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later events were sometimes blended; but even then it was surprising to observe the clearness of her judgment in regard to principles, and the niceness of her discrimination in reference to the points before her.

She rests from her labors, but her works follow her, and her example is a light to those who remain. P.

The Executive Committee of "Friends' Publica

tion Association" will meet at Race Street Monthly Meeting Room, on Sixth-day afternoon, Fourth month 5th, at 3 o'clock.


Clerk of Committee.

Friends' Association for the Aid and Elevation of the Freedmen will meet at Race St. Monthly Meeting Room, on Fourth-day evening, Fourth month 3d, at 8 o'clock. Those feeling an interest in this class of our citizens are invited.

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Extract from a letter received from one of the Teachers of Friends' Association for the Aid and Elevation of

the Freedmen.

Capt. Smith and I have been getting up a Society. It is called the Leesburg Freedmen's Educational Society; it is for the general improvement of their race and condition, and is governed by a Constitution and By-Laws. We have now forty-one members. Every one pays twenty-five cents when he or she is initiated, and twenty five cents each month. One object in getting up this Society is to teach them how to elect officers and how to vote. The Society is presided over by a President; we also have a Vice-President, a Treasurer, a Board of Managers and I act as Secretary. We meet on the first Second-day in every month. The money which is paid goes to defray the expenses curred in school and meeting, to furnish wood, lights, or seats, desks, etc.

For Friends' Intelligencer.

"Where the carcass is, there will the eagles be
gathered together."-MATT. xxiv. 27.
This language of the beloved Jesus is figu-
rative of deep instruction.

It teaches that however high our profession may be, even though comparable to the towin another respect, the wind will be likely to ering wing of the eagle,-yet, like the eagle center where the attraction is strongest.

Hence it is that some who profess the Christian religion, nevertheless, appear as eager after earthly riches as though "gain was godli ness," rather than "godliness the greater gain," as testified by one truly enlightened in the Christian faith.

But those who have been regenerated and brought into that heavenly state in which is realized that holy communion and fellowship of spirit which truly is with the Father and the Son, with the holy angels, and one with another, in the overflowings of Divine lovein which they find it to be as their meat and their drink to do the will of their Heavenly Father-such can no more feel satisfied with mere earthly toys, and those things which perperish with the using, than the most fastidious appetite can be satisfied to feed upon the carcass so eagerly devoured by the eagle.

As, on the one hand, it is impossible for those who trust in earthly riches [while in such a state] to enter into the " kingdom of heaven," so, on the other hand, it is equally impossible for those who have progressed in spiritual things, until they are really in that blessed state denominated the "kingdom of Heaven," to feel that grasping desire for earthly riches so apparent in the world, or even desire to hold fast to their earthly treasure bein-yond their real wants, when there are so many, as good by nature as themselves, who suffer for the want of a little help.

I expect to close my night school shortly; then I shall meet the people one evening in the week, to read to them; therefore I hope if any of you meet with anything you think would be good for me to read to them that you will send it to me. I received several numbers of the "Standard," but they have stopped coming. The article, "Chicago," in the March number of the Atlantic Monthly, I like very much, and I intend to read it to them,-not all at once; I want them to give some portion of the evening to conversation. I think it will be good for them to meet thus socially. What dost thou or the members of the Association think of it? Criticise it and give me your opinion. I want to do great things for these people, and I hope may be directed in the right way. Thy friend,


Leesburg, Va.


Once think of the millions in the Southwho have not only suffered the want of food and raiment necessary for the comfort of the body, but who also suffer for the want of mental culture-then if you who hold the surplus wealth can see nothing to do, be assured that it is only because the "god of this world" has blinded your eyes.

It is said, and no doubt truly, that the Pope of Rome has ordered that the Freedmen of the South must be cared for by the Catholic Church, and means taken to educate and bring them under the influence of their religion.

I cannot doubt the truth of this statement; for since it was published, I have attended the Catholic Church held in the meeting-house

* We are informed that the number of Friends at Battle Creek had become so reduced that the meeting-house was sold to the members of the Catholic Church.-Eps.

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built by the Society of Friends in this place, where I heard the document read, as recently put forth by their council of bishops at Baltimore, in which the "Freedmen of the South" were specially named as an important field of labor for the Catholic Church, and that "religion should not be regarded as of less importance than arithmetic."

