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At Publication Office, No. 144 North Seventh Street,
Open from 9 A.M. until 5 P.M, On Seventh-days, until 3 P.M.


The Paper is issued every Seventh-day, at Three Dollars per annum. $2.50 for Clubs; or, four copies for $10.

Agents for Clubs will be expected to pay for the entire Club.
The Postage on this paper, paid in advance at the office where
It is received, in any part of the United States, is 20 cents a year.
AGENTS-Joseph S. Cohn, New York.

Henry Haydock, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Benj. Stratton, Richmond, Ind.

William H. Churchman, Indianapolis, Ind.
James Baynes, Baltimore, Md.



The progress of the soul in spiritual knowl edge is referred to by the Apostle Paul in the First Epistle to the Corinthians, xiii. 11, where he says, "When I was a child I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man I put away childish things."

All who have noticed the sports of children must have observed how earnestly they engage in them, and how greatly they prize toys that, to persons of mature age, appear to have no in trinsic value; such things, however, are appropriate for them; serving to invigorate the body, to exercise the organs of sense, and, in some degree, to develope the intellect. In like manner, most of the objects sought for by men and women who are earnestly engaged in acquiring temporal possessions, appear, when compared with the riches of Christ's kingdom, to be as unworthy of the care of an immortal being as the toys of childhood. These things, however, have their appropriate use, while kept in subordination to the great end of our being.


Religious Progress··

The Selfishness of Culture......

Social Emulation.....




Notes of Foreign Travel, from Private Correspondence...... 406
The Path of Safety.



An Old English Custom......
The Garden and the Farm..

The Influence of Steam.......

Origin of the Floating Icebergs in the Atlantic.
The Recent Rains...

Green Turtle Cay..

Spanish Hermits and Nuns....



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suffering, to make us partakers of the Divine nature, and to secure for us eternal happiness. In order to attain this glorious end, we must "put away childish things," not pursuing pleasure for its own sake, nor placing our affections upon toys that have no intrinsic value, but endeavoring to use this world as not abusing it, for the fashion of this world passeth


When we consider how brief is the term of this life, even when extended to its utmost limit, and how immeasurable is the life to come, it seems surprising that any rational being should be engrossed with the cares of time and entirely forgetful of eternity. A grain of sand taken from the globe we inhabit, a drop of water abstracted from the ocean, are but faint emblems of the infinite disparity between time to us here, and the eternity of happiness or misery that awaits us in the world of spirits. But although life is transient, it is doubtless suffi cient for the purpose intended if we apply our selves with diligence to the performance of its duties, which is the only way to secure permanent happiness.

When we look around and observe how admi- The prayer of our Lord on behalf of his folrably the world on which we are placed is adapt lowers was not that they should be taken out of ed to supply all that is needful for the body, the world, but that they should be kept from. and how the efforts required for this purpose the evil. They who think to escape temptation contribute to physical health and intellectual and to perfect their spiritual nature by retiring development, we are led to adore the goodness from the companionship of men, will find evil of that Almighty Being who placed us here to thoughts intruding upon them in the ceil train us for a higher sphere by exercise and of the recluse no less than in the thor

appearing pleasant to the natural mind, are not best for us, in the similitude of offence from the eye. If thy right eye offend thee, pluck

the eye or cut off the hand is attended with sharp pain; and how precious is the instruction thus opened to us, that we may not faint under the most painful trials, but put our trust ia Him; even in Him who sent an angel to feed Elijah in the wilderness; who fed a multitude with a few barley loaves; and is now as attentive to the wants of his people as ever."

oughfares of commerce, and they will suffer great loss from having no field for the exercise of their domestic and social affections, without which the character cannot be perfected. it out, and cast it from thee.' To pluck out "This," says an eminent author,*is a very important principle for consideration in the present day. There is a growing tendency to look on a life of contemplation and retirement, of separation from all earthly ties,-in a word, asceticism, as the higher life. Let us understand that God has so made man, that ordinar ily he who lives alone leaves part of his heart uncultivated; for God made man for domestic life. He who would be wiser than his Maker is only wise in appearance. He who cultivates one part of his nature at the expense of the rest, has not produced a perfect man, but an exaggeration. It is easy in silence and solitude for the hermit to be abstracted from all human interests and hopes, to be dead to honor, dead to pleasure. But then the sympathies which make a man with men-how shall they grow? He is not the highest Christian who lives alone and single, but he who, whether single or married, lives superior to this earth; he who in the midst of domestic cares, petty annoyances or daily vexations, can still be calm, and serene, and sweet. This is real unworldliness; and in comparison with this, the mere hermit's life is easy indeed."

