The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth, Том 2Boston, 1854 |
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Часто встречающиеся слова и выражения
beauty behold beneath Benjamin Binnorie bird BLACK COMB blest bloom bower breast breath breeze bright BROUGHAM CASTLE brow calm cheer clouds dancing dark dear deep delight doth dwell earth fair faith Fancy fear flowers gazed gentle gleam glory Glowworms grace Grasmere green grove happy hath head heard heart heaven Helvellyn hill hope hour Laodamia light living lofty lonely look Lord Clifford LOVE-LIES-BLEEDING Martha Ray mind moon morning mortal mountains murmur Muse Naiad Nature Nature's never night o'er peace pensive Peter Bell pleasure rapture rills river Swale rock round RYDAL MOUNT self-taught art shade shining side sight silent sing Skiddaw sleep smile soft song soul sound spirit spot Spring stars stir stone stream sweet tears thee thine things Thorn thou art thoughts trees vale voice wandering ween wild WILLIAM WORDSWORTH wind wings woods Youth