Now, while I rejoice that those who have so long been in cruel bondage are likely to be cared for, yet it is but natural that we should ask, "Is the Papal religion better than ours?" If it is, then we had all better join that church. But if ours is best, then certainly it is better for the Freedmen to be educated under our influence.

To me, this appears like a practical question. The Society of Friends have their teachers in the field already; and if we carelessly yield the field through fear of being called on to give some of our surplus wealth, may we not fear the fulfilment of that prophetic vision of Joseph Hoag, in 1802, in which he says he saw [after the overthrow of slavery] "a monarchy establish a national religion, making all tributary to its support; taking property from the Society of Friends to a large amount, &c. Those who live to see such a time may then look back with shame and regret, if they now withhold the means to secure a better influence; especially if they should then see the Catholic power sustained by the votes, and perhaps by force of arms, in the hands of colored men in the South, as the result of the present Catholic efforts and our neglect. Then let us be engaged to discharge faithfully our own duty; for if we withhold more than is meet, we may find it tends to poverty, "both in temporal and spiritual things."

A portion of the Society of Friends have done nobly; but why should any of us withhold the mite which ought to be cheerfully given in so good a cause? N. P. Battle Creek, Mich., 2d mo. 14th, 1867.

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Shut out the sunlight from the room,
I cannot bear its splendor,
While tears for one so young, so true,
A mournful tribute render.
I'm thinking of that silent hour

When last she smiled a blessing
To the young children at her side,

Who came with sweet caressing.
When eyes of love beheld in her
The sum of earthly treasure,
And a manly heart thanked God who gave
Such gladness in such measure.

Ah me, how dark that pleasant room
Where now her form is lying!
The laughter has to wailing changed,
The smiles give place to sighing.
The little ones with linked hands,
And voices low with weeping,
Come softly to the narrow couch
To see their mother sleeping.
They wonder at the rigid form,
Death's icy touch revealing,
And ask why still the heavy lids
Her soft eyes are concealing.
No pressure answers from the lips
That in their childish error
They fondly kiss, then shrink away
With new and nameless terror.

Her hands are folded on her breast,
Yet, in their silent clasping,
There seems a prayer for those she leaves,
Comfort and guidance asking.

Accept the token while ye weep,

And stricken hearts are throbbing; She goeth calmly unto rest,

The grave of terror robbing.

To her the dusky gate of death
Is now no fearful portal,
Earth's keenest pangs are all forgot
In joys of life immortal.

The Ancient Fame and Impending Perils of the Profession of Law were the subjects of an address delivered by Dr. Morgan Dix, Rector of "Trinity Church," N. Y., before the Graduating Class of the Law School of Columbia College.

The following abstract is taken from the Ledger of this city. As some of our young friends are disposed to make Law their study, we would commend to their notice the counsel of Dr. Dix to the young Lawyer.-EDS.


A glance at the history of the legal profession will be certain to inspire for it respect. Although, when Egypt was in her dotage, Diodorus Siculus tells us that the advocate's profession was proscribed, because it was thought he darkened counsel and hindered the execution of justice, yet in Phoenicia, Greece and Rome law schools were established, and the succession

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of them at Berytus, Rome, Constantinople, Sala-
manca, Bologna and Paris, have handed down
a succession of principles to our own day that
show how essentially all advances in justice and
civilization have been based upon a profound
study of positive law. The future grows out
of the past, and it is only by the diligent com-
prehension of all that has been done to protect
right against wrong that future progress can be
attained. In the literature of international law
this is still more evident. There was no such
thing really as a book upon international law
under the Greeks and Romans. It is the off-First, Unselfishness-the covetousness of
spring of a more advanced study of law. Fran-
ciscus, at the University of Salamanca, held
that nations cannot make war on each other
without just cause or merely for the sake of
getting their territory, and that every nation
has a right to its own religious worship, and
that a conquered people cannot be made slaves,
even though they be pagans. Here was the
beginning of the whole modern system of inter-
national law.

