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sons are subject in this respect, and that the nal welfare might be greatly promoted or reexample of parents too often gives to their chil- tarded. I cried unto the Lord for direction, and dren liberty to run into excesses, and in every have reason to believe he heard my prayer. station in life to depart from the simplicity of Through the aid of Divine Grace, I had enthe Gospel. I observed so much moral dead-tered into covenant to follow my Saviour ness in the professors of Christianity in general, wherever He might be pleased to lead; and as that it gave me great uneasiness; and I felt I had to expect persecution and suffering in my constrained to warn young people of the danger future pilgrimage, I deemed it to be my duty of trusting to a name of religion, without living to make known my religious views to my inunder its power. I thought that if any one had, tended partner; and left it for her considerafrom his own experience, set before me the dan- tion, whether she could feel it right to become ger that I was in when under a similar tempta- united to me under such a prospect. We were tion, I should not have gone so far astray. My ultimately joined to each other, in the promise counsel, though given in love, met with but to be faithful unto death. little reception; yet, as a matter of duty, it brought peace to my own mind.

At the time of my awakening, I had no acquaintance with the different religious professors in the neighborhood; and I thought it better to dwell much in retirement, that the work of repentance might be carried on through the operation of the Spirit of God alone, without the intervention of man, and that I might bear the hand of my God upon me, until I became reconciled to Him, through the pardoning mercies of His Son, my Redeemer.

When pardon for sin is experienced, there is a danger of considering the work of regeneration as completed, when it is only just commenced. On this rock my soul's enemy had nearly caused me to split, by telling me the work was now done, that I was a child of God, and safe; and that it was no more needful so strictly to watch, in order to lead a godly life. The subtle enemy directed me to an outward righteousness that was flattering to my old nature, which I felt was still alive; and I received the representation with joy, and as coming from a good spirit. I was not, however, suffered to remain under this delusion; but was given to see that faith in Christ saved the soul by regenerating it, and by leading to a life of prayer, and to a humble walk before God. The lives and examples of the Apostles, and holy men of early times, recorded in the Scriptures, were made precious to me in seasons of spiritual conflict. I also became acquainted about this time with some serious people, and was induced to frequent their assemblies; but I found among them much less of vital religion than I expected. Yet I could fully appreciate the fruits of the Spirit, in whomsoever I found them.

As I was an only son, and my parents were already in years, the care of providing for the family, and the management of our little farm devolved on me. Under these anxieties I felt the want of a housekeeper, and was induced to look out for a partner, that might be a helpmeet through life. I had always considered marriage an important act; and upon being rightly guided in this step, would depend my earthly happiness, and, by which also, my eter

After our marriage, we lived in the family with my parents. My father had a single brother, a high professor, and learned in the Scriptures; but a man of such a pharisaical spirit, that he became our bitterest enemy, and also excited my father against us. After the death of my mother, our persecution increased. For conscience' sake, we could no longer conform to many religious customs; neither could we condescend to the selfish practices of men, in our dealing; but endeavored to act uprightly, and to walk in accordance with the spirit of the Gospel.

Our conduct displeased my uncle, and drew from him many bitter reproaches. He proceeded so far as to threaten us with dismission from the family. In this trying position, I prayed to my Heavenly Father for direction, and felt an inward assurance that it would be right for me to wait until we should be turned out of doors; but that it must not be by my own act.

When reasoning on the subject, I was anxious to know to what place I should go when driven from my father's house; but my fears were abated, when I reflected on the many difficulties over which I had been helped in times past. My troubled spirit was calmed, and I became resigned patiently to wait for the opening of Providence, which was soon made manifest in a remarkable manner: for it was in this state of suspense that my aged father was suddenly removed by death; and I became heir to one-half of his property. While reflecting on the dealings of Providence with me, and the need I had to seek after and rely on Divine guidance, it occurred to me that great care was necessary to discern that which proceeded from a right spirit. For want of this discrimination, I have known many upright souls misled, in taking that for revelation which was only the working of the imagination. The apostle John exhorts us 66 to try the spirit; whether they be of God."

