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Examiner-DR. GEO. KING.

1. A book on systematic Botany without an index, and three specimens of plants respectively marked A1 B and C1 are herewith given to you. Find out the names given to these plants in the book. 2. What distinctive marks separate the orders

[blocks in formation]

Scrophularineae from Acanthaceae.

3. Mention any cases known to you in which peculiarities in the structure of the stamens afford diagnostic marks for natural orders.

4. Give an account of all the natural orders included under Gymnospermia, mentioning all the facts known to you (a) as to their morphology and (b) as to their geographical distribution at present and as to their distribution in geologic time.

5. What are Rhizocarps? Describe the manner of their sexual reproduction.

6. State all you know as to the periods for which seeds of flowering plants retain their germinating power

7. Describe the germination of the seed of a Bamboo, and trace the progress of the seedling until it forms a full grown clump.

8. In geographical botany, what is meant by the term a Flora? Illustrate your answer by at least one example.

9. Is there any similarity between the vegetation at low elevations in high latitudes and the vegetation at high altitudes in the Himalayas, and if so, how do you account for the similarity?

10. Mention all the natural families of plants known to you of which the distribution is exclusively tropical. State broadly the main facts as to the distribution of Cruciferae, Umbelliferae, Leguminosae, and Laurineae.

11. In what parts of the world and in what strata are fossil Pro. teaceae most abundant? Where is this family most numerous at present?

12. Give a brief account of the fossil vegetation of Permian system.


Examiner-DR. GEO. KING.

1. Deseribe fully the development of anthers.


Describe the phenomena of conjugation in Algae.

3. From what sources do plants derive their supplies of nitrogen sulphur, oxygen and iron ?

4. State all you know about humus.

5. Describe the mode of nutrition of parasites, saprophytes and epiphytes.

6. Give an account of the experiments that have been made to explain the course of the flow of sap in plants.

7. Describe fully what is meant by the phrase respiration of plants.

8. State what you know of the effects of light on growing plants. 9. State what you know about the evolution of heat by living plants.

10. Give examples of periodic movements in plants and state the causes of these movements.

11. Name as many as you can of the vegetable alkaloids: mention the properties of each; give the name, natural order and native country of the plaut yielding it, and state from what part of the plant each alkaloid is obtained.

Premchand Roychand Studentship Examination,



Examiner-MR. A. W. GARRETT, M. A.

1. By whom was each of the following passages written. Write notes in full explanation of any seven of them; and give an account of the work from which each is taken sufficient to make clear its connection with the context:

(a) But on his lady yit caste his eye:


His laste word was 'Mercy, Emelye!'

His spiryt chaungede hous, and wente ther,
As I cam nevere, I cannot tellen wher
Therefore I stynte, I nam no dyvynistre.

This child was sithen emperour
Maad by the pope, and lyued cristenly,
To cristes chirche he dide gret honour
But I lete al his storie passen by:
Of Custance is my tale specially.
In old Romayn gestes may men fynde
Maurices lyf: I bere it not in mind.
(c.) At length they all to merry London came,
To merry London, my most kindly nurse,
That to me gave this life's first native source,
Though from another place I take my name,
A house of ancient fame.



Look how the floor of heaven

Is thick inlaid with patines of bright gold:

There's not the smallest orb which thou behold'st,
But in his motion like an angel sings,

Still quiring to the young-eyed cherubin.

Hesperus that led

The starry host rode brightest, till the moon,
Rising in clouded majesty, at length

Apparent queen unveiled her peerless light,
And o'er the dark her silver mantle threw.
(f) All are but parts of one stupendous whole,
Whose body Nature is, and God the soul;
That changed through all, and yet in all the same,
Great in the earth, as in th' ethereal frame,
Warms in the sun, refreshes in the breeze,


Glows in the stars and blossoms in the trees
Another Athens shall arise

And to remoter time

Bequeath, like sunset to the skies,
The splendour of its prime :

And leave, if nought so bright can live,

All earth can take, or heaven can give.

