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the throne of God. How vivid soever may be the emotions that spring from the heart in its sympathy with others, they can never come into comparison with those that belong to its own. ultimate welfare.-Isaac Taylor.



life of God is under oppression in our hearts. | ted existence, or in oblivion of all others, before Therefore, those who have come, thinking to receive the bread of life, go away hungry, perhaps to return no more. It is sometimes well to point to the open Fountain, saying, "There is water; dip for yourselves." But because the land is dry, and the water deep, and men have no buckets, therefore God sends his servants to draw for them, until they learn to draw for themselves. As God condescended to our low estate so far as to clothe his Son, who is our spiritual Bread, in a body of flesh, so he "WE GLEAN FROM EVERY VINTAGE."clothes his love, wisdom and goodness in words, This motto we deem appropriate to express the that men may receive truth through these external mediums or signs. aim which the editors of this paper have ever The cry of the Psalmist is echoed by many souls, Lord, be kept in view, while seeking for aliment to not silent unto me, lest if thou be silent unto satisfy the intellectual wants, and minister to me, I become like them that go down into the the spiritual life of its readers. To cater for pit." Words are the mirrors of thought and such a variety of tastes as must inevitably be feeling by which these are transmitted and enlarged. Therefore, while reasonably cautious found among the large circle of our subscribers, not to be found sowing chaff, let every Chris-requires no small degree of care and assiduous tian consider it his duty to scatter the seeds of labor; and it is satisfactory to receive assurrighteousness and truth in some way, and if he ances that our sincere endeavors are appreis not now able, make it his immediate business ciated. to find that ability by applying diligently for the of God, and laying in seeds of knowlgrace edge from the granary of the Scriptures, and not be hindered by custom, if he find good seed therein adapted to the present wants, from bringing it to the people in such form and measure as it has been preserved for our use.

Arise, young men, and begin to serve the Lord your God. "As the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west," so the Light of Christ is enlightening the Gentiles. Why are you yet slumbering? Arise, virgin souls, and trim your lamps, and if they are burning low, fill them quickly with the oil of grace, and take them from under your beds of ease and your sectarian measures, lest, when the Bridegroom comes, you be left weep ing without, and bewailing your folly in the darkness. EDWARD RYDER. Brewster's Station, N. Y., 8th. mo. 27, 1867.


Among the articles recently inserted in our paper, the selections from the discourses and letters of F. W. Robertson have elicited from many of our readers and correspondents testimonials of decided approbation. There are, however, we regret to learn, some exceptions. One Friend, writing to our publishing agent, expresses his disapprobation of resorting to the writings or opinions of a hireling ministry," in order to fill our columns.

For our part, we rejoice when we have evidences that others, not of our fold, are being gradually drawn away from a dependence upon externals; and we believe, as this work goes on, it will lead to an acknowledgment of the Truth in its simplicity, and an abandonment of the ceremonial observances by which it is encumbered. We consider the system of a Religion, or the devotional part of it, is nothing but communion of the soul with God; and stipendiary ministry inconsistent with the pretherefore by its necessary condition is seclusive. cepts of Christ and the practice of the Apostles, There is no piety of a multitude. The worship and we believe it has been fraught with great of a congregation is the worship of so many injury to the Church throughout Christendom; hearts, each rendered a degree more fervent than otherwise by the power of sympathy. But if the but we must, in charity, admit that many who elements of worship have not been brought have been engaged in it have been sincere together from the depths of individual spirits, Christians, devoting their lives to the righteous they exist not at all. In all true worship, cause, so far as it was opened to their minds. whether the scene be the place of public convocation or the closet, the soul brings its immortal substance, and its personal destiny, and its particular interests-its recollections, its hopes and its fears—yes, itself, as if it were the only crea

ledge is usually gradual, and, when much enThe progress of the soul in spiritual knowcumbered by the prejudices of education, is almost invariably slow. An instructive ex

