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as in other cities. The Society of the "Froebel Union" has to contend with the prejudices against it, caused by the breadth of its foundation.

BERLIN, Sept. 10th, 1867.


humane. It was through her assistance that Kin-land; she thinks there should be a dozen
kel and Carl Schurz escaped to America. While classes of the same kind in Hamburgh as well
I was in Hamburgh, she invited the elder pupils
of the Paulsen Stift and the Froebel Union Class
to spend an afternoon at her villa, to which en
tertainment I had an invitation, and it was very
pleasant to see how elegantly they behaved.
It was a Sunday afternoon, and tea was served I am just on the point of leaving this city, of
in the garden, after which they played games which I shall have more to say in another let-
on the grounds. There were none present un ter; but just now I wish to speak of a subject
der fourteen years of age, and their manners that may interest you as the friends of educa
were worthy of more refined and fortunate cirtion. You know that Germany is the head-
cumstances than their own poor homes had quarters of the science of Geography.
offered; but kindergarten education of the fert, the Professor of Geography in the
masses would banish vulgarity and coarseness University of Berlin, is the great authority
from all ranks of society. Several persons dis. since the death of Carl Ritter, and was even
tinguished for their educational eminence or as before; his maps are the standard. I have
patrons of education were also invited, and found here an American gentleman of educa-
they were much interested to hear of our pub tion, who for the last seven or eight years has
lic-school system and to have it introduced into given all his time to elaborating a school atlas
Hamburgh, where it would tell, by comprehend for America, which shall contain the perfection.
ing kindergartens as the foundation. The two of geographical attainment and the method of
countries can learn much of each other. I teaching geography, founded on the deepest
made very happy a certain Dr. Rée, who is diphilosophy of memory, which is, that indelible
rector of one of the finest private schools in impressions are only made when the eye and
Hamburgh, by telling him about the noble | the pleasurable activity of the mind conspire.
school for colored people in Philadelphia, taught
by Mr. Bassett and Miss Jackson, both persoas
of color. He is a transcendental Jew, and be
lieves that the negro race should be admitted
to all the chances of humanity, and rejoices in
the political equality which will insure this on
every plane of life. I told you that Mrs.
Goldschmidt had retired from the presidency of
the Paulsen Stift, but it was only to devote
herself to a branch of the school which has
naturally grown out of it. The normal class,
supported by the "Froebel Union," supplies
assistants as well as principals to the kinder-couraged Mr. Fay to persevere. Humboldt
gartens. Each pupil goes into the gartens in the
morning to exercise herself in what she has
learned; many of these girls, who must get their
living, are in great demand as nurses for children;
and as soon as they graduate from the normal
school, they can go into families in that capacity;
and they do so, not only in Hamburgh, but else The plan is, that the stádents should have
where. Mrs. Goldschmidt told me that there the maps before their eyes while the teacher.
was always a greater demand than supply; and gives the lesson word by word (which they re-
this had suggested to her another idea, which peat) together with an oral lecture. The ad-
was to have the girls trained to all kinds of vantage this method has over Naylor's chant of
domestic services. It was also designed that topography is, that the mind is not lulled by
they should spend a few weeks in a children's the chant, but kept wide awake by the conversa-
hospital as assistant nurses, attending lectures tion, and the eye is informed at the same mo-
and receiving such instructions as is given ment, so that the memory of the eye is asso-
there. Each lady of the "Froebel Union" ciated with that of the ear, and the mind is
binds herself to take into her own family one relieved of that unnatural strain made upon it
of these girls for a month, as an assistant cham- when the will (rather than the affections and
bermaid or parlor girl, in order that she may senses) is brought to the aid of the memory.
learn household ways such as she could not The truth is, that the memory is not aided but
learn in her own poor home. It is the eminent hindered by painful efforts of will. There is a
success of this plan which has made her girls deep philosophy suggested by the expression,
in such demand all over Germany and Eng-"learning by heart." The author of this

Carl Ritter was not only a great geographer, but he spent his life in making himself a great educator, and was practically engaged in it always. His life, recently written or translated into English by Mr. Gage, and published by Scribner, in New York, ought to be in the hands of every friend of education; and whoever should read that, would need no other recommendation of Mr. Fay's plan than to know that Carl Ritter was counsellor and friend to him, and that his sympathy and approval accompanied the beginning of the work and en

also examined the plan and the maps. As long as these two great men were alive they inspired Mr. Fay with ardor to overcome all difficulties. Kiefert also has examined every proof and corrected every map, and gives his written testimony to their accuracy.

