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posal of the cardinal archbishop of Toulouse and the municipal council of the city, the French government authorized a lottery to be opened in November last, for the purpose of raising funds for the restoration of the ancient church of St. Albinus in that town. It consists of 1,200,000 tickets of a franc or 10d. each; with a prize of £4,000; four of £1,000; four of £200; ten of £80; and three hundred varying from £40 to £4. It is expected that there will be left 850,000 francs, or £34,000 sterling, towards the restoration of the church. As a covert, the prizes are not to be paid in money, but in little images and other religious en.blems in massive gold and silver: these, when melted down, will yield the value of the several prizes they represent!

CHINA-Intellectual Progress.-The Chinese are learning geography, and not geography only, but the history and condition of other notions. One man, at least, is found in China, and he a lieutenant-governor of the province of Foo-choo, whose intelligence and patriotism have prompted him, by publishing in ten volumes a native geography, which is well calculated to remove the ignorance and dispel the prejudices under which the minds of his fellow-country men have laboured for so many generations. And it is commended in a preface from the pen of the governor-general. It was published in 1849. In the first three volumes, after noticing the figure of the earth, and showing how the maps (copied from European models) are to be used, he describes the islands of the Indian archipelago, and the various countries of Asia, excepting China. With regard to the latter, he observes, "its geography and history are so well known to his country men, that further accounts of it from him are unnecessary." The fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh volumes are devoted to Europe and its several states, each being separately described. Africa is treated in the eighth volume, and America in the ninth and tenth. The map of the world is much like that in common school-atlases; but it contains fewer names of places, and the degrees of latitude and longitude are not set down in numbers. The other maps, amounting to forty-two, but deficient in meridians and parallels, appear to be correct; and, being probably the first attempt at accuracy mapping made by the Chinese, they are very creditable to the genius and assiduity of the author. He says of them: "The maps are correct outlines of those made by western men." The work itself is interesting to foreigners in many respects: it shows what they think and how they write about them: it indirectly admits and confirms the correctness of European chronology and the superiority of its histories; and it exhibits a more definite and discriminating view of the religions of the world than has ever been known to the Chinese press and public. Neither can it but be profitable as furnishing a medium, in the providence of God, for diffusing the blessings of Christianity among the hundreds of millions, where they have, alas! never reached. Of the religion of Europe, the author says: "Subsequently to the Han dynasty (which closed A.D. 80), the nations of Europe received Teen-chouKaou' (or Romanism). The pope resided at Rome, and swayed his sceptre over kings and princes, confirming those who obeyed him and re


moving those who disobeyed. Near the com. meucement of the Ming dynasty (A.D. 1397) Luther, a German, established 'Ya-soo-Kaou' (or protestantism). From that time part of the nations of Europe adapted Teen-choo-Kaou, and part Ya-s00-Kaou. Rulers and people mutually opposed each other. Different states made war, and fought against one another: the controversy being about doctrine. He who is called Teenchoo is Ya-soo. The book (bible) is the same; but they explain it differently. The Teen-chooKaou use the cross and adore the image of Jesus. The Ya-soo-Kaou reject them. In other respects, they in general agree." The more prominent facts of sacred history, subsequent to the deluge, are likewise either alluded to, or stated at length, much as they occur in the scriptures. After mention of the situation and extent of Europe, it is said: "The land is very fertile, and its produetions are abundant. The people are mild and wary in disposition, good in planning, and skilful in executing. They construct implements from wood and metal of the most exquisite formation, without a single fault. They are surprisingly dexterous in the use of fire and water. In the making of rigging and supplying every thing about a ship, the whole is without a single mistake. They measure every part of the sea without mistaking a foot or an inch, and reach China, a distance of more than 70,000 le (above 23,000 miles), in a very short time" (Missionary Herald).

THE ARMENIANS OF TURKEY IN ASIA.-The following notice of the reformation in progress among them occurs in the report made in September last to the annual meeting of the "American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions." "In estimating the results of the past year, it is necessary to look at the change wrought diminished consumption of cake and wine; a in the entire Armenian community, such as the stricter regard for the sabbath; greater attention biblical exposition and evangelical instruction in to the word of God; an increasing demand for the church; and especially the weakened attachment of the people to their rites and ceremonies. But more than all ought we to notice the strong leaning of the Armenian mind towards the scripvestigation of and inquiries after the same. The tures and their teachings, and the extensive inwhole community is in such a state, as to promise, with God's continued favour, very great accessions to the side of the truth. Though our list of protestants is so large, and our number of hearers is so great, present indications seem to encourage expectations which may almost appear extravagant. And we should not dare to name them, did not past experience fully encourage us to look for their realization, and did we not feel the statement of them necessary to give a correct impression of what the Lord has done, and seems to be still preparing to do for this people. To him be all the praise!"

