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their height, that John Rous wrote to his sis- conscience, as an Englishman contending for ter-in-law the following letter:—

John Rous to Sarah Fell.

“WANDSWORTH, 15th of 6th mo. [August], 1670. "Dear Sister,-I received thine of the 11th instant, and do bless the Lord for all your welfare. The enclosed for sister Lower I shall get sent by the next post, and that to my father as soon as I have an opportunity. I have not heard from him since I left him, which was the reason I did not write by last Third-day's post, having come from him but Third-day's post, having come from him but that morning.

"Meetings (generally) yesterday were pretty quiet to what they have been sometimes. was at Gracious-street meeting, which was in the street, and, as near as I could judge, sev. eral thousands at it. Bnt by reason of the multitude of rude people who come mostly to gaze, it was more like a tumult than a solid assembly, which was no small grief to me to see. William Penn was there, and spoke most that was spoken; there were some watchmen with halberts and musketeers who came to take him down while he was speaking; but the multi tude crowded so close that they could not get to him. To prevent further disturbance, he promised when the meeting was over to go to them; and so he and one Willian Meade, who is lately convinced, went to them. They carried them before the Mayor, who committed I hear the Mayor was very rough with William Penn. Thomas Beedle was committed from Horsleydown meeting for speaking there. Many of the Professors' meet ings were also broken up, and some committed; but they skulk very much into holes and corners, and when discovered there, fly away.

them for a riot.

"I have not much further to add, but that we are all well, and remember our dear love to my mother, thyself, our sister, II. Hall, and our little ones.

"Thy dearly loving Brother, "J. R."* The expression "one William Meade" indicates that he who afterwards became Sarah's husband was at that time a stranger to the writer, and probably to her also.


the ancient and imprescriptible liberties of his The special law on which he was ar raigned, he knew very well that he had violated, and intended again and again to violate. His religious friends took the same view of the case; they acknowledged the Conventicle Act to be in force according to the mere forms of jurisprudence, but they contended that it was in direct contradiction to the Divine laws, and therefore not binding. Better versed in his He held it to be in equal hostility to the Bible country's history, Peun disputed its legality.

and to the Great Charter."*

Friends were taken up and sent to prison in Whilst under the Conventicle Act the great numbers in the vain attempt to extinguish Quakerism, George Fox was suffering which most who saw him thought he would from a very severe and protracted illness, from

never recover.

also his sight and hearing, but his ever active His strength seemed gone, so and vigorous mind was still at work. Thus he states:-"I went to the widow Drie's, at Enfield, and there I lay all that winter, warring in warred against Truth and Friends. For there spirit with the evil spirits of the world that were great persecutions at this time; some meeting-houses were plucked down, and many were broken up by soldiers. Sometimes a troop of horse or a company of foot would come and break their swords, carbines, muskets, and pikes, with beating Friends, many of whom they so wounded that their blood lay in the


this cruel persecution at London, was my old Amongst others that were active in adversary, Colonel Kirby, who would often inquire for me at the meetings he broke up."

The following letter shows how low he was after his removal to Enfield :

John Stubbs to Margaret Fox.

"ENFIELD, at Widow Drie's house,

25th of 8th mo. [October], 1670.} "Dearly beloved and honored in the Truth,— I am with thy dear husband, who is recovering, I hope. Yesterday in the afternoon I had a fine opportunity to speak my mind to him, being alone with him in his chamber. I told The famous trial of William Penn and Wil-him I expected to have a few lines from thee liam Meade which followed, commenced at the Old Bailey just two weeks after the date of the foregoing letter. Hepworth Dixon, in his life of William Penn, describes this memorable trial; he says:-"Everything considered-the character of the men, the interests at issue, the cause of the proceedings, and the final results this is perhaps the most important trial that ever took place in England. Penn stood before his judges in this celebrated scene, not so much as a Quaker pleading for the rights of

From the Benson Collec.i.n.

