Acting Scenes from the ClassicsBrainerd Duffield Performance Pub., 1974 - Всего страниц: 140 |
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Стр. 112
... Alving discovers that her son Oswald has suffered permanent brain damage through the misdeeds of her late husband . FOR ONE MAN AND ONE WOMAN SCENE : The living room of MRS . ALVING'S house on one of the fjords of western Norway . A ...
... Alving discovers that her son Oswald has suffered permanent brain damage through the misdeeds of her late husband . FOR ONE MAN AND ONE WOMAN SCENE : The living room of MRS . ALVING'S house on one of the fjords of western Norway . A ...
Стр. 113
... ALVING . So the inevitable happened . OSWALD . And what was that ? MRS . ALVING . You said yourself this evening what would happen to you if you were forced to stay at home . OSWALD . Do you mean by that , that my fahter- ? MRS . ALVING ...
... ALVING . So the inevitable happened . OSWALD . And what was that ? MRS . ALVING . You said yourself this evening what would happen to you if you were forced to stay at home . OSWALD . Do you mean by that , that my fahter- ? MRS . ALVING ...
Стр. 114
... ALVING . Ghosts of beliefs ... OSWALD . [ Walking away from her ] Call them ghosts , if you like . Outmoded ideas of morality . MRS . ALVING . If you have no feeling for your father , Oswald , perhaps you don't live me either ...
... ALVING . Ghosts of beliefs ... OSWALD . [ Walking away from her ] Call them ghosts , if you like . Outmoded ideas of morality . MRS . ALVING . If you have no feeling for your father , Oswald , perhaps you don't live me either ...
SCENES FOR ONE WOMAN The Drunkerd | 32 |
SCENES FOR TWO MEN Beggars Opera | 41 |
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Часто встречающиеся слова и выражения
acting actors ALVING Angus ANTIGONE ANYA Bartley BEGGAR'S OPERA believe better BOUNCER brother BRUTUS Burgundy CAESAR CASSIUS CATHLEEN character CHARLOTTE CLEOPATRA comedy CORDELIA CREON CRIBBS CYRANO DARCY daughter dear death door drama dream DUVAL ELIZABETH EVERYMAN exits eyes father FIGARO FLORINDO FOIBLE gentleman girl give hand hath hear heart heaven husband IMOGEN JORDAN KALONIKA King kiss LADY BRACKNELL Lady Gregory LADY WISHFORT LAMPITO laugh LEAR LETITIA live look lord LYSISTRATA m'sieu MACHEATH madam MARGUERITE MARIA MARLOW MARRIAGE OF FIGARO married MAURYA MELISANDE MENAECHMUS MESSENIO MILLAMANT MIRABELL mother MYRRHINA never NICOLA night NORA OLD HILSE OLIVIA opera OSWALD PEDRITO PELLEAS play playwright POLLY RICHELIEU ROXANE scene Shakespeare Shaw SIR PETER speak Sphinx sure SUZANNE TAMBURLAINE tell theatre thee There's thing thou TROFIMOV TRUFFALDINO VIOLA What's wife woman women young Zenocrate