NEGRO EDUCATION.-"The Ladies' Society for Promoting the early Education of the Children of Negroes, &c., people of colour, in the West Indies," is at present aiding above 100 schools with small annual grants, assisted by local subscriptions, and the children's fees, which but for such help, small as it is, would not have been es

tablished and could not now be carried on.

But it is to be deplored that at present the committee have not as much as even £100 in hand to prosecute their important and hitherto highly-blessed work. Yet the Lord who has been with them will, they feel, not forsake them, but raise up to them others of his "chosen", to supply the removal of many of their liberal supporters. I will here but touch upon a single spot in the society's field of labour. In the island of Dominica Mr. Dillon is the only clergyman of the church of England: the island contains 23,000 souls, among whom the Romanists have twelve priests with a resident bishop at work, and ample funds at their command. Mr. D. has five services and four sermons every Lord's-day; and his weak frame has more than once threatened to sink under his arduous and single-handed labours. In a recent communication he says: "When I get up at five o'clock on the Sunday morning, often I can scarcely stand; yet, God be praised, after going through the services, I feel stronger and better at night.' "The committee are earnestly desirous to give Mr. Dillon all the aid and co-operation which his arduous labours and untiring efforts in behalf of "pure and undefiled religion so greatly need and deserve. "The committee entreat those whom the Lord has endowed with his good gifts to come to their assistance for the support of an additional teacher. A most promising field is here opened out to Christian tillage, which, if not soon occupied by scriptural teachers, must fall into the hands of a corrupt church."


H. S.

on every day and everywhere; the child is being reared up, and all around him has an influence, good or bad. This education is not a duty which can be shifted from the parents' shoulders to some other. If they send their children to school, they are responsible for what kind of teachers they have; that "the truth as it is in Jesus" is taught them, and that they are "virtuously brought up to lead a godly and a Christian life. And in all their communications with them it is their duty to instruct them therein. There should be no shyness on the part of parents towards their children regarding their faith and duty and Christian privileges. It is theirs to warn them of danger, and to admonish and exhort them "for their souls' health." If parents cannot send their children to the higher schools, it is an imperative duty upon them to avail themselves of the excellent school now established almost in every parish, and superintended by their clergyman. There an useful and Christian education can be had at an extremely moderate charge; and, if it is neg lected, it is much to the future injury of the child.

Faithful Abraham commanded his children after

him, that they should keep the way of the Lord (Gen. xviii. 19): here is the parent's example. The parent is to use the means to preserve his children from their foes, and nurse them for God. There is a scriptural authority and influence placed will have to answer to God for how it was used. in their hands for that purpose, and every parent God has given you affection for your offspring, turn it not into a cruel indulgence; and he has entrusted power with you, barter it not for that weakness which permits evil. To such conduct, and to the absence of family discipline, may be traced many of the domestic troubles, and much of the insubordination of communities. Parents have the word of God for their guidance in ruling and instructing their family; and the same source reveals the grace of Christ to fit them, to strengthen and sustain them, in their arduous but blessed duties.

O PARENTS, each child God has given you is fearfully and wonderfully made in all its parts and faculties, and is capable of great and endless good or incalculable evil; and this according as your daty is performed or neglected. The child deIf asked how this authority is to be maintained mands of you an education, an influence, and an example. Its body is not to be pampered and it with firmness and love. It is not easy to regain and used, I say apply it from the first, and exert indulged, and thus diseased or rendered tender and lost ground; and authority, not maintained at the frail; but to be nursed and trained for its duties, beginning, is with difficulty recovered afterwards. for labour, and to be strengthened as the scaffold-When first a lovely babe is put into your hands ing on which the mind works, and the tabernacle in which the soul dwells. The mind is to be instructed; and, the more knowledge given, the greater will be the influence the mind is capable of exercising. But, if knowledge is power, it is power to do good or evil, just as that power is directed. And that which will direct it is the heart; for, "as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." There the passions and affections of the soul exert their influence. There the principles of our holy and heart-renewing religion must be deeply impressed, if the mind and body are to be nursed and trained for the Lord, and their powers directed to the glory of God.

