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such as were in affliction and distress, whether in body or in mind, which was manifested in her frequent visits to such, and by other means clearly demonstrated. She was a woman endued with great patience, and with a quiet and serene mind, well qualified and fitted to her husband's circumstances, whose lot it was often to be abroad in the service of the Truth; an honorable and a faithful wife, willing to give up her all for Christ and the Gospel's sake, counting nothing in this world too near or dear to part with for the glory of God and the advancement of the ever blessed Truth, peace, and salvation of her own soul, and the good of others.

One thing is remarkable and worthy of commemoration, which I insert as followeth, that others in the like case may not barely and outwardly imitate her, but feelingly come up in her heavenly practice and experience, under the influence, light, and help of God's Holy and Blessed Spirit, viz: When that worthy servant of Jesus Christ, John Bowstead, returned from London Yearly Meeting through several counties to York, and so home with me, not long before my wife was taken away; and having some discourse with her, he asked about several things of moment, especially about her husband being so much from home, she gave him this answer: That inasmuch as she gave up her husband cheerfully and freely to serve the Lord, and to be serviceable to the Church of Christ, she did not only sympathize and feel with him in his most adverse and low state, but partook with him in his best enjoyments, when the power of Truth prevailed over all its enemies. Although I am then far from him, yet I partake of the spoil, or the shedding abroad of the good things of God among His people, as my heart goes along with the work of the Lord, and such as are engaged in it; and in all my husband's afflictions I am afflicted with him. And one of my main concerns is, that neither I, nor anything in this world, may detain my husband from doing what the Lord calls for at his hand; for if anything hurt him as to the Truth, what good can I expect of him? This John much admired, with the deep and weighty reasons she gave about the Christian Discipline of the Church and concerning the ministry, the like, he said, he had not met with in all his travels before; yet she was a woman of few words, and expressed much in a little compass. And when she was taken away, oh! the loss and sorrow he expressed to me in a letter concerning her death.

She was very clear in her understanding, had a penetrating and discerning eye, a great and inward sense of the state of a meeting, as also of their several particular states. I cannot at present describe to the full all the hidden virtues of this handmaid of the Lord, but there

were many visible fruits of her virtuous mind that did appear to the children of men, some of which were these, viz: She was an affectionate and tender mother to her children, yet did correct them when occasion required, without passion or the least appearance of disorder of mind, and still had them in great subjection; at which I often admired, and thought, surely she is come, by the workings of the Holy Spirit, to a greater dominion over her own spirit than many who appeared to be her equals. She was a true Christian, a loving and dutiful child to her parents, a good neighbor, a faithful wife, a loving and tender-hearted dame over her servants, and overcame them with love, and was much beloved by them, and also feared they loved her, and were very unwilling to disoblige or offend her.

She appeared and behaved herself as became a sanctified vessel that was in a good degree fitted and prepared for the great Master's use; and often appeared as one that had been secretly in some intercourse with Jesus Christ in spirit, where his glory had more particularly shone in and over her soul not only because of the gravity and solidity of her countenance, but also the tenderness, humility, and sweetness of her mind and spirit, weightiness of her conversation, edification of her advice, soundness of her judgment, and clearness of her understanding, all which made her company very acceptable while among the living. Her heart was often filled with the love of God, and early raised and enabled to speak a word in season unto many states and conditions, whether at home or abroad, in her own family, amongst her neighbors, or in the Church of Christ, in testimony to matters relating to the worship of God, or in matters relating to Discipline, especially in the meetings of her own sex, where she had a great service, and will be greatly wanted. She had great care upon her for the good education of our youth in plainness of habit and language, that they might be preserved out of the corruptions of the world in all the parts thereof; in all which services she will be much missed: yet we being sensible that her removal is her great gain, it helps to alleviate our sorrow and loss, which is great, and will not soon be forgotten by many who had the benefit and comfort of her good services. Also her watchful and solid sitting in our meetings for worship was remarkable, with very little motion that was perceivable: yet when the least stirrings of life in her mind were perceived, in order to bring her forth in testimony, the meeting was truly glad, and the living amongst us rejoiced at it, for her appearance was with the wise, and in the language of the Holy Spirit, which was a clear demonstration that the work was the Lord's and by and through His spirit and power; all which gave her a great place in the

minds of faithful Friends and brethren. But she is gone in the prime and flower of her age! which sets before and is a memento unto us, to show us the uncertainty of our time here, and prepare for one certain to come, that death may not overtake us at unawares before we are prepared for it.

lives unto death, but given up that life they had in any wrong thing whatsoever.

