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centre. And now the screw is made.-Ameri can Agriculturist.

FEMALE EDUCATION IN AFRICA.-A liberal gentleman in England, who conceals his name, has given $12,500 for the erection of an edifice for a female Practical Piety.—Religion that does not go Church Missionary Record says, very truly, that the boarding-school at Sierra Leone. The English with us in our daily vocations, controlling and education of the females must keep pace with that guiding us, is of little value. We should not of the males, else disastrous consequences will folmake it obtrusive or ill-timed in any of its mani- low. Africa must be regenerated by Africans themfestations, but our hearts should be so thorough-selves. Whatever aid is given to these institutions ly imbued with the Spirit of Christ, as to cause is so much for the advance of civilization and the every action, in its own quiet way, to show forth entire removal of slavery in Africa. PROGRESS IN CHINA.-The Chinese government apthe foundation principles of our life, and speak pears to be awakening to the importance of European a stronger language for the Master, than our civilization as well as the Japanese. An important direct words. It is in our worldly business, in document has been published in Pekin-a memorial, our every-day life, that our religion is needed, addressed by the Minister of State to the Emperor if anywhere, both in its effect on ourselves, and and widow Empress, proposing to create in Pekin a college, in combination with a school of languges, on those with whom we are brought in contact. in which to the young literary Chinamen shall be FRIENDS' PUBLICATION ASSOCIATION. taught all the modern sciences known among naThe undersigned acknowledges the receipt of the following sums from

A Member of Chesterfield Mo. Meeting, N.J....$100.00
A Woman Friend, Trenton, N.J......

[ocr errors]

2.00 Philada. Mo. Meeting....... 20.00 1.00


A Friend at Bridgton, N. J.........................
Jos. M. TRUMAN, JR., Treasurer,
717 Willow St., Philadelphia.

The Treasurer of Friends' Association for the Aid and Elevation of the Freedmen received, since 11th month 1st,

From City contributions.....

Friends of Sadsbury.



Deerfield, Obio..................

[ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors]
[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

and others of Goshen.....

66 N. Potter, Battle Creek, Mich.....

[ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small]


a Friend, Radnor, per J. M. T........... "E, Lower Makefield....

Stephen Mosher, West Liberty, Iowa....

tions with which the Celestial empire has any com

merce, and these nations are invited to furnish professors for this new establishment. Then follows

the imperial sanction and rules for this college, as well as an important letter, addressed by the counsellors of the university to the Emperor of China, recommending the creation of an European college in Pekin. This document is a striking proof of the intelligence of the Orientals, and shows the growing influence of foreigners in China.

SOUTH AMERICAN TELEGRAPHS-The cable recently laid from Florida to Cuba bids fair to be $354.00 merely the beginning of a system of wires destined 25.00 to bring us into telegraphic connection with the 125.00 whole of South America. A company, entitled the 34.50"Spanish-American Intercommunication Telegraph 12.00 Company," has been chartered with a capital of two 87.35 and a half millions of dollars, to run a line along 5.00 the western coast, south from Panama. Valuable 10.00 concessions have already been made by Pern, and 2.00 similar favors are expected from Chili, Bolivia, 1.50 Ecuador and Columbia. How the connection be10.00 tween Cuba and the Isthmus is to be made has not 1.00 yet been determined; whether direct, or by way of 13.00 Yucatan on the one side or the chain of the West India Islands on the other. The laying down of some line is of course a mere question of time, at the present rate of progress of such enterprises.

$680.35 Also donations of two boxes Clothing, from Kennett Aid Association; Seeds, unknown; 5000 Tracts, Hymns, &c., from Friends' Freedmen's Association; Books. J. H. Longstreth, Clothing.

HENRY M. LAING, Treasurer,
30 N. Third St.

PHILADA., 12th mo. 2d.


CONGRESS.-The President's message was received and read in both Houses of Congress. In the Senate, a motion was adopted to strike out the title "Honorable" wherever it was prefixed to a Senator's name. In the House, the resolution on the impeachment of Andrew Johnson was taken up, and, after much debate, was lost, the vote standing, yeas 57, nays 108. The bill declaring that from and after its passage the authority of the Secretary of the Treasury to make any reduction in the currency by retiring or cancelling United States notes is suspended, was reported back from the Committee of Ways and Means, and, after discussion, passed.

