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dency, and in the anguish of feeling am ready to exclaim-Do with me, Oh! Father, as thou wilt; only give of thy holy spirit to support me under all, and I ask no more.

When thou feels like writing, a letter will be gladly received by thy affectionate and sympa. thizing friend and sister, S. G. R.

PHILADELPHIA, 1st mo. 17th, 1850. Dear Friend:-I judge thou hast ere this come to the conclusion either that I have given up all letter writing, or become remiss in thus long letting thy kind, welcome letter of Seventh month last remain so long unanswered. As to the former supposition, thou wouldst have been not far from the true state of the case, particularly during the heat of the weather; for truly may I say that never did a summer so prostrate me, so that much of the time it seemed to be as much as I had strength for; and, therefore, my pen mostly laid silent, except when engaged in writing to my dear brother; and since cold wea her some of the time I have been too ill to guide the pen. As to the supposition of remissness, that would not apply, if the intuitions and purposes of the heart are looked into, for too grateful was the feeling of my heart for the full and overflowing kindness which breathed throughout thy letter for a moment, to feel like indifference toward a friend, the promptings of whose heart I know to be so full of sisterly love and interest toward her afflicted friend, as I know that of my dear M.'s to be. But I did not intend to fill a page with apology; therefore, I will leave that which is behind, and endeavor to press forward, not only as relates to this subject, but in all others; but oh, how can I adopt, as the breathing of my own spirit, the language of the poet"Frail and irresolute is man," &c. The query often arises whether there are others who feel the same load of weakness and frailty that I do? Indeed, it sometimes seems as if no sooner is a good resolution, and as I hope and trust at the time, a firm resolution entered into to guard every avenue against the approach of the adversary, than, perhaps, before I am aware of it, weakness of some form or other I find I have fallen into, and all for want of keeping down that formidable enemy of my soul's peace -self, unmortified self. Oh! for strength to wrestle with and overcome this mighty foe!

Yesterday, when I laid aside the pen, the subject of self and selfish feelings seemed to fill the mind; and now no less 80; for if we suffer ourselves to be wounded with what we may consider the inattention or even neglect of our friends, it is for want of dwelling sufficiently low. We allow that mightly self to rise and feel that it has claims upon the sympathy of Friends for more attention when, if there was this dwelling low, even as at the feet of Jesus,

would we not, instead of repining for the lack, as we may at times feel, of outward blessings and gratifications, rather breathe the exclamation-"Bless the Lord, oh, my soul, and forget not all his benefits ;" and, "What shall we render unto the Lord for all his benefits." As thou observes, I have far more than many others as to the outward. Truly do I know this, having a devoted sister and kind cousins, who cease not in their endeavors to render me comfortable, for which, O! Holy One, cause my heart ever to overflow with gratitude for these and every blessing. Among these I feel bound to acknowledge the place which I know I hold in the sympathetic feelings of my friends, which is often evinced by many unlooked for visits, that I feel to be invaluable, as by some such visits I have experienced a renewal of faith, which had become so weak as to disqualify me from keeping myself from being overwhelmed by the waves; but by the silent mingling of the spirit of a friend, and sometimes by a crumb handed forth, it has, indeed, proved as a "brook by the wayside," or, "as the shadow of a mighty rock in a weary land."

Afternoon. The above has been written at many intervals, and I find I have almost filled my paper without giving thee any information of the present state of my health, as I know thou wilt be interested to hear how it has fared with me. Nearly three months ago I was attacked, suddenly, with violent chills, attended with much fever and many distres-ing feelings. Some of the symptoms were indicative of such progress in the disease as to give reason for believing that it would require but a little time longer to wear out the shattered bark. I trust it is not presumptuous in me to say these indications, though attended with most acute suf fering, were nevertheless received as a token of compassionate love; for what can be so desirable to one suffering, as I do most of the time, as to believe that the time of release is near, provided there is a preparation for entering into a haven of rest and joy. Though I am ever fearful of being deceived in this all-important point, still, when I believed death was near at hand, and endeavored to look into the most secret recesses of my heart, there was a feeling of calmness and confiding trust in that love which has been shed abundantly for all; and I felt it my place there to abide, and if so favored, to be still, and know the mind of the Lord, with strong desires to be shown if there was not a full surrender of all to his will.

