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when our earthly houfe of this tabernacle is diffolved, we may have a building of God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. Make thy ways known upon the earth, and thy faving health among all nations. Let the gospel have free course and be glorified, from the rifing to the setting fun. We pray for the converfion of Jews and Gentiles to the faith as it is in Jefus. We pray for the progrefs of the reformation abroad and at home. We recommend to thee our Sovereign the King, and all the branches of His Family, entreating thee to continue to us by their means, the invaluable bleffing of the protestant fucceffion. By thy grace, animate those who are distinguished by power, riches, or talents, that they may improve all for the public good. We earnestly pray, that the ministers of the gofpel, of every denomination, may, with united affection, ardour, zeal, and eminent fuccefs, be carrying on the work of the Lord. O thou God of infinite mercy, diffufe among christians of every profeffion, a spirit of forbearance, candour and love. Vifit all that are D d


in affliction, whether perfonal or relative, in mind, body or estate; graciously support them under their forrows, and in thine own time, fend them deliverance. If it fhall please thee to lay thy chaftening hand upon us or ours, may we chearfully fubmit to thy will, after the example of the Author and Finisher of our faith, who thus expreft himself upon the most trying occafion, "The cup which my Father "hath put into my hand, fhall I not drink "it?" And, O Lord, we pray, that our minds may be ever deeply impreffed with this perfuafion, that however dark and inexplicable the ways of providence may now appear to us, fhort-fighted creatures, there is a day coming, in which thy goodness and equity shall be acknowledged by all thy intelligent creatures-when thou fhalt judge the world in righteousness by Jefus Chrift-when tribulation and anguifh fhall feize all unbelievers and impenitent finners, but when the righteous fhall lift up their heads with joy, because their complete redemption draweth nigh. May each of us be found in peace on that great de

cifive day, and join all thy redeemed people, in celebrating the praises of him, who loved us and gave himself for us. And now Lord, what wait we for? Our hope is in thy mercy. Let thine ears be open to the fupplications of thy fervants. Dismiss us at this time with thy bleffing: and grant that we may ever dwell in thy house, and ever give thee praife, through Jefus Chrift our Lord. AMEN.

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