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Be that it drewe to the oware off none
A hondrith fat hartes ded ther lay.

The blewe a mort uppone the bent,
The femblyd on fydis fhear;
To the quyrry then the Persè went
To fe the bryttlynge off the deare.


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Both with spear, byll,' and brande :

Yt was a myghti fight to se.

Hardyar men both off hart nar hande


Wear not in Cristiantè.

The wear twenty hondrith spear-men good
Withouten any fayle;

The wear borne a-long be the watter a Twydę,

Yth bowndes of Tividale.



7.31. blwe a mot. -MS.

V. 42. myghtte. MS. palim.

V. 43. brylly. MS. V. 48. withowte. . . feale. MS.

Leave off the brytlyng of the dear, he fayde,
And to your bowys tayk good heed;

For never fithe ye wear on your mothars borne
Had ye never
fo mickle need.

The dougheti Dogglas on a stede

He rode his men beforne;

His armor glytteryde as dyd a glede ;

A bolder barne was never born.

Tell me what' men ye ar, he fays,
Or whos men that ye be

Who gave youe leave to hunte in this
Chyviat chays in the spyt of me?

The first mane that ever him an answear mayd,
Yt was the good lord Perfè:

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We wyll not tell the 'what' men we ar, he says, 65

Nor whos men that we be ;

But we wyll hount hear in this chays

In the fpyte of thyne, and of the.

The fattifte hartes in all Chyviat

We have kyld, and caft to carry them a-way. 70 Be my troth, fayd the doughtè Dogglas agayn, Ther-for the ton of us fhall de this day.

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V. 56. att

V. 64. whoys. Ms.

V. 71.

V, 52. boys lock ye tayk. MS. K. 54. ned. MS. his. MS. V. 59. whos. MS.

agay. MS,

Then fayd the doughtè Doglas

Unto the lord Perfè:

To kyll all thes giltles men,
A-las! it wear great pittè.

But, Perfè, thowe art a lord of lande,
I am a yerle callyd within my contre ;
Let all our men uppone a parti ftande ;

And do the battell off the and of me.


Nowe Criftes cors on his crowne, fayd the lord Perfè, Who-foever ther-to says nay.

Be my troth, doughtè Doglas, he says,

Thow fhalt never fe that day.

Nethar in Ynglonde, Skottlonde, nar France,

Nor for no man of a woman born,

But and fortune be my chance,

I dar met him on man for on,

Then befpayke a fquyar off Northombarlonde,

Ric. Wytharynton was his nam;



It fhall never be told in Sothe-Ynglonde, he fays,

To kyng Herry the fourth for fham..

I wat youe byn great lordes twa,
I am a poor fquyar of lande;

V. 81. fayd the the. MS. V. 88. on. i. e. one. twaw. MS.

I wyll

V. 93

I wyll never fe my captayne fyght on a fylde,
And ftande my-felffe, and looke on,

But whyll I may my weppone welde

I wyll not fayl' both harte and hande..

That day, that day, that dredfull day:
The first FIT here I fynde.



And you wyll here any mor athe hontyng athe Chyviat Yet ys ther mor behynd,



HE Yngglifhe men hade ther bowys yebent,
Ther hartes were good yenoughe;

The first of arros that the fhote off,

Seven skore fpear-men the floughe.

Yet bydys the yerle Doglas uppon the bent,

A captayne good yenoughe,

And that was fene verament,

For he wrought hom both woo and wouche.

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hountyng. MS. V. 3. firft, i. e. flight.

With fuar fpeares off myghttè tre
The cum in on every fyde.

Thrughe our Yngglyfhe archery

Gave many a wounde full wyde ;

Many a doughete the garde to dy,

Which ganyde them no pryde,

The Ynglyshe men let thear bowys be,
And pulde owt brandes that wer bright,
It was a hevy fyght to fe

Bryght fwordes on basnites lyght.

Thorowe ryche male, and myne-ye-ple

Many fterne the ftroke downe ftreght,

Many a freyke, that was full fre,
Ther undar foot dyd lyght.

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At last the Duglas and the Perfè met,
Lyk to captayns of myght and mayne;


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