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testants as protestants refused permission to have | a mere journal reflecting their common sentiments, while there are in France twenty Roman-catholic journals freely allowed and circulated. Had the periodical in question contained violent controversy on religious points, or political articles of a disturbing nature, its suppression might have been justified by some of those fine-drawn reasons of which the strong-box of "state necessity" is ever full; but its tone was mild as that of a sucking-dove; and the utmost that could be said about it was that it was a protestant periodical.

But I will give its history. The province of Brittany is composed of five departments, containing a population of half a million of Romancatholics, and perhaps three or four thousand protestants. There are several protestant places of worship scattered over the country, principally in towns on the coast, and a sprinkling of protestants in the interior. Some of the ministers are from England, and some are from France; and they are paid by their own congregations or the state, as may be. But until lately no means existed of uniting these scattered members into one body; and therefore they remained dispersed and isolated, unable to produce common action, or concert measures for the support or extension of their religion. However, in the autumn of 1851 a meeting of protestants was held at Quimper, in the department of Finisterre; and it was determined to form a society, to be called "The Society for the General interests of Protestantism in Brittany." The object of the society was generally to support and develop protestantism, by the distribution of the scriptures and religious works, by assistance to suffering brethren, and by such other means as might be thought advisable, without interfering in any way with political matters; and the affairs of the society were to be conducted by a committee composed of ministers, and also of certain members of the church of England then resident in the country. To carry on the society, funds were to be raised by subscription and donation; and I am happy to say that a very cordial response has been made to the appeal, showing that the want was a real one. Let me, in passing, strongly recommend this society to all who are disposed towards the extension of protestantism. By its medium much good may be done by small means. Brittany, degraded as she is, and debased by the yoke of Rome, has yet much to interest Englishmen. Sprung from our forefathers, the Celts, she yet preserves her affinity of language and customs; and across the narrow channel which separates her from the land of her nativity wafts many a sigh for light and help. Among her sons, steeped as they are in superstition and ignorance, are many already rescued from their primeval darkness, and numberless others catching at intervals faint rays of light, and anxiously desiring its further development. And this is saying much, when we reflect that the bible has been translated into the Breton tongue only within the last thirty years. Thirtyfive years ago, and Brittany was in as profound a night as was England in the dark ages! For the poor Breton the bible existed not: his sole guide was the miserable marsh-light of man, leading him only to doubt and destruction;


and, when we think of this, we are entitled to say that there must be a devotional feeling in the country which has made the progress which Brittany has made since this period. All these scattered sparks will be kept alive by the society I have named, and their number and power increased. A feeling of union, itself the parent of increase, will be produced, warmth and emulation will be created, individual action, often eccentric and erroneous, though well meant and springing from Christian motives, will give place to general action, and that cohesion be effected, which will their enemies an united front. Already a cheerful enable the protestants of Brittany to oppose to response has been made to the call for aid put forth by the society; but much remains to be done, and, unless friends in England give their help, I fear that much will remain undone. French people do not give like Englishmen ; they have not the same habit of generosity: you must beg hard to get a trifle; so that, though the society has a long list of contributors, the sum total is small. As I once heard a friend, a liberal, openhearted man observe, "Never mind the items; tell me the tottle of the whole." I therefore do very strongly recommend the society to the notice of all those members of our church who wish well to the protestant cause, as one conceived in a really catholic spirit, independent of sect or party. Any subscriptions or donations may be paid to the rev. Mr. Le Fourdrey, Pasteur, Brest, Finisterre, who will furnish all information desired; and in England, Thomas Seare, esq., barrister, 36, Chancery-lane, London, has kindly undertaken to receive anything on account of the society.

