The incenfe, and the bleeding lamb, And nations own the promis'd feed. HYMN LXVII. P. M. JOHN MURRAY.] WH The Incarnation of Fefus. HEN God would prove his love, Defcending from above, As full of truth and grace; The pow'rs of hell he storm'd, Thou Prince of life and peace; Who by thyfelf mad'ft all things new. HYMN LXVIII. C. M. [MEDLEY.] MORTALS awake, with Angels join, Joy, love and gratitude combine 2 In heav'n the rapt'rous fong began, 3 Thro' all the fhining legions ran, Hark! the cherubic armies shout, And glory leads the song : Good will and peace are heard throughout 4 O for a glance of beav'nly love, 5 With joy the chorus we'll repeat, Good will and peace are now complete, 6 Hail, Prince of life, forever hail! Redeemer, brother, friend! Tho' earth and time, and life should fail, HYMN LXIX. C. M. [STEELE.] To our incarnate Lord; Let ev'ry heart, and ev'ry tongue 2 That awful word, that fov'reign pow'r, (O happy morn! illuftrious hour!) 3 Then fhone almighty pow'r and love, When Jefus left the throne above 4 To dwell with mifery below, And funk to wretchednefs and woe, 5 Adoring angels tun'd their fongs With rapture then let mortal tongues 6 What glory, Lord, to thee is due ! But could we fing as angels do, Our highest praise were poor. HYMN LXX. P. M. [WHITEFIELD'S COLL.] A Saviour, who is Chrift the Lord. HARK! the herald angels fing Glory to the new-born King! Peace on earth, and mercy mild, 2 Joyful all ye nations rife, Join the triumphs of the fkies! 3 Hail the heav'n-born Prince of Peace! Light and life around he brings, Ris'n with healing in his wings. 4 Mild he lays his glory by, Born that men no more may die; I HYMN LXXI. P. M. [HOWARD'S COLL.] Immanuel is Born. ARISE, and hail the happy day; Caft all low cares of life away, 2 If angels on that happy morn, 3 Othen let heav'n and earth rejoice, When Satan's empire vanquish'd fell, HYMN LXXII. C. M. [RICHARDS.] TH Glad tidings of great Joy. "H' Almighty fpake, and Gabr'el sped, Upborne on wings of light; Jehovah's glory round him spread, And chang'd to day, the night. 2 Swift down to earth th' Archangel flew, From God's eternal throne; His fhining robe of rainbow hue, 3 One note of peace was heard on high : Ten thousand thousand left the sky, 4 Shout, fhout for joy ; rejoice, O earth ; Hail, hail this glorious morn; Rejoice! rejoice, in Jefus birth! 5 From Zion's hill to worlds above, ་ And golden harps attun'd to love, 6 He comes! he comes! the Saviour God, Good will, peace, joy for men. Glad tidings fhout to all abroad, |