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circumstance which proves that the gens heart."-All the witnesses concurred in d'armes were not permitted, as usual, to stating that Caulaincourt was present at strip their victim. According to the evi- the execution. It is said, that on the dence taken before the inquest, the Prince sham trial which took place, the men pulled out one of his watches, near the who composed the Council of War were place of execution, and offered it to a struck with the intrepidity of his manner, bystander to convey to a person whom he and the firmness and candour of his named. No person, however, would un- language. They even hesitated at condertake the commission. The Prince demning him to death, and wrote to then exclaimed with indignation Buonaparte for his definitive determin"What! cannot the grandson of the ation. Condemned to death," was great Condé find a Frenchman to ex- the brief reply of the Usurper. At the ecute his last will?"-He then steadfastly Thuilleries, too, even in Buonaparte's looked at the hole which was dug for presence, one effort was made to save his his body, and turning to the gens d'armes, life. Cambaceres was for saving him. observed, with a smile-"I am not "And how long," said Buonaparte, turnafraid to die; but I am sorry that I am ing full upon him in a rage, "have you about to receive my death from the been so saving of the blood of the Bourhands of Frenchmen."-He then laid bons?" Half an hour after sentence was his right hand firmly on his breast, and passed, the Prince was executed.--Gent. said twice with a loud and manly voice Mag. -"Tirez au cœur."-"Fire at the


An American Sailor, who was wrecked on the western coast of Africa, in 1810.

THE HE ship Charles, John Hor- "Upon their arrival at Tombuctoo, the ton, master, of 280 tons, sailed whole party was immediately taken befrom New York, June 17, 1810, with fore the King, who ordered the Moors provisions for Gibraltar. The number of into prison, but treated Adams and the the crew, among which was Adams, was Portuguese boy as curiosities; taking nine; the cargo was discharged at Gibral- them to his house, where they remained tar, another was taken on board with an during their residence at Tombuctoo. additional sailor. The Captain steered "For some time after their arrival, the southward along the African coast, stating Queen and her female attendants used to that he was bound to the Isle of May. sit and look at Adams and his companOctober 11, the vessel struck on a reef ion for hours together. She treated of rocks, that extended about three quar- them with great kindness, and at the first ters of a mile into the sea. The place, interview offered them some bread baked according to the Captain's reckoning, was under ashes. about four hundred miles north of Senegal. At day break, they were made prisoners by Moors, who divided the captives among them. Adams, with a youth named Stevens, a Portuguese, was carried inland, across a tedious desert, where these Arabs waylaid a negro vil lage, watching for slaves, but were detected and taken. From hence they were sent to Tombuctoo. It was in this character that Adams, with his felHow prisoner, reached that town.

"The King and Queen, the former of whom was named Woollo, the latter Fatimo, were very old grey-headed people.

The Queen was extremely fat. Her dress was of blue nankeen, edged with gold lace round the bosom and on the shoulder, and having a belt or stripe of the same material half way down the dress, which came only a few inches below the knees. The dress of the other females of Tombuctoo, though less ornamented than that of the Queen, was in