When I had drawn up the foregoing account, and showed it to some discreet Friends, they said it was not beyond her worth; yet when I looked it over again, with an intent to insert it here, I thought it looked too large; I come now to the time of her long weak- but upon more mature deliberation, I could not ness, in which she was preserved in great pa- find what part to omit, but it would hurt the tience, steadiness, and resignation of mind to whole matter; therefore as I found it contained the will of God even unto the end; and she en- encouragement to all tender and well-minded joyed much heavenly comfort and consolation people to persevere in faithfulness unto the end, in the living presence of the Lord to her im- caution against pride, passion, and indulging or mortal soul, so that when she was asked, sparing any wrong thing in church or family, Whether she thought she might recover or not? and something of advice to several conditions she mildly replied, she was afraid to desire to and growths in the Church of Christ, it aplive; because, said she, I believe if it please peared most easy to me, not to lose any of those the Lord to take me away now, it will be well good fragments which had any thing of a heav with me, for I find nothing that lies as a bur-enly savour in them; and if I have not missed den upon my spirit. At another time she it, there is something that has a living relish, said, As to that little testimony I have been for without that I should soon be weary of concerned in, this is my comfort and satisfac- either writing or speaking. tion, that I can truly say I did not kindle any strange fire, and therefore could not warm my self at the sparks thereof; but what I did in that matter was in the constraining of the love of God, and when my cup was full, I a little emptied myself among the Lord's people, yet very sensible of my own weakness and poverty, and often thought myself unworthy of the least

of the Lord's mercies.

Many savoury expressions she spoke that were not written then, and therefore could not be remembered: we having some hopes of her recovery, it rather caused an omission as to such a due observance of what she said as otherwise it is like would have been; although she was heard to say not long before she fell weak, she thought her time would not be long in this world. I never heard an unbecoming or unsavoury word come from her, let the provocation thereto be what it would, no, not in the time of her health; and in her weakness, she was much swallowed up in the luminous and internal presence of her Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and often sang praises unto his worthy name, and appeared as one wholly redeemed from this world, whose heart was set upon, and mind intent, and earnestly engaged in the pursuit after heaven and heavenly things. Blessed be the Lord, she had witnessed a part in the first resurrection, and over such the second death hath no power; and no doubt but she lived and believed in Jesus Christ, even unto the end of her time here, and passed away without any appearance of struggling or sorrow, I believe, into a mansion of glory, where her soul shall sing Hallelujah to the Lord God and the Lamb forever, with all those who have overcome the world, the beast, and false prophet, and everything the Lord's controversy is with, and who have not loved their

is the priestess of childhood. She is to teach The family is the child's church. The mother the conscience, to instruct the reason, to harmonize one part of the mind with another, and, making her knees the confessional, and her heart an atonement between the good and evil in her child, she is to bear him up till he can stand

alone. This is Christian education and Chris

tian training.

For Friends' Intelligencer.

No announcement would he hailed with more satisfaction by the members of our religious Society than an assurance that the love of peace is increasing among civilized nations; for this we should consider one of the most certain evidences of the progress of Christ's spiritual kingdom.

Prior to the late sanguinary conflict which. desolated a portion of our country, we had cherished the belief that the spirit of war was subsiding throughout Christendom, and that a feeling of universal brotherhood was beginning to arise in all enlightened nations. The animosity manifested in that conflict, and the immense sacrifice of life involved in it, caused many misgivings as to the reality of that fraternizing spirit which the friends of peace had fondly hoped was in progress.