The Atlantic Cable Company on the 4th inst. decided upon the following rates of charge: Five words for address, date and signature, heretofore accepted without charge, but subject to limitation as to the number of letters, will be forwarded irrespective of the number of letters they contain, provided the privilege is not abused.

GENERAL HOWARD has said, we understand, that, if the Freedmen's Commission and other associations of the North will continue to raise money and send teachers this year as they did last year, he will be able, when the term of his bureau shall expire, to plant so many schools in the South, and those so thoroughly, that "a pretty fair school system will be insured in every Southern State."

Nor less numerous than the evidences of an ardent and universal desire for education, are the proofs of the capabilities of the race for attaining it. Of the colored children in the schools now established at the South, it is interesting to know, as fixing the degrees of proficiency attained, that about one-seventh were learning the alphabet, three-sevenths could spell and read easy lessons, two-sevenths were advanced readers, one-sixth were studying geography, onehalf were studying arithmetic, one-third could write, and one-fiftieth were engaged in studying the higher branches. Only one-seventh were over sixteen years ofage; and one-fifth of those in attendance on the schools of these agencies paid their tuition regularly.

THE CRANBERRY CROP of the United States this year, it is said, will amount to 300,000 bushels, worth $1,200.000, and of this amount New Jersey produces one-half.



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The Paper is issued every Seventh-day, at Three Dollars per annum. $2.50 for Clubs; or, four copies for $10.

Agents for Clubs will be expected to pay for the entire Club. The Postage on this paper, paid in advance at the office where It is received, in any part of the United States, is 20 cents a year. AGENTS-Joseph S. Cohu, New York.

Henry Haydock, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Benj Stratton, Richmond, Ind.

William H. Churchman, Indianapolis, Ind.
James Baynes, Baltimore, Md.

(Continued from page 643.)

Relative to her own experience, M. Penington proceeds thus:-"Word having been brought to the house that a neighboring minister, who had been suspended by the bishop for not being subject to their canons, had returned to his people again, and that he was to preach at the same place where he had preached three years before, I desired to go. For this I was reproved by those who had the care of me, as being not fit to leave my parish church. I could not comply with their mind, but felt I must go. When I came I found the minister was, indeed, one of those called Puritans. He prayed fervently, and with much sense of feel ing. I felt that his was that sort of prayer which my mind had pressed after, but that I could not come at it in my own will; only had just tasted of it that time I have just mentioned. Now I knew this was true prayer, and I mourn ed sorely that I still kneeled down morning after morning, and night after night, but had not a word to say. I was exercised with this a great time; I could not go to hear the common prayer that was read in the family at nights, nor could I kneel down when I went to their worship house. I could but read the Bible, or some other book, whilst the priest read common prayer.

"At length I could neither kneel nor stand up to join with the priest in prayers before the sermon; neither did I care to hear him preach;




... 660

Remarks on the Death of Mary K. Henzey...





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but my mind ran after the hearing of the Nonconformist before mentioned. By constraint I went with the family in the morning, but could not be kept from going to hear the Puritan preacher in the afternoon. I went through much suffering to secure this, being forced to go on foot two or three miles, and none permitted to go with me. However, a servant out of compassion would sometimes run after me, lest I should be frightened by going alone. I was very young, but so zealous in this that all their reasonings and threatenings could not keep me back; and in a short time I would not go to hear the parish priest at all, but went, wet or dry, to the other place. I would go in with the family to hear the Scriptures read; but if I did happen to go in before they had done the prayers, I would sit while they kneeled. These things wrought much trouble in the family, and there were none to take my part but two of the maid servants, who were inclined to mind what I said against the reading of their prayers, and so refused to join with them in it. This the governors of the family were much disturbed at, and they made me the subject of their discourse in company, saying that I professed to pray with the spirit, but rejected godly men's prayers; that I was proud, and a schismatic." This was hard enough. against a conscientious, tender-spirited girl of seventeen; but we must remember how trying it was to her guardians to see one so young taking such a stand against established forms,

and against what they regarded and had adopted as the right and truly authorized course in family worship.