"Could any profession have made for itself such a history," asks Dr. Dix, "unless its priuciples and aims were sound and true, and its relations to manhood necessary and beneficent?" Surely not. What, then, was the idea, and what is still the idea, which forms the root of all this growth? It is that of the defence of the oppressed, the advocacy of the weak, and the conviction and exposure of the guilty. Liberty consists in being freed from the wrong which the lawless might inflict, and in being kept secure in the enjoyment of life, of limb and of possessions. These are the ends which law is to secure, and the place of the advocate is at the side of his fellow-man when that man is oppressed with wrong, assailed by the unjust or threatened with loss of goods or fame or life. The prosecutor must confront the transgressor and stop his destructive career. Originally their labors were held beyond price; what they did was not for hire. Gratitude often impelled the client to pay, but such recompense was called an "honorarium," and not a thing of legal charge or obligation; and in 1583 the whole Paris bar rose in protest against an ordinance by which they were required to make out bills and sign receipts for fees. They said their services were not to be estimated by a money value.

One of the dangers of the profession now is, that many men seek the law simply as a means of growing rich by getting practice any and every way. In the midst of the money greed and selfishness morals decline, the sense of honor sinks. Anciently, from the time of Constantine, the practice of taking cases on shares was prohibited. Another danger is because counsel use language to each other, unrebuked in courts, not fit for gentlemen. The judiciary is, to some extent, demoralized by party politics. "Main

tenance" and "champerty" are not now in
New York, as they were in Blackstone's time,
offences against law. While these are dangers,
it may well be doubted if there ever was an age
in which the moral character of the bar as a
whole stood higher, or so high; and if any one
will look through such a work as Hoffman's
Course of Legal Study, he will see what the
studies and pursuits of a true lawyer always
ought to lead him to become, and often do.
The qualities which Dr. Dix counsels the
young lawyer to cultivate are such as these:
wealth being that which, more than anything
else, defiles the inner man of the heart. Second,
A high sense of Honor-since the counsellor
should be such a man that if we place ourselves
in his hands we may trust him as long as sun
and moon endures, and feel that so far as it rests
with him to secure them we are safe. Third,
Conscientiousness; no man may lie to save himself
from the punishment due to his crimes, nor try
to put his sin at another door. Such limitations
also constrain his counsel. But beyond them he
is to spare no pains in the defence. If guilty,
he is to be legally proved so. Nor may his coun-
sel abandon him by throwing up his brief, or
avowing his belief in his guilt until it has been.
so proved. There is a close affinity in the aim
and means of the lawyer and the minister. They
both unfold that law which is the thought and
Will of God. The minister deals with the Di-
vine law, as well natural as positive, with prin
ciples recognized by reason alone, and with the
precepts derived from revelation. The advocate
deals with the positive laws of inepdendent
States, but at last all laws end in one Will, one
Spirit, one Intelligence, one Being.

Counsels such as these by the Rector of
Trinity will do extensive good to large classes.


The following is from the "Evening Bulletin. The "absurd fashion "is creeping in, or rather galloping in, amongst Friends, and possibly an outside rebuke may do no harm :


Nicknames will be used just so long as mankind exists, and just so long as those to whom they are applied have marked peculiarities of character or person, who elicit terms of endearment, or who have names that may be shortened with convenience. Andrew will be called "Andy" as long as there are any Andrews to be nicknamed; Jeremiah will be shortened into "Jerry," and William into "Bill" so long as there is a Jeremiah or a William in existence. But it does not follow that these names should become proper handles to honest surnames, and that boys should be christened by the nicknames of their fathers.

