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travelled in Russia and Asia with his private poor as well as the rich-that may be expetutor and a single servant, penetrating into Bo-rienced as we walk by the way that may be khara, and living for mouths in places where it felt while our hands are about our lawful busihas always been reckoned certain death for a ness-that is so cheap, as to "cost nothing" of giaour to show his face. The remarkable suc- an obeisance to man-so cheap, that no one is cass of Mr. Fawcett in the House in spite of compelled to purchase it of another-so cheap, bis blindness makes one sanguine that Mr. that it may, if the heart is only right, be sucKavanagh will be able to hold his seat with ad- cessfully sought for in the unostentatious Methvantage to the country and comfort to himself.odist Meeting-House, or in the still more simple Protestant landlords out of Ulster who can win Quaker Meeting-House-nay, more, in nature's in such a contest, and whose tenantry are abso-own house not made with hands, with the firmlutely contented, are too rare for us willingly to ament for its dome, equally as well, if not betspare one when found, even though he be a ter, than in the more costly edifice, too often Tory without arms or legs." reared, may we not say, by the pride of man. Our Great Pattern taught this "cheap relig MR. KAVANAGH.-It will be seen from ourion," and while the tenets of this pious old lady Parliamentary report that the new member for are not mine, and while I may possess but the county of Wexford, concerning whose first little of it myself, I, too, in all sincerity, appearance in Parliament much curiosity had" Thank God for a cheap religion," a religion been excited, was sworn in at the table and dispensed without money and without price, of signed the Parliamentary Roll. The honorable the value and efficiency of which she, doubtless, member entered the House from the direction had had abundant evidence. I am here forcibly of the Speaker's private apartments, seated in reminded of a very long sermon comprised in a a library chair, the mechanism of which is so very few words, uttered by a young man, in a contrived that he can wheel himself with ease broken voice, in one of our meetings some years since, which then made a deep impression on my mind: "Religion, my friends, is a very simple thing, it is but to do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with thy God."

(From the London Times of a later date.)

J. M. E.

Philadelphia, Fourth month, 23d, 1867.


The following letter, in reply to a suggestion about railroads, written over fifty years ago, by Chancellor Livingston, who had been associated with his brother-in-law, Robert Fulton, in application of steam to vessels, shows the state of

to any point he wishes to reach. The large copy of the Testament used in administering oaths to members was managed-one cannot use the word handled-by Mr. Kavanagh without the least difficulty, and he wrote his name with as much quickness and apparent ease as any of his fellow members of Parliament. The process was as follows:-The clerk handed to WHAT WAS THOUGHT OF RAILROADS FIFTYMr. Kavanagh a pen with a handle of the length to which he is accustomed. The hon. orable member clasped the handle between what represent his arms, and, steadying it by putting the end into his mouth, guided the pen over the parchment with singular fluency and steadiness. This ceremony ended, he was in-improvement in that day: troduced to the speaker, and then apparently ALBANY, March 1, 1811.-Dear Sir: I did quitted the house. The proceedings, however, not till yesterday receive yours of the 25th of terminating soon afterwards, Mr. Kavanagh re- February; where it has loitered on the road I appeared when the majority of the members am at a loss to say. I had before read of your had left, and, accompanied by one or two very ingenious proposition as to the railway friends, proceded to familiarize himself with the communication. I fear, however, on mature reinternal arrangements of the building, as re- flection, that they will be liable to serious obgards the distribution of seats, lobbies for vo jection, and ultimately more expensive than a ting, etc. At one moment, his friends having canal. They must be double, so as to prevent walked on a little in advance, Mr. Kavanagh the danger of two such heavy bodies meeting. showed of what exertion he was capable by propelling his chair with such velocity as speedily to overtake them.

For Friends' Intelligencer.

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"The walls on which they are placed must be at least four feet below the surface, and three above, and must be clamped with iron, and even then would hardly sustain so heavy a weight as you propose moving at the rate of four miles an hour on wheels. As to wood, it The pious response of the good old Method- would not last a week. They must be covered ist woman to this remark of the minister of with iron, and that, too, very thick and strong. ber church," Thank God for a cheap religion The means of stopping these heavy carriages that costs nothing," must meet with a hearty without a great shock, and of preventing them Amen from every sincere, reflecting mind. A from running on each other-for there would religion that can be known and enjoyed by the be many running upon the road at once-would

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Mean temperature of 3rd


5 days. 7 66



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compensation equal to that of the President of the United States.