When to the above was added the suspicion that she went to hear the Puritan preacher, only to obtain more liberty to meet with some young men whose acquaintance she was not likely to form in the house of her guardian, no wonder its injustice hurt her much, and that her sense of delicacy was wounded to the quick. In the family of Sir Edward Partridge she had abundant opportunities of meeting with gay company; and a beautiful young heiress as she was, with the advantages of wealth and educated taste, attracted, as we may well understand, numerous suitors; but from the special attentions thus directed to her she turned coldly away. Her heart was too much absorbed in the great search after truth, and longing for spiritual communion with God, to be moved by such attentions from any one who was not similarly interested. Thus she speaks of her feelings at that time :

"I minded not those marriages that were propounded to me by vain persons, but having desired of the Lord that I might have one who feared Him, I had a belief, though then I knew none of my own outward rank that was such a one, that the Lord would provide one for me. In this belief I continued, not regarding the reproaches of them that said to me, no gentleman, none but mean persons were of this way, and that I would marry some mean one or other. They were disappointed in that, for the Lord touched the heart of him who was afterwards my husband, and my heart cleaved to him for the Lord's sake."

This was William Springett. During the previous seasons of deep trial through which his uncle's ward had been passing, William had been at Cambridge pursuing his studies there, and afterwards at the Inns of Court studying law. As his uncle, Sir Thomas Springet, was his guardian, it is probable the nephew had his uncle's house as a second home, and had thus been entirely removed from the scene of Mary's trials when they were most bitterly felt; and it doubtless was through the influence of this uncle, who was a steady royalist, that William Springett was knighted by the king, that honor having been conferred on him at a very early age-most probably when he was a law student and under Sir Thomas Springett's immediate care and patronage.

It seems that as soon as William heard through his mother's letters how the case stood with Mary Proude, that he lost no time in hastening home, deserting all the attractions of London, and forsaking the law courts, to which he never returned as a student. As the object of his most cherished affections, he asked Mary to give him the right to protect

and shield her, to which she consented with all her heart; for to her great joy she found, what she scarcely ventured to hope or expect, that his religious feelings, notwithstanding the adverse society to which his London life had been exposed, corresponded very nearly with her own. Hence she says, "My heart cleaved to him for the Lord's sake." They were married a few months after William's return, when Mary was about eighteen and he not yet twenty-one.

The youthful husband, with the utmost zeal, adopted and carried out the same objections to the use of forms of prayer and to other Church of England observances which his young wife had done previously. She says, speaking of that early time, "We scrupled many things then in use among those that were counted honest, good people. We found that songs of praise with us must spring from the same thing as prayer did-the feelings of the heart-and so we could not in that day use any one's song any more than their prayer." And she adds, respecting her husband, "Being so zealous against the use of common prayer and superstitious customs, made him a proverb amongst his intimates and relations. Indeed, he was so sensible of blind superstition concerning what they called their churches, that, to show his abhorrence of their placing holiness in the house, he would give disdaining words about their church timber. When we had a child, he refused to allow the midwife to say her formal prayer, but prayed himself, and gave thanks to the Lord in a very sweet and melting way; which caused great amazement. He never went to the parish church, but went miles away to hear Wilson, the minister I before mentioned; nor would he go to prayers in the house, but prayed morning and evening, with me and his servants; which wrought great discontent in the family, whilst we lodged with his uncle, Sir Edward Partridge. He would not let the parish priest baptize the child, but, when it was eight days old, bad it carried in arms to this Wilson, five miles distant. There was great seriousness and solemnity observed in doing this; we then looked upon it as an ordinance of God. Notes were sent to professing people round about, for more than ten miles, to come to seek the Lord at such a time for a blessing upon his ordinance. No person was to hold the child but the father, whom the preacher desired to take it as being the fittest person to have charge of him. It was a great cross and a new business, which caused much gazing and wonderment, for him, a gallant and very young man, in the face of so great an assembly to hold the child in his arms. received large charge about educating his child, and his duty towards him. He was the first person of quality in this country that refased the common mode, which he did in his zeal


against the formality and superstitions of the


"He took the Scotch Covenant against all popery and popish innovations, and was in the English engagement when the fight was at Edge Hill, which happened when his child was about a month old. He had a commission sent him to be colonel of a regiment of foot, and he raised eight hundred men without beat of drum,

most of them religious professors' sons. There

convenience to pitch his own tent which he had with him. For some days he lived on candied. citron and biscuit. After being in several other engagements, he went back with his regiment into Kent."

