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1602; Oxford, 1597.

Abel, Mrs. John J., 1061.

Abercorn, Duchess of, 1174.

Abercrombie, Dr. D. W., 425, 426.

Aberdare, Lady, 1174.

Aberdeen, Countess of, 1174.

Abernathy, Alonzo, 1125.

'Abernethy, E. F., 402.

Abnormal positions of workers in wood and
metal, 448.

Abstinence from alcoholic drinks and tobacco,

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Adams. Herbert B., cited, 1261, 1300, 1312; on fate
of Washington's endowment of National
University, 1304; promotes university ex-
tension, 531.

Adams, J. S., 1498; memorializes Congress, 1289,

Adams, John, on National University, 1306;
quoted on history of New England, 1237;
submits plan to G. Washington for migra-
tion of faculty of Geneva, 1300; visits nat-
ural history collections of King of France,
1316; Washington to, 1302; works quoted,

Adams, John C., death and sketch, 1760.
Adams, John Quincy, character and intellect,
1310; on National University, 1310; report
on weights and measures, 1310.

Addington, Isa., signs resolve of 1707 relating to
Harvard, 1230.

Addis, Wellford, 15.

Addresses of welcome, 437.

Adherence to text-books, 1612.

Adjuncts to instruction in museums of antiqui

ties, 856.

Adkinson, L. G., 411.

Adler, Dr., 216; on value of manual training, 571.
Adler, Prof. Felix, 1141.

Adler, Mrs. Helen, 385.

Administration, central, 159; of school, 197; of

school law, 245; officers of, 181.

Administration of education in Canada, 1213.
Administrative institutions, 169; notions of, 177.
Admission, age of pupils, 187; conditions, 185, 186;
elevation of college standard for, 1464; re-
quirements for, in technological schools, 668,
669; to academic degrees, 186; to women, 71.
Adrianople, shoes, handiwork from, 501.
Adult male population, 35.

Adult, the child the, in minature, 360.
Adults, schools for, 160.

Advanced subjects, 249.

Advantage of consolidating schools, 1650.
Advantage of personal contact, 1504.

Advantages of classically educated men, 1463.

Adverbs, rapid progress with, 374.

Esthetic and ethical training essential, 1479.

Affairs of Government, 158.

Affirmative and negative counsel, 1473.
Africa, Jewish schools in, 652.
Agard, I. M., 399.

Agassiz. Louis, comes to Harvard, 662, 663.
Age, allowed for entering normal school, 345;
marks differences better than school grades,
376; of leaving school, 166; of psychology,
this and the next decade, 366; of school
going, 264.

Agencies, auxiliary, 173; educational, 1; for dis-
tributing books, 715; union of, 159.
Aggregate of expenditures, 42.

Agnew, David H., death and sketch, 1749.
Agrégés, professors, 181.
Agricultural and mechanical colleges, grants for,

1275-1288; list, 667; statistics of lands and
prices per acre received, 664; of prices re-
ceived, 665; of scrip issued, 1285; of States
having land "in place," 1284; summary,


See also Land grants for education; Documents
illustrative of American educational his
tory; Mechanic arts, colleges of.
Agricultural and pastoral group, 266.
Agricultural capabilities of Alaska, 1713.
Agricultural college near Fargo, N. Dak., 1130.
Agricultural colleges and schools, act amending
act of 1887, 1280; act for experiment sta-
tions, 1278-1279; act of 1862, 1275-1277; act
of 1890, 1280-1282; acts to carry act of 1887
into effect, 1280; bill passed in 1859, 1275;
coeducation of races, 1281; growth of inter-
est, 1275; Michigan petitions for, 1275.
Agricultural colleges, constitution of Alabama
on, 1356, 1374; of Colorado, 1382; of Ken-
tucky, 1412; of Louisiana, 1391, 1392; of

Mississippi, 1362, 1411; of Nebraska, 1386;
of North Carolina, 1365, 1385, 1386; of North
Dakota, 1398, 1400; of South Carolina, 1359;
of South Dakota, 1397; of Texas, 1379-1381;
of Utah, 1414; in Mexico, 653; land grants
to, 93, mentioned, 4, 92.

Agricultural experiment stations, act amending
act of 1887, 1280; act for, 1278-1279; acts to
carry act of 1887 into effect, 1280.

Agricultural schools, 351; mentioned in Michigan
constitution of 1850, 1335.

Agriculture and the mechanic arts, colleges,
statistics, 1972-1977; of receipts and ex-
penditures, 1978-1980.

Agriculture, 167, 199; education in, attracts atten-
tion, 1275; higher school of, 342; in schools
for men, 169; Jewish interest in, 652; minis-
ter of, 188; notions of, 169; schools, men-
tioned, 594.

Ahn, Dr., 1780.

Ahrendt.- , death and sketch, 1760.

Aid, of Congress for deaf mutes, 1064; pecuniary,
for college students, 4, 1573-1601; State, 201;
State, county, and local, 51.

Aids to reading, 937.

Aigner, Clemens, 1779.