When a celebrated geologist was engaged in collecting specimens, the people of the country watched him as he went from rock to rock, from cave to cave, carrying his heavy bag of stones

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on his back, and they set him down as an escaped lunatic. But that estimate of him arose not from his madness, but from their ignorance. He had gone down to depths, and up to heights of knowledge, of which they could form no conception. When Paul was pouring out the fulness of Christian truth, and the richness of his own personal experience of that truth, a shrewd intelligent man of the world said, "Paul, thou art beside thyself," and so, only that man who has been taught of the Spirit, will understand the first lesson in the school of Christ.-Boyd.

For Friends' Intelligencer.

The cheering announcement is made that
Don Pedro II., Emperor of Brazil, has issued a
decree abolishing slavery throughout his exten-
sive dominions. A few years only have elapsed
since he signed a decree prohibiting the im-
portation of slaves into Brazil, and has sympa-
thized with the action of our government and
that of Great Britain in their efforts to suppress
the African slave trade. It has been found,
however, that the entire suppression of this

nefarious traffic cannot be effected while there
remains open a market for slaves, and the chief
obstacle now remaining is the existence of
slavery in Cuba.

by the descendants of Europeans where there is less distinction founded on color or race than in Brazil. The laws enacted there for the government of the colored people are remarkably mild, and free people of color have been admitted to offices of trust and honor. Under these circumstances the transition from slavery to freedom will be easy, for there will be but little prejudice to encounter.

The population of Brazil was estimated, in 1849, at about seven millions, of whom, it was supposed, between two and three millions were slaves, and a large proportion of the residue were of mixed blood. There were 300,000 classed as converted Indians, and about 600,000 Brazilians descended from European parents.

The successive acts for the abolition of slavery that have taken place in our day,-in the West Indies, in Russia, in the United States, and in Brazil,-afford cheering evidence that the principles of Christianity are advancing in the world. The liberation of the oppressed and the elevation of the degraded will be recorded in history as the crowning glory of this eventful age.

S. M. J.

The Jewish rabbins denominated the number 10 "the all-comprehending number." What exceeds ten goes back again to units. AccordSpain was the first to introduce African ingly there are ten commandments. Among slavery into America, and will be the last Eu- the Jews ten constituted a company. It reropean Power to abolish it. When her mon-quired ten persons in a household in order that archs and people, 350 years ago, began this in- they might eat the passover. Ten persons reiquitous practice, she stood in the foremost siding in one locality made up a congregation rank among the great Powers of Europe; now and rendered necessary a synagogue. la marshe is sunk to a very inferior position, and ex-riage processions ten torches were carried. The ercises but little influence in European politics. Her decline may be traced to the bigotry and corruption of her priesthood, the weakness and wickedness of her rulers, and the want of enlightenment among her people.

It is much to be regretted that the decree of Don Pedro II. does not require immediate emancipation, which has been found by experience to be the best and safest mode of redressing the long-continued wrongs inflicted upon the colored race. The Emperor is said to be an able and enlightened ruler, but it is probable he has encountered opposition from the landed proprietors who owned the laborers on their estates, and through their influence, we presume, the efficiency of this great measure has been impaired.

According to the accounts received by telegraph from England, it appears that "this most important executive order is to take effect in a period of twenty years, so that no violence will be done to what is termed 'right of property in slaves.' Children of every class born since the 8th of last month, date of the decree, are declared to be free by birth."

There is probably no other country governed

kingdom of heaven is likened unto ten virgins; and the harp, the most popular instrument of music, had ten strings-Church Advocate.


I am a little afraid that a great many people in this country are rather too prone to undervalue this part of education. Certainly we have no admiration for anything finical or affected in manners. We do not want the manners of a village dancing school. But genuine good breeding, gentle manners, ease, modesty and propriety of bearing, we do exceed. ingly value. When shall we cease to be described as a spitting nation? as a lounging people? When shall we cease to be known by our slovenly speech, by our sitting with our feet higher than our heads? During an excursion of several months in Europe last year, I met hundreds of English at home, and on the continent in every situation. I never saw one spit. I cannot remember that I ever saw any one, however fatigued, lounging or sitting in an unbecoming manner. So long as the State shall feel itself obliged to provide "spittoons" for its legislative halls--so long as the directors of


our railroads shall find occasion to put inside of
their carriages printed requests to the passen
gers to
use the spittoons and not the floor,
and not to put their feet upon the seats"- -so
long as we shall continue to fill our conversation
and our political harangues with the slang of
the fish market, let us not be surprised, nor
angry, if foreigners sometimes make themselves
witty at our expense. And in the mean time,
let all those who are entrusted with the care of
the young, use their utmost efforts to correct
these national barbarisms, and to form the
manners of the rising generation after a model
more elevated and more refined.-Dr. Potter.


