I marked the breathings of her dragon crest;
My Soul, a sorrowful Interpreter, In many a midnight vision bowed Before the ominous aspect of her spear; Whether the mighty Beam, in scorn upheld, Threatened her foes, - or, pompously at rest, Seemed to bisect her orbèd shield, As stretches a blue bar of solid cloud
Across the setting Sun, and through the fiery West.
So did she daunt the Earth, and God defy! And, wheresoe'er she spread her sovereignty, Pollution tainted all that was most pure. - Have we not known - and live we not to tell That Justice seemed to hear her final knell? Faith buried deeper in her own deep breast Her stores, and sighed to find them insecure! And Hope was maddened by the drops that fell From shades, her chosen place of short-lived rest: Shame followed shame - and woe supplanted woe Is this the only change that time can show? How long shall vengeance sleep? Ye patient Heavens,
- Infirm ejaculation! from the tongue Of Nations wanting virtue to be strong Up to the measure of accorded might, And daring not to feel the majesty of right!
Weak Spirits are there - who would ask
Upon the pressure of a painful thing, The Lion's sinews, or the Eagle's wing; Or let their wishes loose, in forest glade, Among the lurking powers Of herbs and lowly flowers,
Or seek, from Saints above, miraculous aid; That Man may be accomplished for a task Which his own Nature hath enjoined If, when that interference hath relieved him, He must sink down to languish In worse than former helplessness - and lie
Till the caves roar, - and, imbecility Again engendering anguish,
The same weak wish returns, that had before deceived him.
But Thou, Supreme Disposer! may'st not speed The course of things, and change the creed, Which hath been held aloft before Men's sight Since the first framing of societies, Whether, as Bards have told in ancient song, Built up by soft seducing harmonies ; Or prest together by the appetite,
And by the power, of wrong!
A ROMAN Master stands on Grecian ground, And to the Concourse of the Isthmian Games He, by his Herald's voice, aloud proclaims THE LIBERTY OF GREECE: - the words rebound Until all voices in one voice are drowned; Glad acclamation by which air was rent! And birds, high flying in the element, Dropped to the earth, astonished at the sound! - A melancholy Echo of that noise Doth sometimes hang on musing Fancy's ear: Ah! that a Conqueror's word should be so dear : Ah! that a boon could shed such rapturous joys! A gift of that which is not to be given
By all the blended powers of Earth and Heaven.
WHEN, far and wide, swift as the beams of morn The tidings passed of servitude repealed, And of that joy which shook the Isthmian Field, The rough Ætolians smiled with bitter scorn. "'Tis known," cried they, "that he, who would adorn His envied temples with the Isthmian Crown, Must either win, through effort of his own, The prize, or be content to see it worn By more deserving brows. - Yet so ye prop, Sons of the Brave who fought at Marathon! Your feeble Spirits. Greece her head hath bowed, As if the wreath of Liberty thereon Would fix itself as smoothly as a cloud,
Which, at Jove's will, descends on Pelion's top."
CLARKSON! it was an obstinate Hill to climb: How toilsome-nay, how dire it was, by Thee Is known, - by none, perhaps, so feelingly; But Thou, who, starting in thy fervent prime, Didst first lead forth this pilgrimage sublime, Hast heard the constant Voice its charge repeat, Which, out of thy young heart's oracular seat, First roused thee. - O true yoke-fellow of Time With unabating effort, see, the palm Is won, and by all Nations shall be worn ! The bloody Writing is for ever torn, And Thou henceforth shalt have a good Man's calm, A great Man's happiness; thy zeal shall find Repose at length, firm Friend of human kind!
HIGH deeds, O Germans, are to come from you! Thus in your Books the record shall be found, "A Watchword was pronounced, a potent sound, ARMINIUS! - all the people quaked like dew Stirred by the breeze - they rose, a Nation, true, True to herself - the mighty Germany, She of the Danube and the Northern sea, She rose, and off at once the yoke she threw. All power was given her in the dreadful trance; Those new-born Kings she withered like a flame."
Woe to them all! but heaviest woe and shame To that Bavarian who did first advance His banner in accursed league with France, First open Traitor to a sacred name!
CLOUDS, lingering yet, extend in solid bars Through the grey west; and lo! these waters, steeled By breezeless air to smoothest polish, yield A vivid repetition of the stars ;
Jove - Venus - and the ruddy crest of Mars, Amid his fellows beauteously revealed At happy distance from earth's groaning field, Where ruthless mortals wage incessant wars. 'Is it a mirror? - or the nether sphere Opening to view the abyss in which it feeds Its own calm fires? - But list! a voice is near; Great Pan himself low-whispering through the reeds, "Be thankful, thou; for, if unholy deeds Ravage the world, tranquillity is here!"
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