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last number, but we fear lest our ink might turn into gall or the paper shrivel up when called upon to notice such a leprous blotch upon literary society. His gangrened and putrefied apology for brain could not beget the sickliest original idea, and he is compelled to steal one from some straggling penny paper in the farthest West; and the paper itself he doubtless purloined by using some decent man's name at the post-ofoffice, and then swindling the clerk out of the one cent and a half postage. Oh thou emasculated threepenny, didst thou suppose that we were familiar with every newspaper advertisement and story all over the country? We do not wish to say that the crawling thing is known; but we wish every member of college who suspects who it is to look upon him as he passes along those consecrated walks and enters those buildings where honest men have thought and studied-men who would rather their bodies should swing between earth and heaven and their bones bleach in the winds of November, than cause the slightest stain upon the honor of Yale College or her sons. Point him out to the worms that they endanger not their reputation or their health by any contact with him. Let him enjoy no balmy sleep, none of the genial breezes of the pure, mild spring, none of the glad smiles and greetings of men, until the corrosion of his heart extort from him a public confession of his infamy, and then let him leave this soil at once and forever.

We observe that President Quincy, of Harvard College, sent in, on the 19th inst, his resignation of the high office which he has now held for seventeen years. We wish President Quincy had displayed more of that calmness and dignity becoming his station and his years, at the last meeting of the Board of Overseers:


Tantaene animis in coelestibus irae ?

The allusion to a murder (!) in Yale College, if true in point of fact, or in the slightest degree applicable to his argument, would have been omitted by-we were going to say-a gentleman. Expenses were thirty-three per cent. higher at Harvard than at Yale, but there were no murders at Harvard." What section of Hedge proves this, pray? or in what figure and mood of Whately is it? He surely could not have had the fear of the Reviewer of the "History of Harvard University" before his eyes. We regret the occurrence infinitely more on account of its author, than for any effect it can have upon us.

COLLEGE RECORD.-Professor KINGSLEY, of this College, sailed for Europe, in the packet ship Prince Albert, from New York, on the 2d of April. One principal object of his visit, is the purchase of books for the College Library. He left his home here on the 31st of March, and was accompanied to the New York boat by a large majority of the students, who expressed their warm regard for him, as he left the wharf, by three times three of the heartiest cheers that ever went up from the sons of Yale. He expects to be absent about nine months. Health, pleasant voyages, and a safe re

turn be his.

Rev. GEORGE W. BETHUNE, D. D., of Philadelphia, has accepted the appointment of Orator before our Literary Societies, at Commencement.

THOMAS K. DAVIS, of Chambersburg, Pa., has been chosen by the Senior Class, to deliver their Valedictory Oration, and GUY B. DAY, of Colchester, Conn., the Valedictory Poem, in July next.

The "Nassau Monthly" for March is on hand, and a good number. We like "The Three Worlds," and "Inventions and Inventors."

The "Williams Miscellany" more than sustains itself in some of its articles. We wish it success.

Here, too, is the welcome "Monthly Rose," internally and externally 'beautiful exceedingly. A few evenings since, with a small company, in our sanctum, we justly characterized it as "The Rose that all are praising."

The "Lowell Offering," too! We (editorially speaking) would like to know, for private information, the age of the authoress of "A Country Wedding." We shall be through college soon, and so forth.

DEAR TOM:-In" Rector Pierson," there are the following errata, which you would oblige me to insert in your number. Page 170, 8th line, for "leaving," read "leave." P. 170, 1. 10, for "their," read "the." P. 171, 1. 17, for "Lyme," read "Lynn." P. 172, l. 15, for "Nadark," read "Newark." Yours, truly,


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