Aiken, Charles A.. death and sketch, 1749.
Aim of libraries, 713.

Aimsand fundamental methods of education, 1467.
Airy, Sir George B., death and sketch, 1760.
Aix, exhibit of trades schoo's, 589.
Alabama, address of State superintendent of
education, 1634; constitution of 1819 on edu-
cation, 1321; of 1868, 1355; of 1875, 1373;
education in, 1633; educational topics for
discussion, 1633; medical education, 1620;
medical requirements for right to practice,
1620-1622; pecuniary aid to students, 1576;
public school question, 1633; statistics, agri-
cultural and mechanical colleges, 1972, 1976,
1978; blind institutions, 2056, 2058, 2060;
city schools, 1786; colleges for women, 1969;
commercial colleges, 2022, 2024; institutions
for deaf, 2042, 2044, 2048; law schools, 1988;
medical schools, 1990; normal schools, 2002,
2010, 2014; private secondary schools, 1896;
public high schools, 1816; schools of theol-
ogy, 1982; universities and colleges, 1952;
suggestion from as to employment of school
labor, 1553; temperance education law, 1159;
text-books, liberty in selecting, 544; uses
surplus of 1836 for education, 1287.
Alameda free library, 950, 964.
Alarcon, Don José D., death and sketch, 1760.
Alaska, amounts given by Federal Government

and by churches to schools, 1747; appro-
priations for education needed, 1746; census
taking, 1705; condition of the Eskimo, 1705;
contributions to the reindeer fund, 1714;
education, 1705; establishment of schools in,
1712; in Yukon Valley, 1736; exhibit men-
tioned, 647; expenses, 1748; first church
building in, 1737; first organized school in,
1737; grippe in, 1734; industrial education,
1705; list of public schools and teachers,
1746, 1748; officers of school administration,
1747; permanent food supply, 1708; preemp
tion of lands in, 1746; public schools exhibit,
1147; reconnoissance of Bruce Gibson, 1717;
of W. T. Lopp, 1716; reindeer imported from
Siberia, 1730; starving condition of natives,
1709; schools in, 1731; account of, 587; con-
trolled by Bureau of Education, 587; sta-
tistics, 587; tribes and missions, 1731; whal-
ing business, 1711; wild reindeer in, 1727;
work of churches in, 587.

Alaska Eskimos, destitution among, 1724.
Alaskan school-work exhibit, 473.

Albany Academy exhibit, 1071.

Albany (N. Y.) home libraries, 960, 972.

Albany Law School, 1123.

Albert Victor. See Clarence, Duke of.

Albion Academy, 1116.

Albion College, aid to students, 1581.

Albright, C. W., 408.

Alcoholic drinks and narcotics, 1156.

Alcorn Agricultural and Mechanical College,
provided for in constitution of Mississippi,


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Allon, Henry, death and sketch, 1760.
Allopathic medical schools in United States, 606.
Alma College, aid to students, 1584.
Alsace-Lorraine, illiterate recruits from, 328; sta-
tistics of education, 2074.

Altar exhibit of St. Joseph's Orphan Home, Co-
lumbus, Ohio, 493.

Altchevski, Mme., book of, exhibited, 652.

Althoff, judge in preparing German exhibit, 549.
Alton (Ill.) public library, 953, 966.

Amalgamation of the European and Indian, 1216.
Ambitions of working men and women, 206.
Ambrose, J. W., aids Howard University, 1566.
Ambrose, Miss Lodilla, librarian, 576, 889.
Ambulatory schools in Russia, 1202.
America, easy to change occupations in, 522; draw.
ing and modeling in, superior to German
work, 557; E. Hausknecht's estimate of, 522;
influence of libraries, 628; knowledge of
native authors in, 628; low average of teach-
ers, 557; oral and text-book teaching, 556.
American Academy of Arts and Sciences, origin,

American Antiquarian Society, 702, 875.
American Association for the Advancement of
Education, 1495.

American Association for the Study of Children,


American Baptist Mission Society, contributes to
education of negro, 1553.

American Bible Society, work of, 655.

American book trade, M. Le Soudier on, 597; re-
sults. 599.

American Catholic Historical Society, exhibit, 510.
American Cecilian Society, 1121.

American civilization, peculiarity of, 534.
American College for Girls at Constantinople
exhibit, 482, 1059.

American colleges, course of study in, 440.
American Colonization Society, 1212; bulletin
published by, 1213.

American culture, foreigners detect characteris-
ties of, 521.

American education, 11; English character, 534;

French views on exhibits of, 585-599; Ger-
man criticism on, 521-583; liberty in, 623;
Österberg on, 624-630; power of religion in,
446; progress since 1876, 456, 457.
"American Education Renaissance," noticed,

American educational exhibit, characteristics,
558; elementary instruction, 644; extent,
585, 644; general remarks on, 650; location,
644; resemblances of various States, 585.
American educational history, documents illus-
trative of, 1225-1414.

American Institute of Homeopathy, work for
higher medical training, 1617.
American Institute of Instruction, 1495, 1500.
American Journal of Education exhibit, 483; men-
tioned, 1240.

