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essay on

For Friends' Intelligencer.

"Bridal Presents," by I. Hicks,

attract, and by ways into which the unwary may wander, and the young and inexperienced need all the care that can be bestowed by judic-in Friends' Intelligencer, No. 35, is eminently ious parents; and they also need the counsel and worthy of the serious consideration of the encouragement of rightly concerned friends members of the Society of Friends, and it is to who will take them by the hand and help them be hoped may check this practice which is over the "hard places" in the journey of life. making its inroads into our Society; and. it Many parents, in view of their responsibility would have been a relief to some minds, and on behalf of their children, like Hannah of might have been productive of good, if the old, desire the aid of their friends in the dis- writer bad extended his remarks to another charge of this important duty. We read that, practice, that appears to be increasingly popu when she dedicated her child unto the Lord, lar among Friends, involving the same or even she sought outward help in guiding his feet in greater inconsistencies. I allude to the celethe way of life; and though the prophet heard bration of what is called tin, silver and golden not the voice that spoke unto little Samuel, yet, weddings. Some of the objections to this pracfrom similar experiences, he was able to per- tice are, in making the expected presents on ceive that the Lord had called the child and to these occasions, inducements are held out for some to contribute more than they can afford, give him right counsel. rather than subject themselves to an unfavorable comparison with others; and some of the articles presented are not practically valuable, and others are costly and extravagant. But the greatest inconsistency, in my view, is in the display of them, illy according with that humility which we profess to advocate, and which especially becomes those who have been favored to live together fifty years as man and wife, much more than any ostentatious display on such occasions.

As I understand the object of First-day schools, they are not intended for instruction in theological dogmas. Were this the case, there would justly be reason for discouraging their continuance; but as far as I have observed, there is no such view on the part of those engaged in them; on the contrary, I believe the desire is to make the teaching simple and practical; to call the attention of the children to the Divine Spirit in the heart; to inculcate the importance of heeding this inward voice that speaks as never man speaks; by obedience to which they will be enabled to discern between the evil and the good, be strengthened to resist temptation and to follow that which is right.

As aids in this work, they use the Scriptures and other good books, because in them are portrayed the effects of Divine Light upon the mind. The letter killeth, the spirit alone miketh alive. None, I believe, can read the Scriptures prayerfully, and with a desire to be instructed, without realizing that they are one of the means through which living truth is communicated. They bear witness to the truth. They are not that Light," but only one of the vehicles for its transmission.

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It seems to me we may sustain a loss by too entirely rejecting outward instrumentalities. To enable us to walk uprightly through this present life, we need all the helps the Universal Father has placed at our disposal, and doubtless we shall be held accountable for their right improvement.

Not only may these First-day schools be a means of instruction to the children, but they may also be profitable exercises for those who meet with them, for as they unitedly examine the great principles and testimonies that underlie our profession, their hearts may together be touched as with a live coal from off the holy altar, and they may respond, "Great and marvellous are thy works, Lord God Almighty, just and true are all thy ways thou King of Saints." Philadelphia, 11th mo., 1867.


If the object is to promote social feelings. among relatives and friends, this would be much better attained were they to meet without presents; and presents privately furnished would be more highly appreciated.

There is another subject I desire Friends may examine by the true light. It is that of Firstday schools, or, as I think may be more properly called, Sabbath or Sunday schools, as they or .* If these schools are deiginated with those who call the first day of the week by those names. signed for the same purpose as our common schools, I think them unnecessary, as six days in the week and a few hours in a day is deemed too much confinement for study. If they are designed for moral or religious instruction through the medium of the Scriptures, to be imparted by the teachers as expounders thereof, I think it entirely inconsistent for Friends, as we believe that nothing short of inspiration can interpret the true meaning of the inspired records; and this is not always at our command, and the historical part can be read and understood without a teacher.