Now this nursing, or training, or education, whichever you will call it, is not a thing which is to be done at one time or in one place only; it is going on at all times, and in all places. The mental, physical, and spiritual building is going

From "The Duties of Parents"; a sermon, by the rev. F. B. Ashley, vicar of Wooburn. London: Hatchards.

by God, remember what it is a little immortal, possessed of imperishable interests, and over which soft wax moulded, how easily is the tender twig you have a mighty influence. How easily is the bent, and how surely is the impression or distor tion retained! So surely will your influence, which you are exerting whether you will or no,

take effect. Parental love can twine round the

little one's heart, and draw its affections into any
shape. Parental authority, firmly and kindly
exerted, can mould the habits, until, as a second
and at pleasure.
nature, they take the given direction naturally
Parental instruction can take
advantage of the first dawning intelligence, and
inlay a ground-work, to be afterwards continu-
ously built upon, which must ever act on the
mind. This may be done before many evil in-
fluences are at work; before bad habits are learnt,
or any but the sweetest affections felt, or even
corrupt example seen, or wrong instruction given.
And what is first learnt is easiest and best learnt.

Besides, there may, subsequently, be the continuous influences of the parent, while the injurious contact of the world, if endeavoured to be avoided, will be comparatively occasional.

I am not arguing as though there was no corruption in the heart, and it was not inclined to evil. Far from it. It is from my deep sense of its fallen state, of its depraved nature, of its corrupt natural bent, that I urge this early and careful attention. Because evil is bound up in their young hearts, and if left to themselves they will yield nothing but sin, I entreat this diligent use of the means to depress what is vicious, to avoid evil example, and to instil what is good. It is those who do not deeply feel the fallen state of our nature, and the thousand dangers to which their children are exposed, that are too apt to act as though they were "little innocents," and as though holy tempers, heavenly dispositions, love to God and his word, and thoughtfulness about eternal things, would flourish naturally, and need not be implanted; as if bad example need not be watched against; and as though a little passion or pride, disobedience or waywardness, might be indulged. This lax and indulgent course may be more easy, for it is selfish: it does not impose so much exertion, decision, and control; but its fruit will be bitter. If we would not be disappointed, we must suit our culture to the soil upon which we have to work. We have to weed and till, to sow and plant, to prune and restrain, day by day; and many a child of God can look back, and praise the Lord for that early watchful and prayerful training, whereby they have been given good habits, and preserved from snares and falls and that bitter remorse, which has been the lot of others; and it may be for an early conversion to God (see Ps. li. 5, Iviii. 3).

Weekly Almanac.

"I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ; for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth."ROM. i. 16.

mandments setteth before my eyes a perfect rule of godly life, which I am bound to obey upon pain of eternal damnation; by the same law I do know my sin, and the wrath of God against me for the same, and that everlasting death, by God's justice, is therefore due to me; which breedeth in me an horrible fear of mind and trouble of conscience, from the which it being impossible for me to be delivered by mine own wisdom, power, or virtue, or by any help or means of man or angel, I am taught by the gospel that Christ, the Son of God, being made man without sin, hath by his death suffered the punishment due for my sins, pacified the wrath of God his Father towards me, and reconciled me unto his favour again, and made me a partaker of his own justice, and heir with him of everlasting life; of which bencfits of Christ I am made partaker by faith in him; which faith the Holy Ghost, by the preaching of the gospel, hath wrought in my heart; confirming the same also by his holy sacraments, being visible and most sure tokens and pledges of God's goodness towards me through Christ. The which faith, as a lively and fruitful tree, should bring forth to me the fruits of good works, holiness, and righteousness all the days of my life, to the honour of God, who hath bestowed so many benefits upon me, and to the profit and good example of my neighbours. For the increase of which faith and grace to please God, and for the accomplishing of all these things, I, being of myself most weak and unable thereto, ought to make continual and most earnest prayer unto God the Father, the giver of all good things, in the name of his Son our Saviour Jesus Christ; yielding always unto him most hearty thanks for all his benefits" (Dean Nowel's Second Catechism, edit. Prayerbook and Homily Society, 1851).

"O Lord, unite our hearts in prayer:
On each of us thy Spirit send,
That we the fruits of grace may bear,
And find acceptance in the end."
H. S.

ALMIGHTY God, who shewest to them that be in THE FOUNDATION OF GOD; ITS STABILITY,

[blocks in formation]



Matt. vi.

