what it may,) without which our very blessings are of no benefit to us, and every gift of Divine providence and grace is liable to be perverted and abused, instead of being faithfully held in trust, and duly appreciated and applied to the enduring good of ourselves and of all with whom we have to do. This is nothing less than a sense of the presence, coun sel and aid of Him, who giveth us all things richly to enjoy, and will graciously condescend to show us how we may use these things as not abusing them, how we may no longer liye to ourselves; but whether we eat or drink, or whatever we do, may do all to His glory. May this, my dear be the first object in our eye, the very business of our lives, in all we undertake, in all we have to pass through. Then shall we not fail of that inheritance which our dear Lord and Saviour purchased for us by his coming and by his death; then shall

CROYDON, Sixth month, 1835. No sooner was my eye opened to see the excellency there is in the Truth, now just about twenty years ago, than I began to appreciate the blessed experience recorded by those wor thies, (our early Friends,) who, in the same line of testimony, were counted worthy, as it were, afresh to cast up the way and revive the ancient simplicity of the gospel. Since that time, poor and feeble as I feel myself, and unworthy to bear the precious name by which we are called,-in the midst of blushing at my own dwarfishness and abundant occasion of humiliation and of exercise,-I may say that this feeling and love to the pure cause of Truth as professed by our poor Society has never slackened. How animating it is and comforting to believe, -as I have done at this time, in the reading of thy letter, and observing your exercises and efforts (in America) on account of this most precious cause,-that the Lord hath not forsaken those who desire to cleave to him with full surrender of themselves; that He is still near to help in the needful time, to limit the power of the enemy, and lift up a standard against him, and to overrule all for the good of those that fear him. O! how little do we know of the designs of His wisdom and goodness to his church:-His people are permitted to be bowed down, afflicted, oppressed;-He chastens them, and punishes them ;-and then (as the history of the church sets forth,) He raises them up by his own arm of power, beyond all expectation;-He even works by poor, little, feeble instruments, and in unlikely ways, till he has effected, through suffering, the enlargement, strengthening, and glorifying of the house of his glory. Isaiah Ix. Ixi., &c.

It is remarkable that there is a numerous body of scattered and hidden seekers who have tried all other ways, and retired from them more or less; and who are sincerely looking to the spirituality of religion, and to us as holding up this view. By these the most primitive productions are increasingly sought and prized. With regard to cutting down some of our Journals, &c., I have always looked upon this as a delicate or difficult matter to do unobjec tionably. We are too apt, unconsciously to ourselves, to choose that which in our present state and turn of mind we are impressed with, or that which the present tendencies and exigencies of the times seem to us to call for; and possibly (for often it has been so) to the unequal upholding of divine truth, or a partial



(Continued from page 54.)

exhibition of the character and line of testimony, which a Friend in his lifetime maintaiued. This, doubtless, can be much guarded against by a judicious hand, and under best direction; but still I have been afraid of paraphrasing upon, or extracting the experience of others; we may so readily give an aspect or coloring different from the original document. There has been, in my opinion, ever since the creeping in of degeneracy, a correspondent endeavor to refine upon, to remodel, and soften down the rugged plain truths delivered by these ancients; and I think I see this in many of the publications that have of late years issued from the press. The more pure days of the church yield to me much the most interesting and impressive experience. O! how is the simplicity overborne, even in dedicated minds, now a days; how refined, how self-indulgent, and full of reasonings are we! At what a low ebb in many places is our ministry; even strangers noticing the change, and the approach to their pulpit eloquence: Scripture words, indeed, Yes, this it is, this spirit, which assumes the there are, yet often attended with but little of judgment seat, which is causing us to become a that authority, weight, savor and life, which reproach and a bye-word to the people; until tends to baptize and bow down the spirits of some of us can know only confusion and shame all, and to humble the creature under the iu reflecting on things as they exist. And inmighty hand of Him, who worketh all in all deed, for myself, if I did not remember, that Surely, anong many causes, our being so mixed this life is short, and eternity long, I should, in up with all sorts of people, sometimes for pur-view of the many discouragements from within poses very good in themselves, has contributed to this state of things:-"strangers" to the life of Christ inwardly revealed have "devoured our strength."-Hosea vii. 9.- -I must conclude with saying, may the Lord by his power interpose, and show us whence we have fallen, and preserve us from falling still more generally and utterly!