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that night, but it proved otherwise. He bid me write to thee, and his words were these:— Tell her I have been so ill that I could not write, but now I am better,-blessed be the Lord,-praises be to the Lord!-mind my love. to them all.' He had better rest last night than formerly. I continue here near him, for I see it is my place, and I have peace in it. He inquires every post for letters, but in few words. If thou please in writing to him thou mayest direct them to me in cover to Henry Salter, at *Life of Wm. Penn, by W. H. Dixon, page 86.

They went in faith in the Lord's power, and the Lord gave them favor with the King, so that he granted a discharge under the broad

the Black Lion Inn, Bishop's Gate, or to Edward Mous. I have not much to add at present, but that meetings were pretty peaceable in London the last First day, and also at Hors-seal to clear both her and her estate, after havleydown.

"Thy servant in the Truth,

"JOHN STUBBS. "P. SHe bid me also to tell thee that great has been the tenderness and the care of Friends to him, and nothing wanting. Two or three women sit up every night, and I sometimes. Men Friends formerly sat up, but now two good women Friends constantly. I would be glad to write every week if thou would order me so to do."*

Our next letter is from

Margaret Rous to her Mother, Margaret Fox. ENFIELD, 14th 9th mo. [November], 1670. "Dear Mother, I am now at Elizabeth Drie's with my father, who, blessed be the Lord, is pretty finely, though weakly still, but much more at ease than some time ago. Ac. cording to outward appearance, his distemper hath been fever and ague, which have now nearly disappeared, only a little chilliness once in twenty-four hours, and it is quickly over. However, he doth not himself look upon it to be any of these things. His body hath been under great suffering, but, blessed be the name of the Most High, there is no likelihood but that in a little time he may recover his strength again; which thou wilt have notice of. So I hope thou wilt not trouble thyself with any fear about his well-doing, for there is no doubt but in the Lord's time he will be as well as ever he hath been. All along he hath made much inquiry after thee, and always on the post-day before letters came. I told him I was about writing to thee, and he bid me remember his

dear love, and that he desired the Lord God

Almighty would strengthen thee-that thou should be comfortable, and cheerful in the life of Truth which is over all else.

"So with dear and tender love to thee, desiring greatly to hear of thy being cased of thy burden, and with my dear love to my own littie ones and to sister, I rest,

"Thy truly loving Daughter,

"M. Rous." As the winter passed over, the invalid gradually improved the return of spring brought with it the return of health. Seeing then that the spirit of persecution had somewhat abated, George Fox resolved to have another appeal made to the King respecting his wife's release from prison. He says:-"I was moved to speak to Martha Fisher and another woman Friend to go to the King about her liberty.

*From the original in the Shackleton Collection. From the original in the Devonshire House Collection.

ing been seven years a premunired prisoner, the like [of such discharge] was then scarcely to be heard in England."

Thus was her release announced to the pris oner herself:

John Rous to Margaret Fox.

LONDON, 4th 2d mo. [April], 1671. "Dear Mother,-According to my intention [mentioned] in my last to sister Sarah, something presenting worth advising I take the opportunity of informing thee by this post. Lat Sixth-day the two women Friends took the grant out of the Attorney-General's office, and he gave them his fee, which should have been five pounds, and bis clerk took but twenty shillings, whereas his fee was forty. Yesterday they went with it to the King, who signed it in the Council; and Arlington also signed it, but would take no fees-whereas his fees would have been 12 or 20 pounds. Neither would Williamson's man take anything, saying that if any religion be true it is ours. it is to pass the signet, and on Sixth-day, the privy seal, and afterwards the broad seal, which may be done on any day. The power of the Lord hath bowed their hearts wonderfully. Blessed be His name for ever!



My father is now at London, and pretty well; his dear love is to thee and the children. I think he may come down to our house in a little time. My wife is well and now at Loudon, and our little boy was well [when I saw him yesterday.

"I believe when the business is effected that my father will send me down on purpose with it. John Salthouse is come up to London to seek employment, his trade being decayed in the country; I desire if thou knows any thing of him that thou would inform me, for I would willingly do him all the kindness I can for his brother's sake.

