I HYMN XXVI. L. M. [RICHARDS.] LONG as the dark'ning cloud abode, Lift up the cloud, and rend the vail : 4 Nor fhall thofe mifts that brood o'er time, Forever blind the mental eye; They backward roll, and light fublime, 5 Adoring nations hail his dawn, HYMN XXVII. L. M. [RICHARDS.] First Fruits. I BEHOLD! the grain of wheat that dies Yet lives in nature's womb; Matur'd by death, to life arife, 2 This Ifr'el faw in ancient days, The first ripe fheaf, with fongs of praife, To God, their God, was given: રૈ 3 Here dwelt their hopes for time to come, That he who blet that fruit, Would bring the future harvel home, 4 Hail! fitft begotten from the dead! L BI 5 (Lord of a harvest yet to come) no I HYMN XXVIII. S. M. [JAMES RELLY. 'Sabbatic Tear. B LESS'D are the eyes that fee! The trumpet of the jubilee, 2 We plough, nor fow no more, 3 Th' inheritance, once fold, Which the poor bankrupt mouras, 4 O jefus! ever bleft, Qur reftoration and our reft, Thy name, O bleeding king, ; Of Jefus Chrift, our Lord HYMN XXIX. P. M. [TOPLADY's coit. Jubiler. BLOW ye the trumpet, blow The gladly folemn found!" Let all the nations know The year of Jubilee is come; 2 Exalt the Lamb of God, Return, ye ranfom'd finners home. 3 Ye, who have fold for The heritage above; nought Shall have it back, unbought, The gift of Jefus' love; The year of Jubilee is come; Return, ye ranfom'd finners home. coit.] 4 Ye flaves of fin and hell, Has full atonement made : Ye mournful fouls be glad! The year of jubilee is come; Return, ye ransom'd finners, home. HYMN XXX. L. M. EGEN. BAP. COLL.] WHI ¡HEN Ifrael's grieving tribes complain'd, With fiery ferpents greatly pain'd, A ferpent ftraight the prophet made Of molten brafs, to view display'd. 2 Around the fainting crowds attend; To heaven their mournful fighs afcend; They hope, they look, while from the pole, Defcends a power that makes them whole. 3 But, O, what healing to the heart, Doth our Redeemer's cross impart ! 4 What life, by faith, our fouls receive! Still may I view the Saviour's cross, And other objects count but lofs : Here ftill be fix'd my feafted eyes, Enraptur'd with his facrifice.. 5 Jefus the Saviour! balmy name ! Thy worth my tongue would now proclaim; By thy atonement fet me free, My life, my hope, is all from thee. HYMN XXXİ. C. M. RICHARDS. Shew Bread. HOW rich the types of future grace, 2 From day to day, till Jefus came, 3 In him, nor Jew nor Gentile's found. And all the diff'rent grains of wheat ༢॰ ; HYMN XXXII. M. [WATTS.] Chrift and the Church. Pfalm 45, 2d Part. THE HE king of faints, how fair his face, Adorn'd with majefty and grace! He comes with bleffings from above, And wins the nations to his love. |