There are, however, recent indications that in Europe a desire to secure universal peace has taken hold upon many of the most enlightened minds, and that men, possessed of great influence in England and on the Continent, are being banded together to promote this beneficent purpose. The following extract, from the New York Tribune, will be read with interest:

"The movement in favor of Peace is making

great progress on the continent of Europe, and discarded the comfortable doctrine that what especially in the French Empire. Three or- has always been must of necessity always conganizations have recently been formed in tinue to be. Social evils once submitted to, France, all with the object of propagating the with stubborn apathy, as a sort of fated inheritprinciples of the Peace movement, and of in-ance, have been found to be eradicable, and have suring international coöperation in the great been removed accordingly; and systems of opwork of ridding the world of the curse of war. pression and wrong, for which the authority The first is the International League of Peace, of Holy Writ itself had for ages been pleaded, which was inaugurated at a meeting held with have fallen before the advance of Truth in the consent of the French Government at the these modern days. Human Slavery, once deEcole de Medecine in Paris, in May last, and fended as a Divine institution, is tottering to which is now fully and formally constituted its fall; and horrid war, which men have been under the most honorable and influential aus- taught to look upon as the result of the immupices. The second is the International Congress table laws of nature, must eventually disappear of Peace, which body aspires to unite the Demo- before the humanizing influences now at work cratic party throughout Europe in the promotion in society. It may be a long time before this of international peace. And the third, the Inter consummation is reached; but men who are national Union of Peace, founded at Havre by neither visionaries nor enthusiasts believe that N. F. Sauta!lier, the author of a very able and it must come sooner or later. The sooner the eloquent pamphlet entitled 'The Union of better; so let the Peace movement be helped Peace,' aims at the creation of an international forward. Why cannot a Peace League be formcode through a committee of jurisconsults be- ed in this country?" longing to all nations, and elected by ballot by members of the Union. In the lists of the adherents of these associations we find the hon. ored names of Michel Chevalier, Baron Liebig, Joseph Garnier, Garibaldi, Louis Blanc, Victor Hugo, Jules Favre, Pelletan, John Stuart Mill, Charles Sumner, Sir David Brewster, John Bright, and many other names of men of note. The International Congress of Peace will hold its first session at Geneva on the 9th of this month, and all the friends of democracy, are In our view, the only hope for the establishinvited to take part in it, either personally or by ment of permanent peace depends on the prog representation. The adherents of the Union of ress of vital religion, combined with the princiPeace are found principally among the commer-ples taught and exemplified by Jesus Christ and cial and working classes, and it has already his apostles. established branch societies in many towns of To convince the understanding that war is France, in Germany, in Switzerland, in Italy, in Egypt, and in the French Colonies.

That the French should be taking the lead in this movement is remarkable, when we consider that, as a nation, they have hitherto evinced the greatest love of military glory, and we apprehend that, among the masses of that people, it will require something more than appeals to their reason and philanthropy to restrain them, if their versatile and impetuous spirits should become interested in any great national question calculated to arouse their passions.

the most ruinous of all human follies, would seem, to reflecting minds, an easy attainment, but to bring the heart under the influence of holy and benevolent principles,-subduing its passions and purifying its motives,-is a mark which nothing short of divine power can accomplish. This mark, as it proceeds among mankind, first diminishes the ferocity of war, bumanizes the treatment of prisoners, and extends sympathy to the fallen and the oppressed.

A movement like this is pregnant with beneficent influences, and will have the best wishes and earnest coöperation of the friends of humanity everywhere. It has already, as will be seen, a commanding array of intellect and genius on its side. Judging from the list of membership already given, it is not likely to suffer for want of able and energetic leaders and steady supporters. There are eminent History shows that since the commencement writers to expound its principles, eloquent ora- of the Christian era great progress has been tors to advocate its claims, renowned statesmen made in this direction. There are occasional to give it the benefit of their experience and exceptions; but there can be no doubt that wisdom, and illustrious poets to sing its praises; modern warfare is less imbued with ferocity while from the commercial and working classes than that we read of in ancient times. it will receive the sinews' of that peaceful the abolition of slavery, the concern of those war which has at length been fairly opened who first moved in it was to ameliorate the conagainst cannon and rifles, against ironclads and dition of the slaves, and promote their spiritual monitors. The old, stale objectiou to such a move-welfare, so in the progress of Christian princiment, viz., that the objects sought are purely vis- ples with regard to war, the first movement has ionary, will doubtless be urged again, and the old been to lessen its horrors by extending kindness sneers at enthusiasm are sure to be repeated. to the vanquished. But the world, grown wiser from experience, has

As in

If the various religious denominations through

out Christendom would make it a cardinal principle in their profession to bear a testimony against war, and to preach the doctrine of peace and good will to men, as declared in the sermon on the mount, this glorious cause would make greater progress, and the day would not be distant when "nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more."

