"That these interruptions consisted of shouting, whistling, using indecent and blasphemous expressions, and stimulating each other frequently to drag the reverend preacher from the pulpit. "That the demeanour of this mob was so outrageous, that all the formalities and courtesies of civilised society were abandoned; and the divisions of the pews, the fronts of the galleries, the pillars, and the stairs of the pulpit, were occupied by dense masses of infuriated rabble, shouting and vowing vengeance. "That under these circumstances the service was altogether discontinued, and by the intrepidity of a few zealous friends alone, the officiating clergymen were rescued from the insults and pressure of the mob, and escorted in safety to the vestry room. "That every species of defilement was committed in the pews of the church, "That the invitation to the Roman Catholics of Waterford was couched in such affectionate terms, that no apprehensions of violence were entertained; but that on the first demonstration of popular feeling, the high constable apprised the chief magistrate of the city, (who resides within two hundred yards of the cathedral,) of the fact, who wholly refused to act and that although the chief constable of police was present, together with the municipal high constable of the city, no measures were taken to prevent the riotous and violent conduct of the mob. "That in the course of the next day, Wednesday, the 29th November, several applications were made to Alderman Poole, the mayor of the city, calling upon him to interpose his authority in preventing a recurrence of similar scenes; but that no such protection having been afforded by his worship, and the applica tions having been treated with contemptuous silence, the reverend preacher declined officiating again, or again subjecting himself to the insults and outrages of an infuriated mob. "That in the evening of the last mentioned day the mob assembled in the church-yard with increased numbers, with apparently more excited feelings, under the impression that an evening service and sermon would be again attempted to be performed, and so great has been the terror and intimidation caused by this tumultuous and lawless assembly, and the total refusal of the authorities to afford protection to your memorialists in the exercise of their religious duties, that many of the Protestants of Waterford now fear to assemble at their usual places of worship. "Your memorialists, therefore, humbly entreat your lordships that an inquiry may be instituted for the purpose of prosecuting the abettors and perpetrators of this conspiracy to annihilate the performance of the Protestant liturgy of their church, and to enquire whether it be incumbent upon the chief magistrate of the fourth city in Ireland to await an overt breach of the peace, previously to his interference, or whether it would not rather tend to the administration of justice and the preservation of the peace of society, that the minister of the law should use means for the prevention of outrage, when an officer of justice has felt himself justified in communicating to him officially that the riotous and tumultuous conduct of a mob have led him to expect a breach of the law, and to anticipate dangerous consequences to some of her Majesty's subjects. "And your memorialists, as in duty bound, &c." POPISH SUPERSTITIONS. Valentinus to the order of Carmelites in this city. Last week a coarsely printed handbill was circulated about town, stating that the body had arrived, and was deposited in the Carmelite Chapel, in Whitefriar-street-adding, also, that the Pope had attached a plenary indulgence to the repetition of certain prayers in said Yesterchapel before the sacred relics. day I visited the chapel and having passed through the crowd to the altar, to which I was led by one of the numerous attendants in the place, I saw a grating this grating, what appeared to be a coffin fixed underneath the altar, and through or case covered with crimson velvet, fringed with gold lace. There was a group of worshippers prostrate before the grating, whose actions surprised me not a little. They continued to thrust their fingers in the grating, and to rub old gloves and fragments of linen cloth against the velvet covering of the coffin. Having enquired of the guide the meaning of this proceeding, he informed me, with great animation, that the people were extracting holy virtues from the blessed saint's body, in order to cure, by those sanctified pieces of cloth, all manner of diseases!