If I was not wholly under a delusion, I had a comforting evidence, in the quietness which continued throughout the time of the greatest suspension as to the immediate issue of the attack, that "we have not a hard Master to deal with," but one who is touched with a feeling of our infirmities, and who will not turn a deaf

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ear to the "sighing of the poor and the crying, is not necessary to quit one's employment; it of the needy;" but for such He will arise.

is a simple movement of the heart towards its Creator, and a desire, that whatever you are doing, you may do it to his glory. The best of all prayers is to act with a pure intention and with a continual reference to the will of God. It depends upon ourselves whether our prayers be efficacious. It is not by a miracle, but by a change of heart, that we are benefited, by a spirit of submission. Let us believe, let us trust, let us hope, and God never will reject our prayer.


Under this feeling it seemed to be my business to be still, and abide the turning of His hand upon me, confidently trusting that if there was not yet a full surrender of all, that in His adorable love and mercy He would be graciously pleased to show me in what I was lacking. And not only then, but at all other times, when desiring to see myself as I am, and truly wishing to have my heart laid bare before me, while ever fearful of deceiving myself on this-Fenelon. all-important subject, and of warming myself by a fire of my own kindling, yet a confident belief has arisen that if we come unto Him in all simplicity of heart, with a desire to surrender all unto His holy requiring, it cannot but be consistent with His goodness to accept the offering, if of a "broken spirit" and a contrite heart. And may we not say, without making an ostentations display, that in truth we have nothing of our own to recommend us to Him; but that it must be by dwelling in Ilis spirit, and through His long-suffering mercy, we hope for redemption, looking unto Him as the Author and finisher of our faith, "our Alpha and Omega." If this is all a delusion-an "ignis fatuus," then I am in a deplorable state; for it seems to be the alone anchor of hope which I am able to lay hold of.

But I have digressed far beyond what I intended, and yet have not told what my present state of health is. Well, after a week or so of great suffering at the time I speak of, when I believe it was the opinion of all around me that perhaps the scene of suffering was near being brought to a close, there was an abatement of the symptoms, and I have gradually nearly regained my previous condition, though not entirely, being less able to assist myself, and having an increase of some kinds of suffering. But there is renewed call for gratitude that I have so far regained my strength, if I am to be continued longer here, and that I must leave to Him who doeth all things well.

I am afraid the length of my letter will prove irksome to thee, but it has seemed as though I could find no place to stop, although a great many intervals have been required for its completion. And now, with much love to thee and thy W., I am, as ever, thy friend,


(To be continued.)


Do not think it is necessary to pronounce many words. To pray is to say, Let thy will be done; it is to form a good purpose; it is to raise your heart to God; it is to lament your weakness; it is to sigh at the recollection of your frequent disobedience. This prayer demands neither method, nor science, nor reasoning; it

The sentiment that we should make the most of life; that as we go along we should enjoy every gift of God as ardently and as copiously as we can, consistently with sobriety and order,

is a perfectly right and proper one: it is more, it is one of our first and highest duties. To sell one's self to sensuality is one thing; thankfully to accept, and temperately to enjoy the honest pleasures of the senses, is quite a different matter. Sight and hearing, taste and touch, were bestowed for no other end than to be exercised on things congenial to them. The true way to enjoy most of heaven is previously to strive how much we can enjoy of earth; not, however, by striving to enjoy it exclusively as an earthly thing, still less as a sensuous one, to the neg lect of the moral and intellectual; neither again by laying ourselves out for pleasure, purely as such, but by taking for our ruling motive, in our search for enjoyment, the higher development of our humanity. The golden rule of all is to connect, as often and as closely as we can, the terrestrial with the heavenly. The highest delight of which human intelligence is susceptible is that which comes of the habit of translating the ordinary circumstances of daily life into ideas that lead ultimately to God; there are no truly beautiful and nourishing ideas but such as are felt to gravitate imperceptibly towards Him, while none are so practical and efficacious, as ingredients of happiness, as those that are sucked, honey-like, from the merest trifles of existence. So in regard to the time for enjoyment. Though we may rely upon the recurrence of some few sources of pleasure, the greater part are so fitful, the total of the circumstances is so unlikely ever to be the same again, and our own changes of emotional state are so frequent and extreme-what enraptures to day often becoming distasteful and even bitter on the morrow-that if we would realize life in its fulness, we must let no chance, not the slightest, escape, though at the moment it may seem utterly insignificant. Life is made up of minutes, and its happiness of corresponding lit tle pleasures; the wise man secures the atoms as they fit past him, and thus becomes owner of the aggregate. Making every circumstance