Dr. Sears, general agent for the Peabody Educational Fund, announces by circular the principles which will govern him in distributing money at the South. The fundamental condition is, that the people there must take the initiative, must show schools already established and needing aid, or an intention and effort to found them worthy of encourage


The rush to Europe, which was expected to be so great during the coming summer, is apparently not to take place. None of the steamers which have sailed, so far, have been much crowded; the Great Eastern may be said, considering her accommodation, to have had hardly any passengers on board; and in the Cunard line large numbers of persons who had taken berths are trying to get rid of them. One reason and no doubt the principal one-of this falling off is the condition of business in this country. In the winter it was supposed the opening of navigation would lead to a revival; but no. The spring is here, and the dulness is deeper than ever, and is deepened still further by the horrible stories of legislative corruption and heavy taxation with which the air is filled. Then, also, the Exhibition in Paris has not thus far answered the public expectation. The opening was a failure; nothing is ready; and there is a widespread belief that it will not be worth seeing. On the top of these two causes of discour

month per Penna. Hospital, 40.85 deg 37.93 deg. agement has come a slight war panic, and the trav-
Highest do. during month 72.00
Lowest do. do. do. 18.00
Rain during the month,...... 2.15 in.
Deaths during the month.

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elling public have, of course, no fancy for a tour on the Continent with the Prussian and French armies in motion all around them.-The Nation.

A plan has been submitted to France and Prussia by the other great Powers for the peaceful settlement of the Luxemburg question. The Conference proposes to meet in London this present month, and will be composed of representatives of Great Britain, France, Prussia, Austria, Russia, and the King of Holland, as Grand Duke of Luxemburg.

Information had reached the British Admiralty which dispels the last faint hopes of the fate of Dr. Livingstone. The Times of India publishes additional evidence that the great explorer is dead. An Arab had brought intelligence which leaves hardly any room for hope.

Governor Swan, of Maryland, has issued a proclamation announcing the result of the election in that State on the question of a Constitutional Convention; 34,534 votes were cast for the Convention; 24,136 against it, and there were forty-eight blank ballots. le, therefore, declares that the persons who were at the same time voted for as delegates to said ConVention who have a majority of the votes cast in their favor are duly elected, and that the Couvention,

as authorized, will assemble at Annapolis, on the second Fourth-day of the Fifth month, to enter upon the discharge of the duties prescribed by the act of Assembly.

chased by them not quite thirteen months ago. The colored men's shipyard at Baltimore was purIt

is entirely managed by colored men, and 225 workmen are employed, thirty-five being white. Last year work was done to the amount of $76,000, the profits being 25 per cent.

The Daily News says the number of messages sent through the Atlantic Cable continues to increase, and the receipts now average about $5,750 per day.

The Sioux, one of the most warlike of the Indian tribes, have declared war with the United States. G. W. Peabody has made a donation of $15,000 for the establishment of a free library at Georgetown, D. C.



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REVIEW OF THE LIFE AND DISCOURSES OF God by a change of heart, and that the mission


BY S. M. JANNEY. Continued from page 132.

One of the principles on which Robertson based his teaching was, that spiritual truth was discerned by the spirit and not merely by the intellect, and his aim was, "the establishment of positive truth, instead of the negative destruction of error." It appears to have been his design to undermine theological fallacies by the clear exposition of Christian doctrine, rather than to arouse prejudice by attacking them openly.

In accordance with this method he did not impugn those doctrines of the Established Church from which he evidently dissented; but endeavored to find in its creed a deeper meaning than had been perceived by others. He believed that even the errors of Romanism, so pernicious in their effects, had often proceeded from the perversion of some great truth, and that to disclose that truth would be the most effectual method of correcting the error. Thus, for example, the doctrine of Reconciliation or Atonement, as held by Romanists and by most Protestants, is understood to imply, that the Almighty Father was reconciled to man by the sufferings and death of his Son, who, as a substitute, paid the penalty of sin, satisfied divine justice, and appeased the wrath of offended Deity. The doctrine held forth in the writings of Robertson is, that man must be reconciled to

and sufferings of Christ have been made instrumental to that end. "The atonement of the Redeemer," he says, "has reconciled man to God, and that by a two-fold step: by exhibiting the character of God; and by that exhibition changing the character of man. Brethren, the sacrifice of Christ was the voice of God proclaiming Love. In this passage the apostle tells us that "Christ has reconciled us to God in the body of His flesh through death."