A fashion that is about as absurd as this

would be, has come into use of late in certain Upon examination, only two shells were ob-
circles, and the rising generation will blush for tained amid a mass of thousands of a fossilized
the folly of their progenitors when they grow grain, supposed by Dr. Joseph Leidy, of Phila-
older and wiser. It is not practised so much in delphia, to be frog spawn, though closely re-
the naming of boys, but in respect to girls it sembling cherry stones. In this mass were found
has run to the extreme of sentimental silliness. bones of several distinct animals, in a most
Thus girls, instead of being baptized with such singular state of preservation-forming a per-
sensible, old-fashioned names as Matilda, Char- fect mosaic, not in the limestone, but in the
lotte, Margaret or Sarah, are christened "Tillie" stalagmitic rock, although at first appearance
"Lottie," "Maggie" and "Saidie." Ellen incorporated in the limestone. On application
dwindles into " Ellie;" Susan shrinks into of a crowbar, a large mass was detached, show-
"Susie;" Caroline is made ridiculous by being ing the stalagmitic formation. Among the bɔnes,
cut down to "Linie;" Emma becomes insipid beautifully preserved in the hard rock, Dr.
in "Emmie;" and, most wretched of all, the Leidy has recognized those of the deer, (Cervus
beautiful name of Mary is frittered away in Virginianus,) the bat, and other birds, together
"Mamie." This nicknaming would be all very with numerous fragments not determined. Mr.
well if in its use it was confined to the family I. N. Carpenter, of Easton, who has known the
circle; but such names are given permanently region for many years, recollects that just fifty-
to children, and the future wives and mothers two years ago his father killed the only deer
of the land figure in every advertised list of let-known to visit those parts, although they are
ters, and in every school examination, as "Lid- frequent in Pokono mountains, forty or fifty
ies," "Susies," and "Saidies." Think of the
wife and mother of the Father of his Country
christened by the names of "Mamie" and
"Marthie," and of the mother baptizing the
future hero and statesman as "Georgie"! The
first Napoleon would have remained a bachelor
forever, had his first wife been named "Josie,"
and he would not have troubled an Archduch-
ess of Austria to take the place of the discarded
Empress, had she been named "Minnie Louie,"
instead of plain and sensible Maria Louisa.


This sickly sentimentalism is about as foolish as the poetic lucubrations of bereaved fathers and mothers, who inform an unappreciative. world that dearest Johnny" has left them, or that the skill of physicians was unavailing to save "Billy" from the fatal consequences of the sore afflictions which he had borne so long. But misnaming a child sticks to him or her forever; and while the obituary nonsense which accompanies the record of death is soon forgotten, a sensible woman, with a foolish nickname, has an ever-present reminder of the silliness of her parents, and a source of continual annoyance to herself.


An interesting discovery of stalagmitic bone breccia has lately been made by Professor Osborn, of Lafayette College, Easton, Pennsylvanis, in a cave opposite Riegelsville, Pennsylvania. The cave is near Lillie's Safe Foundry, and it is for the Furnace at the latter place that the workmen have been, for a long time, quarrying limestone from the entrance. For more than fifty years the cave has been the resort of visitors, and somewhat of a history of the place can therefore be traced.

Professor Osborn's attention was directed to the place by the rumor that the workmen had.

miles westward. The inclemency of the weath-
er has prevented further examination, but
among other bones are those of animals much
stronger than the deer, together with some so
closely resembling parts of a human skeleton
that they have been so pronounced by profes-
sional authority here. The former specimens
have been removed to the College Cabinet, but
the determination of the latter must await a
more favorable season, as the face of the rock 18
entirely exposed to the weather. The breccia,
so far recovered, was about twenty feet below
the surface.

It is possible that, although the remains ap-
pear at so great a depth in the cave, they were
deposited there from the surface of the ground,
entering a crevasse which was distinctly traced
some thirty or forty feet along the face of the
rock to the surface, and explaining why these
remains were never noticed until the workmen
opened upon them in the rock. This crevasse
might easily have formed a trap or pit, es-
pecially in snowy days, into which animals
might have fallen and remained. This is the
more likely from the appearance of fossilized
vegetable remains mingled with the bones.-
Easton Evening Express.

In addition to the above, Professor Osborn in a note to us remarks:

"If these bones were at the bottom of a fis

sure, which all seem to think proven, may not
the mingled human and ancient fossils, supposed
to militate against the scriptural age of man,
have met under the same circumstances? fossil
deposited first, then the human bones become
commingled afterward, and not deposited at the
same time."-Eds. Pres.


It is ascertained, and is capable of the clear

uncovered some shells in the solid limestone. I est proofs, that the simple elements of which all

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cannot fail to interest all parties, and especially those who would protect the birds, as the fruitgrowers' co-workers, notwithstanding they eat some fruit, for, it should be remembered that they feed more or less on insects and their larvæ for many months of the year, while it is comparatively a short space of time that they peck at fruits of the different species and various varieties. Would it not be better to employ persons for a few days to keep them away from fruit plots, than to engage in their indiscriminate destruction? So it seems to many who have considered this matter in the light of rural and horticultural economy.

