The Federal ReporterWest Publishing Company, 1930 |
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Стр. 246
... suit in its name in event the judgment be adverse to the Indian or Indians . The sec- tion then proceeds to state that the notice shall be served on the Superintendent by the United States Marshal , that a copy of it shall be filed with ...
... suit in its name in event the judgment be adverse to the Indian or Indians . The sec- tion then proceeds to state that the notice shall be served on the Superintendent by the United States Marshal , that a copy of it shall be filed with ...
Стр. 690
... suit ( Bankr . Act & Ila [ 11 USCA § 29 ] ) . Under general jurisprudence , plaintiff has right to proceed in state court with mortgage foreclosure suit pending at time of bankruptcy , where lien is valid , since mortgage does not con ...
... suit ( Bankr . Act & Ila [ 11 USCA § 29 ] ) . Under general jurisprudence , plaintiff has right to proceed in state court with mortgage foreclosure suit pending at time of bankruptcy , where lien is valid , since mortgage does not con ...
Стр. 692
... suit was pending , or to secure an order staying such a pending suit , it is necessary for the trustee to es- tablish ( 1 ) that the mortgaged property was in possession of the bankrupt at the time of the filing of the petition , and ...
... suit was pending , or to secure an order staying such a pending suit , it is necessary for the trustee to es- tablish ( 1 ) that the mortgaged property was in possession of the bankrupt at the time of the filing of the petition , and ...
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27 USCA action affirmed alleged alloy amended appellee application attorney Auffmordt AUGUSTUS N bank bankrupt bankruptcy barge Big Ben bill bonds booster cause cent charge chromium Circuit Court Circuit Judge claim Commissioner Company contract corporation counsel Court of Appeals creditors damages decision decree defendant defendant's District Court District Judge entitled equity evidence fact federal court fendant filed Five Civilized Tribes habeas corpus held indictment infringement interference proceeding Internal Revenue invention issue judgment jurisdiction jury liability libel lien liquor ment mortgage motion National Prohibition Act officer pany parties patent payment person petition petitioner plaintiff prior prior art proceedings question reason res judicata Revenue Act rule South Carolina Stat statute steel suit supra testimony tion trade-mark trial trustee U. S. Atty United States C. C. A. valve violation York City zeolites