But to return. Among other things the committee of the society resolved to commence the publication of a monthly periodical, to be called "Le Bulletin Evangelique pour la Basse Bre tagne," to be supported by subscriptions, and the society to pay the balance of expenses. This was to be sold at a low price, or distributed gratis as might be deemed most advisable; and the contents were to be of a religious and moral tendency, without directly entering upon controversial points. The idea had been entertained for some time, though it had gone no further than the idea; but now that the plan was embodied, it met with immediate support; and in a very short time upwards of one hundred subscribers were obtained. The work was accordingly commenced, and the first number printed; but, on the printer sending two copies to the sous-prefet, as required by the law, objections were made, resting upon an ob solete law now little thought of. In order, however, to take them upon their own ground, these objections were all cleared up; but still the sousprefet was unconvinced, though he was silenced. True to the usual policy of the jesuits, there were barriers within barriers, and, after all, an impregnable citadel; for, after various comings and goings, throwing of dust to blind and gain time, and the various other artifices resorted to by men who have previously resolved to refuse you, the matter was referred to the prefet; a functionary of whom Englishmen have happily no conception whatever. As despotic, and often more unreasonable, this worthy officer is like the grand lama of Thibet, shrouded in such mystery as to affright all who have to deal with him. He is the provincial in

carnation of the central government, imbued with their most extreme notions, and, as he copies them at second-hand, often out-Heroding Herod in his desire to serve them (i. e., himself, by keeping his place), and doing all in such a sic volo sic jubeo manner as we had thought was not to be found in western Europe since the time of Robespierre, and the great revolution of 1793. Before this great Cæsar, then, the case was laid for his imperial nod. No pleading allowed before him: he was above all that, and knew it by instinct and the report of the sous-prefect; all was pure reason in his atmosphere, without need of law or lawyers. But great bodies move slowly, and the nod was long in coming, until one bright morning the sphynx spoke in terms, if not oracular, yet as dictatorial as ever issued from the lips of a king or kaisar. Thus ran the decree of this modern Cyrus : "In virtue of the discretionary powers entrusted to me, I forbid the publication of the journal of which a copy has been submitted to me." No reason or reasoning given, nothing of the nut but the kernel, stet pro ratione voluntas-take it if you like, if not let it alone: this was the upshot of all the pains taken to clear up the objections of the sous-prefet, who made a stout fight, and fought in sweet security, knowing what a friend he had in his superior in case of a defeat.

This decree was the death-blow of "The Bulletin," as there is no appeal from the prefet, or at least an appeal is utterly useless. Besides, what Frenchman would dare to stand up and oppose such a high personage? Certainly the French character is a puzzle. They shake the world with their struggles against arbitrary power some two or three times in a century; and then, as if content with the effort, or fatigued with the exertion, quietly succumb to a tyranny tenfold more galling than before. For awhile they declaim eloquently and nervously against despotism; until, roused by the appeal, the whole people rush headlong to arms, and not only pull down the despot, but also the whole fabric of government; and then they set to work as energetically to build up and replace what they have pulled down, cementing the stones more firmly, and making the walls stronger than before. For myself the only explanation I can give to their fickleness in general, and this one in particular, is their ignorance of fixed principles in religion and morality; wanting which, they act from impulse, changeable and changing as the idle wind. In political economy, too, they are wholly ignorant; hence they frequently fall into the most lamentable and absurd errors. Witness the attempt of Louis Blanc to form national workshops, which were to employ the country and enrich the government; whereas, as is well known, no government can compete with private enterprise, or do so cheaply and well as is done by individuals. All this had been long well known and demonstrated, but the truth had not reached France; and thence the attempt and failure in question. In 1848 they drove away Louis Philippe, for the immediate cause of forbidding a great political banquet, and established a republic on the widest basis, got tired of their creature, and submitted by degrees to part with it, and voted heedlessly for Louis Napoleon, not knowing why. It is well known that many peasants and country people thought he was the old Napoleon come again. Having

subsided into quiet, they allowed the vehicle to run on without regarding it, until it was suddenly and violently overturned on the 2nd December. I venture to say that history presents no parallel with the conduct of France at that period. O the contrast between France and England! Happily we have long since achieved our revolution, and are now enjoying the fruits of it; but how was it achieved? Not by fitful and feverish efforts, but by a calm and continued struggle against arbitrary power, persevering through good and evil report until the victory was gained. Steruness was met by sternness: then came the tug of war, when man met man in civil strife, each fighting for his principles to the death; but no massacres, no excesses disgraced the cause; and to this moment, looking back with that absence of prejudice which age inspires, we are able to applaud the manner in which our liberties were won.