Although nothing short of the prevalence of real, practical Christianity can put an end to war, it must be satisfactory to all who are interested in the cause of humanity, to be informed that leading minds in Europe have set on foot a movement to promote the peace of the world. We trust the example will be followed in this country, for it will induce reflection upon a subject of momentous importance, and may prove to be one of the instrumentalities employed by Divine Providence to promote his own beneficent purposes.*

For Friends' Intelligencer.


The writer, upon returning from a Friends' Meeting for worship some weeks since, where there had been, as he conceived, a superabundance of words handed forth, and where it was evident the audience was wearied and burdened with them, took up the Intelligencer, and accidentally met therein with an extract from a letter addressed to one of the Editors, wherein the writer, after speaking of the strong love she

has had for the attendance of meetings, and of the "pleasure that has never diminished with the indulgence," as well as confirming the view sometimes expressed of "the spiritual current circulating from vessel to vessel," wisely added, that she was "more apt to be edified by short sermons," that "in a redundancy of words the mind is so burdened that it receives no tangible impressions, while a few words are like apples of gold."

These few words seemed so apropos to the "burdened" mind of the writer (and doubtless equally so to others) that he thought they would bear repetition, with no other comment than"A word to the wise is sufficient." Philada. 9 mo. 1867.

J. M. E.

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BY W. J. F.

Christianity has the power to accommodate itself to the human mind through all the stages of its advance; leading it on in its weakness and darkness; expanding to its largest development; and thus showing itself adapted not only to all the gradations of intellect, but especially adapted to that progressive principle which is its grandest and brightest characteristic. It has the same faculty of accommodation to man as a religious and moral being, that it has for him considered merely in his intellectual capacity.

I do not enter into the question of how much of this progression, intellectual and moral, is in itself the result of divine revelation. The countries not Christian are comparatively stationary. If they do advance, still the elevation of their minds, and the purification of their morals, proceed with but a lingering and a faltering step. It is Christendom, even nominal Christendom, whose light shines stronger and stronger. But I will not discuss this. Let the progress of civilization originate, and be carried on, whence and how it may, it is enough for us at present to contemplate Christianity as in no danger of being distanced by it, but ever showing itself equal, and more than equal, to the occasion,ever displaying deeper mines for futurity to explore, and demonstrating divinity by its inexhaustible riches of knowledge, devotion, and moral truth and power.

in two propositions: first, that Christianity only The secret of this capability may be unfolded morality; and, secondly, that Christianity only regards religious observances as the means of and my purpose is to briefly illustrate these two regards morality as the means of happiness: propositions.

Many things have been done as religious ceremonies which originated in, and in turn sions of which our nature is capable. Such cherished, the meanest, vilest, and basest passions of which our nature is capable. Such were the observances of ancient idolatry. They originated in terror, wantonness, and cupidity; they were perpetuated in obscenity, or in cruelty. Licentious deities had their licentious rites; and sanguinary deities their offerings of blood. Man sacrificed to his God that which he thought most adapted to appease his wrath or gratify his appetite. It was fear cringing before violence, or cupidity bribing corruption. Such deeds as are on authentic record of this description could only be tolerated in a state of gross depravity, and could only tend to make that depravity yet grosser. The only congeniality here is congeniality with a downward progress to the deepest and most loathsome abyss of degradation.