geography has such an appreciation of the dig nity of science that he does not intend to force it into circulation by buying up and destroying others, but wishes it to establish itself on its own merits and take its proper place through intelligent teachers who insist upon having the best means of education. When school atlases were first introduced (I remember the time) the study of geogaphy was made the most delight ful in school, because the maps were always before the eyes of the scholar during the recitation of the lesson, and he answered questions directly from them, by which means they were daguerreotyped upon the memory. Now lessons are recited without the maps, and thus the most important advantage of the school atlas is lost. This plan of Mr Fay's will comprehend the first plan, with the additional advantage of placing before the pupil maps so beautiful and prepared with such skill as to give, first, the natural, then the political divisions of geography, so that the eye and mind are alike delighted. E. P. P.

For Friends' Intelligencer.

CHRYSANTHEUM.—( White.) Pale Chrysantheum! On thy stem Sittest thou, like Eastern gem. All thy snow-white petals fair Clustering in the autumn sir. Snow has come and beat thy leaf; 'Tis beat, as if with weight of grief. Sill, lifts thy head, as if in hope That fairer suns may come and ope Thy unblown buds, -to cheer the eye Of every traveller passing by. Pale Chrysantheum! Lovely flower! Reared beside a cottage bower, By the whiteness of thy bloom, By thy leaflets glad perfume, Thou canst cast a glory round, As of prayer, or hymo profound. Thou art no weakling! Thou hast known Autumn winds around thee blown. Strong and pure! Our hearts with thee Are linked in sweetest sympathy. Like thee, torn by wintry blast, Are our poor barks, when thick and fast Clouds come o'er. Turn we must To Heavenly sun for hope and trust, For strength and joy, or else decay, And drop like autumn leaves away. Prophetstown, Illinois.


E. A.

Oh, Father, lead me; guide me in thy way, And keep me strong against temptation's sway. Oh, hear my prayer; I only ask that thou Wilt lead me onward in thy pathway now; I only ask that thou my prayer wilt hear, And, looking inward, see that 'tis sincere. Thou seest the heart, knowing each wish that's there; Oh, give me what thou wilt of thy kind care,— Not what I ask, but what thou knowest is best; Not what I seek, but what thy love can bless. Oh, Father, as thy child, to thee I come, Wilt thou not gently lead me to thy home?

T. C.


One of the Editors of the Scientific American, who is now in Europe, communicates to that paper the following account of one of his adventures:

"About ten miles above Salzburg, in a deep gorge of the mountains of Bavaria, are the famous salt mines, which have been worked upwards of two hundred years. Wishing to see these mines, a party was made up, and, after a carriage ride of nearly two hours up the valley of the Sa za, which winds around between high mountain peaks, we reached the mines, and, without difficulty, obtained permission to enter, Ladies, as well as gentlemen, are permitted to enter the mines; but before doing so they must put on the breeches. The dress provided consists of trowsers, a coarse blouse, a brigand hat, and a leather apron, strapped about the waist to cover the seat. Ladies thus rigged looked comical in the extreme; but such is their praiseworthy curiosity, they cheerfully submit to the grotesque costume, and, with lautern in hand, they join in the procession, and, behind a trusty guide, enter the main adit, which has the appearance of a receiving tomb. After traversing the adit for nearly half a mile, straight into the mountain, we ascended a flight of 450 stone steps, which brought us to a salt water lake, forty feet deep, all beautifully lighted up. We were ferried across this gloomy Styx in a small boat, and then again entered the adit, and after a short walk we reached the pithole, where we discov ered the value of our leather aprons. To enter this pit it was necessary to slide down upon two smooth bars, which resembled a ladder without rounds when placed up the sides of a building. With a lantern in one hand, and a leather gauntlet upon the other, to clasp a rope, the guide slides upon the bars, and the party follow his example; and thus, holding tightly upon the rope and riding pick-a-back, we went down two or three fearful descents until we reached the great salt cavern where the miners were at work. The ascent of the 45 steps, and the descent made upon the leather aprons, brought us again to one of the branch adits, on a level with the main adit, where the party were requested, without respect to sex, to get astride a car, upon which, by our own momentum, we made a rapid railway ride to the place of entrance, the whole tour occupying an hour. Within the mine there is an artificially prepared grotto or chapel, which, when lighted up, shows a most beautiful effect upon the salt crystals, which are arranged in fanciful forms. A stream of fresh water has been introduced into the mines, and the brine is carried in wooden pipes, long distances, where fuel can be obtained abundantly for its evaporation. These conduits are carried along the sides of

precipices, through tunnels, or canals, cut in rocks, and over deep ravines, supported upon piles or props, in one instance, as I was informed, a distance of thirty miles."