"Mine and my wife's dear love is remembered to thee, our sisters, and little ones. "I rest thy dear Son,

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The patent of release was soon perfected, and all duly sent down. The Sheriff of Lancaster and local magistrates having then no excuse for delay, the prisoner was forthwith liberated. We may imagine but cannot fully describe the joy and heartfelt thankfulness to the Lord with which the removal of that heavy sentence was hailed by this emancipated Christian, as once more she emerged from her gloomy castle

From the original in the Devonshire House Col


prison to cross over the sands of the Bay to her of the character and manners of those who had own dear home. long passed away.

"For at that hour the very earth seemed changed beneath her eye,

holy beauty rising up to the blue vault of the


A lovely light on rock and hill, and stream and

woodland lay,

As softly swept o'er sunny sands the waters of the

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He was a beautiful example of the cheerful Christian, and his high gifts, employed in the right direction, made pleasant and attractive the lessons they conveyed. His able pen was often employed as the earnest advocate of the spirituality of the Christian faith, and in defence of our testimonies; and his essays on these subjects were acknowledged to have unusual force and ability. He filled many positions of usefulness during his long life. His sympathies were enlisted on behalf of the poor Indians, (especially the tribes in the State of New York,) and by advocating their cause with those in authority, he was instrumental in redressing some of their wrongs, and in promoting their welfare and advancement to a higher grade of civilization.

Children, grand-children, and friends rejoic But the most impressive lessons gained from ing with her in the fulness of their hearts, were his example were in the last twelve years of his at Swarthmoor to meet her. However, her life. When suddenly deprived of the powers stay at home was brief; for the Yearly Meet-that had contributed so largely to his own and ing of Friends in London being near, her hus- others enjoyment, and which had so peculiarly band wrote asking her to join him there, and distinguished him, although fully conscious of informing her also of a prospect he had before the loss, he bowed in cheerful acquiescence to him of Gospel labor in the West Indies. She the Divine will; and the strong and gifted man, came up at once, accompanying John Rous on laying down strength and gifts, entered, while his return, and remaining at his house at on earth, into the heaven of love. Many can Kingston-on-Thames with her husband, while bear witness, that however great was the eujoypreparations were making for this voyage. ment of his society in the days of his intellectual About four months elapsed from the time of power, far greater, in these latter days, was the his wife's liberation until George Fox's depar- charm of the sweetness of his spirit, and the ture. The party cousisted of twelve persons love which seemed to embrace the whole human beside himself; three of whom were John family; and all who came within his influence Rous, John Stubbs, and William Edmundson were made to feel how blessed are they who, in from Ireland. They sailed first for Barbadoes, their evening twilight, are permitted to see the the early home of John Rous, as before stated, arising of the brightness of the future day. and in which island he seems to have had property, and where his father still resided.

For Friends' Intelligencer.


The announcement of the departure of our dear friend Benjamin Ferris has already been made in these columns, but his numerous and widely extended circle of friends will feel that something more is due to the memory of such a


A rare and gifted spirit has passed from amongst us, and entered upon the higher life. His wonderful conversational powers adapted themselves with remarkable versatility to all ages and capacities; and all who knew him can recall the many times in which they have seen Lim the centre of an admiring and listening group, while he poured forth the stores of his abounding treasury for their interest and instruction. He was a connecting link between the present generation and the past, his retentive memory and power of representation enabling him, from an inexhaustible fund of anecdote and illustration, to give life like pictures

While we deeply feel the absence of one so long loved and honored, we must also rejoice that the burden of weakness and weariness and privation has been laid down, and that he has entered upon the heavenly inheritance of joy unspeakable and full of glory.

We cannot better close this tribute than by quoting his own words, so applicable to himself: Thrice blessed even here, though in life's lowest station,

The Christian who sits at the feet of his Lord; With joy bears his cross through this scene of pro


And patiently waits his eternal reward.

