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Don Raphael's Travels.


in the evening distributed the other seven I was plunged in the abyss of misery, to her children, concealing from them her when I resolved to essay the beneficence act of charity, and passing 48 hours of the Barmecides; I was told they were without food. This fact occurred dur- not only generous, but recompensed gening the stay of the French army in Egypt, erosity in others; all I possessed was a saand paints the Arab better than any bre, I presented it to one of the chiefs description. of that illustrious family, and I accompanied my modest present with a couplet in his praise: he received it without making any reply, he no sooner cast his eyes on me than he left me. O vanity of human hopes,' cried I to myself, in my sorrow, "God confounds the calculations of man, and dispenses prosperity and misfortune at his pleasure! Before dinner the Barmecide sent for me, and seated me at his table, night came, I was led to a tent; surprised at the manner of my reception, I surrendered my frame to sleep: a young slave entered with the morning sun, took me by the hand, and led me a few paces from the tent, and putting the reins of these three camels in my hand, Take these,' said he, and go in peace: such is my master's answer.

"When a Bedouin is reduced to poverty, he does not go begging from tent to tent, but, addressing the chief of his tribe, declares his case. The chief instantly convokes the richest of the tribe, and thus addresses them: One of our brethren is in want, if you wish him to die, let me kill him, rather than hunger; if not, you know your duty.' It is enough, every one gives according to his means; one gives a camel, another an ewe, another a tent, another corn, &c. &c. so that it frequently happens that he who was in the morning on the brink of starving, in the evening is richer than any of his benefactors."

The affecting picture of the Barmeeides, who possessed all these heroic virtues, without staining them by any vice, shall conclude our extracts; we regret that the length of the narrative of Almonzer, mourning their fate, prevents us from presenting it to our readers, but we shall give a more recent anecdote of a people who were affable and enlightened, and generous as they were rich; the love of the people prepared their ruin, and the hatred of the Court completed it.

"During the time that the Barmecides inhabited the Desart, an Arab became so poor, that after having sold his domestic utensils, and even his tent, for subsistence, he set out without knowing whither to go, or what would become of him, wishing, by his disappearance, to conceal his wretchedness from those who had witnessed his prosperity. His wife accompanied him. After wandering three days in the desart, he met another Bedouin, mounted on a nimble dromedary, with three camels heavily laden following him; he sung, and the beams of joy sparkled in his eye.

"Whence come you? where are you going? and who are you? were the first questions of the poor fugitive. I come from the vicinity of Bagdad, and I am going to Bassora ; I was formerly rich, but ill luck triumphed over fortune, and

"Astonished, I wished to fly to this generous mortal, and testify my gratitude, the servant stopped me, adding, your wish is vain, my master receives the thanks of no person; such is his custom, for he says, to suffer any one to thank us for a favour, is receiving the recompense of a good action, from man, instead of waiting for the blessing of the Deity.'

"In silence I mounted this dromedary, which was also presented me, and departed. When I had travelled a few miles, leading my camels after me, I stopped to examine their burthen: they bear at least 100,000 dinars of precious effects, and three times as much in money, besides a small case; on opening it, I found my sabre with this note, My dear son, thy good intention sufficeth me, I would have offered thee more than my servant has presented thee on my account, but God has not placed them in my hands; peace be with thee.'"

Encouraged by the success of this Bedouin, the other directed his steps to the Barmecides, and in three days he was ten times more rich than ever he had been in his life.

These extracts will suffice to give an idea of the merit and interest of this little work. The twenty-four plates which


Unsuccessful Machinations.


accompany it are from good designs, and man nature in its most debased and its illustrate the manners customs, and cere- most exalted forms,

monies of those tribes, which exhibit hu


OR, THE CAStle of DunanACHY,

An interesting Tale of other Times.

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"As flies the inconstant sun over Larmou's grassy hill, so pass the tales of old along my soul by night. It is the voice of years that are gone: they roll before me with all their deeds." OSSIAN.