The prevailing belief now is that these meteoric showers are caused by the passage of the earth and its atmosphere through a stream of nebulous dr cloudy matter, loosely aggregated, which stream bas an orbit reaching in a long ellipse from a perihelion point near the sun, to an aphelion point near the orbit of the planet Uranus. From the length of

The Philadelphia Ledger gives the following ac- time-say an hour and a half-taken up by the count of the late meteoric shower.

earth in passing through the denser part of the about three times the diameter of the earth, or shower, the thickness of the stream is believed to be about 30,000 miles. The length of the stream of meteoric matter must be many millions of miles, as it consumes some eight or nine years in passing that part of the earth's orbit which our planet reaches This is held to account for the great difference in about the 12th to the 15th of November each year. the display, in different years, as the earth sometimes 1832 and 1833, and at others through the thinner passes through the very centre of the stream, as in sides of it, as in 1866 and 1867. With respect to the distance of the meteors from the surface of the earth at the time of their appearance, there is at least one satisfactory observation on record. This "timed" and its path noted, during the

one was

miles, over a spot near Dundee, in Scotland.

The periodicity of the shower, its probable reappearance on the morning of the 14th of November, 1867, its path through the solar system, and the probable length, breadth and depth of the stream of meteoric matter, were reasonably well established. Accordingly, the astronomers of the United States and Europe prepared themselves for a new series of observations, and those of the United States were not disappoisted. There were scientific watchers at Philadelphia, Haverford College, near Philadelphia; Naval Observatory, Washington; Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.; Dudley Observatory, N. Y.; Yale College, New Haven, Connecticut; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and perhaps at other places. We have to do here with the observers in and near Philadelphia. Mr. Benjamin V. Marsh, of this city, and Professor S. J. Gummere, of Haver-shower of 1866, at Sunderland, England, and Aberford College, were prepared with chronometers and deen, Edinburgh and Glasgow, Scotland. Its altitude was ascertained to have beeu from 51 to 57 star charts, by means of which they and their assistants could note the time of appearance and lay down the exact path of certain of the meteors, with a view, in connection with other observers, to determining their probable distance from the earth, and the point in space from which the meteors appear to radiate. The meteors, although noticable before twelve o'clock, became so frequent by four o'clock, that the observers ceased their efforts to time and map them, and only counted. They then increased in frequency until one of Mr. Marsh's assistants counted thirty-nine in a single minute, about half-past four. This, according to the usual method of computation, would make about 195 visible in a single minute around the whole sky at that time, as a single observer can see only about one-fifth of the hemisphere. Professor Gummere says, in a hurried note to Mr. Marsh, that having mapped out a good many paths, and having counted about one thousand previous to four o'clock, he then ceased counting, on account of the frequency of the meteors. At this time he estimated them as appearing at the rate of about three to five every second,

or about 180 to 300 a minute.

They continued until daylight, some being very brilliant, and leaving long trains of light, one of which remained visible nearly two minutes. Mr. Marsh's observations began at 11.10 P. M. of the 13th. He timed and mapp d the first meteor at 29 minutes 7 seconds past 11 o'clock, mean time, Philadelphia. Between that time and 20 minutes past 2 A. M. he succeeded in timing 64 meteors, and in mapping the exact paths of 36. These all show the po nt of radiation to be in the centre of the space enclosed by the group of stars popularly known as the "Sickle," in the constellation Leo. Astronomically stated, it is near the star z, centre of Leo's sickle, or in right ascension 148 deg., and north declination about 24 deg. This coincides with the radiating point of the shower, as indicated by Professor Twining after the great shower of 1833, and it is vertically over the precise point in space towards which the earth is moving in its orbit at the time. This will doubtless be confirmed by other observers, and thus one important point concerning the track and probable orbit of the great November stream of meteors will be firmly established.