"Therefore we turn back once more to the Cross of Christ: through this alone we learn there is one God, one Father, one Bap. tism, one Elder Brother in whom all can be brothers. But there is something besides, a deeper principle still. We are told in this passage we can be reconciled to man by the body of Christ through death. And now brethren, let us understand this. By the cross of Christ the apostle meant reconciled by the Spirit of the Cross. And what was that spirit? It was the spirit of giving, and of suffering, and of loving; because he had suffered. Say what we will, love is not gratitude for favors which have been received. Why is the child more beloved by the parent, than the parent by the child? Why did the Redeemer love his disciples more than they loved their Master? Benefits will not bind the affections; you must not expect that they will. You must suffer if you would love; you must remember that it is more blessed to give than to receive. The

apostle Paul felt this when he said reconciliation was produced through the body of the flesh of Christ by death."*

These views are more fully illustrated in a discourse of Robertson's on "the Sanctification of Christ," preached from the text, John xvii. 19" And for their sakes I sanctify myself, that they also might be sanctified through the truth!"+ He remarks that this sentence, quoted from the prayer of Jesus, "was peculiarly after the heart of the apostle John." For to him "the true life of Christ was rather the inner Life than the outward acts of life. Now this sentence from the lips of Jesus speaks of the atoning sacrifice as an inward mental act, rather than an outward deed; a self consecration wrought out in the will of Christ. For their sakes I am sanctifying myself That is a resolve a secret of the inner Life."

votion to the Truth-self-devotion for the sake of others.

"1. He devoted himself by inward resolve. 'I sanctify myself.' God, his Father, had devoted Him before. He had sanctified and sent Him. It only remained that this devotion should become by His own act self-devotioncompleted by his own will. Now in that act of will consisted His consecration of Himself. For, observe, this was done within; in secret, solitary struggle-in wrestling with all temptations which deterred Him from His work-in resolve to do it unflinchingly; in real human battle and victory."

"2. The sanctification of Christ was selfdevotion to the Truth.


"I infer this, because He says, 'I sanctify myself, that they also might be sanctified through the truth.' Also' implies that what his consecration was, theirs was. Now, theirs is expressly said to be sanctification by the truth. That, then, was His consecration, too. It was the truth which devoted Him, and marked Him out for death.

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The word sanctify, he observes, has not in this sentence the ordinary popular sense of making holy. "Christ was holy; He could not, by an inward effort or struggle, make himself holy, for he was that already." The original meaning of the term is illustrated by reference to "For it was not merely death that made the Jewish history. "When the destroying Christ's sacrifice the world's Atonement. angel smote the first-born of the Egyptian fami- There is no special virtue in mere death, even lies, the symbolic blood on the liutel of every though it be the death of God's own Son. Hebrew house protected the eldest born from Blood does not please God. As I live, saith the plague of death. In consequence, a law of the Lord, I have no pleasure in the death of Moses viewed every eldest son in a peculiar the sinner.' Do you think God has pleasure in light. He was reckoned as a thing devoted to the blood of the righteous?-blood, merely as the Lord-redeemed, and therefore set apart. blood?-death, merely as a debt of nature The word used to express this devotion is sanc-paid?-suffering, merely as suffering had in it tify. The Lord said unto Moses, Sanctify unto mysterious virtue? me all the first-born, whatsoever openeth the womb among the children of Israel, both of mau and beast: it is mine.

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"No, my brethren! God can be satisfied with that only which pertains to the conscience and the will; so says the writer of the Epistle to the Hebrews: Sacrifices could never make the comers thereunto perfect.' The blood of Christ was sanctified by the Will with which He shed it; it is that which gives it value. It was a sacrifice offered up to conscience. He suffered as a Martyr to the Truth. He fell in fidelity to a cause. The sacred cause in which He fell was love to the human race: 'Greater love hath no man than this, that a man give his life for his friends.' Now, that Truth was the cause in which Christ died, we have his own words as proof: To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, to bear witness to the Truth.'

"Let us see how His death was a martyrdom of witness to the Truth.