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IGH on a rocky eminence on the surrounded by embattled walls and western coast of Scotland stood the towers of various heights, in one of which once magnificent and extensive castle of was a chapel, fitted up in a style of anDunanachy, the remains of which are yet cient gloomy grandeur; while beyond often visited by the curious traveller,and, these, skirting the tremendous precipice being preserved in tolerable repair, though that overhung the sea, were apartments not for many years inhabited by any and offices of every description, and albranch of the family to whom the estates most out of number, adorned and furbelong, they are generally accounted nished in the most magnificent and costworthy of a tourist's observation, and a ly manner, but still wearing that air of sufficient reward for the trouble of riding heavy grandeur which suited the taste of across an extensive swampy moor that former times, and presents so striking a divides the neighbouring cultivated dis- contrast to the airy elegance and lightness trict and the woods, which rise in majes- of the modern style of architecture, and tic grandeur on the heights, and in the of fashionable decorations. glens, that lay sheltered by tremendous precipices from the breezes of the ocean, and present a countless variety of beautiful and romantic prospects in their various recesses.

In former times the castle of Dunanachy was the abode of hospitality, the seat of cheerfulness and plenty; but the light and joy of the song are fled; the halls of the renowned are left desolate and solitary, amidst rocks that no more echo to the sound of the harp, amidst streams which murmur unheeded and unknown.

Built on a lofty rocky eminence, projecting far into the sea, and forming one side of a noble bay, where vessels of the greatest burthen might in safety brave the About a century and a half ago, Wilfury of the elements, the castle was ac- liam IV. Earl of Dunanachy, was the cessible only upon one side, by a wind- possessor of the castle, and the rich doing road, across a deep and narrow dell, mains and revenues appertaining to the which served as a natural ditch, or moat, earldom. He married the only daughter for the defence of the inhabitants, being of a northern chieftain, whose family frequently almost impassable, excepting though not ennobled, were no less anby a bridge of rude construction thrown cient and respectable than his own. For across a rapid stream that poured impet- several years peace and domestic happiuously through the glen, and completed ness attended the owner of Dunanachy. its turbulent course at the base of the The Earl was rather of an austere and rock on which the castle was placed, by haughty temper, proud of his high defalling over a ledge of rugged crags, and scent, and imperious in his will; but he mingling its waters with the briny flood. was nevertheless accounted a man of The entrance to the castle was through strictly honourable principles, respected gateway of prodigious dimensions, as a moral character, and generally acwhence, by an arched and gloomy pas- counted an affectionate husband to his sage, lighted by narrow slips, and Eoil- amiable Countess, whose personal enlettis, the grand area of the building was dowments, great even as they were alapproached, a space of unusual extent, lowed to be, were far overbalanced by Y Eng. Mag. Vol. I.


Unsuccessful Machinations.


the excellences of her heart and under- pletely qualified for the duty which had standing, her mild and gentle disposition, been allotted her. her unaffected cheerfulness, and affability of manners.

Severe as unexpected was the blow which Malvina's feelings received on Though she had become the mother hearing of her mother's decease, for she of several children, it was the will of was at the castle with her amiable preheaven to spare only one daughter, love- ceptress when the mournful intelligence ly as the blushing morn, to the wishes of reached them that the Countess, then on her parents. Rather would the Earl it her journey with the Earl from London, had been a son, who, with the estates, had been suddenly attacked by an indiscould have likewise inherited the title position that baffled the skill of mediand perpetuated the name of Dunanachy. cine, and hurried her to the grave. From But fate had otherwise decreed it, and that period Lord Dunanachy returned the beauteous Malvina was the only one not to the castle for upwards of three of his children whose health partook not years, and the cause assigned for his abof the delicacy of the Countess's consti- sence was his inability to endure the sight tution, but displayed a robust and strong of his beloved daughter, the interesting frame, which, though far from being eith- pledge of his lamented Countess's affecer masculine or ungraceful, appeared fit- tion, or re-visit the scene of former hapted for encountering the rude blasts of piness, where he could only mourn an misfortune,and enduring storms of adver- object loved and lost. sity, under which a less energetic mind, and more delicate constitution must have sunk to earth, and ere half her race was run have mingled with the dead.

Malvina longed to see her father, but still her hopes met only disappointment, and she had only to use every possible endeavour to reconcile her mind to his absence, and strive by unwearied attention to her improvement to render herself worthy his affection.