In order to promote our spiritual powers, all the propensities and desires of our nature must be kept in subordination to the principle of spiritual life, and then, this Divine Power,

like the leaven that a woman hid in three

measures of meal, until the whole was leavened, will bring the corporeal, the intellectual and the moral nature into conformity with itself.

The mind that is fully impressed with these considerations cannot be content to lead an inactive life, when power and opportunity for usefulness are afforded; but will joyfully engage in the service of Him whose right it is to rule in our hearts, and who has conferred precious gifts adapted to promote our happiness, and to glorify His name on earth.

"For human souls the course how clear!
While they pursue the path of duty,
Like planets moving in their sphere
Of heavenly beauty.

Oh! then let not the soul stand still,
While all creation is in motion,
But by obedience to God's will

Prove our devotion.

And while on its probation here,
Th' attentive mind His law is learning,
Still, to a higher, nobler sphere,

Its thoughts are turning."

A Friend who is seeking health and recreation away from the busy scenes of the City, where her lot in life has been cast, thus writes to one of the Editors:

"I thought of you at our late Quarterly That eminent servant of the Most High, John Meeting, and gladly would have shared your Woolman, has left an excellent treatise entitled, cheer, whether sparse or abundant, but I seemed "Considerations on the true harmony of man- too far off to partake, unless it had been a spekind," one chapter of which relates to "Serv-cial duty. I believe I have a chronic love for ing the Lord in our outward employments." the attendance of meetings, particularly those "Our Holy Shepherd," he says, "to encourage of our own Yearly Meeting. It is a pleashis flock in firmness and perseverance, reminds ure that has never diminished with the indulthem of his love for them. As the Father gence-and I have often queried why it was so. hath loved me, so have I loved you, continue I know the Heavenly Father dwelleth not exye in my love. And in another place he gra- clusively in temples made with hands, and is ciously points out the danger of departing there often as acceptably worshipped in our own dwellfrom by going into unsuitable employments; ings; yet I seldom fail to realize the promise this he represents under the similitude of of fulfilled- Where two or three are gathered fence from that useful, active member, the in my name, there am I in the midst.'hand; and to fix the instruction the deeper, I have sometimes thought it might be because names the right hand. If thy right hand of I was an empty vessel, susceptible of receiving fend thee, cut it off and east it from thee.' If good from others; and I think I can underthou feelest offence in thy employment, hum-stand the view sometimes expressed of the spirbly follow Him who leads unto all truth, and is a strong and faithful friend to those who are resigned to him."

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itual current circulating from vessel to vessel. I am also more apt to be edified by short sermons. In a redundance of words, the mind is sometimes so burdened that it receives no tangible impressions, while a few words fitly spoken are like apples of gold."


A distinguished gentleman not long ago said in reply to the question why he did not attend church, that his feelings were almost always so hurt by some parts of the service, that he deemed it more harmful than helpful, and so avoided the church from principle. Another eminent layman was lately reported to profess himself unable to find it worth while to attend, such was the intellectual bareness and poverty, the meagreness of the thought presented, the lack of culture and exact scholarship. The frequency of similar expressions suggests the inquiry whether refinement of taste and the niceties of culture, may not be carried so far, as to deaden those sympathies which bind men together, and destroy all generous flow of warm emotion. At all events it would seem that the excess of the critical and speculative spirit isolates men in their methods of thought and speech, and by making them solitary, is in great danger of making them selfish. We have long been told that our form of religious faith could not reach down to the masses, that it was too thoughtful, scholarly and simple, to attract and move the common mind. Now, it seems that we are not intellectual enough, not sufficiently in good taste to satisfy the culture and estheticism of the age. The children we have nourished and brought up in the very bosom of refinement, in the clearest at mosphere of intellectualism, have rebelled against us, and it would seem wise, instead of heeding their cry for further indulgence in the same direction, to ask if too fastidious attention to critical correctness and exact propriety in our religious services, have not begotten the very tendency we deplore.