PHILADELPHIA, 10th mo. 24th, 1852. My dear Friend:-Why is it that I should feel so impressive an obligation to write thee, when already I have written one or more letters since any line has greeted my sight from thy pen? Must I infer from thy silence that thou no longer classes me among congenial spirits? Well, my friend, if this were the case, would the incomes of love so often fill my breast, creating a desire not only to write thee, but also to receive letters from thee? Would this be so, if the bond of friendship and love did not exist as in former days? Certainly not. And I believe if love to God the supreme and love to men were the ruling principle of every breast, no place would be found for a spirit of enmity and evil surmisings, arraying brother against brother; that spirit of coldness, and jealousy, which would bring every thing to its own contracted views.

Farewell! I shall be pleased to hear from thee whenever thou hast occasion or liberty to address me; and sometimes, at least, think of me as one that longs to endure to the end, to hold fast faith and patience, till the Lord say, It is enough.

I remain a poor and weak brother,
J. B.

There is one thing with which we ought never to be content. That thing is a little religion, a little faith, a little hope, and a little grace. Let us never sit down satisfied with a little of these things. On the contrary, let us seek them more and more. When Alexander the Great visited the Greek philosopher, Diogenes, he asked him if there was anything that he could give him. He got this short answer: "I want nothing but that you should stand from between me and the sun." Let the spirit of that answer run through our religion. One thing there is which should never satisfy and content us, and that is, "anything that stands between our souls and Christ."-J. C. Ryle.

If we can

and without, be utterly overwhelmed; but with
this view, the feeling is, of what avail will it
be, whether our path here be strewn with roses, or
beset with thorns; it will soon be passed; and
the end crowns all-and oh, if it can only be of
that glorious, triumphant character, which Paul
realized, when he said, "There is laid up for
me a crown of righteousness, which the
Lord, the righteous Judge, shall give me at
that day, and not for me only, but for all those
also who love His appearing." Of little mo-
ment will it be, whether this be obtained
through many trials; yea, or nay.
only say, "We have fought the good fight, and
have kept the faith"- -a faith that is saving—a
faith that is living-not a dead faith-but one
which is an active principle-one which is
shown by good works,-a faith in the newness
of spirit, aud not in the oldness of the letter.
If this living faith be abode in, we shall be able
to endure all hard things; and if, to be evil
spoken of is our lot, and our name cast out as
evil; if we know the effect of this to be, to
teach us not to lean on the arm of flesh, but to
place our hopes on high, then can we through
this faith endure all, fearing not those who can
ouly affect the body, or outward man's standing,
but have no power over the soul." For in
the midst of the most fiery trials, we shall be
made to feel that our Redeemer liveth, and as
He liveth, "we live also." Therefore, above
all, may our hopes soar, and dwell in that faith