Deut. v.
Rom. i.

1 Kings xi.
Rom. ii.
1 Kings xiii.
Rom. iii.
1 Kings xv.
Rom. iv.
1 Kings xvii.
Rom. v.
1 Kings xix.
Rom. vi.

1 Kings xxi. Rom. vii.


a Sermon,

BY THE REV. J. B. WINCKWORTH, B.A., Curate of Heacham, Norfolk.

2 TIM. ii. 19.

"Nevertheless, the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal: The Lord knoweth them that are his; and, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity."

ST. Paul, as a father in Christ, sought to instruct Timothy, his dearly beloved son, in the faith and hope of the gospel; "not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect," " but "in demonstration of the Spirit and of power." His course of instruction would on the one

Chief Points of the Christian Religion.-hand embrace each and all the simple truths "The law of God contained in the ten com- revealed by the Spirit of God in the pages

of the bible-such as salvation by Christ alone, the sanctification of the soul before God, the good fight of faith to be fought, the privilege of laying hold on eternal life and on the other would be observed to branch off into an apparently opposite direction, thereby to warn his son, whom he had begotten again by the gospel, against error in doctrine and error in practice. In these latter observations will be found the true key to unlock the present scripture, and show its principal contents. For the apostle had in a previous verse introduced the names of Hymeneus and Philetus, as of persons who had deserted the cause of Christ, and departed from the bosom of the church of Christ.

Their error concerning the truth was this: "Saying that the resurrection is past already; and overthrow the faith of some." It was to guard the youthful mind of a Timothy against examples pernicious to the develop ment of true godliness in the heart, that St. Paul wrote the words before us; to enter into the true meaning of which, we pray that the Spirit of God may be our all-wise Teacher and never-failing Guide.

The text contains two parts, namely, I. The foundation of God; its nature, and its stability.

II. The seal which it has, together with the character of its two inscriptions.

We consider,

I. The foundation of God; its nature, and its stability. Every house, built by art and man's device, necessarily rests upon its cornerstone, first of all laid in the ground. And the spiritual house of Christ's church is, in the words of St. Paul to the Ephesians (ii. 20), "built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner-stone." It is this stone, testified 1 St. Peter ii. 7, which the Jewish "builders disallowed," even the same, which is made the Head of the corner of the Gentile church; thereby fulfilling in a remarkable manner that striking prophecy of Isaiah (xxviii. 16): "Behold, I lay in Zion, for a foundation, a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner-stone, a sure foundation.”

Is the Redeemer "a living stone, disallowed indeed of men, but chosen of God and precious"? And are true Christians, whether Jew or Gentile, "as lively stones, built up a spiritual house"? My brethren, "Other foundation can no man lay, than that is laid, which is Jesus Ghrist."" Precious truth! that the Saviour has become, by the blood of the atonement for sin, and by the righteousness which he has wrought out, as "the best robe" for his bride, the church, by his active and passive obedience, the one

only foundation of the sinner's pardon and peace; so that the way of return to God, of acceptance with him, and of obedience before him, is alone in and through Christ, both "the Author and the Finisher of our faith," whether in the life, the walk, or the triumph of the faithful, humble, and obedient Christian, through his name, his merits, his unchangeable love.

The foundation of God is, therefore, what he himself has laid in the person of his dear Son, and which he has graciously been pleased to reveal to our minds by the effectual teaching of his Holy Spirit. The sacrifice of Christ in his human nature, as the Christian atonement, is but a part of this one foundation. The death of Christ, together with his obedience thereto, followed according to the good pleasure of Jehovah, as the fruits of his everlasting love of his church, "begotten again by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance incorruptible, undefiled, and that fadeth not away. The love of God from everlasting to everlasting is the foundation of the work of divine grace in the heart of man; and Christ, as the Father's love, is, in the language of St. Peter, already alluded to, "the chief Corner-stone."


It was the wise man, according to that saying of our Lord recorded by St. Luke at the close of the sixth chapter, which "built an house and digged deep, and laid the foundation upon a rock." And that man is but descriptive of the state of the perishing sinner, who comes to Christ, hears his sayings, and doeth them. The salvation of the soul for time and eternity necessarily depends upon its being found to rest upon Christ as "the pillar and ground of the truth." No miserable substitute can be supplied; for this will but too clearly resemble the foundation of a house upon the earth. Beware, then, my brethren, of putting anything in the place of Christ, as the only ground of your hope before God. It may appear to be right now; but, believe me, it will deceive your hopes in the world to come. The soul of man must rest alone upon Christ, by a believing sense of his love in dying the just for the unjust. And to be made a partaker of Christ's love, which passeth knowledge," is at the same time to be found depending alone upon him for present salvation, for the successful carrying on of the good work of his grace in the heart, until he shall have brought it to a happy completion. This is the sum of the Christian's hope, and this the foundation of his faith in Christ.