those of George Fox in a letter "to friends of the ministry in Pennsylvania and New Jersey," both of which appeared in the 25th number of the Intelligencer. He considers the former cautious and contracted, and that the latter urges to active and expansive measures for the promulgation of Truth as professed by Friends. We believe that the two cannot be justly compared. Our early Friends were incited to labor

ample of this is found in the recorded experience of John Simpson, a highly-valued minister, who lived in the last century. He was educated among the Presbyterians, and, after he became a minister in our Society, he retained for some time a belief in the rectitude of defensive war. "Through the gradual unfoldings of the Divine Light, his understanding at length became illuminated, and his judgment fully convinced that all carnal war-with a zeal consequent upon the new era which fare, offensive and defensive, had its origin in the unsubdued lusts of the flesh, and was entirely opposite to the spirit of the gospel of Christ. Previous to this discovery, he had been careful not only to avoid speaking on the subject, but also to conform to the established discipline and testimonies of Friends in relation to wars and military requisitions. He was heard to remark that, from observation and experience, he was fully persuaded that, in the operations and discoveries of the divine principle in dedicated minds, every man did not begin to learn at the same point of the Christian alphabet; but, as faithful obedience was yielded to the arisings of Light, all would come into the fulness, and see eye to eye.'

had dawned upon them, through the faithfulness, apparently, of one who had himself been led into quiet fields and secret places, where he became impressed with the immutable truth, that Christianity consists in obedience to the revelations of Christ, "the true Light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world," and that those who receive it are given "power to become the sons of God." In that comparatively dark day, there were many hungering for the bread of life, being weary of a profes sional religion which yielded not the fruits of the spirit. To these, the voice of G. Fox and others, who were alike convinced of this vital principle, was like a living inspiration from the Fountain of Life. The novelty of men and It has always been the practice of writers women preaching without having been ordained in our religious Society, when advocating the by man, drew the people in crowds to listen to principles of Truth, to call to their aid appro- their teachings. Persecutions followed; and priate corroborating testimony from devout the blood of the martyrs enkindled a holy zeal authors of other persuasions. The writings of for the cause for which they suffered. After a Archbishop Fenelon have been widely circu- lapse of years a very different state of things lated and much approved by Friends; and exists. In some cases the language of the Robert Barclay, in his Apology, quotes freely prophets is doubtless applicable-"How is the from the writings of Calvin and other Protest-gold become dim! how is the most fine gold ant ministers, to sustain some of the views changed!" Still, we believe there are many presented in that standard work. In quoting who are living in accordance with their highest from Calvin, we know that Barclay did not perceptions of right. The origin of the New favor the doctrine of predestination, nor the York Epistle was to share with the absent memsystem of giving to ministers a pecuniary sup-bers of that part of the Society the gospel export in reward for their services.

ercises which had flowed freely during the sit

Let us rejoice in the progress of Truth, and tings of the Yearly Meeting, "which perchance embrace it wherever we find it.

Communications from two correspondents will be found in the present number, both bearing upon the condition of our religious organization. E. R. contrasts the sentiments contained in the "Epistle from New York Yearly Meeting of Ministers and Elders," with

* Janney's Hist. of Friends, iii., 405.

might be as a brook by the way to cheer the drooping spirit and strengthen the weary traveller on the way to Zion." They no doubt could also with George Fox desire that "all men should come to the knowledge of the Truth," and with him encourage all to walk in obedience to the knowledge received. We unite with our correspondent in the wish that faithfulness may be observed in the work as

signed by our Heavenly Father, but as nothing can gather to Him that does not proceed from Him, they who minister have need to take heed that they "speak with authority and not as the scribes." We feel a concern that none may have their faith weakened in the ancient testimony to silent worship, nor weary of a form in consonance with a state of mental quiet, figured in Scripture by the injunction, "Keep silence before me, O ye islands, and let the people renew their strength!"

ERRATA. On p. 434, 2d column, 19th line from

bottom, for "reviewing Truth," read "receiving Truth." On p. 435, 2d column, 16th line from bottom, for "A flute," read " A slate.”