But to resume the thread. The decree of the prefet was the death-blow of the little "Bulletin," and established the principle that protestantism in Brittany was thenceforth to be mute. Let Romanism shout and vaunt as it will; but let protestantism keep silence, or be gagged. For, as I have before said, there was nought of controversy in the work: the contents were mild as mother's milk with water; but protestants had no right to speak at all, the insolents! it annoyed the Roman-catholics, our good and right trusty friends: therefore, finally, let protestantism be dumb.

I could but be amused with the different manner in which the pill was swallowed by different people. In general the French friends shrugged expressively, and said nothing; and but very few exclaimed against the tyranny with that abhorrence and indignation which it merited; but the English, ah! how angry they were! They were for appealing to the government, memorializing the prefet, moving heaven and earth for help, and declaiming in strains sufficiently moving to arouse a Gallic Hampden. But all in vain: the fate of the "Bulletin" was sealed, and all that remained for our compatriots was carefully to bottle and cork down their wrath for another occasion, hoping that time might not weaken its virtue.


The above is a sample of the manner in which protestants are treated in Brittany. It very greatly lessens the pleasure of living there; and I doubt not but that many English protestants will soon quit the try. To be exposed to perpetual suspicion and surveillance, to have all your actions watched, and probably misconstrued, is disgusting to Englishmen; and, as they happily are not obliged to submit, it is probable many will fly the inhospitable soil. I some time since saw the treasurer of the society I have before alluded to, and he expressed to me his conviction that he was under the surveillance of the police, and was in daily expectation of a domiciliary visit, which said visit is not conducted with French politeness.

Since writing the above, I am informed that there is yet hope for the "Bulletin." It seems that the new law on the press, recently issued, enacts that its provisions shall only be applicable to journals or periodicals treating of politics or matters of social economy. Religion or religious works are in no wise al

luded to, and are probabably purposely omitted, in order to leave an opening for Roman catholic writings. But what is good for one should be good for another; and it is proposed by our friends to publish the "Bulletin" expressly as a religious work, without allusion to general matters of a socio-economic kind, and to let the government put it down if they can. There is something frank and loyal in this cause, without subterfuge: "Let the law decide between us: you think it is in your favour: I think it is in mine, and shall act upon that conviction until otherwise convinced." My only fear is that the French friends will run in at the eleventh hour, and leave us behind; for really (I am sorry to say it) there is very little dependence to be placed on French sted fastness where the government is concerned. They may talk and bluster; but, when called upon fairly to stand against it, there are few that will do so.

Beauteous babe! In radiant light

Of innocence thy countenance beams;
To our dim and mortal sight,
Pure as holy cherub bright,

In unstained sinlessness it seems.

Mortal offspring! Still "within*
Thine heart bound up doth folly lurk :"
Soon will shoot the germ of sin,
Satan's wiles soon hem thee in,

And passion's deadly poison work.
Daughter of frailty! Human power
To bide that war will useless be,
Save God his gracious gifts shall pour,
Giving strength in peril's hour,

To stand, and gain the victory.

Then, Julia Mary! Heaven bless

And shield thee with its gracious care:
May holy angels round thee press,
Thine heart fill here with joy and peace,
And, trials o'er, to happiness

Conduct and guide God's new-born heir.
J. B. S.
Martin Rectory.

However, we should not speak harshly against them on that account. We do not know what it is to have an unscrupulous and tyrannical government to deal with, possessed of powers whose extent is generally measured by themselves, and who can set engines at work by which you may be exiled and ruined while in apparent peace and safety. An Englishman's house is his HYMNS FOR THE SUNDAYS IN THE YEAR. castle, and there he may repair with confidence that so long as he has limited himself by the circle


of the law, not bis sovereign in person dare pass (SUGGESTED BY SOME PORTION OF THE SERVICE

the threshold without his permission. We, there fore, are strangers to that undefined fear which prevails here, because we know exactly where right ends and wrong begins, and we know where to procure redress when a wrong has been committed. It makes me smile often to read the ravings of some of our exalted demagogues on the lost liberties of England. Certainly it is hard to say where they place their standard, and therefore to estimate the extent of our deflection; but, compared with any other country in the world, there is most certainly no want of liberty. Let us pray that the Giver of all good, who has preserved us through so many dangers, will still vouchsafe us his powerful arm; for humanly speaking we seem to approach a period where that arm will be needed, and where, if we are to trust only to our own right hands, we shall be speedily J. B. V.