Worthington Hooker, whose death was mentioned in our paper last week, was a native of Springfield, and since 1852 Professor of Medical Science at Yale College. The Springfield Republican says that Professor Hooker was a graduate of Yale College in 1825, of Harvard Medical School in 1829, and devoted all his years of active life diligently and successfully to his chosen profession. In it he had attained an eminence fully worthy the position he filled for fifteen years in Yale College, and did much to render his difficult science one of popular use and knowledge. Several valuable works, treating of medicine and chemistry and their practical combinations, came from his peo, and have been extensively used as school text-books.


Naples, Nov. 14.-Mount Vesuvius, on the east side of the Bay of Naples, is in volcanic action and sending forth a pillar of fire, which has a magnificent effect as seen from the city.

New craters have been formed, and the usual

point of issue-in latitude 40.49 north and longitude 14-26 east-is also engaged.

During the past night red-hot stones were ejected in large quantities from the burning mountain.

The surrounding earth is in tremulous motion for a considerable distance; the lava is pouring forth and running down the sides of the mountain in volume and with rapid flow, and the general upheaving from the volcano gives warning of a grand, unusually grand, eruption, from which we may look for very serious consequences, as in former years, of the more remarkable phenomena Vesuvius.

The first eruption of the more serious kind from Mount Vesuvius occured in the year 79, when the elder Pliny perished, and the then vast cities of Herculaneum, Pompeii, and Stabig were overwhelmed by the burning torrent and buried in lava and ashes thrown from the crater.

Forty-nine eruptions of Vesuvius occurred from that disastrous period to the year 1850, of which the most celebrated in history took place in the years 472, 1779, 1794, 1819, 1834 and 1839.



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At Publication Office, No. 144 North Seventh Street, First-Day School Conference..

Open from 9 A.M. until 5 P.M.


The Paper is issued every Seventh-day, at Three Dollars per annum. $2.50 for Clubs; or, four copies for $10.

Agents for Clubs will be expected to pay for the entire Club. The Postage on this paper, paid in advance at the office where It is received, in any part of the United States, is 20 cents a year. AGENTS-Joseph S. Cohu, New York.

Henry Haydock, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Benj. Stratton, Richmond, Ind.

William H. Churchman, Indianapolis, Ind.
James Bayues, Baltimore, Md.


The apostolic injunction, "Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good," is appli eable to all times and to every station in life. The proper antagonist of evil is goodness, and God himself being the only source of good, it is our duty to apply in prayer to Him for light to enable us to see the evil within us and around us, and for strength to overcome through the Gospel of Christ, which is "the power of God unto salvation."

In the history of Moses, as recorded in the Book of Exodus, we find that he was, in one instance, overcome of evil, but afterwards, through Divine aid, he was enabled to overcome evil with good. The account is very instructive and worthy of our consideration.

We read that "when Moses was grown he went out unto his brethren and looked on their burdens, and he spied an Egyptian smiting a Hebrew, one of his brethren. And he looked this way and that way, and when he saw that there was no man, he slew the Egyptian and hid him in the sand. And when he went out the second day, he beheld two men of the Hebrews strove together; and he said to him that did the wrong, "Wherefore smitest thou thy brother? And he said, Who made thee a prince and a judge over us? intendest thou to kill me, as thou killedst the Egyptian? And Moses feared, and said surely this thing is known."


Indiana Yearly Meeting.
Birds and Insects..

Teachers' Institute..
The Baby's Lesson..



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The result was that Moses fled from his native country and dwelt in Midian.

In this instance, Moses was overcome of evil under the specious guise of goodness. He sympathized with his suffering brethren, he was indignant at the cruelty inflicted on a fellow creature, and these feelings, in themselves noble, were naturally called forth by the scene he witnessed; but he had no right to do evil that good might come-no authority to take the life of the oppressor, and thus avenge one crime by committing another. The fact that he endeavored to conceal the deed, and his subsequent flight on its being discovered, afford sufficient evidence that he was self condemned for his conduct. And here we may observe, that the slaying of the Egyptian did not promote the deliverance of the Hebrews; the time had not yet come; and it was not by the hand of manthat their deliverance was destined to be accomplished.

After Moses had dwelt forty years in the land of Midian, he was called by the Most High into his service, being commissioned to declare His will to Pharaoh and to bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt. On what arm did he rely for the execution of this great purpose? Did he take sword, or spear, or buckler? No; he went with the rod of Ged in his hand and the word of Divine power in his heart and in his mouth.

