The Paternoster Church History, Том 81965 |
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Стр. 11
... began . It was also in Britain that the trade union movement began its work of uplifting the living standards of labour . It was there that John Howard and Elizabeth Fry and others began their work of prison reform . It was there ...
... began . It was also in Britain that the trade union movement began its work of uplifting the living standards of labour . It was there that John Howard and Elizabeth Fry and others began their work of prison reform . It was there ...
Стр. 35
... began . There were con- versions among the ministers ; MacLeod , one of them , found not only his Sabbath but his weekday services crowded with seekers.2 A similar awakening began on the island of Lewis in 1820,3 under Alexander MacLeod ...
... began . There were con- versions among the ministers ; MacLeod , one of them , found not only his Sabbath but his weekday services crowded with seekers.2 A similar awakening began on the island of Lewis in 1820,3 under Alexander MacLeod ...
Стр. 38
... began and gave rise to missionary enterprises at home and overseas . These awakenings coincided with a golden age of Danish culture . Churchmen were revived . There were itinerant ministers and " readers " in Denmark , some suffering ...
... began and gave rise to missionary enterprises at home and overseas . These awakenings coincided with a golden age of Danish culture . Churchmen were revived . There were itinerant ministers and " readers " in Denmark , some suffering ...
Chapter | 9 |
period | 54 |
AMERICAN Hour of PRAYER | 101 |
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Часто встречающиеся слова и выражения
American Board Anglican attended Baptist became began Bible Society Bishop blessing Booth Brethren British campaign Catherine Booth China China Inland Mission Christ Church Missionary Society Church of England colleges Congregational Congregationalists converts conviction crowded D. L. Moody deism denominations Edwin eighteenth century Episcopal Church Evan Evan Roberts Evangelical Awakening Evangelical Revival evangelistic faith Finney Fliedner followed German gospel Haldane History Holy Hudson Taylor hundred Ibid India influence Ireland island John Keswick Keswick Convention labour later Latourette leaders London Missionary Society Lutheran ministers ministry Mission Moody moved Negro nineteenth century Norway organized passim pastor Pentecostal population pray preacher preaching Presbyterian Presbyterian Church prison Protestant Reformed reported Revival movement revival of religion revivalist Roman Catholic Scotland Second Evangelical Awakening Shaftesbury social South Africa Spirit spread Sweet thousand tion town Ulster Union United Vide visited Wales Wesleyan William William Booth York young