Hitherto, in speaking of the foundation of

God, including the separate, yet united, work | of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in the renewed and sanctified heart of man, we have confined our thoughts to its nature; but now we shall treat of its stability. The apostle writes; "Nevertheless, the foundation of God standeth sure." That some should depart from Christ is no argument that this truth of scripture is in any way weakened or overthrown. On the contrary, it is but to make it manifest by their desertion from the ranks, and by their surrender of the standard of the cross, that they were not all of us; "for, had they been all of us, they would no doubt have continued with us.' The apostasy of some would neither weaken nor endanger the stability of this foundation of God. He has laid it, and he will cause that it should remain "the same yesterday, to-day, and for ever."

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How this great truth might be traced in every age of the church! The soldiers of Christ are true to the glorious cause of the Captain of their salvation. They know full well upon what their hopes depend for success, in their painful struggle with sin, for a final and decisive triumph over every enemy. Hence, they put implicit confidence in the ability of their divine Leader and Commander. They know that nothing shall separate them from the love of Christ, and that they shall be made "more than conquerors through him that loved them.”

Thus the wind of temptation and of trial may scatter the chaff of the church—its professing members; but the true wheat will remain unmoved. The same wind may uproot every tree which our heavenly Father has not planted; but the living branches of the true Vine shall be found still grafted into Christ, still bringing forth fruit in him.

voured by various subtle devices to overturn or remove this foundation of the true church of God; but he has ever failed in his plans. Under persecution the church has shone the brighter. Under declension from the truth the lamp of God's word has reflected its steady light upon the troubled path, only to show the folly of human traditions, and the weakness of the bruised reed of man's fallible judgment. Amidst all, when the candlestick of the truth has been removed from one and another church, the word of God has been found to endure for ever, in its promises, its blessings, its encouragements. But, not to enlarge here, there is to be observed,

II. The seal which it has, together with the character of its two inscriptions. Whenever a foundation stone of any remarkable building is laid, it is the custom either to place beneath several coins of the reigning sovereign, or to affix an engraved memorial of the event itself. In the present instance a similar measure would appear to be adopted: "Having this seal," or bearing this impression, with its double motto, "The Lord knoweth them that are his"; and also, "Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity." Between these two inscriptions perfect harmony will be found to subsist.

In the one part the foreknowledge of God is declared; and in the other the true charac ter of his people, as "a holy nation," is faithfully given.

The word "seal" we find sometimes used to signify the instrument by which the impres sion is made, and sometimes the impression itself. The use of a seal is for security, and also for its genuine character. Thus the tomb of Christ, as it appears from Matt. xxvii. 66, was made secure by the chief priests and Pharisees: "They went, and made the sepulchre sure, sealing the stone". And, as the proof of the genuineness of its character, we have but to refer to Rev. vii. 3, where we read of the servants of God being about to be sealed in their foreheads. This would be the faithful impression, given to show whose they were and whom they served.

But have we not the stability of this foundation of God apparent in every page of the bible? Jehovah has said by the mouth of his prophet: "I am the Lord, I change not." And St. James testifies that "with him there is no variableness, neither shadow of turning." And God preserves the work of his own hands, as he has secured the salvation of his elect church in and through Christ. This We have given the customary adoption of foundation standeth sure as the jutting rock the use of the seal, as affixed to the stone of in the ocean, against which the waves of any remarkable building, having the name of human opinion, of erroneous teaching, of the builder, and showing the design of its damnable heresies, spend their fury, but to no erection. And, beloved, the church of Christ avail. The truth of Christ, his doctrine, and is a building raised by the hands of God himthe teaching of his Spirit, have ever been the self. Its sure foundation has been firmly and same unvarying themes of Christian conso- also securely laid, while on that very foundalations. Blessed privilege, to know that we tion there may be read in the word of God & are rooted and built up in Christ, the one remarkable inscription which can never be Foundation of the triple chain of graces-effaced, and which determines the holy chafaith, hope, and charity! Satan has endea- racter of the building itself.

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