In accordance with the ideas then prevailing among the Hebrews, who attributed all events

to the immediate action or command of God, it | charity and universal love. Its spirit is not is said that He hardened Pharaoh's heart. separation, but diffusion. It does not set apart According to our ideas, this was the result of one people, but unites all as one brotherhood, God's providental government, who has so constituted man that disobedience to the Divine law always hardens the heart, or, in other words, renders the conscience less susceptible of Divine impressions. It may therefore be truly said, Pharaoh's heart was hardened, without infringing his free agency, and through the operations of a law impressed by the Creator.

The mercy and long forbearance of the Most High were evinced towards the Egyptians in warning them of impending calamities, in manifesting before their eyes, by fearful signs and wonders, that Omnipotence was pleading with them, and in giving them many respites before He inflicted the last of the plagues, the death of the first-born, which sent a wail of woe throughout the whole land of Egypt. We see, then, that the oppressed Hebrews were delivered by Divine power; for with a high hand and an outstretched arm He brought forth his people. In the wilderness He gave them, through Moses, a law adapted to their low condition, for they had, during centuries, been in bondage to one of the most superstitious nations of antiq uity, and had contracted a proneness to idolatry far removed from the enlightened views of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

having one Father, and actuated by one principle of divine life. It does not set apart an order of priests, but proclaims that all God's people are priests, ordained to offer up "spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God by Jesus Christ." It does not teach that one day is holier than another, but that all days should be sanctified to the Lord and devoted to his service. Its great purpose is to overcome evil with good, and to cast out error by the power of Truth.


The principle of overcoming evil with good. was most beautifully and thoroughly exemplified in the life and character of the Messiah. was indeed the great purpose of his mission to destroy the kingdom of evil and to bring in everlasting righteousness; a work that was then begun in his personal ministry, and which his church was intended to carry forward until "nation shall not lift up sword againt nation, neither shall they learn war any more."

It is objected to the lamb like nature of pure Christianity, that it is not adapted to the pres. ent condition of the world, which connot be governed without recourse to physical force.

disciples of Christ in each succeeding age, and spreading gradually from nation to nation, the reign of the Prince of Peace may ultimately prevail over all.

To this it may be answered, that the great work of reforming the world, and introducing a better system of government, founded on love The laws of Moses, how imperfect soever to God and man, must have had a beginning they may appear now, when viewed in the light before it could spread and prevail over the which Christianity has shed over the civilized world. That beginning having already been world, were far superior to any other code then made in the introduction of the gospel dispenexisting. When we contrast the religious sys-sation, it will be advanced by the fidelity of the tem of the Hebrews with those of the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans, we are struck with the vast superiority of the former. As the Hebrews were not a highly cultivated people, to what shall we attribute the superiority of their religion, if it be not to Divine inspiration? The distinctive feature of Judaism was separation. To separate one people from all others, in order to promote purity of morals and to educate them for a higher life. To separate one tribe from all the other tribes of Israel, in order that it might be devoted to the offices of religion and the service of the temple. To set apart one day from all the other days of the week as a Sabbath to be kept holy unto the Lord. This characteristic of the Jewish relig. ion was doubtless adapted to the condition of that people, and to the great purpose of their calling, which was to bear testimony to the unity and spirituality of the Divine Being in the midst of surrounding nations given up to the grossest idolatry.

To bring forth this blessed consummation without interfering with the free agency of man, on which depends his responsibility, dignity and virtue, is the grand problem which Divine Providence is working out in the government of the world. Never before has there been, in this country, a more general disposition to recognize the hand of God in the affairs of men, than in regard to the momentous events that have transpired within a few years past. While we behold in the dispensations of Providence, the evidences of His power and wisdom who controls the universe-" from seeming evil still educing good,"-shall we not endeavor individually and as a religious Society to perform that part in the great work to which we are called.

He has instruments for various purposes, and dispenses to each the qualifications required for the task assigned.

The law was a schoolmaster to lead them to Christ; and when the fulness of time was come, the more glorious dispensation of the Gospel It appears to me that those who are convinced was proclaimed and exemplified by the Son of of the peaceable nature of Christ's kingdom, God. It is not a system of exclusion, but of and the incompatability of war with his spirit

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