-Perfectly disgusted with the whole business, I left the chapel immediately, and thought it right to give publicity thus to what I had witnessed. When such an imposition can be fearlessly practised on Roman Catholics of every rank by their priests, I would ask what may they not be inclined to believe and do by the same masters? When such superstition openly prevails, are we not guilty, in the most awful degree, if we do not use every honest means in our power, by scriptural education and controversial preaching, to deliver our poor fellow-countrymen from such a system of iniquity? "I remain your obedient servant, "Dublin, November 13, 1837." The Globe newspaper, in comment ing upon this transaction, made use of some terms of reprobation of the mum mery. The Rev. John Spratt, upon this, addressed a letter to the editor, in which he enters into a scriptural argument to justify the proceedings of his brother Carmelites!!! The good friar, in his simplicity, complains that the Globe has followed the anti-Catholic journals. The first sentence of his letter is the only one worth preserving "To the Editor of the Globe. "Carmelite Convent, Dublin, Nov. 18, 1837. "SIR,-As you have followed some of the anti-Catholic journals in expressing disgust at the translation of the body of St. Valentinus, martyr, from Rome to Dublin,' and have lent the aid of your press to the usual misrepresentation of Catholic doctrine respecting the relics of saints, permit me, through the medium of your columns, to say a few words upon the subject." There is something amusing but instructive in the way in which it is implied, that Father Spratt expected other things from the political bias of the Globe. An attack upon relics in a ministerial journal has been cvidently a surprise. The rest of the letter is taken up in a defence of the practice of honouring relics. REPEAL OF THE UNION. The watchword of sedition is not yet forgotten. Let the following extracts from Mr. O'Connell's recent speeches prove the truth of what we say: "He charged many of the nominal leaders of the English Radicals," he said, "with want of sympathy towards Irish interests such as the Grotes, the Roebucks, and some of the Manchester men. He would tell these men that they had no sympathy whatever for Ireland, and that they only wished to make this country their footstool, to enable them to step into power themselves. Well, that was one reason perhaps that made him feel convinced that nothing would ever permanently establish benefit to Ireland but the measure of the repeal of the union. Yes, it was that want of sympathy on the part of the Radicals of England that would be one means of driving them to this. Who, he would ask them, constituted the majority that had carried English reform, Scotch reform, and reform, such as it was, for Ireland? The Irish liberal members. Oh, shame upon the English radicals, who, under the circumstances, shewed themselves such enemies to Ireland." (Speech at charity dinner, December 18.) "The radicals in England are totally careless as to whether any good should be done to Ireland. There is Grotethe more amiable and respectable for his talents-he is the more to be blamed for being neglectful of Ireland. Roebuck, too, I know the splendour of his ability; but I am grieved to say that his talents are not enlisted in the cause of this country. I know, then, Molesworth likewise, and I respect his powerful talents; but I lament that he is opposed to the friends of Ireland." (Speech at Radical Dinner, December 19, And again "1 feel particularly pleased with your compliment, because it comes from practical men. This, I feel is not mere flattery; it comes from men who have laboured for their country, to me who have exerted my best endeavours, and who would sink to my grave if I did not think Ireland would become independent, and that we would see a Parliament in College-green once more. I may be called indiscreet, for I have always openly told what was the object of my actions." RIBBON PROGESSIONS. December 16th.-In the Warder of this date, we find the following, to which we beg the special attention of our readers : "A Ballinamore correspondent of the Warder, informs us that on Sunday last some thousands of the peasantry from the Leitrim mountains marched in procession through that town, dressed out in white scarfs and hat-bands, preceded by a white garland or ensign decorated with green. "The pretence of their thus assembling, in a kind of military array, was for the interment of a brother, conformable, we suppose, with the Ribbonman's oath, that obliges him to be faithful to his brother, even unto death,' but it is evident a display of their number and order were the chief objects, as the corpse was far in the rere and neglected, deceased having died of a malignant fever, of which his mother had died also about ten days previous; but no such honors were paid to her remains, being, no doubt, reserved for the son as a token of his confraternity. "Such were the numbers and formidable appearance of the procession, that the Protestant inhabitants of the districts through which it passed became alarmed; and a representation of the whole matter has been made to the Castle, but to what end we know not, as the organization and military attitude the popish peasantry are now in the habit of assuming on all occasions, is unheeded by the authorities; whereas if Protestants were to make the same demonstrations, they would be prosecuted and denounced as rebels by the popish press, in no measured terms.. These displays, however, prove to demonstration the general organization and progress of discipline of the popish peasantry, the great mass of whom are armed and enrolled in ribbon lodges." If