A better state than this, yet one of no promise, giving no stimulus to, holding no correspon

dence with, improvement, is that of resting in the creatures of ceremony and submission that ceremony as religion, and believing the mere the most pious Jews were in the time of Christ. ceremony to be efficacious for securing the favor It did not alienate them from their temple serof heaven. A higher degree is the observance vice. While the temple stood, there did the of a prescribed ritual, where the availableness Christian Jews keep holiday with the multitude; is in the act of submission to a divine command. at least all who were so disposed; and they This is the state to which the Jews were raised were many. Those whose souls had outgrown by the Levitical law. The merit was in the the ceremonial were at liberty to leave it, and punctilious observance of that which was en- gradually they did so. But all was left to its joined. It was the same with their morality. natural course. Christianity is the transition, The whole system was one of command and in worship, from the ritual religion to the perobedience. Nothing was done for the sake of fect and abstract spirituality we have just deits tendency; every thing for the sake of the scribed. It leads from the one towards the prescribing authority. They expected God to other. It forbids no forms; it enjoins no reward; but the reward was not in, or by, or forms; but it guides (and with swifter or slowfrom, the act itself; it was something to be su er pace as man can go along with it) from forperadded by his power. For every expression mality to spirituality. Whatever of form there of devout feeling, for every relation of social is in Christianity, exists, not for its own sake, duty, their reference was to the code: What but for ours; because our feelings need it for is written in the law? Thou knowest the their expression, because our weakness may commandments.' Obedience to specific direc- need it for our strengthening. Jesus instituted tion was the all-pervading principle. Had Ju- nothing. He formed no church. He consedaism been given as a universal system, or as a crated no building. He arranged no ritual. permanent system, this would have argued de- He selected no day or hour. He only decreed fect. It was neither. It was preparation, and that "the true worshippers should worship the preparation only. Its leading strings for reason Father in spirit and in truth, for the Father were only to be used till reason could step seeketh such to worship him." And this is firmly. The law was a schoolmaster to bring spiritual truth, not positive institution. If obus unto Christ." When Jesus came, he did servances promote this, let them be religiously not at once, and by a direct act, change all this. attended to by those who find and feel that tenBut he laid down principles, and made provision deney, and on that ground recommended to for a complete change. He taught the perfect others. So long as they do moral good, that spirituality of devotion; that it was a state of creates moral obligation to their observance. inward feeling, and not the performance of an But that is the principle. The first Christians outward action; that it belonged not to time or acted upon it. We follow their example, copyplace, but to the heart. He did not decree the ing their practices with such variations as the instant abolition of the ceremonial law, but he difference of circumstances requires. They bapreleased his followers from obligation to its ob- tized their converts. It was an Eastern custom, servance. He exhibited that perfection at and in those regions a very expressive one. which he directed his followers to aim. His Jesus alluded to it when he told them to "teach worship was that of a soul always in harmony all nations, baptizing them in the name of the with its heavenly Father. He was not sum- Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." moned to it by the recurrence of particular days That was not an institution; for they did not or hours, nor did he wait till he could arrive at afterwards use that form. That was not an inparticular places. It refined itself into its es- stitution; for they had been in the practice of sential elements of prayer and praise; and these baptizing before. We should have had time, were evidently resolving themselve into one sin- place, administrator, mode, subject, all defined gle feeling, the perfection of devotion, a coinci-in an institution. So it is with the Sabbath. dence of will with God. This is the ultimate We come together because it is good for us to form of worship. It ceases to supplicate, be- do so. The first Christians must, from the nacause it feels, as well as knows, that all is best. ture of the case, have begun with merely an It ceases from particular praise, because it feels evening meeting. The Jewish portion of them as well as knows that there is not more love in still kept their national Sabbath. The inferior what here we deem brightest than in what classes of the Gentiles would only in the evenseems darkest; but that the one and the other ing be released from their occupations. The are alike ordered in the infinity of God's be- legal suspension of labor was only obtained cennevolence. Worship thus becomes a single, turies afterwards. Being obtained, God forbid unbroken, everlasting sensation of complacency it should ever be lost! There could be few in the works and character of God, a state of public calamities so great. But this had nothsublimity and blessedness. It is to this that ing to do with the Jewish Sabbath. It is good;. Christianity tends. Yet the religion which and alas for the heart for which that is not conducts towards it was completely adapted to enough! Now, here is that flexibility, that

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