Parents are the proper guardians of their children; and as those who attend day schools are necessarily away from their parents much of the time in the week, it is surely desirable the family should be kept together as much as

*Our Friend is mistaken. The first movement in

this city in relation to such schools originated with Friends in the year 1790, and they were called "Firstday" or "Sunday schools."


possible on First days, that after attending | shoes and clothes cost no less, and to her own meetings for worship, opportunity should be scanty wardrobe, unprotected feet, and slender afforded for the family group to be drawn to- diet for want of means, may often be attributed gether, and such means of improvement adopted as concerned parents may believe right. Too much of a disposition is manifested in some parents to place their children under others for education, rather than take the responsibility themselves. 11th mo. 16th, 1867.

T. W.

the delicate frame and flushed cheek which betoken feeble health. Our attention has been directed to this subject by reading in "The Press" an article written "By a Boston lady," on "Boston Female Compositors."

She says that two-thirds of the printing done in Boston is set up by women. "They

FRIENDS' INTELLIGENCER. not only set type, but they arrange 'forms' and


The minutes of Ohio Yearly Meeting, held at Salem from 26th of Eighth month to 29th of the same inclusive, have just come to hand. It would be very desirable to receive from our friends and correspondents early accounts of these annual gatherings, which are always a3. ceptable to a large class of our readers. So long a time has elapsed since Ohio Yearly Meeting was held that the interest in its proceedings is much lessened.

From the minutes we learn that seven Friends from other Yearly Meetings were present with certificates. The Meeting appears to have been introduced into a profitable exercise, but no minutes embracing these exercises are appended to the Extracts.

read proof,' correcting and deciphering bad
manuscripts with great skill and readiness."
That in some of the large publishing houses,
the foreman is the only male printer in the es-
tablishment, the printing, press-work, bind-
ing and folding, as well as the book-keeping,
The most rapid and
being all done by women.
experienced workers among them receive from
eight and a half to ten dollars per week,
at the high prices of everything is a poor re-



muneration. The writer remarks, it is to be regretted that Massachusetts does not pay her female printers more liberally. They certainly do a man's work, then why not pay them men's wages? The majority of publishers assert that they prefer girls to men as compositors. They are more steady, reliable and quick. But perhaps the strongest motive power lies in the economy of so doing. Day after day these LABOR FOR WOMEN.-In the new channels girls go regularly to their work from half past which are being opened from time to time for seven in the morning till six in the evening. the employment of women we can rejoice, in- The sedentary employment of standing at cases, asmuch as we believe it to be a pressing neces- presses, and folders, from year to year, will tell sity, in order that many who are now enduring at last on the strongest constitutions. the privations of penury may be relieved from gies thus employed and exhausted should rethe harrowing thought of whence shall be deceive a liberal compensation, so that the need rived the daily means of subsistence. There of excessive labor should not long exist. It is is, however, one discouraging feature attending said the publishers of Boston grow rich by the it which we earnestly desire to see remedied, system of poorly paying their employés. That that is, the comparatively low wages awarded the women do not receive more than half what women. We shall not have attained the point a man would rightfully demand. The descripwhich justice demands until there shall be an tion of the amount of labor required in the equality with men in this respect, where the printing of a newspaper may surprise and inlabor and responsibility are the same. It is terest those who have given but little thought often said that it costs a woman less than a to the subject as they have perused the daily man to live, but the facts do not justify this rejournals. mark. Nobody charges her less rent, and she pays as much for coal, groceries and meats, and, sometimes, more in proportion, as she is obliged to buy in small quantities. Her children's

We would recommend those who never witnessed the labor of getting up a newspaper to visit a printing room and see the patience, toil, and practice it requires to produce a presentable sheet.