In beauty as in health she grew the delight of her parents, and of all who had it in their power to judge of her loveliness and sweetness of disposition. Her In music, and every accomplishment soul was generous and mild, like the practised in those days, Mrs. Douglas hour of the setting sun. Her face was was a proficient. An extensive interlike the light of the morning. Her hair course with polished society in her youth, like the raven's wing. In a word, she and a series of unforeseen and undeserved was one of nature's loveliest daughters. misfortunes, had taught her a perfect Her form was graceful; her complexion knowledge of the world, and at the same blooming and transparent; and her time bestowed upon her manners and whole countenance was stamped with conversation a peculiar ease and grace, beauty, simplicity, intelligence, and mod- but rarely to be found in females of those esty. When animated, she appeared a days, but which rendered her at all times perfect Hebe; when pensive, her looks a most pleasing, rational, and instructive were interesting, fuil of sensibility and companion for her charming pupil, who the softness of a Madona. Faultless as her person was the disposition of Malvina, and

imperceptibly imbibed her opinions, and copied her manners, while she regarded and respected her with sentiments little differing from those she would have felt for her amiable parent, had she been spared to rear the tender thought, and teach the young idea how to shoot.'

“Though formed in beauty's softest mould, "No pride her spotless bosom knew." Virtue, morality, and piety, were instilled into her mind, and when bereft of a mother's care at the age of twelve years, she At length the Earl re-visited Dunanaattended with the most scrupulous ex- chy; but his presence, like many of those actness to the precepts and instruction of pleasures which we anticipate with hope a lady of the name of Douglas, a distant and rapturous expectations, conveyed relation of her lost parent, who had from but a small share of satisfaction to the her earliest infancy directed her educa- bosom of his daughter. A settled gloom, tion, and who was in all respects com- an increased haughtiness, and a repelling


Unsuccessful Machinations.


reserve, checked the innocent and natural to sigh for an intercourse with society. vivacity of Malvina, and she perceived Malvina, therefore, felt not the miseries of with a grief she could not conceal, that disappointed expectation, nor the pain of he was become indifferent to her happi- her deprivations. ness, viewing her improvements in per- Twice only had her father visited the son and accomplishments with coldness, castle since she lost her other parent, but and contenting himself with merely as on neither occasion was his presence suring her she should ever be most dear productive of the satisfaction anticipated to his heart, while he directed Mrs. by his daughter. His haughtiness and Douglas to pursue that course with her reserve were by no means lessened at his pupil's education she judged most second visit: he seemed to shun rather suited to her age and disposition, with than delight in the society of Malvina, an air of restraint and indifference that whose extreme beauty, and perfect resemsensibly wounded, while it astonished blance to the late Countess appeared to that amiable woman, who perceived he occasion uneasiness instead of pleasure: was far more guided by a wish to avoid rarely he spoke of her mother, and even reproach as an indifferent parent, than a full length portrait of her Ladyship, actuated by any sentiment of affection which had adorned the principal apartfor his lovely daughter. ment, was by his directions removed to From the period of the Earl's deser- another room, in a distant part of the tion of Dunanachy, the castle impercep- castle, where visitors seldom were entertibly acquired an air of gloomy grandeur: tained, and where he had himself scarce a melancholy stillness reigned within its any occasion to enter. Malvina sensibly extensive walls; the family, which was felt this apparent slight upon the memory then reduced to a small number when of her mother, but she dared not remoncompared with its former inhabitants and strate; and she could only in private numerous visitors, occupied but a part of vent her grief, and the sentiments of her the building; silence was in the halls heart to Mrs, Douglas, whose sensibility where mirth and cheerfulness were wont was deeply wounded at this fresh instance to raise their voices; the lofty towers of the Earl's indifference to the memory and heavy battlements overshaded the of a woman he had once professed to moss-grown area, where often days pass- love with ardour, and who, well she ed over with no trace of humau footstep knew, deserved the best affections and crossing its desolate looking space. The thistle is there on its rock, and shakes its beard to the wind. The flower hangs its heavy head, waving at times to the gale.