In order to aid the Committee appointed at the First-day School Conference, on Seventh-day last, to prepare a suitable statement of the efforts of Friends to establish such schools, it is requested pre-previous to Tenth month 12th, an account of any that Friends throughout the country will forward, First-day Schools which now are, or have been, in existence amongst Friends, giving, if possible, the number on roll, average attendance, the plan of conducting them, the difficulties they may have to encounter, and the title of such works as may be of an

The delinquency referred to in the Essay over the signature of "T.H.S.," in relation to the attendance of our religious meetings, has occasioned deep regret not only in the minds of concerned Friends of the present day, but the history of the Society proves that since its origin this has been the case in every generation. It is an evidence, we believe, that the advantages to be derived from mingling in spirit in the worship which is acceptable to the Father of spirits, are not fully appreciated by our numbers generally. Too many may be like those formerly, who when "a certain man made a great supper and invited many," some had bought a piece of ground, some oxen, and some had married a wife-and all wished to be excused. The interest manifested by a number of the younger class of Friends in the meetings recently held for the purpose of mutual advancement in the knowledge of religious truths is an encouraging feature, and we hope it may extend, so as to lead both young and old to frequently consider those things which promote the spiritual health and prosperity of in

dividuals and communities.


unobjectionable character for Friends' children. Address "First-day School Committee," No. 144

N. Seventh St.

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BRIENZ, Aug. 4, 1867. I have come to this place alone, having parted from my party for the week for the sake of a rest with another Americau Friend, who is passmile from the village of Brienz, in a valley ing a month or two in the Pension Bellevue, a which fronts the lake, and is secluded from the world as it were by three walls of mountains, whose green and rocky sides make a paradise for painters' eyes, especially as wandering clouds of mist-which adorn more than obscurecause perpetual changes of light and color: and then the distant mountains seen over the lake, with snow peaks coming and going, spiritualize

the whole.

Several causes have operated to reduce the figures of the census of 1829, some of which, we trust, will, by the increase of love and Chris tian toleration, be avoided in the future. This place is exceptional as a public house. we apprehend that nothing will conduce so Indeed it hardly is one. It is kept by a gentlemuch to strengthen the bonds of religious fel- man who has, till within a year or two, been a lowship as an individual awakening to the bles- Professor of Chemistry in the University of sedness of a life of purity and holiness. By his extensive and valuable laboratory. He inBerne, who had the misfortune to lose by a fire this congenial minds will be attracted, and invented the illumination of the Falls of Giessthe feeling of their dependence upon the great bach, which are close by Brienz, and had this Head of the Church for spiritual supplies, they fine estate here, with a house five or six times will at the time appointed for the gathering of larger than his family required, and so he takes the flocks be drawn together, in order to partakeparently carried on by the servants. I have not some men boarders. The establishment is apof the refreshing stream when the stone shall in three days yet seen him, though his wife rebe rolled away from the well's mouth. ceived me at the door with all the hospitality

of manner and courtesy of a lady-which she is | Interlachen, with its splendid views of the -a cultivated and refined lady, one of four sis-Jungfrau. The Giessbach is also close by, and ters, the other three having removed from every night illuminated. It is a lovely place Berne with her, and living in a picturesque to bring children for the summer, because it is cottage between this house and the lake. The so secluded and healthy, and the neighborhood family lives entirely separate, and the boarders so innocent. Mrs. H. has a third son, about have their own table, which is served with the three years old, who plays about with the peasmost exact German etiquette, by the rosy-ant children, under the eye of his mother, for cheeked maids, in six or seven courses, every she seems to take care of them entirely herself, vegetable nearly being served separately, and sauntering about as he wanders at "his own the plates changed so that each one has six or sweet will;" and such devoted nursery work seven plates. The company is of the best kind becomes anything but a wearisome work in such -one family with four children among the a nursery, whose walls are but wooded mounguests and the conversation at dinner general. tains, and whose carpet such a beautiful green One of the sisters speaks English perfectly, and lawn, and its ornaments a little pond with gold has called on us. She is full of the love of lite- fishes,-a fountain in the midst that always rature, and I have found her well read in plays,-enclosures holding peacocks, golden Italian, Spanish, German and English litera-pheasants, and other lovely specimens of animal ture; very fond of our Longfellow, and making life. The garden is delightfully provided with fine discriminations in his writings. She had not heard of his translation of Dante.