the reader will turn to our memoranda in the November number of last year, Vol. X. p. 628, he will find that we had to record a similar display in the county of Fermanagh, on the burial of a man named Hengaton. These processions are curious features in the political aspect of the times. Our readers, no doubt, recollect the melancholy murder which was committed in the county of Monaghan, on the 28th of June, (See this journal, Vol. X. p. 217.) It is a curious circumstance, that upon that night, about midnight, the passengers by the Derry Mail were alarmed at meeting, near Castleblaney, with an immense regiment of organized people in military array. We wish some member of parliament would move for a copy of informations sworn upon that night before William Hamilton, Esq. of Castleblaney, which were, we believe, transWe believe mitted to government. that some passengers by the mail considered the array which they met so alarming, that on reaching Castleblaney they insisted on swearing depositions before that gentleman. We wish that the entire circumstance were inquired into. COMBINATION OUTRAGE IN DUBLIN. They then threatened him, but for a long time did not attack him, because they knew that he carried arms. The magi tions. Mr. Charles said that there was no use in doing so, as he could not identify the men, and if he could, the government would not punish them. Mr. Tudor said that he was glad to state publicly that the government made every exertion to come at the root of the combination evil. Alderman Fleming said that the government had directed the crown officers to prosecute in every combination case. Mr. Charles still said that there was no use in lodging informations, and left the office without doing so.”—Evening Mail. "Mr. Charles, a master builder, attended at College-street police-office on Monday, December 4th, in consequence of a message he received from the magistrates directed him to lodge informastrates. He stated that on Sunday evening he was going with his family to evening service. There were four females with him. While he was going along Pembroke road, near Mr. Turner's ironfoundry, he was attacked by eleven or twelve men, who beat him most unmercifully. His shoulders and arms were severely bruised, and his clothes torn.One of them said that they would soon finish him. Mr. Tudor asked him if he knew any reason for it? Mr. Charles said that he knew they had combined against him, because he would not subscribe to their funds. Many years since, when the man was murdered in James's street, they came to him, and asked him for money. He refused to give it, because, as he told them, he knew it was the price of a fellow-creature's blood. VOL. X If our readers refer to similar cases recorded in our last memoranda, in the city of Dublin, they will perhaps remark it as a singular coincidence, that in every instance the combinators have selected their opportunity on the Sab K bath evening, when their victim was on his way to church. A most curious feature in this case, is the refusal of Mr. Charles to prosecute, because he was convinced that, under Lord Mulgrave's government, it was useless. Whatever be the intention of the noble Lord's government of Ireland, here is evidence of the impression it produces. We attach the more importance to this case, because we do not find it put forward prominently by the Dublin Conservative journals-the report lies among the ordinary police reports. Indeed, it appears, as if but for the summons he received to attend the police office, the outrage on Mr. Charles might never have come before the public. Cases of this incidental kind. shew best the state of feeling among the quiet portions of society. There is something fearfully instructive in Mr. Charles's conviction, that prosecution was a useless form. STRANGE FORGERY. being taken with my name; and I am sure you will feel it to be your duty to endeavour to detect the author of such forgery. I know not one word of the contents of that letter, and purposely abstain from reading it, until I shall have marked my disapprobation of a proceeding so dishonourable in the individual who has been guilty of it, whether his object be to express what he supposes to be my sentiments, or otherwise. "I cannot doubt you will, without the slightest delay, not only disabuse the minds of your readers, as regards myself, but also state your own opinion of such unworthy conduct towards the editor of any public paper. "I am, Sir, your obedient servant, t MR. O'CONNELL AND LORD MULGRAVE. There is a slight variance between the statements of these two distinguished individuals, in reference to the "He (Lord Mulgrave) would maintain that Mr. O'Connell had a perfect right, like any other Irish member of Parliament, to apply to the Irish government on behalf of friends in whom he was interested; but he would also assert that the direct applications of Mr. O'Connell to the Irish government were much fewer than had been made by other Irish members." "-(Lord Mulgrave's speech in the House of Lords.) disposition of Irish patronage, which it is well to record : "I challenge Sharman