A soul without prayer is like a solitary sheep without a shepherd. The tempter sees it and lures it away into his snare. But the soul, in social converse with God, is emptied of everything, is alone with God in the Spirit, at rest and in silence, giving place to God and things divine, from which alone result truth and strength and life and salvation. How precious are such times! How sweet the hour of prayer!




with the venerable structure that has been de-
There is, to most minds, something sacred as-
stroyed will be wanting in the new edifice.
sociated with the houses in which our ancestors
have worshipped, and within whose walls have
resounded the voices of those ancient worthies
who have long since gone to their eternal re-


We have been furnished with an interesting | delay, but the pleasant reminiscences connected account of Fairfax Quarterly Meeting, held at Woodlawn, Va., on the 18th of Eleventh month. Attached is a notice of the burning of Friends' meeting-house at Waterford. The facts are very similar to those which appeared in our paper last week, but the reflections acDuring the late war a part of the meeting'companying each statement have an When they of their own, which we think will prevent the house at Waterford was occupied about eight months by the Southern troops. repetition from being objectionable, took possession of it, some of the Friends informed them that their meetings had been held in that house twice a week without intermission, for more than 100 years, and they were unwilling to relinquish it. The officers then agreed to restrict their men to the use of onehalf of the house, leaving the other half for the purpose of Divine worship. They often attended the meetings, behaving in a becoming manner, and were deeply interested in the gospel ministrations of our lamented friend Miriam G. Gover.


On the 18th of Eleventh month, Fairfax Quarterly Meeting was held, for the first time, at Woodlawn near Mount Vernon in Fairfax County, Virginia. It was formerly held in the Eleventh month at Alexandria, in the Second month at Waterford, in the Fifth month at Hopewell near Winchester, and in the Eighth month at Goose Creek, in Loudon County, but the meeting at Alexandria having greatly declined, while that at Woodlawn has increased, the transfer was deemed necessary, and has given general satisfaction.

The meeting-house has been recently en. larged to double its former capacity, and the congregation having of late received many accessions, chiefly by immigration from the North, there was found to be sufficient accommodations to render the assembling of Friends at that point an occasion of much social enjoyment, as well The as a season of spiritual improvement. meeting of Ministers and Elders being held on Seventh day, and meetings for public worship on First and Second days, afford the advantages that were thought to be derived, in olden times, from the circular meetings for worship, of which we read in the Journals of Friends.

Most of the Quarterly Meetings belonging to Baltimore Yearly Meeting are held on this plan, and those who have been accustomed to them always look forward to their recurrence with much interest. Like the Feasts of Tabernacles among the Israelites, they are seasons of social reunion that have a tendency to strengthen the bonds of affection, and they often prove to be opportunities of spiritual refreshment.

The Friends at Waterford have sustained a great loss in the destruction by fire of their eeting-house, which occurred on Sixth-day, the 8th of the Eleventh month.

The fire was communicated to the building by the burning of grass or brush in the graveyard adjacent. It was the act of school-boys, who had no thought of injuring the property, and failed to give the alarm in time to save it.


The meeting-house was built of stone, part of it had stood 106 years, during which time a Friends' meeting has been regularly held in it twice a week. It is the intention of the Friends at Waterford to rebuild it without

When the Quarterly Meeting was to be held at Waterford in the Second month, 1862, the whole house being needed for the large congregation expected, application was made for it to the officer in command, who readily agreed to vacate for the time the part occupied by the soldiers. They bundled up their baggage and stowed it away in the youth's gallery; some of their swords were left hanging around the walls, and they sat down with us quietly in our meeting for public worship.

It was a season of Divine favor that will long be remembered by many, corroborating the testimony of the Christian church in all its ages, that in seasons of deep trial, when the souls of His servants are bowed in humility before the Most High, he condescends to make himself known, as the refuge and strength of his people, "a very present help in trouble." Loudon Co., Va.

For Friends' Intelligencer.


My last article, in the Intelligencer of 11th month 9th, referred to the timidity which seems to exist among Friends in regard to the expres sion of any views in contravention of established routine. From this subject we naturally pass to that of the too general disposition which prevails, to keep down and discourage freedom of expression. Well may one be reluctant to speak of any thing out of the beaten track, when to do so is to incur censure and displeasure.