the benefit of his counsels and labors in its behalf. In some way, if he be a Christian man, he must feel that the community has a right to share his best thought, and come into communion with the fulness of his soul's life. And that fastidiousness which refuses its companionship and sympathy in the public religious service, may seek to screen itself by complaint of shortcomings in the presentation of religion there, but can hardly fail to be itself convicted of wanting that generous spirit which, next to the Spirit of Holiness, is the life of the church, and which, in default of all other returns, would never fail to reward its possessor for every service it inspires.- Christian Register.

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A writer in the Christian Examiner of Fifth month last thus treats of social emulation; motive," to quote his own words, "to which the strength and weakness, the safety and danger of our American life are largely due,- -a motive never before so active and wide-spreading in its operation as now and here." EDS.

Nowhere in a young prosperous country, uncrowded, with undeveloped and unlimited resources, could this principle have the sway it possesses among ourselves. In older nations, emulations are confined within narrow bounds. A certain spirit of contentment, born of circumstances that promise but doubtful prizes to ambition or rewards to effort, captivates the heart weary with observing the restlessness and forward-pushing desires of our own people. But where this moderation or contentment prevails, we find feeble and dispirited energies, unawakened or drowsy powers, and a fixed mediocrity of affairs. Old abuses go uncured. Permanent inequalities prevail. Along with unknown and unused resources, there is needless poverty, stereotyped dulness and thinness of

When the spirit of criticism or the desire for mental entertainment is allowed to come in and destroy the purpose of worship, and the sense of fellowship in the Spirit, it is very questionable whether a man be not spiritually morbid and diseased. That a mere scientist or intellectual epicure should sometimes yawn and turn away is not surprising, but that men claiming to have interest in Christian truth, and heart in all enterprises for the spiritual help and uplifting of the world, should turn away from the church because it is intellectually inadequate, or not wholly agreeable to every fastidious taste, is most remarkable. It is sheer selfishness. On such a principle, no holy work could ever have been undertaken or carried on. That a scholar, whose converse is with the immortals through the week, should not always be greatly enlight-life. ened or instructed by the discourse of his fellow mortal in the pulpit, is most likely; but he may be morally warmed and spiritually quickened by social worship and communion.

And if he be entire, wanting nothing, so that he does not need the church, all the more the church needs him, his sympathy, his fellowship,

Doubtless no state of society is so picturesque as one in which broad contrasts are produced by unequal laws: on one side, a lofty aristocracy; on the other, a meek and dependent vassalige. None is so saintly in secming, as that in which a showy asceticism, accompa nied with a sentimental devoutness, produces faces and costumes which are the delight of

artists and the awe of ritualists. And, besides | refinements of the oldest parts of this country, the picturesque effect, there is often an advantage more substantial. A noble condescension in the high, or a tender reverence in the low; the loyalty of an implicit faith, or that order of graces which flows out of the relations of widely contrasted classes of society, cannot be had where the exalted of yesterday are brought low to-day, and the low of to-day are lifted up to-morrow. Still, justice is the only permanent foundation of political or social life. All legal or artificial inequalities are curses and wrongs. The freest nation, the most equitable law, has the surest guaranty of its stability and happiness.