settees and little summer houses in the pleasantest places, all having the air of a private The village is a mile off. I am so sorry that gentleman's house-which it was, and, I might my ear absolutely is impervious to the collo- almost say, is. I am so particular in all this quial French and Germin, because, if I could description for the sake of my American friends, understand them, I could go about among these who, for no more money than they spend in a Swiss peasants, who talk German and French trip to Sharon, or Saratoga, or Newport, at the both, and get acquainted with them. It is a present high cost of living, might come into the rare chance I have to see the heart of Switzer- heart of Switzerland and pass a summer. I land. The people have not been demoralized came from Paris by way of Fontainbleau, seeing by the neighborhood of a great hotel, and these that most magnificent of French palaces-in its really refined ladies give us a glimpse into a interior; then by way of Pontarlier and Neufsociety which a mere traveller rarely enters into chatel to Lausanne, where we made a detour to in Europe. My American friend came here go to Geneva for the sake of going to Chamouny, with special introduction to them, and I had but another might go on from Lausanne to one from her; otherwise we should not have Berne, Newhaus and Brienz. A through ticket seen them at all, though Mrs. H. always re- to Newhaus can be taken at Lausanne, which ceives everybody, and there is an appeal to her sets you across Lake Thun, than which there is when any thing goes wrong. It is evident that none more beautiful in Switzerland in fine she also superintends the sending up of the weather, when you can see the Jungfrau. At meals, as every thing is so exact. But the Newhaus an omnibus takes you to the Brienz meals take a very long time, as the courses come steamboat, giving you a beautiful drive through on very deliberately: four courses of fish, flesh the lake street of Interlachen, with its palatial and fowl, with a vegetable; then pudding; then houses. The Brienz steamboat carries you by fruit; then confections. For breakfast and the falls of the Giessbach, which are exquisitely supper we have tea, coffee or chocolate,-as we beautiful; and you must take your seat on the prefer; bread, butter, cheese and cold meat. right hand side of the boat, or take second class Every thing is well cooked and abundant in seats in the prow, which is the best as well as quantity. The price is fixed at five francs a cheapest place. At the landing in Brienz, inday, if you stay a week or month; seven francs quire for the carriage of Pension Bellevue, or a day for a more transient visit. The house is an omnibus, if the carriage is not there, and it four stories high, and the three upper stories carries you for half a franc. Another beautiful are for boarders-or at least the second and way to come is through Basle from Paris, taking third; and there seems to be eight or ten the train at the Strasbourg station at 7 o'clock on a story. All who are here are on the second in the morning; and the second class cars are story; but as the place becomes known by their perfectly comfortable, and a great deal the continued residence, (this is the second year of cheapest, (43 francs.) Going by the way of the Pension only,) I think there is no doubt Berne, however, you have an hour and twenty we will always be full; for, besides the beauty minutes at Berne, and we improved the time by of the situation and views,-by means of the taking a carriage at the station and telling the steamboat at Brienz,-there are charming ex-driver to show us Berne. It is a grand old city cursions on the beautiful lakes of Brienz and with streets of fine houses, and its peculiarity Thun, possible at small expense, and visits to is that all the side walks are covered with ar


