XXXI. ELEGIAC STANZAS. The lamented Youth whose untimely death gave occasion to these elegiac verses, was Frederick William Goddard, from Boston in North America. He was in his twentieth year, and had resided for some time with a clergyman in the neighbourhood of Geneva for the completion of his education. Accompanied by a fellow-pupil, a native of Scotland, he had just set out on a Swiss tour when it was his misfortune to fall in with a friend of mine who was hastening to join our party. The travellers, after spending a day together on the road from Berne and at Soleure, took leave of each other at night, the young men having intended to proceed directly to Zurich. But early in the morning my friend found his new acquaintances, who were informed of the object of his journey, and the friends he was in pursuit of, equipped to accompany him. We met at Lucerne the succeeding evening, and Mr. G. and his fellow-student became in consequence our travelling companions for a couple of days. We ascended the Righi together; and, after contemplating the sunrise from that noble mountain, we separated at an hour and on a spot well suited to the parting of those who were to meet no more. Our party de. scended through the valley of our Lady of the Snow, and our late companions, to Art. We had hoped to meet in a few weeks at Geneva; but on the third suceeding day (on the 21st of August) Mr. Goddard perished, being overset in a boat while crossing the lake of Zurich. His companion saved himself by swimming, and was hospitably received in the mansion of a Swiss gentleman (M. Keller) situated on the eastern coast of the lake. The corpse of poor G. was cast ashore on the estate of the same gentleman, who generously performed all the rites of hospitality which could be rendered to the dead as well as to the living. He caused a handsome mural monument to be erected in the church of Küsnacht, which records the premature fate of the young American, and on the shores too of the lake the traveller may read an inscription pointing out the spot where the body was deposited by the waves. LULLED by the sound of pastoral bells, * Mount Righi - Regina Montium. The sky was blue, the air was mild; The genial spot had ever shown A countenance that sweetly smiled, And we were gay, our hearts at ease; If foresight could have rent the veil Of three short days—but hush-no more! Calm is the grave, and calmer none Than that to which thy cares are gone, Thou Victim of the stormy gale; Asleep on ZURICH's shore! Oh GODDARD! what art thou? -a name We met, while festive mirth ran wild, We parted upon solemn ground Fetch, sympathising Powers of air, Beloved by every gentle Muse Had opened on his eager glance; Though lodged within no vigorous frame, Her modest gratitude. Not vain is sadly-uttered praise ; Are sweet as morning fragrance shed On RIGHI's silent brow. * One of the villages desolated by the fall of part of the Mountain Rossberg. Lamented Youth! to thy cold clay And, when thy Mother weeps for Thee, This tribute from a casual Friend A not unwelcome aid may lend, XXXII. SKY-PROSPECT FROM THE PLAIN OF FRANCE. Lo! in the burning West, the craggy nape The persuasion here expressed was not groundless. The first human consolation that the afflicted Mother felt, was derived from this tribute to her son's memory, a fact which the author learned, at his own residence, from her Daughter, who visited Europe some years afterwards. XXXIII. ON BEING STRANDED NEAR THE HARBOUR OF BOULOGNE. WHY cast ye back upon the Gallic shore, Of England-who in hope her coast had won, XXXIV. AFTER LANDING THE VALLEY OF DOVER. WHERE be the noisy followers of the game NOV. 1820. Which Faction breeds; the turmoil where? that past That lifts the Spirit to a calmer height, *See note at the end. |