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which will lead into a religion which is not of thee." Did not my heart most truly respond sect or form, but one which is pure and unde--yes, most truly-Amen, sayeth my spirit. filed; which leads to visit the widows and We also had a deeply interesting visit from fatherless, and to keep ourselves unspotted from P. C., who is engaged in visiting families the world. among us; and if her spirit is not one qualified to enter into sympathy with tribulated ones, then must I doubt all such things. Her language was all love, all sympathy with the af flicted. The commencement was, Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivereth out of them all." Yes, she added, He does deliver-He will deliver. Thus she proceeded, and a more soul-refreshing cup of cold water seldom has been handed to the desolate and thirsty traveller. She said much, though often pausing, as if willing to close, and then something more encouraging and strengthening she would quietly hand forth. And finally told us, that on entering the room the feeling was,-there was nothing for her to do, the Master having been here before her; but remarked, her spirit was so enlisted for us, and so knit to ours, that the arisings of her heart she dare not withhold. It was a most impressive season, and not a day, nor scarcely an hour passes, but that again and again her expressions revive in my mind; sweetly and encouragingly, and yet humblingly to one, who feels, indeed, the least and bindermost of the flock, if indeed of that desirable number; but I trust I may hope, though desolate, I am not forsaken. She spoke of her many trials and afflictions, but through all, she said, The Lord never forsook her-no-she added, not for one moment; but that He did sustain; and continued,-Every heart knows its own bitterness, but if we can only say we thank thee for all, most for the severe, all would be well, and the end would compensate for all. Her burden seemed to be love, and love only, saying she felt no wish to call anything sectarian; for in Christ all were one; no sect-no coldness nor dissension; and to this alone, Christ within, did she commend us, as the alone true source of help. I remember thy request, dear M., that I would not omit informing how I am, but indeed, unless I could say differently, I fear my friends will grow weary. But, in truth, I can give nothing ecouraging, for my sufferings increase, and, with the Psalmist, may say, "I am greatly afflicted." "Look thou upon my pain,"

31st-A week has elapsed since writing the above. Yes, a week of as deep trials and provings as have often fallen to the lot of thy suffering friend to endure. And oh, that in all such seasons I may prove the efficacy of that faith above mentioned, which will-which does-beget a holy hope, and confidence, that there is that, beyond this vale, which is worth all the suffering of this life to obtain. Therefore, may I count all as gain if thereby I may win Christ, and be brought into that entire nothingness of self, which will enable me to feel that, "It is not I that live, but Christ that liveth in me;" and in confidence have a well grounded hope, that all will be well, when the time shall come for this mortal to put on immortality, and "death be swallowed up in victory." Therefore, all I desire is strength to be able to bear all things, as becometh those whose hopes are in that power which is able to save to the uttermost all those who put their confidence in Him, who having been our Alpha, will, if abode in, be our Omega, if in sincerity we feel that the life we now live is through faith in Christ, faith in the Son of God, who gave himself for us-who gives Himself of his spirit within us, that we might receive the adoption of sonswhereby we cry, "Abba Father." Thus, "through weakness, we are made strong;" yes, truly, for our trust is no longer in our own might, or in the arm of flesh, but all hope and confidence is upon Him, who is a present helper in every needful time," and who never said to the wrestling seed, "Seek ye my face in vain." I had a sweet little visit a few days since from S. D. She was an entire stranger, brought by a mutual friend; she said her hearing was such that she could not converse much with the sick, but she was permitted sometimes to feel with them, which was soon proven, for, after a few minutes' pause, she spoke as one knowing what it was to be taught in the school of affliction. Her language was both encouraging and instructing. After which, she knelt by my bedside, and poured forth the breathing of her soul in a deep and fervent supplication; which showed forth the aboundings of that sympathy and love with which her heart is filled-embracing all-knowing no boundsno limits. It was a season of deep humiliation, not to be forgotten by thy poor unworthy friend; that thus the anointed ones should so often be led to my bedside; and did I not truly feel the aptness of her language, when she said, "Thou knowest, Oh! Father, who of this little company feel that they have none in Heaven but Thee, nor in all the earth beside

the sorrows of my heart are enlarged. Turn thou unto me;" and in heartfelt sincerity may add, and in thy good time release me; but until then, grant me patience to endure all things, "hoping all things-enduring all"-unmurmuringly, however trying my lot may sometimes feel. "He who is our holy Pattern, endured far more." But for my weak nature, my sufferings are great, and so prolonged, that it requires great watchfulness to dwell in the patience which becometh those who wait for the