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the same short fashion, so that as they is required to bring his merchandize into wore no close under garments, they this space for the inspection of the King, might, when sitting on the ground, as for the purpose, Adams thinks, (but is far as decency was concerned, as well not certain,) of duties being charged have had no covering at all. The upon it. The King's attendants, who Queen's head-dress consisted of a blue are with him all the day, generally connankeen turban; but this was worn on- sist of about thirty persons, several of ly upon occasions of ceremony, or when whom are armed with daggers and bows she walked out. Besides the turban, and arrows, Adams does not know if she had her hair stuck full of bone or he had any family. naments of a square shape about the size In a store-room of the King's house of dice, extremely white; she had large Adams observed about twenty muskets, gold hoop ear rings, and many neck- apparently of French manufacture, one laces, some of them of gold, the others of them double-barreled; but he never made of beads of various colours. She saw them made use of. wore no shoes; and, in consequence, For a considerable time after the arher feet appeared to be as hard and dry rival of Adams and his companion, the as the hoofs of an ass." people used to come in crowds to stare "Besides the blue nankeen dress just at them; and he afterwards understood described, the Queen sometimes wore an that many persons came several days' under dress of white muslin; and at other journey on purpose. The Moors retimes a red one. This colour was pro- mained closely confined in prison; but duced by the juice of a red root which Adams and the Portuguese boy had grows in the neighbourhood, about a permission to visit them. At the end of foot and a half long. Adams never saw about six months, there arrived a compaany silks worn by the Queen or any other ny of trading Moors with tobacco, who inhabitant of Tombuctoo; for, although after some weeks ransomed the whole they have some silks brought by the party. Adams does not know the preMoors, they appeared to be used en- cise quantity of tobacco which was paid tirely for the purposes of external trade. for them, but it consisted of the lading of "The dress of the King was a blue five camels, with the exception of about pankeen frock decorated with gold, hav- fifty pounds weight received by the ing gold epaulettes, and a broad wrist- Moors. The Moors seemed to be well band of the same metal. He sometimes known at Tombuctoo, which place, he wore a turban; but often went bare- understood, they were accustomed to headed. When he walked through the visit every year during the rainy season." town he was generally a little in advance of his party. His subjects saluted him by inclinations of the head and body; thing resembling a fortification; it is or by touching his head with their hands, built in a straggling manner; the houses and then kissing their hands. When he are square boxes, made of sticks, clay received his subjects in his palace, it was grass; the rooms are all on the custom to sit on the ground, and ground floor; they have no furniture, their mode of saluting him on such oc- except earthen jars, wooden bowls, and esions was by kissing his head. grass mats, on which the people sleep. the great river Neele, “The King's house, or palace, which It does not stand on is built of clay and grass, (not white- or the Joliba, but ten or twelve miles washed) consists of eight, or ten small distant from it, on a stream that runs Fooms on the ground floor; and is surFounded by a wall of the same materials, "The natives of Tombuctoo are a against part of which the house is built, stout, healthy race, and are seldom sick, The space within the wall is about half although they expose themselves by lying Whenever a trader arrives, he out in the sun at mid-day, when the heat is almost insupportable to a white man, It is the universal practice of both sexes

an acre.

Adams's expre 3:on,
Ing Mag Vol. Is



Tombuctoo has no walls, nor any

into it.


Adams's Narrative.


It does not appear that they have any

to grease themselves all over with butter Adams cannot tell) he concluded both produced from goat's milk, which makes from this circumstance, and from their the skin smooth, and gives it a shining workmanship, that they were not made appearance. This is usually renewed by the Negroes, but obtained from the every day; when neglected, the skin Moorish traders." becomes rough, greyish, and extremely ugly. They usually sleep under cover at night; but sometimes in the hottest Punc eligion, as they have no house of weather, they will lie exposed to the could discover, never meet together to worship, no priest, and as far as Adams night air with little or no covering notwithstanding that the fog which rises ed like an act of prayer was on occasion pray. The only ceremony that appearfrom the river descends like dew, and in of the death of any of the inhabitants, fact, at that reason, supplies the want of when their relatives assembled and ṣat tended with any ceremony. round the corpse. The burial is unat The deceased are buried in the clothes in which they die, at a small distance to the south


west of the town.

"All the males of Tombuctoo have an incision on their faces from the top of the forehead down to the nose, from which proceed other lateral incisions over the eyebrows, into all of which is inserted a blue dye, produced from a Adams does not believe that any of kind of ore which is found in the neigh- the Negroes could write. He can form bouring mountains. The women have no idea of the population of Tombuctoo; also incisions on their faces, but in a dif- but thinks that on one occasion, he saw ferent fashion; the lines being from two as many as two thousand inhabitants asto five in number, cut on each cheek sembled. He did not observe any shops; bone, from the temple straight down- he never saw the Negroes find any gold; wards; they are also stained with blue. but he understood, that it was procured These incisions being made on the faces of both sexes when they are about twelve months old, the dyeing material which is inserted in them becomes scarcely visible as they grow up.


out of the mountains, and on the banks
of rivers to the southward; no doubt, in
the manner described by Parke.
saw no rain, except a few drops just be-
fore his departure; yet there is rain in
winter. He never saw the Joliba; but

had heard it mentioned. Moors are not
settled in this city; they are only allow-
ed to trade there.