(To be continued.)

PRAYER is the peace of our spirit, the stillness of our thoughts, the evenness of recollection, the seat of meditation, the rest of our cares and the calm of our tempest; prayer is the issue pany; himself going a volunteer, taking no pay the daughter of charity, and the sister of meekpay.of a quiet mind, of untroubled thoughts; it is He was afterwards made a deputy-lieutenant of

were near six score volunteers in his own com

the county of Kent, in which position he was ness.-Bp. Jeremy Taylor. zealous and diligent for the cause.

In looking over a late number of the British Friend, we find an article on the non-attendance of week day meetings. This being a concern which has claimed the serious consideration of Friends within our own Yearly Meeting, we felt an especial interest in the views expressed by J. D. The following extract will no doubt meet with the approval of many who have felt deeply on this subject:

TO NON-ATTENDERS OF WEEK DAY MEETINGS. cies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service."-Romans xii. 1.

"I beseech you, therefore, brethren, by the mer

"Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is."-Hebrews x. 25.

"And the King said unto Araunab, Nay, but I will

surely buy it of thee at a price; neither will I offer burnt-offerings unto the Lord my God of that which doth cost me nothing. So David bought the threshing-floor and the oxen for fifty shekels of silver."-2 Samuel xxiv. 24.

"Within a few days after his regiment was enrolled, there was a rising in the vale of Kent of many thousands; to suppress which, he and his newly gathered, undisciplined soldiers were commanded from their rendezvous at Maidstone. He, having placed his men in such order as their inexperience and the time would permit, came to take his leave of me before encountering the enemy. When he came, he found me in danger of being put out of the house in case the enemy proceeded so far; and it put him to great diffi culty to provide for my safety, and to return to his regiment at the time appointed, it being reported Prince Rupert was coming over to join the risers. But, being of such quick capacity, he soon devised a course that effected it; fetching a stage coach from Rochester in the night, he carried me and my child and maid to Gravesend; and there, hiring a barge for us to go to London, he took a solemn leave of me, and went post to his regiment. When I came to London, I found the whole city in alarm, nothing but noise of drums and trumpets, with the Do not the vacant seats in too many meetingclattering of arms, and the loud cry, Arm! houses of the Society of Friends, especially on arm! for the enemy is near!' This was at the week-days, sadly testify to the neglect of these time of that bloody fight between the Parlia- admonitions; and is it not to be feared that the ment forces and the king's, at Hounslow heath. manner of some is, to offer unto the Lord of "The risers being dispersed in Kent, my that which costs them nothing, by presenting husband came to London, having behaved very themselves before Him on the First day of the approvably in getting restored the cattle and week, whilst, alas! they neglect the assembling horses to the persons that had been plundered of themselves together, when the service of the by the risers, who had taken a great quantity, King of kings interferes, as they imagine, with which, on their being dispersed, came into pos- the supposed duties or enjoyments of life. It is session of the soldiers. He applied himself to customary with most professing Christians to have them all restored to those that were op- assemble with others for the public worship of pressed by the plunderers, but there were other God on the first day of the week. There may be officers associated with him who endeavored to little or nothing of true fealty to Him in this. It enrich themselves by retaining them. He would be deemed disreputable, and they would afterwards went upon several services with his feel conscience-stricken to omit so obvious a regiment; he was at the taking of Lord Craven's duty; whilst attendance on mid-week meetings house in Surrey, where several of his own com for worship and meetings for discipline is pany of volunteers were of the forlorn hope regarded by too many as of little importance. He was also at the fight at Newbury, where he They bow to the opinions of their fellow men was in imminent danger; a bullet hitting him as regards First-day duties; whilst the love and severely, though it had lost its force to enter. fear of God prove insufficient motives to detach He lay for some nights on the field in Lord them from their too engrossing secular engageRobert's coach; there being neither time norments at other times.