to the mass of trashy, unsubstantial, unsatis factory conventionalisms which burden, trammel and stifle free thought and spirituality, and then the revulsion will come. The disgusted, worn-out laborer, whose work is never done, whose labor is in the fire, and who is wearied in the greatness of his way,' will seek for relief and rest. The reaction arising from relief from such pressure as is now upon us, may be as great as it was in the days of George Fox, may require equally energetic means to repress it, and those means of suppression may be equally unsuccessful. We have no doubt that many Christians in our Church, now walled in by prejudices, precedents, orders, usages and fashions, who are taxed and solicited, cramped and fagged out in the endeavor to keep up with the ever-increasing demands of cultivation, refinement and worldly splendor, would find a pleaaure in reading this historical sketch, and thus get

PHILADELPHIA, SIXTH MONTH 1, 1867. The narrative of Johann Ricklé, sent us by a correspondent, is expressive of much sim-ting over the wall and learning what exists in plicity and dedication of heart. Although not a Friend by profession, and entertaining some doctrinal views which differ from ours, he seems to have been led to observe some of the testimonies of Truth especially valued by Friends.


the expanse beyond. Many of the true and members of the Society of Friends, and they evangelical members of our Church were once still think with reverence of the Gospel doctrines which their ancestors held, though they have laid aside some of their customs and their disuse of the Sacraments. In reading the concise and admirable summary of doctrine attributed to the Friends, we can see the reason for that retarding influence which they now exert in our Church upon the otherwise rapid and headlong rush into superstition and fatuity."

DIED, on the 3d of Third month, 1867, HANNAH FURNESS, in the 77th year of her age; a member of Eastland Meeting, Lancaster Co., Pa. on the 26th of Fourth month, 1867, at his ex-residence near Richmond, Ind., ISAAC DUDLEY, formerly of Burlington Co., N. J., in the 62d year of his age; a consistent member of Whitewater Monthly Meeting. His close was peaceful, which gives a well grounded hope of an entrance into the mansions of

SELECT MEMOIRS OF THE RELIGIOUS SoCIETY OF FRIENDS.-In a recent number of the Episcopalian" we notice a review of Wm. Hodgson's "Select Memoirs of the Religious Society of Friends," from which we make the following extract, as showing the views of those of the Episcopal denomination who see and deplore the tendency of our times to greater travagance and formality in what is technically called worship. That many of our "Orthodox" friends who have joined the Episcopalians have been a useful leaven of spirituality in that formal and ceremonial sect is not unlikely; and if we could read the distant future, we might perhaps be able to reconcile what has been regarded as the declension of some, with the progress of society at large.

"Upon reading the work before us, and perceiving the causes which gave rise to the Society of Friends, we cannot fail to perceive that the occasions for a revival of their peculiar tenets and practices will not be long wanting, if, indeed, they are not now surrounding us. We have only to push on the developments of fashion, extravagant display and waste in the social world, and that of venality, ambition and superstition in the Churches, and advance a little farther the progress of aesthetics, sensationalism, externals of religion and false doc trine; we have only to add, by little and little,

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the blessed.

at his late residence, East Fallowfield,
Chester Co., Pa., on the 8th of Tenth month, 1866,
Monthly Meeting.
ALBAN MILLER, an attender of East Fallowfield

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at her residence, New Garden, Chester Co, Pa., on the 21st of Fourth month, 1867, AMY MILLER,

widow of the late Alban Miller; a member of East
Fallowfield Monthly Meeting.
NATHAN CLEAVER; a member of Gwynedd Monthly
at his residence in Montgomery Co., Pa.,
and Particular Meetings. He was regular in the at-
tendance of all our religious meetings until a short
time previous to his death. He was also remarkably
punctual to his promises and upright in his dealings.
frequently expressed to his family the belief that his
Within several months previous to his decease he
time here would not be long, and gave directions in
regard to his funeral. He wished the coffin to be
plain and unvarnished, and the room in which he
might be placed light enough to see the countenance.
He had often been pained with rooms being so dark-
ened as not to be able to recognise the features of
his deceased friends. On one occasion he went many

miles to attend the funeral of a beloved friend, but

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owing to the darkness of the room he could not distinguish the countenance, which was a great trial to him. His illness was short, with but little suffering. He retained his faculties to the last, and passed away quietly on the 18th of Fourth month, 1867, having nearly completed his 89th year. J. C.

