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Examiner-MR. W. H. PAULSON, M. A.

1. Sketch, as well as you can, the history, (a) of the study of philology; (b) of the science of Comparative Philology.

2. Trace the origin of the English grammatical terms and alphabetical characters.

3. "The impossibility of classing all languages genealogically proves the impossibility of a common origin of language:"

Criticize this assertion. Mention a few extinct or living languages as yet unclassified.

4. Describe clearly what is meant by "agglutination," as applied to a language. Mention the most important branches of the Turanian family.

5. Explain the Onomatopoetic theory. What are Max Müller's objections to it, and how have they been combated? What is meant by Phonetic Types?

6. What is the peculiar value of the "Codex Argenteus," preserved at Upsala, and what is its history?

7. Discuss fully the relation between the science of language, and the science of ethnology. What is the meaning of a "lingua fran


8. What is the nearest relative of English among living languages? Support your answer.

9. Enuntiate Grimm's law. Explain the meaning of Predicative and Demonstrative roots.

Examiner-MR. W. H. PAULSON, M. A.
Burke, Lamb.


1. What defects would you point out in Burke's style? mate the later influence of his writings, and account, if you can, for the comparatively slight effect which his speeches had upon a contemporary audience?

2. Explain all allusions in the following extracts :

a. "Men too much conversant with office are rarely minds of remarkable enlargement."

b. "The whole trading interest of the Empire, crammed into your lobbies with a trembling and anxious expectation, waited almost to a winter's return of light their fate from your resolutions."

c. "He made an administration, so checkered and speckled; he put together a piece of joinery, so crossly indented and whimsically dovetailed."



"He was truly the child of the House."

Burke defines by an exhaustive process the requisite qualifications of a Minister of the Crown: Can you summarize them?

Explain-"None are supposed to be fit priests in the temple of Government, but the persons who are compelled to fly into it for sanctuary."

In what way, according to Burke, was the House of Commons in 1770 false to the spirit of its Constitution ?

4. Give briefly

(a.) Burke's objections to “force” as a means of reclaiming rebellious colonies in general, and the American colonies in particular. (b.) His strictures on political neutrality, and his definition of Party.

5. Explain

(a.) This new taxation must come in by the backdoor of the Constitution: each quota must be brought to this House ready formed: you can neither add nor alter."

(b.) "However the gentlemen of the House of Commons may hire out the usufruct of their voices they never will part with the fee and inheritance."

(c.) "A cabal of the closet and the backstairs."


(d.) 'An acquittal by prescription."


on the following words-Placebill, chicane, Janis saries, complexion.

6. Estimate Lamb's character as illustrated by his Essays. 7. What does Lamb mean by artificial and sentimental comedy? How does he defend the former? Explain the following references: (a.) "The pen of Yorick, and of none since his, could have drawn J. E. entire-those fine Shandean lights and shades, which make up his story."

(b.) "Nevertheless, noble R-, come in and take your seat here, between Armado and Quisada, for thou art nothing inferior to those accomplished Dons of Spain."

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(c.) "The famous Tractate on education, addressed to Mr. Hartlib."

(d.) "A Malvolian smile."

8. Explain fully, with reference to the context as well as to the expressions:

(a.) "What half-Januses are we that cannot look forward with the same idolatry with which we ever revert!"

(b.) "It is a Lucretian pleasure to behold the poor drudges, whom I have left behind in the world, carking and caring."


(c.) My household gods plant a terribly fixed foot, and are not rooted up without blood. They do not willingly seek Lavinian shores. A new state of being staggers me.'

(d.) "How would the dark line on the dial steal imperceptibly on, watched by the eye of childhood, eager to detect its movement, never catched, nice as an evanescent cloud, or the first arrests of sleep!"

9. Write explanatory notes upon the following Elia's letter to Sydney

extract from

When I try to Sometimes you prying among

"I cannot image to myself whereabout you are. "fix it, Peter Wilkins's island comes across me. 66 seem to be in the Hades of Thieves. I see Diogenes 66 with his perpetual fruitless lantern. What must you be you "willing by this time to give for the sight of an honest man!...The "kangaroos, your aborigines-do they keep their primitive simplicity "un-Europe-tainted, with those little short forepuds, looking like a "lesson framed by nature to the pickpocket! Marry, for diving into

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“ fobs they are rather lamely provided, a priori; but if the hue and cry were once up, they would show as fair a pair of hind-shifters, as the expertest loco-motor in the colony....Pray is it true that the young Spartans among you are born with six fingers, which spoils “ their scanning ? For their scansion it is less to be regretted, for "if they take into their heads to be poets, it is odds but they turn 'out, the greater part of them vile plagiarists. I have many ques"tions to put, but ten Delphic voyages can be made in a shorter "time than it will take to satisfy my scruples. Do you grow your own hemp?”


Examiner-REV. W. C. FYFE.