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their beliefs to the sphere of their five hard senses. Nor will it be any more welcome/to those who make boasted reason the only trustworthy capacity of mind and the sole judge of truth in heaven and earth. Sense and reason need not be underrated; but man has higher and truer guides to his proper destination. Sense may constitute the coarse but strong foundation of the human temple; reason, with rule and plummet, may square and poise its rising walls; but the spiritual nature alone can crown it with pediment and dome, ærial spires, and "cloud-capt towers."

of life, sensuous, moral and intellectual, and every day and hour, contribute a little something, he finds that though a brilliant and memorable pleasure may come but twice or thrice, the secret of a happy life is nevertheless his Own. That fine secret is not so much to lay plans for acquiring happy days, as to pluck our enjoyment on the spot; in other words, to spend that time in being happy which so many lose in deliberating and scheming how to become so. "I'll live to-morrow, 'tis not wise to say; 'Twill be too late to-morrow,-live to-day." To accomplish this we have only, as said beIn approaching a subject like the present, we fore, to make the most of each little incident and opportunity, contemning and repudiating are trammeled by our sensuous, material modes nothing; always remembering, however, that of thinking. We have been taught in physical the way to make such incidents and opportuni- science that no two bodies can occupy the same ties most prolific of enjoyment is so to human-place at the same time; and so, by a very natuize them that they shall flower into thoughts of ral transfer of conceptions, we find it difficult heaven. Wilfully to let opportunities go by, is to apprehend how God can reside in the human a wickedness and an inexcusable folly; whence soul. But we have learned that one substance the still more foolish regrets which tear the can interpenetrate another without destroying heart that has been so unjust to itself;-but a its constitution. Water permeates many other greater folly yet, is to stand waiting and wish-bodies. Air is interfused through water and ing for opportunities, when in fact they circle nearly or quite all other aggregations of matter. us, if we will but keep on the qui vive.

As the best school in respect of high duties is the practice of the little ones of common life, so the best and shortest road to happiness is to make the most of what lies beside us and enjoy all we can of the life we have, leaving it to God to determine what fortune shall attend our steps. From Life: Its Nature, Varieties and Phenomena, by Leo H. Grindon.

Electricity penetrates all known substances with its marvelous essence and energy. So far, then, as a prejudice against the possible manifestation of God in the human mind has been derived from physical science, it is utterly unfounded. The analogy is in favor of that doctrine, rather than against it.

In what manner and by what means the infinite Father becomes a resident of the believing soul is hardly a proper question for discussion. "YE ARE THE TEMPLE OF THE LIVING GOD." The subject is mysterious, though not mystical. In the great truth here announced by Paul Yet there are some considerations which cast a we see the immense development that had taken few scattered rays of light upon the outskirts place in the divine plan, and in religious thought. of this glorious mystery, and these may help Our consciousThe age of ritualistic performance had passed our faith. We as yet know but little of the by. Everything material and mechanical in constitution of our own nature. religious worship and life was now to be elimi-ness has hardly penetrated beneath the surface nated. Pious, meditative souls were no longer of our being. Our deepest and most instructive to be pupils and minors. Puerility of spiritual experiences are only so many explorations of ideas and character was to give place to a ro- the unknown heritage of mind and soul with bust and symmetrical maturity. Believers be- which we are endowed. What we have already came inhabitants of the heavenly city, and were learned gives us suggestive intimations concernbrought into association with an innumerable ing the unexplained remainder. We must concompany of angels, with the mediator of the new clude that our minds are not limited by our covenant, and with God the judge of all. When present narrow and partially developed conFichte says that "man is the Isis-veil of Di-sciousness, that we have outlying provinces of vinity," he is highly praised; when Richter activity and capacity, bordering every where tells us that the true Shekinah is in man," upon the unknown and infinite. We know that we wonder; yet both of them have simply our immaterial nature is open to the beneficent clothed the luminous idea of the great apostle approach of ministering spirit; we are even in the garb of a mystical philosophy. God no longer dwells in temples made with hands. Christian life is the life of God in the soul. It is Christ in us the hope of Glory.

It is not to be supposed that a doctrine so sublime and wonderful as this is should be acceptable or even conceivable to those who limit

obliged to wrestle against malignant princedoms and powers; and certainly the Almighty Father has not hedged in our spiritual nature by barriers insurmountable even to himself.