respect of a husband, for whom she would have sacrificed her existence, or endured the greatest hardships. But there was a mystery attending the actions of Lord Dunanachy, which was extraorDays, months, and years, wore imper- dinary in her eyes as it was impenetrable ceptibly away, and Malvina had com- to her keenest researches. His mind pleted her eighteenth year, still immured seemed ill at ease: he would often start in the solitude of the castle of Dunana- and look around him with the air of one chy she was happy, because nature had much troubled in spirit, and apprehenblessed her with an amiable and a cheer- sive of some suddenly approaching obful disposition. Reason and a strong ject of terror. One person only enjoyed sense of duty towards both her Creator his confidence, or drew him from his fits and her earthly parent, regulated her of gloomy abstraction, and this was a thoughts and actions. She was unac- domestic of the name of Maclaurin, who quainted with the world, its few real had been a favourite valet for a series of pleasures, its numerous delusions, and its years, and, with the woman he had marvarious allurements; and as Mrs. Douglas ried (who was also the attendant of the foresaw no termination to the seclusion Countess) was the person upon whom of her lovely pupil, at least while the devolved the sole care of seeing the reEarl was in existence, she sought not to mains of their lady deposited in the coffin, render hor desirous of greater liberty, nor and consigned to the burial-place at the


Good and Bad Tempers.


castle of Dunanachy; the Earl having Maclaurin repaired to his master, and his immediately, as they reported, quitted the wife remained at Dunanachy, where fatal scene of his affliction on the demise shortly afterwards she lost her life in of his beloved partner, and gave it them child-birth, and her infant became the in charge to perform the necessary duties little plaything and favourite of Lady to their mistress with every outward Malvina. mark of respect and due solemnity. In this man the Earl still appeared to With her remains, therefore, Maclau- place unbounded confidence, and it was rin and his wife returned to the castle, evident his haughty temper bent in the while the Earl pursued his route to a dis- most submissive manner to the feet of tant part of the kingdom, to bury himself pampered menial; while, such is the inin retirement, and indulge his grief un- consistency of pride, he was becoming molested by an intercourse with his fel- arrogant, imperious, and overbearing, to low mortals. The last sad offices per- all who were in the slightest degree unformed, and all the trappings of woe ex- der his control. hibited around the castle and its interior,

Concluded in our next.


From the New Monthly Magazine.

IT T is generally understood, that by second is a contradicting disposition. temper we mean that prevailing men- A regard to truth or integrity will often tal disposition of each individual, which put us under the necessity not only of is chiefly discovered in social intercourse. thinking differently from others, but in It has been justly remarked, that temper discharging our duty we are obliged is distinguished from passions, as they sometimes to use contradiction. This, by degrees subside; whereas temper is however, is quite different from a vexathe peculiar disposition habitually re- tious humour, which habituallly takes a maining after such commotions of the mind are over.

malignant pleasure in contradicting others, in order to assume superiority, or to There are some dispositions that can- gratify a contentious spirit. Such a disnot be called good, and yet, strictly position must disturb the repose of socispeaking, are not radically evil, such as ety, as it provokes even the gentle part of a fearful, a fretful, or a capricious tem- it, and often raises the passions of the per. There are others which are evil, irritable to a high degree. The third is but not in the highest degree, such as a a revengeful temper. To shew a temsurly or sulky temper. These must be perate resentment for any wrong done to very trying to amiable persons who are us, is proper; but there are too many, obliged to live with or submit to their ill who, if you do them any injury, or if they humours; but there are some which are take an affront, will be sure to seek rereally bad, being evil in their very nature, venge, or at least will not forgive. This and disturbing the peace of society. Of is such a diabolical disposition, and often these we may reckon the few following:- productive of so many direful conse.

The first is an ungoverned passionate quences, that there is no need further to temper. There are many most excellent enlarge on it. The fourth is a stubborn characters who are naturally choleric, temper. To be firm and decided in yet, restraining their irritability, they what we believe to be right, after due cannot be said to be ill-tempered; but deliberation, is commendable; but many where a disposition of this kind is not under due government, there is no knowing what excesses such persons may be guilty of; and indeed we very often see or hear of some dreadful effects of indulging sinful anger and passion. The

are quite pertinacious in their opinion, or who, having once resolved on any thing, will listen to no advice, but persist in doing it. This obstinacy is generally founded on pride or haughtiness, and frequently some of the weakest per

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