Very plausible reasons are often assigned for the omission of such attendance-that other duties stand in the way-needful attention to business-the care of a family-reasonable relaxation-inability to spare the time required -deference to employers or partners in trade. Such excuses might be considered valid, if religion were a secondary matter-if temporal things were to stand first, and then the things of God. But the command is clear, distinct, imperative, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God;" and no humble believer need fear to accept this in all its comprehensiveness, and with all the consequences its unqualified fulfilment entails. The writer believes that plain speaking is needed on this subject! and, whilst desiring to plead with the negligent in Christian love, he would that they might very seriously consider whether they are not robbing God of his due, and their own souls of much spiritual benefit, by withholding from Him what may cost them something, but which is, unquestionably, their

reasonable service.

Is there not still left amongst us a measure at least of that deep and fervent love to Christ and to his cause which so characterized our forefathers, whom neither fines nor imprisonment could deter from attending their meetings? Is the burning zeal of other days no more to be found within our borders? Have those cour ageous and dedicated ones who feared no evil, but whose hearts were fixed, trusting in the Lord, left no successors? And are we indeed becoming, as a people, faint and feeble in our allegiance and service to our God.

Whilst freely availing ourselves of every increased facility now offered for Scriptural instruction, and of all other means really calculated to promote our spiritual growth, may we never forget the ancient landmarks, never lose faith in the direct influence, guidance, and teaching of the Holy Spirit, or the high privilege of communion with God through Him; but rather be willing to be stirred up to greater diligence in the attendance of all our meetings for worship and discipline.

Many can testify that a rich and continued blessing has been bestowed upon them, both outwardly and spiritually, in thus giving up to the calls of duty; and how many have had to deplore a neglect of these meetings as the first steps in declension, which, abating their love to God and their joy in his courts, has led them downward in the path of unfaithfulness and sorrow.-J. D.


London Pauperism amongst Jews and Christians. An

Inquiry into the Principles and Practice of Outdoor Relief in the Metropolis, and the Results upon the Moral and Physical Condition of the Pauper Class. By J. H. STALLARD, M. B., London. London: Saunders, Otley & Co., 1867.

The Jewish system of public relief in London originated, it seems, from the removal, a few years ago, of the wealthier Hebrew families, for fashion's sake, to the West End. Before this removal, the rich and poor not only met together in their synagogues for common worship and mutual edification, but lived together in a common and close neighborhood, with natural relations between the two classes, and a simple, spontaneous dependence of each upon the other. Left to themselves, the poor were obliged to resort to new means of communication with their more favored fellows of Israel's name. "All isolation," says Matthew Browne, in his own italies, "all isolation is a making of little hells!" So it wrought with the Hebrews in the great metropolis. The poorer synagogues of the Continent forwarded their dependent members, for relief, to London, as their residence, or as a stage on their way, pilgrim-like, to our shores. Hundreds of poor foreigners, ignorant of the language, homeless and houseless, with no means of self-support, crowded the Jewish quarter in the heart of this centre of the world's wealth. The Hebrew population was estimated, last year, at 55,000, and has not, probably, ranged much below those figures during the brief period of their new Relief Arrangement. The foreign element largely predominated. Some estimate of the proportion of widows and fatherless children may be drawn from the fact, that 10,000 of the former and 25,000 of the latter are already enrolled upon the books of their Guardians of the Poor.

The removal of the rich from their vicinity left the poor to avail themselves of begging pleas or begging letters. They planted themselves at the doors of warehouses, countingrooms, or banking-offices, with an importunity not to be denied; or they forwarded epistles of a most urgent and piteous tenor: and to both forms of appeal the pious and prosperous Jew promptly accorded a favorable reply. So the relationship was re established, which his removal to the West End had disturbed. But effects soon followed which revealed a disastrous error. The more the rich yielded and gave, the more importunate and exacting the poor became. Beggars' cries and beggars' letters multiplied Let a young man resolve that he will never and swarmed, like the flies and frogs of Egypt. cross the threshold of a theatre; let him deter-Pauperism increased. To prevent this, as well mine, as Amos Lawrence did at the age of four as to remember and relieve the poor, was the teen, when there were no temperance societies question which Hebrew charity had to meet. to help him, that he will run no risks with the intoxicating cup.

The first step was the appointment of a Board of twenty-nine Guardians of the Poor, to

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