into the newest Territories and States. Michigan claims the largest American university, most munificent in endowment, and most generous in plan. St. Louis is at this hour rebuilding the largest and most sumptuous hotel in the world, destroyed by the recent conflagration; is building an Episcopal church, perhaps the costliest on the continent; has the finest building for a Polytechnic Institute to be found in America; the noblest Post-office and City Hall; and has grown in the last thirty years, from fourteen thousand inhabitants to upwards of two hundred thous nd. Chicago, even more energetic and restless, rivals New York in busSocial emulation is the whip that stirs the tle and stir, and in its vast territorial extent. slothful faculties and drowsy desires of that With its elegant churches, its convenient and constitutionally idle animal, man. It is to expensive school houses, it looks in parts like a this, in great measure, we owe our swift growth city hundreds of years old; while in other in wealth and civilization. No man is willing parts a mere collection of extemporized shanties. to be poorer, less favored, less respectable than The best models of New-England schools, with his neighbors. He must be as well clothed and the best teachers, are already scattered over as well appointed as they; his family must be Michigan, Ohio, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, as well dressed and housed as theirs; he will and California. No Eastern churches that we not be content with less of educational advan-have seen are as thoroughly equipped for parish tage or religious privilege, or opportunity of literary culture, or facility of communication with the world at large. The railroad system of this country, that miracle of energy, wealth, and engineering skill, is due but in small part to immediate needs of commerce, or hope of pecuniary profit. Farmers have mortgaged their lands to invest in reads that merely in creased their sense of being in direct relations with the centres of life, and not behind the times; and this emulation has provoked and sustained enterprises of the most hopeless financial character. Take the Baltimore and Ohio Road, for example,-running directly across the bed of numerous torrents, or laid in rocky troughs, or raised on huge embankments, or lifted on stilted tressels,-here having an extensive bridge, there diving into a tunnel bored through a granite mountain.* Contemplating the poverty of the region and the costliness of the road, one is dumb with wonder at that ambitious rivalry which would not allow Pennsylvania or New York to frame the only bonds between East and West, but compelled Maryland and Virginia to this herculean and magnificent task, at any cost to their resources. In the West, social emulation is the great civilizer. It bridges the Mississippi; it occupies the banks of the Colorado and Columbia; it carries But it works for evil too, as well as good. schools, churches, colleges, all the comforts and The extravagant fashions, the late hours, the *Sixteen of these tunnels were counted, on a re-expensive living, the high prices, travel as fast cent journey, in a few miles. The melting snow, followed by a bitter frost, had decked the sides of those rocky excavations with frozen stalactites of enormous proportions, A fringe of colossal circles

uses and religious charities, as are found in Illinois, Missouri, and California. The social element is so predominant in Western piety, that the churches almost uniformly provide for every gratification and development of that feeling,-some even including arrangements for exhibiting tableaux and semi dramatic shows, while furnishing all possible accommodation for parish parties. The same spirit of emulation improves domestic architecture, introducing water and gas and side-walks into the remotest towns. A lecturer in a Western village finds himself indebted for his flattering audience to the attractions of the novel gas-illumination; and, being eagerly solicited to repeat his address in a certain place, presently discovers that the anxiety is not to hear him, but simply to prevent Oshosk from receiving any privilege which Fond du Lac may not enjoy. Frivolous as the motive may seem, it is a powerful spring of improvement in our whole new country. first did its work in the East, where town academies and turnpikes were built fifty years ago under its inspiration; and is now transferring its domains to the West, where it is working its miracles of civilization with a rapidity and success that no less universal or less immediate motive could rival.

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and as far as schools and churches. The fast driving, the gold gambling, the gaudy-drinking houses, the gift-enterprises and showy weddings, the mania for piebald costumes, propagate them

hung from the opposite walls of the gleaming way, and, as the sun got power, melted into noisy cata-selves with telegraphic speed and American uniracis, and echoed the thunder of the train. versality. If at Leavenworth and Omaha we