She looks over You mount the long, dirty editorial stairs; | eye-you can detect no error. pass the almost human presses, that seem your shoulder, and smiles doubtfully. She instinct with life, so nimbly do the iron fingers sees at a glance-backwards or upsidedown, it pick up the sheets, throwing them off damp is all one to her-that nearly every letter is and smooth with exact precision. You enter wrongside out, or severed completely; that you the dusty, window begrimed compositors' room; have "spaced" some words and others you there they sit or stand before high desks, have not; and should your efforts at type-seton which are placed the cases. Many of those ting appear in the morning's issue, it would Who would ever dream that you poor, hard working girls look thin and con- read something like this: efǝzbers rǝhkliona sumptive, with slender waists and emaciated busjon, hands. Summer and winter for years many of meant simply to say, "Sheridan's reception in The slender, Boston?" You innocently remove your bewil have your first them have bent over their cases. blue-veined wrists seem all too delicate to hold dering composition, and you the heavy stick with its sixteen lines of leaden taste of printer's "pi." There is nothing left of labor but a mass of heterogeneous type your words. When full, how cleverly do they re move it to the forms without dropping a single in a hapless state of confusion. The little leads seem laughing at you and your awkward letter or displacing a period! attempt to control them at first acquaintance, admonishing you that it takes time to become It requires an adept in the business; it is not acquired in an hour, or a day-no, nor a year. more than an ordinary capacity to be a printer. A compositor must be well educated-a good orthographer and grammarian-for they are often obliged to correct many a blundering sentence, unsystematic phrase, and un-Websterlike spelling; sagaciously mastering the horrible pen-strokes of learned men with a clearness and discernment only a printer could possess.

One can but wonder while watching the little fingers fluttering over the case if they never get tired. They must, in spite of habit and years of experience.

You have seen the stick filled and removed to the galley. Now she will distribute, which requires quite as much tact as the other. She holds a huge pile of wet type in her left hand, while the expert lead discolored fingers of the right fly like magic-so swiftly that the eye can scarcely follow them. Tick, tick, the little pieces fall into their separate boxes until they are quite full; then, with her manuscript before her, she proceeds to set up a badly-written article, that would take you an hour to read; an article that may, perhaps, create a profound sensation throughout the land.

You regard her attentively a moment, and
then vainly imagine that you are capable of
doing the same.

"Oh! it is nothing," you say, "to set up
type-nothing in the world easier," and the
compositress points toward a dusty, unused
"Pshaw! it is
case, full of rusty, pied type.
nothing." You seize a stick; a smiling printer
lays a few lines of copy before you. You pick
up a letter-you know your letters, of course
from a b,
-but for your you cannot tell
nor aq from either. They are easily dis
tinguished when written, but type, ah! that is
another thing. M's, n's and u's are plain, but
a's and r's are puzzling. Some of the letters
are so big, and others so little, you begin to find
it not so easy as at first imagined.


You at last master two or three lines to your satisfaction. Then there were the punctuation marks; ten to one you never see them when reading, but which, if omitted, you would soon detect. It demands considerable ability to know where and how to place these little "cur likews." Not one-half of the writers punctuate their manuscripts, and, if they do, it is generally


You fondly believe your lines are correct, perfect in sheet; they certainly look so to your

The female compositors are the most refined, sensible, and practically educated of all the women workers in busy, pushing Boston, where they serve in almost every capacity.

Daily the written thoughts of our best and ablest men lie on their cases; the prose and poetry of this and other lands pass continually through their hands-thus, while they labor they obtain knowledge. This very labor, wearing as it is on life and health, improves the mind and educates the poor compositoress in a manner more useful, self sustaining, and systematic than that afforded by our fashionable boarding schools.

MARRIED, on the 14th of Eleventh month, 1867, at the house of the bride's father, (Daniel Mun tay,) JAMES W. GARRETSON to LUCY MUNDAY, all of Prairie Grove, Henry Co., Iowa.

, at Poughkeepsie, at the residence of the bride's mother, on the 19th of Eleventh month, 1867, lage of Yonkers, to SARAH E. HUMESTONE, of the city by Friends' ceremony, ROBERT JACKSON, of the vilof Pougukeepsie, N. Y.

DIED, on the 24th of Eleventh month, 1867, ANN
Meeting of Friends of Philadelphia.
GILL, in her 85th year; a member of the Monthly

suddenly, on Seventh-day, Eleventh month 234, 1867, J. FRANKLIN, son of Chalkley and Rachel Holt, aged 13 months.

on the 15th of Eleventh month, 1867, THOS. YEAMANS, aged 48 years; a member of the Monthly Meeting of Friends of Pilada, held at Spruce St.

on the 18th of Eleventh month. 1867, in Philadelphia, ELLEN R., wife of Stephen H. Brooks, aged 27 years.


The Committee of Management will meet on Fourthday evening, Twelfth month 11th, at 8 o'clock, in the Library Room, Race St. Meeting-house.