DIED, at his residence, Salem, N. J., on the 16th alt., JOSEPH BASSETT, in the 78th year of his age; an elder of Salem Monthly Meeting. His quiet, upright

life will be a bright example to those who remain.

on the 14th ult., MARGARET E., wife of Josiah Bassett, Jr., and youngest daughter of Jesse W. and Elizabeth Newport, members of Green St. Mo. Meeting.

The Executive Committee of Friends' Publication Association will meet Sixth-day afternoon, Sixth month 7th, at 34 o'clock, at Race St Meeting-House (Monthly Meeting Room.)

LYDIA H. HALL, Clerk of Committee.

For Friends' Intelligencer.

At a late meeting of the Board of Managers of the Rosine Association, Thos Moore, M. D., and M. M. Walker, M.D., both of Germantown, were appointed the physicians of the Associa tion. This institution, it will be recollected, is

stereotype plates of three of the works, and can therefore (should adequate funds be furnished) issue new editions of them at a greatly reduced expense.

They have learned with much interest that several treatises on religious subjects have been written by Friends, and are now being printed; some copies of which they hope to add to their collection.

There has been a movement commenced for the formation of a permanent fund, the interest from which may be applied to the general objects of the Association.

They have received many evidences that the purpose of this Association meets with extensive approval, and they feel cheered with the prospect of its being liberally supported.

They have therefore earnestly desired that a plan of action may be early inaugurated that mensurate with the great object in view, as set will give efficiency to their labors, and be comforth in the late "Address to the Members of the Society of Friends."

They are of the opinion that the appointment under the exclusive management of ladies, many monthly meetings, through whom books may of agents within the limits of each of our of whom are members of the Society of Friends, be conveniently furnished, and by whom voland active measures are in process to carry out very efficiently its benevolent and truly Chris-untary contributions to our funds may be retian object. An institution could hardly be ceived, should be early attempted. It is not named, even in a city so renowned for its be- doubted that in every neighborhood there are nevolent enterprises as Philadelphia, that makes those who would willingly give a portion of a more urgent call on the sympathies and the their time and talents in furtherance of this material aid of the philanthropic than this.

At the Annual Meeting of Friends' Publication Association, held at Race Street Meeting House, 5th month 13th, 1867.

The following Report from the Executive Committee was read and approved :

The Executive Committee of Friends' Publication Association in reporting to the first annual meeting, would remark, that a statement of their proceedings thus early after their appointment and organization cannot reasonably be expected to contain much of interest, commencing, as they did, without funds, without agencies, and without a business location, their opportunities for carrying out the objects of the Association have been small.

The address agreed on at a former meeting of the Association was printed, and copies forwarded to the Correspondents of the Monthly Meetings within Philadelphia Yearly Meeting for distribution.

Having received a donation of over 800 bound volumes, and more than 2000 pamphlets from a Friend in this city, an arrangement was made to keep them for sale at the office of Friends' Intelligencer, 144 North 7th Street, where they can be obtained at a moderate cost. They have also been presented with the


The Committee would urgently press it upon the attention of Friends that the means should be placed in the hands of their successors to diffuse throughout the community wholesome food for the minds of the young, and those who are looking towards the Society of Friends for instruction and edification.*

LYDIA H. HALL, Clerk. An Executive Committee was appointed to serve for the ensuing year, and the following Officers:


THOS. GARRIGUES, Kingsessing, Phila. Co., Pa. PHEBE W. FOULKE, Spring House, Montgomery Co., Pa.


Jos. M. TRUMAN, JR., 717 Willow St., Phila.

Prefer solid sense to wit; never study to be diverting without being useful; let no jest intrude upon your good manners, nor say any thing that may offend modesty or heedlessly hurt the feelings of another.