(For the Church of England Magazine).

JULIA Mary! Heaven bless,

And shield thee with its gracious care;
Holy angels round thee press,
In the paths of righteousness

To guard and guide God's new-born heir.

Child of heaven! Thou art now

Renewed by pledged baptismal grace ;
And for thee hath passed the vow,
That, whilst pilgrim here below,

Thou faithfully shalt run the race.


(For the Church of England Magazine.)

THIRD SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. "He will keep the feet of his saints."-1 SAM. I. (First lesson for the morning service).

I HAVE walked on a dizzy height,

At whose base was the ocean's surge;
While I dared not to trust my sight

For a moment beyond the verge,
Lest the fearful sense of that mighty steep
Should cause me to plunge in the awful deep.

And I thought of the narrow way
That the pilgrims to Zion go;
Of the God upon whom they stay,

For they follow a path that is safe for the flock,
Of the comfort and peace they know.
Tho' it lie on the edge of a desolate rock.

They can hear "the good Shepherd's" voice:
"He will keep the feet of his saints;"
And it maketh the weak rejoice,

It restoreth the spirit that faints.

There is nought that shall harm them they know from

his word,

If they tread in the steps of their Saviour aud Lord.

* Prov. xxii. 15.

The author of this series is much indebted to a dear literary friend in the treatment of this subject, as also of those for the eighth and eighteenth Sundays after Trinity.

London: Published for the Proprietors, by JOHN HUGHES, 12, Ave-Maria Lane, St. Paul's; and to be procured, by order, of all Booksellers in Town and Country.


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(A Saint's Bed.)

IN our May part, p. 339, a description was given in one of Mr. Hobson's papers of the penance undergone by the pilgrims to the island in Lough Dergh. An illustration is here introduced of a "Saint's Bed." It is cause for gratitude to God that the word of the gospel seems to be spreading so extensively in Ireland, that we may hope ere long the numbers of pilgrims will be diminished. The following article gives a cheering view of the progress of Reformation principles.


(FROM A DIGNITARY OF THE UNITED CHURCH). MY DEAR SIR,-Many matters prevented me from replying sooner to your letter of the 14th March, and informing you of the progress of the reformation in this locality.

Under the divine blessing, that great work is progressing rapidly in parts of this country; and I

zo. 951.

do believe that the reported number of converts within the last few years, amounting to 80,000, is not at all exaggerated.

In the diocese of Tuam alone, where the celebrated John McHale carried, and still endeavours to carry, matters with a high and haughty hand, there have been 10,000.

In my own parish, the number, though not great, still includes some whose history and state are interesting. One of them, now a scripturereader in Newmarket, county Cork, thus writes: "This place is now very quiet. Some time ago the bigots of the parish, headed by the emissary of antichrist, paraded the town, dipping bibles in tar, and other combustible matter, and then committing them to the flames. This haughty priest was shortly after hurried by an excruciating disease into the regions of eternity, to account for and to be judged by that word of God which he despised and burned. In fact, all those who took a prominent part in the affair have been swept off the land of the living by the divine Avenger. But, thanks be to God, it has been overruled for good; for the majority of the Romanists are fully

2 H


convinced that vengeance was taken; for the street in which the bible-bonfire was made is now almost in ruins, for the Lord heard the voice of his elect."

"Whether these were sinners above others because they suffered such things," each will form his own opinion.


ago clerk to the priest of an adjoining parish, making wafers of paste to be deified by the consecration of the priest, and then to be worshipped by the wretched people." Besides these two converts, four others from my parish are giving satisfaction as teachers of parochial and other schools.