JACOB M. ELLIS, Clerk. FRIENDS' FUEL ASSOCIATION FOR THE POOR. The Annual Meeting will be held this (Seventhday) evening, Twelfth month 7th, at 7 o'clock, in the Monthly Meeting Room, Race St. Meeting-bouse. A Summary of the operations of the Society last winter will be read, the proposed Charter considered, &c.

The attendance of Friends is invited.

Jos. M TRUMAN, JR., Clerk.

FRIENDS' SOCIAL LYCEUM. Twelfth month 10th, Lecture by Jos. A. PAxson.

(Continued from page 616.)

11th month 9th, 1867. At a meeting of Friends' First-day School Conference, held in Race street Meeting house, Philadelphia, at this date, the minutes of the last meetings at West Chester and Baltimore were approved, and the Committee appointed

at West Chester released.

A school at Greenplain, Ohio, was reported, being the 23d on the list.

To show the increasing interest in this concern, mention was made of the prospect of establishing a school at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., some of those interested in it being now present.

The Committee on Organization were not prepared to report, and suggested their being enlarged from this body, which was approved, and the addition made.

Renewedly strengthened by having in such harmony and fellowship been allowed to proceed thus far in its deliberations, the Conference adjourned to 3 o'clock this afternoon.

On assembling in the afternoon, the Committee on Organization produced a report, which, being duly considered, was united with, as follows:

Plan of Organization. "Within the limits of each Yearly Meeting there shall be a First-day School organization, having a clerk, an assistant clerk, and a treasurer. Fach association shall meet annually at such time and place as may seem expedient. To said associations each school within its limits will report, through representatives, its number of pupils, adults or children, male or female; its number of teachers, male and female; average attendance of pupils and teachers through the preceding year; the number of schools not held, with the reasons for such failures; number of months vacated; number of books in libraries; and any other information, or any recommendations that may seem proper.

"These associations shall send delegates, with reports, to a General Conference, to be held annually at 7 o'clock, P. M., on the Sixthday preceding Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, at

Race street Meeting-house, said reports to embrace, besides the information sent to each association by its schools, the number of schools within its limits.

"Where no Yearly Meeting association has been formed, any single school or schools shall report to the General Conference.

"The General Conference shall publish annually its proceedings for the benefit of interested absent Friends.

"Each association shall raise a fund for its own, and the needs of the General Conference, in defraying such expenses as may seem necessary, especially for aiding such schools as may be found needing assistance."

The Conference next appointed an Education Committee, whose duty is to examine and prepare materials for First-day Schools, and to have oversight and management of the affairs of this body henceforward to the organization of the General Conference in Fifth month next, as follows: Lydia H. Hall, William Dorsey, Louisa J. Roberts, Benjamin Stratton, (Richmond, Ind..) Ann S. Paschall, Samuel M. Janney, Jane Johnson, William W. Biddle, Harriet E. Stockly, Joseph M. Truman, Jr., Anne Caley, Samuel E. Griscom, Lydia C. Stabler, Eli M. Lamb.

Joseph Powell, 3120 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, was appointed Treasurer of the Conference, and his name added to the Executive Committee.

In the early part of the meeting renewed stimulus was added to the work by information of the cheering effect produced upon a distant school and those interested in it by an account of the late Baltimore Conference given by one of its members.

In favor of a general organization, much expression was elicited, it being clearly understood that this was to embody no effort to mould the schools into one pattern, but simply to liuk together the separate chains, that our communication may be perfect, and that we may be strengthened by hearing of each other, and be able to extend mutual aid in time of need.

During the sessions, which were of great interest and earnestness, the mode of conducting our schools was again discussed, and many questions asked by those desirous of familiarizing themselves with it.

In answer to a concern expressed that teachers in the same school should fully understand each other, so as to move with unity of purpose, it was stated that the teachers of Baltimore had from nearly the first of their organization held monthly meetings, at which they were expected to report their labors during the past four weeks, thus interesting all in the work of each, allowing them to gain ideas from each other, and opening the way for any suggestions for mutual good.