"First, He proclaimed the identity between. religion and goodness. He distinguished religion from correct views, accurate religious observances, and even from devout feelings. He said that to be religious is to be good. 'Blessed are the pure in heart


Blessed are the merciful . . . . Blessed are the meek.' Justice, mercy, truth-these He

proclaimed as the real righteousness of God. | within. In Christ there is not given to us a But, because He taught the truth of god- faul less essay on the loveliness of self-conseliness, the Pharisees became His enemies: those cration, to convince our reason how beautiful it men of opinions and maxims; those men of ecclesiastical, ritual, and spiritual pretensions. "Again, He taught spiritual Religion. God was not in the temple; the temple was to come down. But Religion would survive the temple. God's temple was man's soul.

"Because He taught spiritual worship, the priests became His enemies. Hence came those accusations that He blasphemed the temple; that He had said, contemptuously, Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up.' "Ouce more he struck a death blow at Jew ish exclusiveness; He proclaimed the truth of the character of God. God, the Father. The hereditary descent from Abraham was nothing; the inheritance of Abraham's faith was everything. God, therefore, would admit the Gentiles who inherited that faith. For God loved the world, not a private few; not the Jew only, not the elder brother who had been all bis life at home, but the prodigal younger brother, too, who had wandered far and sinned much.

"Now, because He proclaimed this salvation of the Gentiles, the whole Jewish nation were offended. The first time He ever hinted it at Capernaum, they took Him to the brow of the hill whereon their city was built, that they might throw Him thence.

"And thus, by degrees,-priests, pharisees, rulers, rich, and poor,-He had roused them all against Him; and the Divine Martyr of the Truth stood alone at last beside the cross, when the world's life was to be won, without a friend. "All this we must bear in mind, if we would understand the expression, 'I sanctify myself.' He was sanctifying and consecrating himself for this, to be a Witness to the Truth,-a devoted one, consecrated in His heart's deeps to die,-loyal to Truth,—even though it should have to give, as the reward of allegiance, not honors and kingdoms, but only a crown of



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is; but there is given to us a self-consecrated One; a living Truth, a living Person; a Life that was beautiful, a death that we feel in our inmost hearts to have been divine; and all this that the Spirit of that consecrated life and consecrated death, through love and wonder and deep enthusiasm, may pass into us, and sanctify us, also, to the Truth, in life and death. He sacrificed Himself that we might offer ourselves a living sacrifice to God."

"Those whom Christ sanctifies are separated from two things: From the world's evil, and from the world's spirit.

"From the world's evil. So in verse 15: I pray not that thou shouldst take them out of the world, but that thou shouldst keep them from the evil.' Not from physical evil, not from pain; Christ does not exempt his own from such kinds of evil. Nay, we hesitate to call pain and sorrow evils, when we remember what bright characters they have made, and when we recollect that almost all who came to Christ came impelled by suffering of some kind or other." "Possibly want and woe will be seen hereafter, when this world of appearance shall have passed away, to have been, not evils, but God's blessed angels, and ministers of His most parental love.

"But the evil from which Christ's santification separates the soul is that worst of evils-properly speaking, the only evil-sin; revolt from God, disloyalty to conscience, tyranny of the passions, strife of our self-will in conflict with the loving Will of God. This is our foe that we have a right to hate with perfect hatred, meet it where we will, and under whatever form, in church or state, in false social maxims, or in our own hearts. And it was to sanctify or separate us from this that Christ sanctified or consecrated Himself."

"He is sanctified by the self-devotion of his Master from the world, who has a life in himself independent of the maxims and customs "3. The self sanctification of Christ was for which sweep along with them other men. In the sake of others. For their sakes.' his Master's words, 'A well of water in him, "He obeyed the law of self-consecration for springing up into everlasting life,' keeping his Himself, else He had not been man; for that life, on the whole, pure, and his heart fresh. law is the universal law of our human existence. His true life is hid with Christ and God. His But lle obeyed it not for Himself alone, but motives, the aims and objects of his life, howfor others also. It was vicarious self devotion-ever inconsistent they may be with each other, that is, instead of others, as the representative however irregularly or feebly carried out, are yet, of them. For their sakes,' as an example, on the whole, above, not here. His citizenship 'that they also might be sanctified through the is in heaven. He may be tempted; he may truth.' err; he may fall: but still, in his darkest aberrations, there will be a something that keeps before him still the dreams and aspirations of his best days; a thought of the Cross of Christ, and the self consecration that it typifies; a conviction that that is the bighest, and that alone

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"Ile sanctified Himself that He might become a living, inspiring example, firing men's hearts by love to imitation,-a burning and a shining Light shed upon the mystery of Life, to guide by a spirit of warmth lighting from

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