Of the Baltimore Oriole, that beautiful bird and charming songster, Dr. Trimble said, "they are becoming numerous, and when they first arrive they feed on leaf-curling caterpillars, so injurious to fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs; also upon the canker worm, that destructive pest, and later in the season upon the

substances is composed, cannot, by any conceiv- I thereto, as reported in the Newark Advertiser,
able means, be destroyed. They may indeed
be so changed as to present not the least resem-
blance to their previous forms; they may be so
mingled with other bodies that their identity
cannot be traced; they may be dissipated into
the invisible vapor, and be apparently annihi-
lated; but we learn from the science of chemistry
that, in every shape, the same elements remain
inextinguishable and unaltered. The pheno-
mena of solutions afford some of the most obvi
ous illustrations of complete change prodnced
in bodies without causing their annibilation. If
a piece of silver be immersed in diluted nitre,
in a short time the silver will be entirely dis-
solved. Its hardness, its lustre, its tenacity,
its specific gravity, all the characteristics which
distinguish it as a metal, are gone. Its very form
has vanished, and the hard, splendid, ponder-
ous, opaque metal, which, a few minutes before,
was immersed in the mixture, is apparently an-
nibilated. The liquid, however, remains as lim-
pid as before; it presents no difference in appear-drop-worm. He stated that by the aid of the
ance to indicate a change. What, then, has be-
come of the solid piece of silver which was
placed in the liquid? Must we conclude that
it is annihilated? Put some pieces of copper
into the solution, and the silver will reappear,
and fall to the bottom of the glass in small,
brilliant metallic crystals.-Though solution is
one of the simplest processes of nature, the
limited faculties of man will not permit him to
comprehend the mode in which it operates.
There is not one phenomenon of nature that the
mind of man can fully comprehend, and after
pursuing the inquiry as far as the mental capa-
city will admit, he is obliged to confess that
there is an operating power beyond the reach
of his comprehension.-The Moravian.


microscope he had been able to prove positively that the orioles feed upon that terrible enemy of the fruit-grower-the curculio; that a small portion of a head, supposed to be that of a curculio, was found amongst the comminuted contents of the crop of one of these birds, and the microscope enabled him to count the 147 lenses in one of the eyes-the exact number known to make the eye of this particular species of curculio.

The Downy Woodpecker is one of the most valuable of all the birds of our country. It knows where to find, and is busy in searching out, the apple-worm-the second in importance of the insect-enemies, which, with the curculio are the chief cause of the ruin of the fruit business, especially in our State.

The Little Chick-a-dee also feeds upon the apple-worm, but finds it accidentally, and not by boring for it, as does the downy woodpecker.

What Dr. Trimble says of Birds. Those of our gardeners, and especially the fruit-growers, who lately listened to the reading of Prof. Rus- The Cedar Bird, sometimes called the Cherry sell's report on birds at a meeting of the Massa- Bird, (Canker Bird) said the Doctor, is a gross chusetts Horticultural Society, cannot fail of feeder, consumes immense numbers of canker being interested in the following extracts from worms, and of injurious insects. This bird and an address which Dr. Trimble, of Newark, New the yellow bird, or finch, resemble each other Jersey, lately delivered on the value of insec-in one respect, both remaining in flocks till tivorous and frugivorous birds, both to gardeners and farmers. It is more important that this subject should now be considered, as it is rumored that an effort will be made to persuade the present legislators to modify or repeal the law for the protection of birds. While some are anxious to have this done, others are equally desirous that the law should remain and be strictly enforced.

Dr. Trimble having made the subject of birds and insects as they relate to the garden and orchard a matter of special study and observation, the following extracts from his address in relation

midsummer, and are thus on hand in great numbers when their services are most required; while most other birds are at home attending to their domestic duties. The cedar birds are found in New York and Philadelphia in large flocks in June, after the worms, and if they could be properly protected by closing the parks, so that they should not be frightened away by the peo ple, they would do much towards ridding those cities of these pests. The yellow birds, in immense flocks, are found in wheat fields where the midge is so destructive. They are in pursuit of the larvae of these flies in the heads of the wheat,

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