*Friends desiring to contribute to this object may send their contributions to Joseph M. Truman, Jr., Treasurer, No. 717 Willow Street, Philadelphia, and any communication for the Executive Committee may be directed to the care of Emmor Comly, office Friends' Intelligencer.


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On successive afternoons of the same week, schools were opened at Sharp Street, Calvert Street and Dallas Street; and the close of the month finds each in a prosperous condition.


During the weeks that have passed since our last report was submitted, our schools have progressed in the usual manner. The Orchard Street school has in particular prospered in point of numbers. The little dark faces have flocked hither on successive Third-day afternoons until, at the last session, the room was almost too strait for us. The attendance for the month for all the schools has been 250 pupils and 29 teachers. During the month, the Secretary has visited 47 different families, mostly in the Orchard Street and Calvert Street dis

The average attendance for the month has been as follows: Orchard Street, 43 pupils and 5 teachers; Sharp Street, 37 pupils and 7 teachers; Calvert Street, 43 pupils and 7 teach-tricts. These calls have introduced us to all ers; Dallas Street, 26 pupils and 5 teachers; making a total average of 149. The whole number has been nearly 225 pupils and 24 teachers. A pleasant feature of the Dallas Street school is the presence of a number of the mothers of the children at each session.

Expressions have not been wanting from the colored women which show on their part an appreciation of this work. "These children have a better chance than we had in our young days," we heard a woman exclaim, as, standing by her clothes-line, with an uplifted garment in her hand, she watched the little girls passing out of the school-house gate.

During the month, the Secretary has visited 33 families, and in every instance has been cordially welcomed. The door is thrown wide open for the entrance of the sewing teacher. "Come again and see me, honey," said a half-blind old woman; 'pears like the sound of your voice did me good."

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It is pleasing to see the attempt at ornament made in almost all their homes. The benig nant face of Abraham Lincoln looks down upon you from every wall, while the portraits of many of our leading generals bear him com pany; and in some places Judge Bond and Henry Winter Davis lend their presence to the group. The Bible is found on almost every table, and other books, from the life and writ-, ings of Josephus, down to the school-boy's primer, show the inclination of these people for reading.

It is worthy of notice, that in all these calls, not a murmuring or complaining word has been heard, not a hint even for charity, save in one instance and surely they are among the poor of the earth." The dwellers in Elbow lane, King street, and the cellars in Marion street, cannot have a superfluity of "this world's goods." A desire for self-support and independence has been manifested, which it is good to see, though there are certain widows and fatherless children, whom we would bear in mind as the winter creeps on.

FANNY ELLIS, Secretary.

classes of our colcred citizens. We have been to
the house where the presence of the piano,
Brussels carpets, books worth reading, pictures
worth looking at, tell of the civilizing and ele-
vating influence of freedom and education, and
of the ambition and industry of its occupants.
We have climbed to the attic and descended to
the cellar, where less of thrift, or sickness, or
other misfortunes, or mayhap vice, have
brought their attendant discomforts. At No. 6
Marion Street, we found an intelligent man,
an invalid, with whom we had a pleasant con-
versation. He had a racking cough, and it was
evident he was in hopeless consumption. We
alluded to his condition. He answered, "Yes, I
am dying man. I have had this cough two
years, and it has nearly worn me out.
only waiting to be gone." Glancing round the
room, which had a comfortable aspect, we re-
marked he had a pleasant sick-room, and
hoped he enjoyed reading the books which were
on the table. He replied, "I enjoy what I have
read, but am too feeble to read now: I am
feeding on the honey I have already gathered.
You know the Psalmist says, 'Thy words are
sweeter than honey or the honey-comb."" After
a little more pleasant talk, we left him, feeling
that he was a shock of corn, fully ripe, and
only waiting, as he said, for "the Lord of the

I am

We hear many expressions of gratitude from these people for the interest taken in their welfare. One wintry afternoon, when hurrying up the street, after making numerous calls in that viciuity, our steps were arrested by a voice from behind, saying, "Are you the lady that goes about hunting up little girls to go to sewing school?" I turned and found the questioner to be a bright little girl, who said she had followed me for more than a square. We answered her in the affirmative, and then went home with her. Her mother was one of those motherly old aunties with whom one loves to talk, and the whole family were bent on making the most of the schools. The father and two eldest sons were members of the Orchard Street

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