"Except the King and Queen and their companions, who had a change of dress about once a week, the people were in general very dirty, sometimes not washing themselves for twelve or fourVery different are these particulars teen days together. Besides the Queen, from those formerly in circulation; they who, as has been already stated, wore a are not, however, the less entitled to reprofusion of ivory and bone ornaments ception. in her hair, some of a square shape and The route homewards abounds in viothers about as thick as a shilling, but cissitudes. A different course from that rather smaller, (strings of which she also by which the prisoners arrived, equally wore about her wrists and ankles) many led them across desarts; at the distance of the women were decorated in a simi- of thirteen days from Tombuctoo, is lar manner; and they seemed to consid- Tudenny, distinguished by four wells er hardly any favour too great to be con- of excellent water, and large ponds or ferred on the person who would make beds of salt, from which the country them a present of these precious orna- round about to a great distance is supments. Gold ear-rings were much worn. Some of the women had also rings on their fingers; but these appeared to Adams to be of brass; and as many of the latter had letters upon them (but whether in the Roman or Arabic characters,

plied. A desert of twenty-nine days succeeded; hunger, thirst, exhausted strength, and death. At length a watering place, and a village of tents, af forded relief; and here Adams and his companions were employed in taking


Adams's Narrative.


care of goats and sheep, during eleven ward, brings him so much nearer home. months. Here despair of liberty led Here he found three of his fellow saiAdams to revolt, and flight: he reached lors in the Charles, was ill treated, put another village, obtained another master, in irons, and doomed to death, but at and, a mistress, too; but, the inter- length was ransomed by the British Vice course was detected; and the culprit was Consul, and brought into his service, again sold, to a purchaser whose resi- whence he gradually proceeded by way dence being at Wadinoon, to the north- of Mogadore and Cadiz, to London.

Concluded in our next.



Paris, August, 1815.

neared the land. The waves, as they E sailed from Dover about one reached the shore, and were turned, o'clock in the afternoon; it was emitted from their edges a brilliant light, like an afternoon's sailing on a lake, so just as if a train of gas-lights were instan smooth was the sea. Not having ever taneously lighted along a line of several been in France before, I looked with ea- miles, and as suddenly extinguished, to gerness towards the shore of the new be renewed again as rapidly. The sea land, to make out its form and colouring, continued smooth, and the lights of the and now and then turned my eyes back South Foreland were seen twinkling like to the coast of England, as if between a cluster of stars. Our boatmen now these opposite shores some difference seemed to consult, with great seriousness, might be discovered analogous to the about the safest place to put our boat great difference between the nations, by upon the sands, which they always conwhich they are inhabited. Nature seem- trive to do in sufficient depth of water, ed to favour my fancy; over France the to require the assistance of their townssky appeared bright and gay, whilst the men to carry the passengers on shore. cliffs of England were shrouded in a dark Now you might behold through the darkmantle, through which the sun presented ness of the night the forms of men in a red, broad, fiery orb, round which the long procession, advancing with a strange dark clouds alternately closed, and broke noise towards our boat, whilst streams of into fantastic forms, a grand, interesting light trailed from their naked legs, as they spectacle, which attracted the notice of furrowed the water. I was directed by all the passengers. two of them, to place my thighs on Wind and tide having both failed our their shoulders, but in our passage thro' packet at eight o'clock, four miles from the water, I found that one of the men Calais, several muskets were fired, and was much shorter than the other, which other signals made by our captain, for placed me in such a situation, at I could boatmen to come to our vessel. At last, not have endured it a moment longer, when it was almost dark, a large boat when they put me down on the shore, came alongside of us. The rowers, when We were now led over the sands to a putting their oars into the water, rose place where we had to clamber up a brofrom their seats, and fell back upon them ken ladder to get upon the pier, and after as they made the pull. I imagined from stumbling in the dark over the ropes with the beginning that I saw the lights in the which the ships were fastened,we arrived houses of Calais, but soon discovered my at the Custom-house. This, by the light mistake. The water, as it was turned up of only a lanthorn, appeared like a den by the oars, emitted a silvery light, which of banditti, where several men were lying increased in brilliancy, as the night grew on sacks on the ground. From among darker. I now perceived many such these, one grotesque figure rose yawning. lights in different directions, and was and being informed that we had left our told that they proceeded from the waves baggage on board, allowed us to proceed. along the shore. This phenomenon soon Who, but those who have had the ev presented itself in all its splendour, as we idence of their own senses, could believe.