Information was also given of a similar organization lately formed at Race St., Philada. In these monthly meetings it was thought better to review the past than to attempt to mark out a future path, considering, as a beautiful feature of our schools, the individuality of the teachers, and foreseeing the danger of marring the work by attempting to prescribe their


While it was evident that only in preserving this individuality could we hope to work effectually in accordance with the principles of our Society, the teachers were urged to examine thoroughly their own stand-points, and to let their teachings be simple, attempting to impart nothing in which they were not themselves firmly grounded.

Reports of schools in which classes of adults had been formed awakened with many an anx ious desire that more of these, no longer children, might enjoy the advantages of thus coming together for mutual good.

Parents and others wishing information were urged to visit the schools, to see the mauner of conducting them, and the simplicity of the practical lessons taught therein.

An interesting illustration of this was given by one who had, as a visitor, questioned a little class upon what had been impressed upon them that afternoon from the teaching of the Golden Rule.

The beautiful precepts of the New Testament were especially recommended by a concerned Friend, yet the idea was also held forth by others, that while these principles can and should be incorporated with all our lessons, a loss would be sustained by an avoidance of the rich gleanings from other parts of the Bible, the Bible Stories, so called, making frequently great impression upon youthful minds.

Feeling the interest of the morning, but deepened and strengthened by the continuation of the exercises in the afternoon session,-being bound together as one in the common cause, acknowledging that it has been good for us to have been together, the Conference adjourned. ELI M. LAMB,


A meeting of the Executive Committee of the Conference was held on the evening of 11th month 9th. William W. Biddle, 1015 Cherry street, Philadelphia, was appointed Clerk. A Committee to select books suitable for children, a Corresponding Committee, and a Committee on Finance, were appointed.

Lydia H. Hall, West Chester, Pa., and Jos. M. Truman, Jr., 717 Willow street, Philadelphia, were appointed Correspondents, to whom communications should be addressed.

Contributions in funds should be forwarded to the Treasurer, Joseph Powell, 3120 Chestnut street, Philadelphia.


No. 10.

DRESDEN, Sept. 15th, 1867. In my hurry to send off my last letter, I find I left out a few of the sheets of my Hamburgh journal. I spent the last evening I was there with Dr. and Mrs. Rée; the former is a Jew, and has a superior school for Jews and Christians, having become so entirely transcendental as a Jew as to have insisted on admitting Christians, and thereby helping to abolish the distinction. He is an eminent educator, and has married an English lady. She is a very cultivated and enlightened woman, or she would not have married a Jew, and doubtless she helps his transcendentalism by her own.

With my usual good fortune I also came into relation with the extreme opposite kind of Hamburgh society, having met on the Rhine an eminent pastor of the Lutheran church, and a popular writer, Wilhelm Bauer, who, with his charming wife and lovely son, were returning to Hamburgh from their summer journey into Switzerland. This lady talked English fluently, as do most of the educated ladies of Hamburgh; and she was very genial when she found I was a stranger. We parted at Cologne, where she had landed with me to spend an hour or two at the Cathedral. I afterward passed a day with her in Hamburgh, and saw that phase of German life which a pastor's house and family exhibit. I breakfasted in the garden and dined and supped in the parlor, the walls of which, as well as those of Mrs. Bauer's private parlor above and her husband's study, were covered with pictures and with engravings of master-pieces of art; on her table were books of prints from living German artists, among which were preeminent Illustrations of Dante, which were, in my view, infinitely superior to those of Doré, and rivalled Flaxman; but only as a painter would rival a sculptor, the designs being more elaborate, and the stress of the expression being in the features rather than in the figures. That outlines merely could make such eyes was a marvel. I thought I should remember the name of the artist, but I do not. I shall look for the work again at Dresden, however, and I wish I could purchase it. But I am obliged to resist all such temptations. Mrs. Bauer, in her hospitality, took me a drive in the afternoon, and finding I was so much interested in the Schroeder Stift, (the institution of which I spoke to you in one of my former letters,) we drove there and made calls upon two of its inmates. I observed that from every window of the Institution house plants were peeping out; and the well cultivated garden was divided among those of the inmates who wished to take care of their own flowers. One of the suites of rooms at which we called was occupied by the widow of a physician and her maiden sister;

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