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Kasir, 206

Kepler (kep'-ler), astronomer,
1571-1630 A.D., 235

Khasias, 204

Labyrinth, a maze, 186, 187
Latmos, a mountain range in
Asia Minor, 150
Laurentum, 133

Lemnos, an island, 95

Leo (lē'-ō) Major and Leo
Minor, the Greater and Lesser
Lions, 4, 102, 139-145, 147,
149, 152, 153, 162

Lepus (le'-pus) or Hare, 83-107
Lesbos, an island, 49

Lernaean marshes (ler-ne'-an),
near Argolis in Greece, 103,
145, 159

Leverrier (le-vā-ryā'), a French
scientist, 1811-1877 A.D., 238
Libya (lib'-iä), 71

Light, velocity of, 195
Lions, see Leo
Lithuanian, 208

Little Dipper, see Bears
Lotus, a plant fabled to make
one who eats it forgetful of
his past and unwilling to
travel farther, 52

Lucumon, a prince or priest,

Lycaon (li-ka'-on), 152

Lycia (lis'-i-a), 24, 31, 32
Lydian (lid'-i-än), 160

Lyra (li'-ra) or Lyre, 41-56,
159, 197

Macedonia (mas'-ē-dō-ni-a), 218
Magnitude, definition of, 253
Maia (ma'-ya), 99

Maiden, see Virgo
Mamilius, 125

Manacicas (mä-nä-sē'-käs), an
Indian tribe of Bolivia in the
seventeenth century, 202

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[blocks in formation]

Odyssey (od'-i-si), 157

Oenopion (ē-nō'-pi-on), 92-95
Ogre (ō'-ger), a giant or hid-
eous monster supposed to live
on human flesh, 182

Old Man of the Sea, 163, 164
Olympus, 11, 24, 45, 81, 82,
Orchomenian (ôr-kō-mē'-ni-an),

Orion (ō-ri'-on), 83-108, 113,
152, 196, 206, 218, 223
Orion Group, 83-107
Orpheus (ôr'-fūs), 45-56
Ortygia (ôr-tij'-i-a), 192
Ottawa, 207

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Phoebus (fe'-bus), see Apollo
Pickering, Prof., 1846- A.D.,

Pirene (pi-re'-nē), 25, 26
Pleiades (pli'-a-dēz), 83, 86, 90-
92, 97-99, 113, 157, 196, 206,
218, 219, 255
Pleione (pli'-ō-nē), 99
Plowshare or Great Bear, 14
Pluto, 46, 48, 160

Po, a river in Italy, 126, 132
Pointers, 15, 23, 113
Polaris (pō-lā'-ris)

or Pole

Star, see North Star
Pollux, 113-137, 255
Polydectes (pol-i-dek'-tez), 65-

Polynesian, 202

Pontiff, a chief priest, or the
Pope, 134, 225
Pope, A., 223

Praesepe (pre-sē'-pē) or Man-
ger, 144, 145, 255
Procrustes (prō-krus'-tēz), 181-

Proetus (pre'-tus), 23, 24
Prometheus (pro-me'-thus),
160, 203

Ptolemy (tol'-e-mi), astrono-
mer, 100-150 (?) A.D., 145,
158, 218, 234

Ptolemy, Euergetes, Egyptian
king, died 222 B.C., 149
Pulkova (pöl'-kō-vä), a city in
Russia, 225

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[blocks in formation]

Seven Oxen, 14

Seven Sisters or Pleiades, 98
Shakspere, 205

Sicilian, 102

Siren (si'-ren), one of the
sister sea-nymphs who sang
with magic power, 81
Sirius (sir'-i-us) or Orion's
Dog or the Dog Star, 83-107
(esp. 97), 113, 143, 159, 247,
253, 254

Slavonic, 203, 204

Southern Cross, 193-197

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