A Trip to Puris.


that so great a difference should exist be- carriage, to which a set of poor looking tween two shores in sight of each other, French horses are harnessed with dirty as is exhibited here between England ropes; whilst some tail meagre dark figures in great coats, black stocks, and immense cocked hats are stalking about the yard, like ghosts of departed heroes of former times.

a d France? The English traveller is s rprised at al nost every thing, that surPounds him-the lofty ceilings of the bedrooms; bed-curtains fixed at the wainscot almost at the height of the ceilings, Among the idle spectators in the yard, terminating in a covering like the cano y there was a figure, nothing like to which of a throne; stone floors even on the is to be met with on English ground; upper stories; immense chimnies yawn- between two hollow caverned eyes a ing at him in an almost circular form, large aquiline nose projected from under adorned, or rather deformed, by heavy a cocked hat, so old, so greasy, rusty,and marble scrolls of a sombre colour, having crocked, that no beggar would pick it up still in them the cinders of last winter; pon- in London streets. There was a martial derous frames, with bad wavy glass in the air about this little man, and there might lofty windows: antique chests of draw- be the soul of another Buonaparte in ers, or Chinese cabinets out of repair; him, undeveloped by favourable circumshallow wash-basons without soap, ex- stances. kept in some English hotels; stone stairs In the harbour of Calais a column has with iron balustrades. These, however, been erected in commemoration of the together with the stone floors, provide an landing of Louis XVIII. and a brass excellent security against the spreading plate has been fixed in th stones of the of a fire, whilst the construction of the quay, with an impression of the form of generality of the houses in England pro- the king's foot, which he there set on motes the conflagration to the annual de- French ground for the first time since struction of so many valuable lives. The his exile. modern ornaments in these large rooms consist principally of fine gilt clocks, large pier glasses, paper hangings with landscapes, buildings and figures, and pictures, of which nymphs and cupids generally form the subject.

While taking a solitary evening walk round the ramparts of this place, with the sea and coast of England in view, the mind is naturally led to a recollection of the history of former times; and the fact of some patriotic inhabitants of this Dessin's hotel is known to be built place voluntarily offering, after the memupon a considerable scale, forming a orable siege, their lives as a sacrifice for large square yard. This yard presents the salvation of their fellow citizens, a good epitome of the carriages and pos- made me look upon the descendants of tilions of most parts of France, and the such men with respect. In the church contrastween them and the English of this place I found nothing remarkable, carriages. Here you may see a tall tel- except a whole length figure of our Salow in immense boots (his black hair viour carved and painted white with the tied in a dirty queue, with a little pow- wounds marked with red, lying under an der about it, whilst the whole of the back arch, as in a tomb. There were many and collar of his coat is incrusted with it,) candles burning before this tomb, which standing across one of his small jaded served to make the gloom and dirtiness horses, rousing the animals, by the crack- of it the more visible. The persons who ing of his whip, to their last effort, to were kneeling before this tomb, and praydrag, in some degree of style into the ing from their books, appeared to me yard, a heavy, old, crazy, and jolting only females of an advanced age. I met vehicle, which has not been cleaned, be- some of them coming out, after a walk cause, as Swift's groom observed, it I took about the church: I was struck would soon grow dirty again. Anon in with the respectable appearance of some comes, galloping and cracking his whip, of these matrons, their heads in plain some dapper foreign courier, full of the cambric caps, the pallid colour of their.. consequence of the dispatches he has in fine skin setting off the darkness of their his wallet. Yonder you see a group of eyes, where still might be seen a gleam eures about an elegant English of their former fires; they now appar

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