It does seem to the writer that one of the greatest obstacles in the way of the prosperity of our Society, is the prevalence of an inclination to stifle and suppress that freedom of expression without which we cannot be in a

healthful condition, or keep pace with the times reminder, but frequent and careful self examin which we live. It is to stifle popular intelli-ination. gence, which no body of people can do except What harm can come from the free expresto its own loss;-especially a body that discards sion of opinions, even if they should sometimes, professionally educated instructors as we do. or in some particulars, be erroneous? As was Many persons will perhaps not be disposed remarked by one of our eminent statesmen, to concede that Friends are inclined to be pro-"Error of opiniou may be safely tolerated when scriptive or intolerant toward one another, but reason is left free to combat it;" and may we it is a common failing among religious organiza- not safely rely upon the intelligence and love tions for those high in position, or active in of truth which prevails among our members to church affairs, to proscribe everything that does cull the good from the bad in anything that not come up to their self-established standard, may be said? Instruction may be gathered and we cannot claim entire exemption from it. even from erroneous views. To discriminate It was this that produced our separation of between truth and error is a lesson every one 1827, and that has at many other times before must learn; but it is only by contrasting it with and since produced serious difficulties among error that we can properly learn to know and us; and that has likewise produced schisms in appreciate the beauty of truth. It is therefore most other religious denominations; and it is worse than supererogation for any to assume one of the greatest evils connected with re- that only what he or she may regard as truth ligions profession. shall be presented to the people.

Among persons associated together as a religious body there must of necessity be a general unity of sentiment; but for one portion of the members to undertake to insist that all others shall, as to mere modes and details, think just as they do, and say nothing to the contrary, and especially to hold that the mere forms and customs of the past are sacred, and not to be changed, nor changes even suggested or talked about, is simply destructive of that liberty in matters of conscience and religion which it was the very object of our Society in its early days to establish and promote, and for which our ancestors labored and suffered so much.

While the churches around us are based upon a system analogous to monarchy, ours is essentially a system of republicanism; and, as we humbly think, as much superior to the church system, as is the republican system of government to monarchy.

It must be conceded that freedom of expression may be carried to extremes; but with the frankness and cordiality that should ever actuate us one toward another in the correction of each others faults, it will generally be found to carry with it its own sufficient corrective.

For Friends' Intelligencer.

T. H. S.

We profess that before the Almighty all of us are equal; that he is no respecter of persons; and that his Divine light hath appeared unto all men. Whence then do any assume to have derived their commission to sit in judgment upon their brethren, and dictate to them what they shall think and say. One is our Father, and all we are brethren, and as such our duty is to dwell together in harmony, love, and hu mility one toward another; remembering that it is the humble and the meek that are to be guided in judgment and taught the true way. Moreover, we profess to be subject to the inspiration and guidance of a higher power, to Though parents are the natural guardians of whose promptings we all owe obedience. In their offspring, and upon them should rest the attempting to restrain freedom of opinion and duty and responsibility of so training the chilexpression on any subject relating to the doc-dren that their lives may be useful and happy, trines and welfare of our Society, ought we not-and we can scarcely admit an excuse for the therefore to be exceedingly careful as to whose nonfulfilment of this obligation,-yet, as there work it is that we may be laying violent hands upon?

The recent published accounts of those engaged in First-day schools show that, for the past eight years, there has been a steadily increasing interest in the concern, and that now a large number of Friends feel it right weekly to collect the children for their improvement in best things. It is encouraging to find that such laborers have arisen almost simultaneously in different neighborhoods willing to do their part to remedy a want that has long existed among us

The writer does not ascribe to any particular class of Friends a disposition to urge and insist upon their own views in opposition to the equal rights of others It is rather an error to which we are all liable, and doubtless do fall into at times, and against which we not only require the help of one another in the way of gentle

are many counteracting influences that may prevent this desirable result, it is also incumbent upon those associated with them in religious fellowship to aid in the work. Though the Divine Spirit dwells in the temple of every heart, and the light unto each is sufficient, if obeyed, to lead from duty to duty and to mark a plain path through all worldly obs:ructions, yet we know there are many temptations to

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