dawning of a brighter day-when this mortal | be encountered-the poor four-footeds, housed shall put on immortality; but if I can be fa- to be sure, but not in stables of brick and mor vored thus to wait, all will be well, for His tar, defying wind and storm, but crevices promises fail not, and has He not said, "They through which the wind and snow is pouring, who wait His coming shall be clothed upon shivering with cold, suffering from thirst, the with a robe of righteousness."" I remain spring and the water trough buried many feet unchangeably thy sister in the bonds of love. deep, so that no trace of its whereabout is to be S. G. R. seen; lanes, pathways, and roads all full, and if cleared to-day, it is only to find them refilled on the morrow. No passing on the highway, no communication between neighbors, no mails for long periods. Such is life among these mountains.

(To be continued.)


[In the words of Cowper:



It seems the part of wisdom, and no sin Against the law of love to measure lots At our last Quarterly Meeting, held at AlWith less distinguished than ourselves; that thus We may with patience bear our mod'rate ills bany, I was the only one that attended from And sympathize with others, suff'ring more. this Monthly Meeting. The usual route being The extract below, from private letters quite impassable, I took a roundabout way by written by a friend living in a remote section stage and railroad, travelling 160 miles in getof the State of New York, presents a lively pic-ting to and from the meeting, and using up five ture, strikingly in contrast with the advantages days. Some of my friends thought that, under enjoyed in winter by the dwellers in a city like the circumstances, I might be excused; but, ours. But the ice and snow that have sur-being a representative, and having charge of rounded the outward habitation of our dear friend have not chilled the warm current of feeling that flows toward his friends, and his words of kindly cheer were so animating that we felt like sharing them with our readers.EDS]

3d. mo. 14th. 1867.

"The calendar says it is now spring, but the earth still presents an unbroken sheet of white, as far as the eye can reach.

There has been, however, quite a let up in the weather for several weeks past, but the huge banks piled in early winter, seem slow in leaving, and sadly obstruct the ways-in many places rendering travelling both difficult and dangerous.

For six weeks the wind blew, with brief exceptions, a perfect gale; bursting over the hilltops and down the mountain sides, as if each succeeding gale was endeavoring to excel the preceding one-the mercury all the time, with a few short intervals, nestling among the Zero's, till at length it suddenly dropped to 25° below nothing, where it rested, and finally slowly turned upward, and we are greatly in hopes it may not very soon seek that figure again. In your staid city of brotherly love, you have small conception of the freaks we have to encounter here, during the long winters of this almost arctic region. On rising one morning at the usual note of the clock, the room was yet dark; and on examining, we found that the wind, with busy hands, had been all night piling snow against the casements, until it had reached to the topmost pane, acting the part of a closed shutter; and our door ways were obstructed by many feet of snow. Now the struggle commenced.

The first plunge, we were waist deep in the snow, no shovel short of the cattle barn; between us and it, huge pyramids of snow were to

the minutes, I made a little extra effort. The meeting was quite well attended, the railways centering there, affording facilities for Friends of neighboring meetings to attend, a number of whom were very acceptably with us, and we had as we thought a good meeting. I have but once this winter missed the attendance of our own meeting, and that from ill health. It was kept up through all the terrific weather twice a week, mostly by men, who passed on foot over the frozen snow. It has been a low time with us, though, as always, entire harmony has prevailed, and a few seasons of favor. Through the kindness of Friends we have had a more than usual amount of good reading matter this winter."