It follows from this that God may be present and be working out his beneficent euds in our hearts, and yet we be unaware of the moment

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ous fact. We may not at first recognize the sphere. We allude to the more liberal and royal guest whom faith has introduced to us.spiritual views, which are evidently gaining But, once admitted to his temple, he begins his renovating task. That painful bleeding emotion ground in the public mind, in relation to the may be the laceration of the "scourge of small bond by which man is united to God, the aucords." And what may be that tumultuous thor of all good, and brought nearer to his felrevolution within but the overturning of the low man. These are publicly acknowledging tables of the money-changers, and the seats of the power of the spirit by which all moral evil them that sold doves? Then come hours of

soft repose and penitential sweetness. From is to be overcome, and they forcibly represent the discordant and broken instrument of the the idea that "greatness should be a synonym heart some strains of heavenly music are drawn with goodness, for good men only can be truly by an unknown hand, which remind us of the great," and that "Christianity is a force which celestial lullabys that soothed the slumbers of has its root in love, and with such an origin it our childhood. And then dawns the blissful consciousness of God in the human soul. It is is enabled to fight sublimer battles than human the bending of a loving father over a penitent strength ever wrought." child, the restitution of an estranged affection In an exchange paper we find a synopsis of in a broken and contrite heart. It is the re- an address, commencing with a quotation from kindling of sacrificial fire upon an altar long Scripture-"Ye are the temple of the living dilapidated and desolate, the joyful re-lighting God." Parts of the address so clearly define of the lamp of the Lord in the temple of God. Of the many blessed consequences of the perpetual presence of God in the devout soul, an important one is its disciplinary and perfecting influence. It is here, ye weary, heavy laden ones, that you will meet your great deliverance; here you will find your conquering strength. His voice will still every wave of passion, and there will be a great calm. But the divine presence is positive and perfective also. With our consenting will, he will garnish his temple with royal munificence. Coming in contact with every faculty of our being, he will communicate to us an undying impulse and inspiration. We shall realize more and more the powers of the world to come, till the noiseless, painless translation shall take place, and death shall be swallowed up in victory. From the N. Y. Inde pendent.

the supremacy of the spirit, and its vivifying effects upon the heart, that we present them to our readers with the belief that they share with us the feeling of gratification in witnessing the frequent manifestations given by ministers of different religious associations, that they are gradually being prepared to teach the doctrine of the inner Light, awarding it its true place as the efficient Teacher, and that it is “Christ within the hope of glory."

We are aware that there are others who appear to be verging in form toward the Romish Church, but we would hope that even with them their faith will be in the internal Word, them their faith will be in the internal Word, rather than in the increase of ceremonies. With the present diversity of opinions and the

FRIENDS' INTELLIGENCER. prejudices created by education, and fostered


Friends sending marriage notices will please be explicit in the information as to whether they were accomplished under the care of a Monthly Meeting, and what Meeting.

by existing relations, perfect union, even among those equally desirous to be the true followers of Christ, cannot be expected. But it is certainly a pleasant thought that, in the life to come, these barriers will be removed, and all will be absorbed in that Love by which the bousehold of faith will be made one, in accordance with the prayer of the blessed Jesus, "That they may be made one as we are one, as Thou Father art in me and I in thee, that they, also, may be one in us."

"Christian life is the life of God in the soul." We have not unfrequently noticed some of the evils which seemed fearfully upon the increase in our land, with a view to encourage all to exert the influence with which they were invested, We have received from the Editor the first to stay the current which appeared to threaten number of "The Friends' Examiner," the Prosthe destruction of many of our fellow beings pectus of which has appeared for several weeks We now present a brighter picture, as drawn in our advertising sheet. It is to be published from the records of passing events in another levery six months, or perhaps quarterly, if suf

ficient encouragement be given. The general
appearance of the first number is much in its
favor of good type, and about 170 pages.
It was well said by C. Spurgeon that George
Fox would not bave subscribed to a creed,
even if it expressed his own views of truth; and
it is reasonable to suppose that in a society
which has declared to the world that God has
come to teach his people himself, there are
different growths and various shades of opinion,
while all may unite in what is fundamental.
The object of this periodical, according to the
Prospectus, is not to subserve "private interests
or sectional opinions."