To give you some idea of the principles and practices of the Romish clergy, I would remark that, at an interview which I had with one lately, when I declared to him that, in case he could prove that St. Paul, St. Peter, and the other apostles of our blessed Lord, worshipped or instructed us to worship the virgin Mary, Laurence O'Toole, or other Romish saints, I would unite myself with his communion, his replies were, "I despise you for your proselytizing practices; and I know and am assured that you are paid for every poor catholic whom, by bribery, you can seduce from the catholic church."

To mention another fact, which has made a similar impression on the poor Romanists in the same county; a Mr. O'G****, a clergyman, states "that he had established a protestant colony in a desolate part of his parish, and that, notwithstanding the violent conduct of the priests, the Lord graciously upheld his work. In a spirit of opposition the priest built a chapel near the church, which soon afterwards fell. He rebuilt it; and it fell again. Imagining that the masons who built the clergyman's church might succeed better, he employed them, and lo! the building, which appeared firm, fell a few nights ago; the side walls having fallen in, Another circumstance which I would relate of leaving the gables standing, and the altar ex- this gentleman is, that a member of parliament posed. The people attribute the three falls of sent me, some time ago, a copy of a memorial, this chapel to its having been built upon enchanted misrepresenting my converts as to their number ground, and to its being the abode of fairies." and as to the means of their conversion. It was The rev. Mr. O'G**** adds that the priest who signed by this priest, and by the names of two of built this chapel publicly "burned the bible" his flock. On remonstrating with one of those with his own hands, in the immediate neighbour-persons, who was under some obligations to me, hood of this fallen chapel, stirring it with a stick in the fire till it was wholly consumed, and requesting the spectators to warm their hands at the fire of the sacred volume. And, when this man was examined at the quarter sessions as to the truth of this profane act, he tried to shuffle out of it, and, though on his oath, declared "Non mi recordo." The clergyman adds: "I take care to remind the people of this fact; and may God grant that it may lead them to reverence the word "We learn from unquestionable authority that of the Almighty." And he concludes by praying, the success of the proselytizers, in almost every "May the gracious Lord pour down his Spirit on part of the country and in the metropolis, is our country and our rulers, and that great Baby-beyond all that the worst misgivings could have lon, the curse of Ireland, fall for ever like the above devoted ruin, is and will be my earnest prayer."

he assured me (and he corroborated the assurance by a solemn legal declaration before a magistrate) that he never signed the memorial himself, nor authorized the priest or any other person to sign it. "Ex uno disce omnes."

I would conclude, for the present, by sending you extracts from two of the most bigoted organs of the popish press, which show the certainty and extent of the reformation movement:

dreamt of. There is not only no use in denying these statements, but it would be an absolute act of treachery to the catholic church to conceal them" (Evening Post).

The editor of the "Tablet" says: "It is not Tuam, nor Cashel, nor Armagh, that are the chief seats of successful proselytism; but this very city (Dublin) in which we live."

Such, my dear sir, are a few facts, which I hope you will not find uninteresting. April 24, 1852.

One of our converts, now located in Ballinasloe, thus writes; "There is no time here for idling in God's vineyard. Every true protestant is active; and, in truth, God's blessed word is not forgotten by his ministers in this bigoted quarter; and thus the errors of Romanism are brought before the people, and tested by the word which is able to make wise to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus" (2 Tim. iii. 15). After expressing his grateful sense of obligations to those who sent him to that earthly paradise (as he calls it) he closes his letter by requesting that I would remember him to the convert brethren of our adult class, and let them know that he felt happy and well pleased that the Almighty, through the instrumentality of &c., rescued him from the souldestroying dogmas of the antichristian potentate"; THE argument proposed is simply this: that, in and he adds that his brother converts should be point of fact, the church of Christ was not built equally so, and that they should not allow them-on Peter. And, if this be so, the above words selves to be beguiled of their reward; for "I cannot be considered as referring to him. (saith he) am not ignorant of the devices of Satan, and therefore my prayer to God for them is that they may stand fast in the faith which was once delivered to the saints.'"

This poor fellow, saved, as I trust, "as a brand from the burning," was about two years


Again: as, in point of fact, the Christian church was built on the confession of Peter, that our Lord was the Christ, the Son of the living God, it is a reasonable conclusion that our Lord's words above mentioned referred to Peter's confession

* Matt. xvi. 18.

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