Crawford to cite one single case-one single appointment made in Ireland at my instance.". (Mr. O'Connell's speech at the Trades' Union meeting in Dublin, on the 6th of November, 1837.) MR. O'CONNELL AND THE TRADES UNION. December 18.A meeting of the Trades Union was held upon this day, at which Mr. O'Connell attended. Considerable dissatisfaction had been excited among the tradesmen of Dublin, by the speech of the learned gentleman, delivered on the 6th of November, (see memoranda for Novem ber,) in which he denounced the combinations existing among the Tradesmen. An address was forwarded to the Trades Union on the subject, which was read at the meeting, and gave occasion to a most extraordinary scene. Mr. O'Connell addressed the meeting at great length, and with much ear 3 nestness, dissuading them from the combination to regulate wages-amid very considerable interruption from several of the members-who seemed very much astonished at the doctrine of the learned gentleman, that the "bodies," or combinations of the tradesmen were illegal. Several reminded him that he did not think so when they accompanied him in procession to Kingstownregularly marshalled with the emblems and banners of the different bodies. "There are two species of combination existing in this city. One, which is open and avowed, and which belongs to the trades or regular bodies. That species of combination has no connection whatsoever with the other kind, who are known by the denomination of Dublin Unionists and Northern Men. This combination divides Dublin into the northern and the southern part, and the various denominations of it are hostile to each other, and it is totally different from that species of combination regulating the trades of the city. One of these combinations we call Defenders,' or Welter Combination,' and that within the last few weeks has been stained with human blood. From the guilty shedding of that This statement is important, as exhibiting clearly what we have all along asserted, that even in Dublin, this moment, there are two combinations--one of which is to regulate the rate of wages-while behind this there exists another, having different objects. If our readers will refer to the account of the murder of Ganley, (memoranda in the number for November, Vol. X. p. 627,) they will find that this murder was avowedly committed, because he an "Hanoverian," a bluddy was Orange villain.” The outrages in the streets of our city, which we have every month to record, will supply abundant evidence that the trades' combinations have not been idle, but the avowed cause of these outrages is a violation of the regulations of the body. It is singular, however, that in every instance, Protestants have been the victims.” The murder of Ganley is, however, according to Mr. O'Connell, to be traced to deeper conspiracy. Now, in each instance, we are enabled, by official documents, to ascertain the motives of the tribunals that condemned and punished. If our readers turn to our His is the statute law of the trades combination-a law which, however, has only visited its penalties upon Protestants. Ganley was an Hanoverianthis was the offence for which he was killed by the laws of the deeper and more dangerous conspiracy, to which Mr. O'Connell refers his murder. The lodges were not borrowed from the Orangemen-they were borrowed by blood the combination of the trades is entirely free. Ganley's (I think the victim was named Ganley) was a base, and foul, and horrid murder, committed on the open road, in the presence of the other carmen, creating a horror and disgust in the mind of any thinking individual.— There is one set of combinators-they are called 'colts,' who say they were driven to join the welters,' by the combination of the regular trades, and in their own defence (no, no, and cries of no such thing.') Well, that is all right, but we must not take it upon assertion. I am more inclined to believe you unquestionably do not belong to this combination than those who undoubtedly do.- the Defenders from freemasonry, and The other class of combinators, between the Protestants, when they united whom and the combination of the regu- themselves into Orange associations, lar trades, I make my first great distinc finding some mysterious interest attion, are those who call themselves Detached to the name, adopted it. fenders,' Northern Unionists,' Welters,' and Billy Smiths.' They We beg the attention of our readers have their regular organization, their to the fact thus verified by Mr. O'Conwatchwords, which they change four nell, as to the existence of parallel times in the year, their officers, and their combinations in Ireland-one of which lodges. Where, let me ask, did they get addresses itself to the violent remedy that name? Was it from our enemies? of the grievances of which the people The United Irishmen, however treason- complain-while the other, having its able that body may have been, did not lodges and its organization, has such transmit the name to them. No; it was objects as may be inferred from the adopted from the enemy. It is an orange murder of Ganley. name." 6 Billy |