The Editor "does not hold himself responsible for the opinions expressed in any article bearing the signature of the writer." Every ne is allowed to express his own sentiments, under his own signature, on such subjects as he believes will conduce to the interests of the Society, and as a consequence there is some diversity of opinion on the great questions connected with its welfare.

randum, with appropriate remarks. He enjoyed unusual health, being able to walk about and wait on himself until within fifteen minutes of his death. Conscious of his situation, be exclaimed, "I am

dying!" and soon expired. His remains were taken to Danby, the place of his nativity, and interred by the side of his wife, First month 3d, 1867.

DIED, on the 24th of Second month, 1867, in Philadelphia, AARON IVINS, in his 66th year; a member of Falls Monthly Meeting, Pa.

-, suddenly, on the 20th of Third month, 1867, in the city of New York, DAVID H. DAVIS, merchant, formerly of Philadelphia, in his 66th year; a member of New York Monthly Meeting. ABEL SATTERTHWAITE, in his 88th year; a member of Abington Monthly Meeting, Pa.

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on Second-day, 18th of Third month, 1867,

on the 13th of this month, at the residence of her son in-law, Charles Hambleton, RACHEL SHARPLESS, a member and minister of West Grove Preparative Meeting, Chester County, Pena., in the 91st year of her age. This dear Friend furnished a rare illustration of the green and beautiful age that may crown a life of devotion to God and of active

love to man.

She had been a minister for about 66 years, and although never very extensive in her communications, the life and sweetness that attended them made her appearance in meetings a strength and refreshment to many hearts. She attended meetings and spoke several times during the last year.

She was regular in her habits, and neat, attractive and simple in personal appearance; industrious, practical, and remarkable for the cheerfulness and

sweetness of her disposition.

This liberal feature in the publication before us commends it to our favor, for by this expression The young people loved her society, her neighbors of its members (if made in an earnest and prop-instant in season, and full of holy sympathies, of other denominations paid tribute to her worth; er spirit) the Society may receive valuable sug-she visited the afflicted in body and in spirit, beargestions, and be gradually prepared for such ing comfort by her presence and words. "O, how changes in its church discipline as its necessi- I loved her, how we all loved her," said one at her funeral, who had known her intimately from bis ties may require. Although not in official cor- youth up, and whose words were the utterance of respondence with our transatlantic friends, we many hearts. believe many of our subscribers will be interested in its contents, and we should be glad to see the time when such a publication can be sustained among ourselves.

From an advertisement in Friends' Review, we observe that Henry Longstreth, No. 1838 Chestnut St., proposes to publish an American edition of the Examiner.

MARRIED, on Fifth-day, the 14'h of Third month, 1867, at the residence of Daniel Uunderhill, Jericho, L. I., SOLOMON S. JACKSON, of the former place, to ESTHER L. POST, of Westbury.

DIED, at Sandy Spring, Md., on the 9th of Second month, 1867, WM. STABLER, son of Wm. H. and Eliza Stabler, in the 35th year of his age.

on the 30th of Twelfth month, 1866, in Lynn, Mass., at the residence of his son Moses F. Rogerз, AARON ROGERS, aged 90 years and 4 months.

A respectable middle-aged man called recently at the house of one of her relatives in Philadelphia, to been a poor, neglected reckless boy, thrown into her inquire for Rachel Sharpless, stating that he had neighborhood years ago, but that her counsel and encouragement had been the means of saving him from ruin, adding, "All that I am I owe to her." She was, emphatically, a peacemaker wherever she moved.

Large and wide in her sympathies, she recognized good wherever it was found, encouraged temperance and anti-slavery movements when they were unpopular, and neither fear nor favor prevented her from firmly, but gently, maintaining what she believed to be right.

A widow more than thirty years; she had been twice married; and as a step-mother, as well as a mother, the power of her unselfish love brought the warm tribute of filial affection back to gladden her heart.

Her enjoyment in the society of her friends, her interest in the progress of truth, and her cheerfulness of spirit continued to the end. A few months ago, when the writer of this notice visited her, she He was a faithful and consistent member of Danby dwelt touchingly upon the preservations and blessMonthly Meeting, and occupied the station of elder ings that had attended her life, and spoke with for over 50 years. He was punctual in bis dealings sweetness of the near prospect of departure, knowwith men, and won the respect of all who knew him. ing the faithfulness of Him whom she had trusted.

Her memory bad become considerably impaired;

He retained his mental faculties to the last. On his time and space were vanishing, and earlier and

90th birthday he made a minute of it in his memo

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