(h.) Forgive my general and exceptless rashness,
Yon perpetual-sober gods! I do proclaim
One honest man-mistake me not-but one,
No more I pray,—and he's a steward.


The mind which is immortal makes itself
Requital for its good or evil thoughts-

Is its own origin of ill and end

And its own place and time.

2. Sketch the following characters in Shakespeare:-Iago, Hotspur, Cordelia, Imogen, Lady Macbeth.

3. Compare Pope, Wordsworth and Browning as representing different stages in the history of English poetry.

4. Explain the following passage from Shelley :Swift as the radiant shapes of sleep

From one whose dreams are paradise

Fly, when the fond wretch wakes to weep,
And Day peers forth with her blank eyes;
So fleet, so faint, so fair

The Powers of Earth and Air

Fled from the folding-star of Bethlehem :
Apollo, Pan and Love,

And even Olympian Jove,

Grew weak, for killing Truth had glared on them.

Compare with the foregoing Milton's treatment of the same subject.

5. Take Keat's "Nightingale" and Shelley's "Skylark," and illustrate the manner in which these two poets differ in their treatment of similar subjects.

6. "The distinguishing characteristics of the poetry of the present century in its reverence for Humanity, and its impassioned love of Nature." Illustrate this from your own reading.


Examiner-MR. A. W. GARRETT, M. A.

1. Write etymological notes on the following words :-yours, ourselves, fishery, behaviour, she, pea, daughter. Also on the italicised words in the following sentences:-he ran past me, the crop is ready to cut, the house is building, it's me.

2. If an English word not of Romance origin very closely resembles a Greek or Latin one, it is more likely than not that the two are quite unconnected etymologically. Discuss fully the grounds of this statement.

3. Explain what is meant by "Phonetic decay," and give examples from the English language of the following modes of this decay, (i) the substitution of the letter d for th, (ii) the loss of the letters b and d, (iii) the softening of initial gutturals, (iv) the softening of final gutturals.

4. Compare the English of Gower with that of Chaucer. 5. Analyse the Spenserian stanza.

6. Give some account of the metre and language of "Piers the Plowman."

7. Examine the opinions expressed at different periods of English Literature regarding the stage in its relation to morality.


Examiner-MR. A. W. GARRETT, M. A.

1. Give a brief account of the writings of Ascham, Sir John Mandeville, Gosson, Sir Walter Raleigh.

2. Compare the claims for freedom of religious belief and practice put forward severally by More, Hooker, and Milton.

3. Describe briefly the scope, and name the authors of each of the following:-The Progress of Poesy, Eloisa to Abelard, Endymion, The Shepherd's Calendar, The History of the Holy War, The Antiquary, Thalaba, Tom Jones.

4. Write out concisely the plots of 'The Tempest,' 'Romeo and Juliet,' and 'As you like it. To what periods in the poet's life would you assign them severally? Give the reasons for your


5. Compare the prose styles of Jeremy Taylor, Sir T. Browne, Hobbes, and Addison.

6. Sketch the history of the Novel in England. In what novels do the following characters occur. Tito Melima, Captain Cuttle, Colonel Newcome, Lovelace, Mr. Rochester, Rose Bradwardine.

7. Compare Fielding, Scott, and George Eliot as representatives of different periods in the history of the novel.


Examiner-MR. A. W. GARRETT, M. A.

(Write on one subject only.)

1. Cruelty to Animals.


Has the State the right to insist on the education of all children? Argue this question in the form of a conversation between A and B.

3. The Elizabethan drama is descended directly from the miracle play. Discuss this.

4. Compare the careers of Cæsar and Napoleon.



1. Translate into English:


Porticus æquali quamvis est denique ductu

Stansque in perpetuum paribus suffulta columnis,
Longa tamen parte ab summa cum tota videtur,
Paulatim trahit angusti fastigia coni,

Tecta solo jungens atque omnia dextera lævis
Donec in obscurum coni conduxit acumen.

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