Select one of the following subjects:

1. The rise and progress of English Poetry.

2. The rise, progress and characteristics of the English Drama.

PROSE, POETRY AND RHETORIC. Examiner-PANDIT MAHESA CHANDRA NYAYARATNA. 1. Write explanatory notes on the following passages :

(a) नदासीवर्गः सानुक्रोशमनुप्रधावितस्तचैवाविच्छिन्नपातमपतत् । (b) भगवन्नैहिकस्य सुखत्याभाजनं जनोऽयमामुमिकाय श्वोवसीयाय वाभ्युपपत्तिवित्तयोर्भगवत्पादयोर्मूलं शरणमभिप्रपन्नः ।

(c) भगवन्नस्था मे दोषमेषा वो दासी विज्ञापयति, दोषय मम स्वाधिकारानुष्ठापनम्


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लाभेऽर्थस्य काममस्वीकृते स्वामिन्यधिकरणे वा साधनम् । (e) यदि कचित् पटुजातीयो नास्यै म्हगष्टष्णिकार्य हस्तगतं त्यक्तुमिच्छेत् तमन्ये परिवार्य्याजः ।


(f) नास्य हरेरिव वृषविरोधीनि बालचरितानि, न च पशुपतेरिव दक्षोद्वेगकारीयैश्वर्य्यविलसितानि न च शतक्रतेोरिव गीत्रविनाशपिशुनाः प्रवादाः, न यमस्येवातिवल्लभानि दण्डग्रहणानि, न वरुणस्येव निस्त्रिंशग्राहसहखरचिता रत्नालयाः, न धनदस्येव निष्कलाः सन्निधिलाभाः, न जिनस्येवार्थवादशून्यानि दर्शनानि, न चन्द्रमस दूब बहुलदोषापहताः श्रियः, चित्रमिदमत्यमरं राजत्वम् ।

2. Give the purport of the answers of Я to the questions of मरीचि

(a) केनांशेन अर्थका मातिशायी धर्म्मः ? (b) इमैा किंरूपा, किं परिवार। किंफ लौ च ?

3. Translate the following passage into English :

केनापि जटाधरेण निवाय्यैवमुक्तः (अहम् ) किं ते साहसस्य मूलमिति। मयोक्तमवज्ञासोद दारिद्रामिति । स पुनरेवं कृपालुरन्वग्रहीत् तात मूढोऽसि नान्यत् पापिष्ठतममात्मत्यागात्, चात्मानमात्मना नवसाद्यैवेोद्धरन्ति सन्तः, सन्त्युपाया धनार्ज्जनस्य बहवो नैककिन्नकण्ठप्रतिसन्धानपर्व्वस्य प्राणलाभस्य |

4. न धर्मस्तत्त्वदर्शिनां विषयोपभोगेन उपरुध्यते.

Explain fully clearing up the philosophical allusion.

5. Give briefly in Sanskrit Vanabhatta's account of the Vatsya • yana family.

6. Annotate after the manner of Mallinatha the following slokas :

साघु त्वया तर्कितमेतदेव

स्खेनानलं यत् किल संश्रयिष्ये । बिनामुना स्वात्मनि तु प्रह

म्मृषागिरं त्वां नृपतैा न कर्त्तुम् ॥

तूलेन तस्यासुलना मृदोस्लत्

कम्प्रास्तु सा मन्मथवाणवातैः । चित्रयितं तत्त नलो यदुच्चै

रभूत् स भूभृत्ष्टथुवेपथुस्तैः ॥ कृतवानन्यदेहेषु कर्त्ता च विधुरं मनः । अप्रियैरिव संयोगो विप्रयोगः प्रियैः सह ॥ मृगान् विनिघ्नन् मृगयुः खहेतुना

कृतोपकारः कथमिच्छतान्तपः । कृपेति चेदस्त मृगः क्षतः क्षणात् च्यनेन पूर्वं न मयेति का गतिः ॥

7. एकस्य विश्वपापेन तापेऽनन्ते निमज्जतः ।

कः श्रै।तस्यात्मना भीरो भरः स्याद्दुरितेन ते ||

What philosophical doctrine is here attacked? Explain fully the force of the argument. How would the philosophers refute it?

8. स्वरितादिगुणभेदात् भिन्नप्रयत्लेोच्च. यीणां तदभावादभिन्नप्रयत्नोच्चा

य्यीणाञ्च शब्दानां बन्धेऽलङ्कारान्तरप्रतिभोत्पत्तिहेतुः शब्द श्लेषोऽर्थ श्लेषश्चेति द्विविधोऽप्यर्थालङ्कारमध्ये गणितोऽन्यैरिति कथमयं शब्दालङ्कारः ?

Explain clearly, in your own words, the question raised in the above extract. How does Mammatha Bhatta answer it ?

9. What is Bhatta Nayaka's definition of ? Compare it with any other definition.

10. Translate into Sanskrit the following passage:

Then, day by day, the husband's hope grew high,
Gazing with love on Sita's melting eye:
With anxious care he saw her pallid cheek,
And fondly bade her all her wishes speak,
"Once more I fain would see," the lady cried,
"The sacred groves that rise on Ganga's side,
Where holy grass is ever fresh and green,
And cattle feeding on the rice are seen:
There would I rest awhile, where once I strayed,
Linked in sweet friendship to each hermit maid."
And Rama smiled upon his wife, and sware,
With many a tender oath to grant her prayer.

11. Turn into Sanskrit the following passage, making such changes in words and expressions, as the spirit of the Sanskrit language may require :

Yes; fear is wholesome enough, like all other faculties, as long as it is controlled by reason. But what, if the fear be not rational but irrational? What if it be, in plain homely English, blind fear; fear of the unknown, simply because it is unknown? Is it not likely, then, to be afraid of the wrong object? to be hurtful, ruinous to animals as well as to man? Any one will confess that, who has ever seen a horse inflict on himself mortal injuries, in his frantic attempts to escape from a quite imaginary danger.



1. इन्द्रावरुणयोरहं सम्राजोव च्याटणे ।

ता नो मृलात ईदृशे ।

गन्ताराहि स्थावमे हवं विप्रस्य मावतः |

धारा चर्षणीनाम् ॥

अनुकामं तर्पयेथामिन्द्रावरुण राय था ।

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