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The incenfe, and the bleeding lamb,
The ark, the altar, and the priest.
Predictions in abundance meet,
To join their bleflings on his head;
Jefus, we worship at thy feet,

And nations own the promis'd feed.



The Incarnation of Fefus.

HEN God would prove his love,
To all the ruin'd race,

Defcending from above,

As full of truth and grace;
He join'd our nature to his own,
And fav'd us in himself alone.
2 The work he well perform'd
In love, he came to do,

The pow'rs of hell he storm'd,
And drove th' infernal crew;
O'er death itself victorious rofe
Triumphant over all our foes.
3 Hail, dear almighty King!
We praife thee for thy grace;
Thy victories we fing,

Thou Prince of life and peace;
To thee, eternal praife is due,

Who by thyfelf mad'ft all things new.

The World made Flesh.

MORTALS awake, with Angels join,
And chaunt the folemn lay;

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Joy, love and gratitude combine
To hail th' aufpicious day.

2 In heav'n the rapt'rous fong began,
And fweet feraphic fire


Thro' all the fhining legions ran,
And trung and tun'd the lyre.

Hark! the cherubic armies shout,

And glory leads the song :

Good will and peace are heard throughout
Th' harmonious heav'nly throng.

4 O for a glance of beav'nly love,
Our hearts and songs to raise ;
Sweetly to bear our fou's above,
And mingle with their lays.

5 With joy the chorus we'll repeat,
Glory to God on high;

Good will and peace are now complete,
Jefus was born to die.

6 Hail, Prince of life, forever hail!

Redeemer, brother, friend!

Tho' earth and time, and life should fail,
Thy praife fhall never end.

Chrift found in fashion as a Mar.
AWAKE, awake the facred fong

To our incarnate Lord;

Let ev'ry heart, and ev'ry tongue
A dore th' eternal word.

2 That awful word, that fov'reign pow'r,
By whom the worlds were made;

(O happy morn! illuftrious hour!)
Was once in flesh array'd!

3 Then fhone almighty pow'r and love,
In all their glorious forms:

When Jefus left the throne above
To dwell with finful worms.

4 To dwell with mifery below,
The Saviour left the fkies;

And funk to wretchednefs and woe,
That worthless man might rife.

5 Adoring angels tun'd their fongs
To hail the joyful day;

With rapture then let mortal tongues
Their grateful worship pay.

6 What glory, Lord, to thee is due !
With wonder we adore;

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But could we fing as angels do,

Our highest praise were poor.



A Saviour, who is Chrift the Lord.

HARK! the herald angels fing

Glory to the new-born King!

Peace on earth, and mercy mild,
God and finners reconcil'd.

2 Joyful all ye nations rife,

Join the triumphs of the fkies!
Nature rife and worship him,
Who is born at Bethlehem.

3 Hail the heav'n-born Prince of Peace!
Hail the Sun of Righteoufnefs!

Light and life around he brings, Ris'n with healing in his wings. 4 Mild he lays his glory by,

Born that men no more may die;
Born to raise the fons of earth;
Born to give them fecond birth.
5 Come, defire of nations, come,
Fix in us thy heav'nly home :
Rife the woman's conq'ring feed,
Bruise in us the ferpent's head.
6 Adam's likeness now efface,
Stamp thy image in its place;
Second Adam from above,
Work it in us by thy love.




Immanuel is Born.

ARISE, and hail the happy day;

Caft all low cares of life away,
And thought of meaner things:
This day to cure our deadly woes,
The Sun of Righteousness arofe,
With healing in his wings.

2 If angels on that happy morn,
The Saviour of the world was born,
Pour'd forth their joyful fongs;
Much more fhould we of human race;
Adore the wonders of his grace,
To whom that grace belongs.

3 Othen let heav'n and earth rejoice,
Let ev'ry creature join his voice,
To hymn the happy day;

When Satan's empire vanquish'd fell,
And all the pow'rs of death and hell,
Confefs'd his fov'reign fway.



Glad tidings of great Joy.

"H' Almighty fpake, and Gabr'el sped, Upborne on wings of light;

Jehovah's glory round him spread,

And chang'd to day, the night.

2 Swift down to earth th' Archangel flew, From God's eternal throne;

His fhining robe of rainbow hue,
The ftars, moon, fun outshone.

3 One note of peace was heard on high :
Glad tidings roll'd around:

Ten thousand thousand left the sky,
To catch Salvation's found.

4 Shout, fhout for joy ; rejoice, O earth ; Hail, hail this glorious morn;

Rejoice! rejoice, in Jefus birth!
To day are nations born.

5 From Zion's hill to worlds above,
Re-echo'd back the strain ;

And golden harps attun'd to love,
Thus fwept Ephratah's plain.

6 He comes! he comes! the Saviour God, Good will, peace, joy for men.

Glad tidings fhout to all abroad,
So be it, Lord; Amen.

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