find the newspapers, the gas works, the paved One great peril of American society is the side walks, the stone fronts, the schools and lack of manly, independent thinking, and inchurches of the Eastern cities, we still more dividual conscience. Personal aspiration gets surely find in their streets the Broadway saloons, lowered to a popular standard. An average and on their pavements the identical millinery and compromised pattern of character is thurst of the metropolis. We find every vice of older on us by a tyrannical, hasty, and unreasoning civilizations blooming with hot-house luxuriance public opinion. Things go by tides and rushes out of their fresh soil. The latest fashions and sweeping floods; to colonize California, to flourish almost in sight of the desert and the occupy Colorado and Montana; to drive railbuffalo; snatches of Italian opera or quotations roads over mountain chains, whose bases are from Emerson may be broken short by the whoop hot and sandy, and their summits lost in clouds of the wild Indian, or the bark of the prairie wolf; and snows, or across deserts whose borders are and at the crossing of the ways we meet just as in different climates. Already Chicago, by idle, over-dressed, and frivolous young men and superior energy, has managed to secure no women as we may see sauntering in the sun of any small portion of the trade due west from St. bright afternoon, up and down our city avenues. Louis, and naturally belonging to it, which In an era in which social emulation is the that city is now striving to regain, by driving characteristic and unchecked passion, the land- her Pacific Railroad to the Rocky Mountains, marks of reason and piety are lost in the deluge before the northern line shall reach them. If of imitation and rivalry. What is good and we knew all the legislative lobbying; all the what is bad spread as by contagion. The com- rash beat and haste; all the efforts to procure mon school and the church are borne on the federal aid to some of those local enterprises; same universal tide which floats into every re- all the hard feeling, the false and treacherous gion the follies and extravagances and fashiona- bargaining, involved in such emulations,—we ble vices of the day. Religion is built up in should see that whatever blessings follow them, stone and mortar with prodigious outlay; while as contribution to the opening and settling of its moral and spiritual foundations are under- the country and the increase of its wealth, they mined by ribaldry and unseemly jesting about tend to degrade and demoralize the generation all sacred things in the very columns that ad- that handles them, and to undermine justice, vertise the Sunday topics of the pulpit. The fairness and open dealing.* Is there not, East mania for hospitals, asylums, and reading-rooms and West, a growing disposition to think sucspreads like an epidemic, and with it the pas- cess the proof of merit, and almost the test of sion for horrible exhibitions, in which the con- right? If a man has public spirit (as it is tortionist risks his life to amuse the fears and called); if he is successful in his schemes, and thrill the nerves of the spectators; or women helps forward the external prosperity of his exhibit their coarse immodesty to the vulgar community, he may gamble like a German gaze, while people of standing will eagerly ap prince, outwit all his contemporaries with his plaud some lottery scheme, thinly disguised by sharp practice, and still stand at the head of the sacred name of charity.* Microscopic sci- society (so called), and even be found taking ence informs us that two opposite currents run high ground in regard to the company he keeps, in the same slender tubules of the lungs: one so that noue but persons of the very highest sosetting out and carrying off the carbonic acid; cial standing can hope to enjoy his acquaintance : the other setting in, charged with pure oxygen, and yet hardly a person will be bold enough to death and life thus flowing in the same channel. smile at the gigantic jest, or to rebuke the fanAnd so it is with the current of social emula tastic absurdity. tion, with this difference, that the tides here mingle, and both run one way.

At the time of the drawing of the Crosby Operahouse lottery, it was said that hardly a town in the Western country was not largely interested in the exciting scheme. One poor-looking man in the cars was heard to speak of having a hundred and seventy chances in it. It was talked of more than the recent snow-storms, or Southern Reconstruction, or the prospects of spring wheat, or the renewal of the Canadian treaty, or even the price of lots in the new streets of a city that hopes and boasts of its ability to make New York a second-rate place in a generaThe excitement of a passing fever would have been of no great moral account; if it had not illustrated the immense craving for speculation, the terrible gambling propensity, which, in the haste to be rich, bas led to so much moral debauchery and commercial ruin.

tion more.

It is often too easily assumed, that no direct rebuke of the popular temper can have any effect; that fashion is mightier than conscience or the truth; that the world will and must have its way; that the aspiring heart and the consecrated will must retire into privacy and strict

*We lately travelled along the line of a canal in Ohio, in which the neighboring farmers had invested, twenty years ago, their little earnings. A railroad company, wishing to avoid its rivalry in freighting, had lately bought up just enough of the stock of the canal to control its direction; and this direction had closed the canal, making the stock absolutely worthless, and robbing all the smaller holders of the whole value of their property in it. Nobody seemed to think it anything but a "smart" transaction, in which cunning and address had triumphed over the sleepy trustfulness of the poor farmers along the line.

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