E. P. P.

For Friends' Intelligencer. THOUGHTS IN A FRIENDS' MEETING. We have come

cades, the private houses no less than the shops | the best people,-an assumption of superiority having an arcade for the front lower story. that is irritating, and more earnest and sinThe windows of the stories above have balconies, cere than we see in France. We asked them if which are provided with red cushions, so that it was not losing a great deal to leave Berne, the inhabitants may be in the open air. The and they said certainly it was in respect to sodriver carried us to a terrace, which is called ciety, "but we are merry in our own family, the Munster Platz, covered with shade trees and here there are also pleasures and charms and seats, and looking off to the line of snow- impossible to city life. We get books from clad Alps, which make the great charm of Berne, and occasionally visit there." The manBerne, but which that day were wholly obscured ners of the children (both of the family and the by the rain clouds. Looking down from the boarders) are beautiful,-in the house perfectly terrace you saw the Aar, over whose blue rush-gentle, and out doors merry; and there is no ing waters was one splendid arched bridge; and sign of truly reserved manners so infallible as opposite you saw another shaded common of well-bred children who are at the same time beautifully formed slopes, (for Berne lies both spontaneous and childlike. sides of the Aar.) After we had gazed a few minutes, we went back to our carriage, and the coachman took us across the bridge to this place, whence the prospect of the Aar below the bridge, with its great arches, and the city, was To gather into stillness-and, professedly, To meet as is our wont upon this dayvery fine. Here was a great enclosure, open to To worship in the silence of all flesh. the sky, and people looking over its walls. We Have we come prepared to enter now, did the same, and saw a group of bears, old and Each one, into the silent chamber of the heart, young. The coachman told us that these bears And there, in prayerful waiting, seek were taken care of by the city, and that once a Under the covering of the Father's love, To know His will divine, and feel, lady of Berne, on dying, left all her property That all who ever worship Him aright, to ensure the perpetual support of the city bears! Must worship Him in spirit and in truth? But what was the meaning of it all he did not To hear, in outward speech, the words of truth know. Our ladies here told us the legend. Proclaimed with power; the utterance of prayer Berne was founded within a thousand years by From off the holy altar-it were well; Sincere from hearts touched with a living coal a Duke of Zahringen, who having marked out But insufficient all, unless our minds, its site on the eve of a hunting frolic, said that Taught in the school of Wisdom, have received he would name the city from the first wild beast Instruction from on high-the flowings of that love, he killed--and he killed four bears. So he And felt, aye deeply felt, its secret workings there: named the city The Bears, which is Berne, To give that food for the immortal part In vain were outward words, all outward aid, (Bären) We had seen on the Terrace common Which nought beside can furnish. We must know a bronze statue of the Duke of Zahringen, in An introversion of the soul, and unmistakable middle age costume of a hunter, with four bears And close communion with Him as large as life on the pedestal. The coachman Who knoweth all our needs, and who will give carried us by the City Hall, which is very old, For every inward, secret, earnest prayer and they are just finishing a new highly orna-Into this quietness of soul, how staid And when thus brought An adequate reward. mented stone front; also by an immense Fede- And how composed is Thought! The busy world ral Hall; and if we had had time, we should without, have alighted to survey its grand interior, and because it is consecrated by the legislation of the Canton, which is said to have been always especially wise.

We alighted at the railroad station close by some shops filled with the Swiss wood sculpture, and spent a quarter of an hour looking at this beautiful work; and I did wish I could carry off a beautifully carved centre table, in which was set a picture of Berne and the snow-capped mountains, which, alas! we could not see au naturelle, on account of the misty weather.

Its losses and its gains, its ever-varying ways
To wealth, fame, honor, and renown,


In our calm meditations. Then it is our minds, Its plannings and contrivings, have no part Made teachable, are humbly brought to feel The presence of our Father, and to learn At His footstool, where all his children who would To know his blessed will must come, The offering most acceptable to Him Has ever been, and it must ever be, A meek and quiet spirit. Thus the human will, Though strong, yet not inflexible, Succumbs to heavenly grace, and in the deep And quiet chambers of the contrite soul The ladies here say the society of Berne is The living Spring is opened, welling up highly cultivated and very delightful, and I am Even to overflowing; and to all who drink thereof sure it must be, if they are specimens of it. The promise still remains that it will be They seem like our very rarest Boston people, To them a well of living water, springing up but with a superior delicacy of grace, which is Not to us only, but the whole great family of man, also not to be found in England, as my friend Ho! every one that thirsteth-Come and partake says, where there is, as far as she has seen, even | Freely, without money, without price."

To everlasting life. The language then applies

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