American Journal of Psychology, mentioned, 643.
American Library Association, 691, 1147; cata-
logue, 937; index. 582, 1011; new constitn-
tion, 692; petitions Congress for distribution
of public documents, 582; standard acces
sion book, 820; order of entering in, 820;
wide-reaching work of, 713; work of, for
congress of librarians, 576.
American libraries, report on, 575–583.
American Medical College Association, work for
higher medical training, 1617, 1619.
American medical students, 1631-1632.
American methods of instruction, discussed, 543.
American Missionary Association, contributes to
Fisk University, 1553.

American Normal Association, 1499.
American people, 44; characteristics of, 559–561.
American Philosophical Society library, 881.
American physicians, French opinion of, 602.
American politics, bibliography, 579.

American Printing House for Blind, award to,

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Ames, Anthony, 1643.

Ames, Prof Daniel T., 433.

Ames, F. L., death and sketch, 1765.

Amherst College, aid to students, 1582; exhibit,

482, 1057; library, 878.

Amity College, 1126.

Anabolism and katabolism, 382.

Analogical and genetical study of children, 360.
Analysis of expenditure, 38; of programmes, 14;
of school revenue, 35; of studies, 1479.
Analytical method in English grammar, exhibit,

Anatomical and clinical studies, 229.
Anatomical charts, mentioned, 640.
Ancient and modern languages, 95.

Ancient languages, diagram of time given to, in
Germany and America 681-684; study of, in
Germany, 542.

Anderledy, Anton, death and sketch, 1760.

Andersen, Capt. Magnus, 1196.

Anderson, A. L., 400.

[blocks in formation]

Anhalt, public schools in, 324; statistics of educa
tion, 2074.

Annals of the poor the inspiration of literature,

Annapolis Naval Academy, exhibit of battle ship
Illinois, 470.

Ann Arbor, Mich., high school work exhibit, 488.
Annotated list of 2,000 books, 997.
Annotation of book titles, 994.
Annual expenditures, 189.
Annual grants, 1171.

Annual literary index, mentioned, 582.
Annual public examinations, 167.
Ansonia library, 950, 964.

Answers to questions, 950.
Antecedents, historic, 161.

Anthropological and psychological divisions of
child study, 366.

Anthropological Building at Columbian Exposi
tion, 480.

Anthropometric tables in girls' colleges, 528.
Anthropomorphic and realistic forms of theology
for children, 378.

Antioch College, 1123.
Antwerp, 158, 161, 186-191.
Anvers, 173, 174.

Anvik, Alaska, mentioned, 587.
Apgar, Austin C., 1076.

Apgar's New Plant Analysis, 622.

Apostle of apperception, Herbart, 1658.
Apparatus, 2, 12; and furniture, 168; expenditures
for, 23, 44; exhibits, 475; free, 524; free text-
books, etc., 480; French exhibit, 588; in
Berlin schools, 554; in high schools, 59, 65;
in universities and colleges, 86.
Apperception, doctrine of, 1505; Lange's work on,

Apple, J. H., 418.

Appliances, 42.

Application of science to preparation of food,

Appointing power of teachers, 246, 346.

Appointment of prelates, 194; revoked, 200; of
primary teachers, 159; by the King, 175;
of professors, 159.

Apprentice system, 771.

Apprenticeship schools, 187, 192.

Apprenticeship and professional schools, 186.
Appropriations, educational, 172, 204; for literary

objects, 704; for normal schools, 5; for pub-
lic, 165; for universities and colleges, 88;
installments of, 95; special, 188.

Approximations of total and school population, 24.
Aptitude, certificate of, 225.

Arabia, Koran used in schools in, 500.

Arabic text-books, exhibit, 500..

Araya, Doña Filomena S., death and sketch, 1760.
Arbitration, extension of influence, 655.

Arbury, F. W., 402.

Archæology in Mexico, 1219.

Archer, Henry P., 407.

Architects and engineers, skilled, 256.

Architects, preparation in America private, 659.
Architectural drawings in German exhibit, 464.
Architecture, combustible, 728.

Arenal, Doña Concepcion, 1783.
Arey, Oliver, 1116.

Argentine Republic, course in national colleges,
1220; educational statistics, 654, 2078; ex-
hibit, 498, 572, 1220; kindergarten at Parama,
1222; manual training, 1221; normal schools
in, 1221.

Aristotle's ethical system, training the activities,
374; precept of, 1456.
Arithmetic, absence of abstract work in several
grades of best school exhibits, 504; changes
in teaching, 517; instruction in, 1640; theo-
retical and practical, 169.

Arizona, medical requirements, 1622; pecuniary
aid to students, 1576; statistics of Agricul
tural and Mechanical College, 1972, 1978;
public high schools, 1816; universities and
colleges, 1952.

Arkansas, colored industrial school at Pine Bluff,
1135; constitutions of 1836 and 1864-65 on
education, 1326, 1345; of 1868, 1360 of 1374,
1373; educational exhibit, 485, 113
requirements in, 1620, 1622; 1

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