After enumerating a number of interesting volumes, he adds:

"It is surely cause for encouragement that the nature and character of Deity, the relation we hold to Him, the duties we owe to ourselves, to each other, and to the Great Supreme, are being better understood than in days gone by; and we cannot but conclude that there are other sheep not of this fold who are receiving the oracles of truth, and who are acting them out with greater faithfulness than many in our fold; and shall we not rejoice at this?. My aspirations arise while I write that the striplings may not be dismayed; but, refusing the armor with which success is impossible, and girding on the simple sling and stone, go forth to victory. I was strongly impressed, when attending your last annual gathering, that there were in your borders some to whom the language had gone forth-" Arise, shine, for thy light has come." May these not prove unfaithful to this call, putting upon another what belongs to them, excusing themselves because they are "slow of speech and of a stammering

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tongue;" but come faithfully up to the help of the Lord against the mighty influence of tra dition-the influence of fear, of hesitancy, of doubt,-making straight steps toward Zion, the city of God, wherein dwelleth righteousness."

still suffering great injustice from an overbearing spirit, manifested by many of the white race with whom they are brought in contact. We hear of the cruelty and revenge practised by the Indians on the frontiers, and are some

FRIENDS' INTELLIGENCER. times greatly shocked at the murderous assaults


THE ADVERTISING SHEET.-Subscribers who have their papers bound have objected to the last page being appropriated to advertise ments, which are only of passing interest. Four additional pages are now devoted to that purpose. This will afford ample space for the accommodation of our business Friends, and their advertisements are solicited.

made upon the innocent emigrant or settler with whom they meet in their marauding expeditions. Much to be deplored as these things are, is there not some palliative for their crimes in the remembrance of the injuries which the red man has for many years borne from those upon whom it is natural for him to look as aggressors ? For a pittance which will not bear the name of an equivalent, he has been driven from his home, the haunts of his childhood, and the pro-wrested from him by a mercenary spirit with graves of his fathers-all these have been seeds sown by wrong-doing, though they may apparently but little compensation; but the apparently lie dormant for a time, will appear in some form; and the avenging spirit of the Indian, as he lifts his tomahawk and meditates the destruction of the "pale face" and his race, is undoubtedly the legitimate fruit of the oppression and deceit practised toward him by the unprincipled "civilized whites."

NOTICE.-Subscribers are requested to cure Post-office money orders in making remittances, or to send them in some other safe way, as some of the money lately sent has been taken from the letters.

THE FREEDMEN AND THE INDIANS.-It It seems strange to see in the public papers accounts of large and enthusiastic meetings having been held in the South by the "colored citizens," in which addresses were delivered by colored men, and resolutions passed, bearing upon the condition of the country. At a "Reconstruction meeting" held in Charleston, S. C., on the 22d inst., a number of resolutions were offered, designed to promote law and order, the 15th of which reads thus: "Relying upon Divine Providence for wisdom in our counsels, efficiency in our action, harmony among our selves with malice toward none and charity to all, we pledge our earnest and best efforts for the return of peace and prosperity to all our people, and for an early representation of our beloved State in the Congress of the United States." May these prove the words of a living inspiration, by which, purpose will be combined with action; and may the hearts of this manumitted people be turned into the right channel to secure their individual good, as well as their country's welfare.

In the gratification felt that the millions from whom the boon of liberty was so long withheld are gradually being placed in a position to enjoy it, we are not unmindful of another portion of the inhabitants of the land, who are

Before the Indians were influer ced by the habits of the corrupt traders who furnished them with "fire-water," in order that they might the more readily impose upon their ignorance and credulity, there are instances recorded of their native hospitality and magnanimity, which are worthy of imitation even by a more enlightened people. The reverence in which the Indians hold the memory of Wm. Penn will illustrate our position, and will prove that "every seed will bring forth fruit after its kind." They have been taught to respect the Friends or Quakers, as descendants or children of one who extended the hand of friendship with a salutation of brothers to their forefathers, and whether these Friends are met upon the prairie or in the forest they are recognized as Friends, and have nothing to fear. Not long since we heard from a friend in Iowa that for several seasons past a depredatory band of Indians had visited a certain neighborhood in that district of country, and had become a great terror because of one or two murders that had been committed. But upon their coming again the past year, they were visited by Friends

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